LED CITILED SMD As information devices become ever more compact and sophisticated, the demand for chip-type LEDs has accelerated drastically. Citizen has this field covered as well, with its series of CITILED (Citizen trademark) products. These SMD type LEDs allow automated mounting, thereby reducing production costs. The flexible lineup contains products suitable for every need, making Citizen the leading manufacturer worldwide in this sector. LED Miniature Surface Mountable Chip LED CITILED/CITILEDSelectionGuide Series Size(mm) Brightness Lightihgcolor Peakwavelength(nm) Codeforparts Page Series Size(mm) Brightness 26 Red 700 CL-190R-CD 18 Orange 605 CL-150D-CD 26 Orange 605 CL-190D-CD 18 Yellow 589 CL-150Y-CD 26 Yellow 589 CL-190Y-CD 18 Lemon yellow 584 CL-190LY-CD 18 Yellowgreen 570 CL-190YG-CD 18 567 CL-190G-CD 18 Freshgreen 560 CL-190FG-CD 18 Puregreen 557 CL-190PG-CD 18 Red 650 CL-190SR-CD 18 Orange 630 CL-190SD-CD 18 Blue 428 CL-190UB-X 12 Red 660 CL-190UR-CD 18 Red 660 CL-190HR-CD 18 Orange 612 CL-190TD-CD 11 Yellow 590 CL-190TLY-CD 11 Green 515 CL-190HG-C 10 Blue 470 CL-190HB-X 10 Red 700 CL-191R-CD 17 Orange 605 CL-191D-CD 17 Yellow 589 CL-191Y-CD 17 584 CL-191LY-CD 17 570 CL-191YG-CD 17 567 CL-191G-CD 17 Lemon yellow 584 CL-150LY-CD 26 570 CL-150YG-CD 26 567 CL-150G-CD 26 Freshgreen 560 CL-150FG-CD 26 Puregreen 557 CL-150PG-CD 26 650 CL-150SR-CD 26 Red Standardbrightness Green CL-190 Superbrightness Ultrabrightness CL-155 3.2(L) Standardbrightness x 2.7(w) x 1.1(H) Orange 630 CL-150SD-CD 26 Red 660 CL-150UR-CD 26 Red 660 Yellow 589 Puregreen Superbrightness CL-165 26 CL-155Y/PG-D 28 Ultrabrightness Orange 605 Highbrightness CL-155D/PG-D Puregreen 557 Yellowgreen 570 28 CL-165HR/YG-D 27 Red 660 Red 700 CL-170R-CD 25 Orange 605 CL-170D-CD 25 Yellow Lemon Yellow 589 CL-170Y-CD 25 CL-191 CL-170LY-CD 25 570 CL-170YG-CD 25 567 CL-170G-CD 25 Freshgreen 560 CL-191FG-CD 17 Freshgreen 560 CL-170FG-CD 25 Puregreen 557 CL-191PG-CD 17 Puregreen 557 CL-170PG-CD 25 Red 650 CL-191SR-CD 17 Orange 630 CL-191SD-CD 17 Red 660 CL-191UR-CD 17 Red 660 CL-191HR-CD 17 570 CL-193YG-CD 16 Standardbrightness Yellowgreen Green Superbrightness Red 650 CL-170SR-CD 25 Superbrightness Orange Blue Ultrabrightness Highbrightness 6 1.6(L) Standardbrightness Lemon yellow x 0.8(W) Yellowgreen x 0.6(H) Green 584 2.0(L) x CL-170 1.25(w) x 1.1(H) CL-150HR-CD 557 Standardbrightness 1.5(L) x 1.2(w) Standardbrightness x 0.7(H) 1.6(L) x 0.8(W) x 0.8(H) Highbrightness CL-150R-CD Green 700 Yellowgreen Red Standardbrightness 3.2(L) x CL-150 1.6(w) x 1.1(H Lightihgcolor Peakwavelength(nm) Codeforparts Page 630 428 CL-170SD-CD CL-170UB-X 25 Ultrabrightness 12 Red 660 CL-170UR-CD 25 Red 660 CL-170HR-CD 25 Orange 612 CL-170TD-CD 11 Yellow 590 CL-170TLY-CD 11 Highbrightness CL-193 1.6(L) x 0.8(W) Yellowgreen x Standardbrightness 0.4(H) NEXT Series Size(mm) Brightness Standardbrightness CL-195 1.6(L) x 0.8(W) x 0.8(H) Lightihgcolor Peakwavelength(nm) Codeforparts Page Series Size(mm) Brightness Lightihgcolor Highbrightness 700 CL-195R-CD 15 Red 700 CL-200R-C 24 Orange 605 CL-195D-CD 15 Orange 605 CL-200D-C 24 Yellow 589 CL-195Y-CD 15 Yellow 589 CL-200Y-C 24 Lemon yellow 584 CL-195LY-CD 15 Lemon yellow 584 CL-200LY-C 24 Yellowgreen 570 CL-195YG-CD 15 Yellowgreen 570 CL-200YG-C 24 567 CL-195G-CD 15 567 CL-200G-C 24 Freshgreen 560 CL-195FG-CD 15 Freshgreen 560 CL-200FG-C 24 Puregreen 557 CL-195PG-CD 15 Puregreen 557 CL-200PG-C 24 Red 650 CL-195SR-CD 15 Red 650 CL-200SR-C 24 Orange 630 CL-195SD-CD 15 Orange 630 CL-200SD-C 24 Red 660 CL-195UR-CD 15 Blue 428 CL-200UB-X 12 Red 660 CL-195HR-CD 15 Red 660 CL-200UR-C 24 Red 700 CL-196R-CD 14 Red 660 CL-200HR-C 24 Orange 605 CL-196D-CD 14 Orange 612 CL-200TD-C 11 Yellow 590 CL-200TLY-C 11 Standardbrightness Green CL-200 Superbrightness Ultrabrightness Peakwavelength(nm) Codeforparts Page Red Green 3.2(L) x 2.4(W) x 2.4(H) Superbrightness Ultrabrightness Yellow CL-196 CL-196Y-CD 14 584 CL-196LY-CD 14 Green 515 CL-200HG-C 10 570 CL-196YG-CD 14 Blue 470 CL-200HB-X 10 567 CL-196G-CD 14 Red 700 CL-220R-C 23 Freshgreen 560 CL-196FG-CD 14 Orange 605 CL-220D-C 23 Puregreen 557 CL-196PG-CD 14 Yellow 589 CL-220Y-C 23 Red 650 CL-196SR-CD 14 Lemon yellow 584 CL-220LY-C 23 Orange 630 CL-196SD-CD 14 Yellowgreen 570 CL-220YG-C 23 Red 660 CL-196UR-CD 14 567 CL-220G-C 23 Red 660 CL-196HR-CD 14 Freshgreen 560 CL-220FG-C 23 Puregreen 557 CL-220PG-C 23 Red 650 CL-220SR-C 23 Orange 630 CL-220SD-C 23 Blue 428 CL-220UB-X 12 Red 660 CL-220UR-C 23 Red 660 CL-220HR-C 23 Orange 612 CL-200TD-C 11 Yellow 590 CL-220TLY-C 11 Lemon yellow 1.6(L) Standardbrightness x Yellowgreen 0.8(w) x Green 0.6(H) Superbrightness Ultrabrightness Highbrightness CL-197 589 1.6(L) x 0.8(w) Yellowgreen x Standardbrightness 0.4(H) Highbrightness Standardbrightness Green CL-220 570 CL-197YG-CD 13 2.7(L) x 1.2(W) x 1.3(H) Somepackagecolorsarenotmassproduced,sopleasecheckat thetimeofuse. Superbrightness Ultrabrightness Highbrightness NEXT 7 Series Size(mm) Brightness Lightihgcolor Series Size(mm) Brightness Lightihgcolor 22 Red 700 CL-270R-C 20 Orange 605 CL-230D-CD 22 Orange 605 CL-270D-C 20 Yellow 589 CL-230Y-CD 22 Yellow 589 CL-270Y-C 20 Lemon yellow 584 CL-230LY-CD 22 Lemon yellow 584 CL-270LY-C 20 570 CL-230YG-X 22 Yellowgreen 570 CL-270YG-C 20 567 CL-230G-CD 22 567 CL-270G-C 20 Freshgreen 560 CL-230FG-CD 22 Freshgreen 560 CL-270FG-C 20 Puregreen 557 CL-230PG-CD 22 Puregreen 557 CL-270PG-C 20 650 CL-230SR-CD 22 Red 650 CL-270SR-C 20 Orange 630 CL-270SD-C 20 Red 660 CL-270UR-C 20 Red 660 CL-270HR-C 20 Green 515 CL-270HG-C 10 Red Standardbrightness 1.6(L) x CL-270 1.15(W) x 0.6(H) Standardbrightness 3.4(L) x CL-260 1.25(w) x 1.1(H) 22 Red 660 CL-230HR-CD 22 Ultrabrightness Red 700 CL-260R-CD 21 Orange 605 CL-260D-CD 21 Blue 470 CL-270HB-X 10 Yellow 589 CL-260Y-CD 21 Red 700 CL-280R-CD 19 Lemon yellow 584 CL-260LY-CD 21 Orange 605 CL-280D-CD 19 Yellowgreen 570 CL-260YG-X 21 Yellow 589 CL-280Y-CD 19 567 CL-260G-CD 21 Lemon yellow 584 CL-280LY-CD 19 Yellowgreen 570 CL-280YG-CD 19 567 CL-280G-CD 19 Freshgreen 560 CL-280FG-CD 19 Puregreen 557 CL-280PG-CD 19 Red 650 CL-280SR-CD 19 Orange 630 CL-280SD-CD 19 Red 660 CL-280UR-CD 19 Red 660 CL-280HR-CD 19 560 557 CL-260FG-CD CL-260PG-CD Highbrightness Standardbrightness 21 21 CL-280 Red 650 CL-260SR-CD 21 Orange 630 CL-260SD-CD 21 Red 660 CL-260UR-CD 21 Red 660 CL-260HR-CD 21 Superbrightness Highbrightness 22 CL-230UR-CD Puregreen Ultrabrightness CL-230SD-CD 660 Freshgreen 630 Red Green Green Superbrightness Highbrightness CL-230R-CD Orange Ultrabrightness 700 Superbrightness Peakwavelength(nm) Codeforparts Page Red 3.2(L) Standardbrightness x Yellowgreen CL-230 1.6(w) x Green 1.1(H Peakwavelength(nm) Codeforparts Page 1.0(L) x 0.5(W) x 0.6(H) Green Superbrightness Ultrabrightness Highbrightness Somepackagecolorsarenotmassproduced,sopleasecheckat the timeofuse. 8 NEXT Features CL-190 CL-170 CL-280 CL-220 CL-270 0 5 10mm 1. S M D ( LED 2. 3. 4. C I T I L E D 5. C I T I L E D 6. 1. AllareSMD(surfacemountdevice)LED lamps. 2. Varietiesrangefromthestandardtovery smallandultra-smallsizesandhighdensitymountingisavailable. 3. Therearestandardbrightnesstype,super brightnesstypeandultrabrightnesstype. 4. Automatedchipmachinemountingallows forefficientmounting. 5. Reflowsolderingisavailable. 6. Shippableinbulk,ontapeandmounted asanassembly. /CodeforParts CL-150R-CD-T /Series CL-230 PartsmountedonP.C.board 150 193 230 150Mono-color 1552 193Mono-color 195 230Mono-color 260 155Two-color 1652 195Mono-color 196 260Mono-color 270 165Two-color 170 196Mono-color 197 270Mono-color 280 170Mono-color 190 197Mono-color 200 280Mono-color 190Mono-color 191 200Mono-color 220 191Mono-color 220Mono-color /Lightingcolor R:D:Y:LY:YG:FG: PG: Standardbrightness R:RedD:OrangeY:YellowLY:Lemonyellow YG:YellowgreenG:GreenFG:Freshgreen PG:Puregreen SR:SD:UB: Superbrightness SR:SuperbrightnessredSD:SuperbrightnessOrange UB:Superbrightnessblue UR:HR:TLY:TD:TR:HB:HG: Ultrabrightness UR: UltrabrightnessredHR:Highbrightnessred TLY:TopHighbrightnesslemonyellow TD:TopHighbrightnessorange TR:TopHighbrightnessred HB:HighbrightnessblueHG:Highbrightnessgreen /Colorofresin C() X CColored(standard) XTransparent /Diffusion D() DDiffused(standard) Non-codedNotdiffused /Shippingmode Non-codedBulkpacking T TTaping CL-200,CL220 IncaseofCL-200,CL220 TU TS TUTapingupward TSTapingsideways CL-230,CL-260 IncaseofCL-230,CL-260 TD TDTapingdownward CL-270 IncaseofCL-270 TS TSTapingsideways 9 LEDHBHG High brightness Chip LED HB, HG CITILED (R) Features 1. InGaNLED 1.A chip LED of super-luminance using InGaNtypeLEDelements. 2.Lightemittedisblueorgreen. LED 2. /AbsoluteMaximumRating (Ta25) Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) 78 20 1001 4 -25~+80 -30~+85 1 1 IFPduty /100.1msec 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Electro-opticalCharacteristics Code for parts IF (mA) VF typ (V) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) CL-190HB-X CL-200HB-X CL-270HB-X 20 20 20 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.9 3.9 3.9 470 470 470 35 35 35 (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) 20 20 20 15.0 36.1 15.0 53 85 53 Outline drawing P.18 P.24 P.20 NIST PerNISTstandards (Ta25) Code for parts IF (mA) VF typ (V) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) CL-190HG-C CL-200HG-C CL-270HG-C 20 20 20 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.9 3.9 3.9 515 515 515 45 45 45 V I IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) 20 20 20 50 150 50 160 400 160 Outline drawing P.18 P.24 P.20 NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics 10 Precautions L E D TheseLEDsarehighlysusceptibletostatic electricity. Take thorough precautions againststaticelectricityandsurgeswhen handlingthesechipLEDs. 4LEDTLYTD Four element type LED of super-luminance TLY, TD Features 1. 4LED 1. AchipLEDofsuper-luminanceusingfour typesofLEDelements. 2. Lightemittedisyellowororange. LED 2. /AbsoluteMaximumRating (Ta25) Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) 78 30 1001 4 -25~+80 -30~+85 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Electro-opticalCharacteristics Code for parts IF (mA) VF typ (V) CL-170TLY-CD CL-190TLY-CD CL-200TLY-C CL-220TLY-C 20 20 20 20 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 590 590 590 590 13 13 13 13 (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) 20 20 20 20 16 16 40 25 60 60 130 90 Outline drawing P.25 P.18 P.24 P.23 NIST PerNISTstandards (Ta25) Code for parts IF (mA) VF typ (V) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) CL-170TD-CD CL-190TD-CD CL-200TD-C CL-220TD-C 20 20 20 20 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 612 612 612 612 15 15 15 15 IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) 20 20 20 20 16 16 40 25 60 60 130 90 Outline drawing P.25 P.18 P.24 P.23 NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics 11 LEDUB Surface Mountable Super brightness Blue Chip LED UB Features 1. 428nm LED 1. Thishigh-brillianceblueLEDhas428nmas itspeakemissionwavelength. /AbsoluteMaximumRating (Ta25) Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) 92 20 1001 4 -25~+80 -30~+85 1 1 IFPduty /100.1msec 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Electro-opticalCharacteristics Code for parts IF (mA) VF typ (V) CL-170UB-X CL-190UB-X CL-200UB-X CL-220UB-X 20 20 20 20 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 428 428 428 428 65 65 65 65 (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) 20 20 20 20 2.7 2.7 6.3 4.0 6.9 6.9 16.5 11 Outline drawing P.25 P.18 P.24 P.23 NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics 12 Precautions L E D BlueLEDsarehighlysusceptibletostatic electricity. Take thorough precautions againststaticelectricityandsurgeswhen handlingthesechipLEDs. CL-197 CL-197 Series /Outlinedrawing LED LEDdie (0.12) 1.6 (0.56) (1.08) 0.8 (0.4) P.C.board Features 1. 1.6(L)x0.8(W)x0.4 (H)mmLED 2. CL-190 3. (YG) 4. CL-193 1. Everycomponentpartandmaterialhas beenreviewedtominimizethickness.The resultingLED(1.6(L)x0.8(W)x0.4(H)mm) isextraordinarilythin. 2. Despiteitsthinness,brightnessandother propertiesarethesameastheCL-190. 3. OnlyavailableinYellow-green(YG). 4. CompatiblewiththeCL-193series. 0.4 Resin 1 (0.3) UR*HR ForURandHR Cathode mark /AbsoluteMaximumRating Polarity 0.3 Solderingterminal (Ta25) Series Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) CL-197 50 20 1001 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec /Unitmm 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Elector-opticalCharacteristics Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor Code for parts reflow-soldering: For reflow soldering CL-197YG Lighting color Yellow green (Ta25) IF (mA) VF typ (V) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 20 2.2 2.6 570 30 IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) 20 5 18 0.8 NIST 0.8 0.7 PerNISTstandards 0.8 /Characteristics 13 CL-196 CL-196 Series /Outlinedrawing LED LEDdie 0.6 1.6 2. Mono-colortype 3. CompatiblewiththeCL-191series. /AbsoluteMaximumRating Resin UR*HR ForURandHR Cathode mark Polarity Solderingterminal (Ta25) Series Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) UR,HR CL-196() ExceptURandHR 50 20 CL-196UR/HR 78 30 1001 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 (0.3) thanCL-190(0.8mmthick),dimensions: 1.6(L)x0.8(W)x0.6(H)mm P.C.board (0.4) 1 1. Ultra-small-sizedchipLEDeventhinner 1. LEDCL-190(0.8 mm)1.6(L)x0.8(W)x 0.6(H)mmLED 2. 3. CL-191 (0.18) (0.56) (1.08) 0.8 Features 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec 0.3 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Electro-opticalCharacteristics /Unitmm Code for parts Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor CL-196R CL-196D CL-196Y CL-196LY CL-196YG CL-196G CL-196FG CL-196PG reflow-soldering: 0.8 For reflow soldering 0.8 0.7 0.8 CL-196SR CL-196SD CL-196UR CL-196HR Lighting color IF (mA) VF typ (V) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Red Orange Yellow Lemon yellow Yellow green Green Fresh green Pure green Super brightness red Super brightness orange Ultra brightness red High brightness red (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 700 605 589 584 570 567 560 557 100 40 40 40 30 26 26 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 5 2.5 2.2 1 1.3 7.1 6.4 6.4 18 10 6.5 3 20 2 2.6 650 40 20 1.5 4.3 20 2 2.6 630 40 20 2 6.2 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 3.5 13 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 5 23 NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics IF-VF IF-VF Characteristics VF-Ta VF-Ta Characteristics Iv-IF Iv-IF Characteristics 100 Iv-Ta Iv-Ta Characteristics IFmax-Ta IFmax-Ta Characteristics 50 YG 20 PG YG/G/FG/PG PG 5 2 2.0 R D CL-196 CL-196Series 20 15 10 R 20 5 0.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 1 2.6 2 5 10 20 50 - 20 0 20 IF(mA) V F( V ) 40 60 80 - 20 100 0 20 40 T a (C) 60 80 - 20 100 20 HR 10 VF(V) Iv(mcd) 10 40 2.4 UR SD 20 5 SD 2.2 SR SD 2.0 5 SD 50 60 UR/HR 1 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 V F( V ) 2.4 2.6 SR 1.6 1 2 5 IF(mA) 10 20 50 - 20 20 0 20 40 60 T a (C) 80 100 20 10 0 - 20 10 20 30 40 100 0 20 40 60 T a (C) 50 Commonto allcolors 80 60 70 40 70 80 20 80 90 0.5 100 60 UR/HR SR 1 30 100 50 2 80 120 200 1.8 2 60 Directive Characteristics 500 Iv ( in) SR 40 Iv-Ta Iv-Ta Characteristics 2.6 UR/HR 50 20 T a (C) 50 100 0 T a (C) VF-Ta VF-Ta Characteristics Iv-IF Iv-IF Characteristics IF-VF IF-VF Characteristics 14 100 50 1.6 Y/LY/FG 1 Y/LY Y/LY 1 25 200 D 1.8 R 2 IF (mA) 2.2 IFmax(mA) D YG/G/FG/PG 2.4 10 VF(V) Iv(mcd) IF (mA) 10 30 500 G D Y/LY 20 5 CL-196UR*HR 2.6 R/YG/G/FG Iv ( in) 50 80 100 0 90 CL-195 CL-195 Series LED LEDdie 1.6 2. Dimensions:1.6(L)x0.8(W)x0.8(H)mm, beingUltra-smallsize 3. CompatiblewiththeCL-190series /AbsoluteMaximumRating P.C.board (0.4) Series Resin 0.8 UR*HR ForURandHR 0.3 1. Mono-colortype 1. 2. 1.6(L)x0.8(W)x0.8(H) mm 3. CL-190 (0.28) (0.56) (1.08) 0.8 Features /Outlinedrawing Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) 1001 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 UR,HR CL-195 () ExceptURandHR 50 20 CL-195UR/HR 78 30 (Ta25) Cathodemark 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. 1 Polarity /Electro-opticalCharacteristics 0.3 Solderingterminal Code for parts /Unitmm Lighting color CL-195R CL-195D CL-195Y CL-195LY CL-195YG CL-195G CL-195FG CL-195PG Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor reflow-soldering: 0.8 Forreflowsoldering CL-195SD CL-195UR CL-195HR IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) IF (mA) VF typ (V) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 700 605 589 584 570 567 560 557 100 40 40 40 30 26 26 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 5 2.5 2.2 1 1.3 7.1 6.4 6.4 18 10 6.5 3 20 2 2.6 650 40 20 1.5 4.3 20 2 2.6 630 40 20 2 6.2 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 3.5 13 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 5 23 Red Orange Yellow Lemon yellow Yellow green Green Fresh green Pure green Super brightness red Super brightness orange Ultra brightness red High brightness red CL-195SR (Ta25) NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics IF-VF IF-VF Characteristics VF-Ta VF-Ta Characteristics Iv-IF Iv-IF Characteristics 100 Iv-Ta Iv-Ta Characteristics IFmax-Ta IFmax-Ta Characteristics 50 YG 2.6 20 10 D 5 PG YG/G/FG/PG 10 PG 5 2 2 1 1 0.5 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.0 R 2.6 1 2 5 10 20 D 0 20 40 60 80 - 20 100 VF-Ta VF-Ta Characteristics HR 0 20 40 60 80 100 - 20 SD 2.2 SR SD 2.0 5 200 50 60 SR 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 V F( V ) 2.4 2.6 0.5 1 2 5 IF(mA) 10 20 SR 1.6 50 - 20 20 0 20 40 60 T a(C) 80 100 80 100 20 10 0 - 20 10 20 30 40 100 0 20 40 60 50 Commonto allcolors 80 60 60 UR/HR UR/HR 1 30 100 50 2 60 120 SD 1.8 2 40 Directive Characteristics 40 Iv ( in) 5 20 Iv-Ta Iv-Ta Characteristics 500 10 VF(V) Iv(mcd) 10 0 T a(C) 2.4 UR SD 20 15 T a(C) 2.6 20 CL-195 CL-195Series 5 T a(C) UR/HR SR CL-195UR*HR 10 R 50 50 20 20 - 20 Iv-IF Iv-IF Characteristics 100 1 100 Y/LY IF(mA) IF-VF IF-VF Characteristics Y/LY 50 1.6 50 25 200 D R V F( V ) IF (mA) 2.2 1.8 Y/LY/FG 1.6 30 YG/G/FG/PG 2.4 VF(V) Y/LY Iv(mcd) IF (mA) D 20 500 G IFmax(mA) R/YG/G/FG Iv ( in) 50 80 100 70 40 70 80 20 80 90 0 90 T a(C) 15 CL-193 CL-193 Series /Outlinedrawing 0.8 0.4 LED 0.12 (0.2) (1.08) 1.6 (1.2) LEDdie (0.4) Features 1. Everycomponentpartandmaterialhas 1. 1.6(L)x0.8(W)x0.4 (H)mmLED 2. C L - 1 9 0 3. (YG) beenreviewedtominimizethickness.The resultingLED(1.6(L)x0.8(W)x0.4(H)mm) isextraordinarilythin. 2. Despiteitsthinness,brightnessandother properiesarethesameastheCL-190. 3. OnlyavailableinYellow-green(YG). P.C. board (0.3) Resin /AbsoluteMaximumRating (Ta25) Cathode mark Series Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) CL-193 50 20 1001 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 Soldering terminal Polarity 0.3 1 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Unitmm /Electro-opticalCharacteristics Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor reflow-soldering: Code for parts CL-193YG For reflow soldering Lighting color Yellow green 0.8 NIST 0.8 0.7 0.8 /Characteristics 16 PerNISTstandards (Ta25) IF (mA) VF typ (V) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 20 2.2 2.6 570 30 IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) 20 5 18 CL-191 CL-191 Series /Outlinedrawing 0.6 0.8 LED 0.18 (1.2) 1.6 (1.08) LEDdie (0.2) (0.3) Features 1. LEDCL-190(0.8 mm)1.6(L)x0.8(W) x0.6(H)mmLED 2. 1. Ultra-small-sizedchipLEDeventhinner thanCL-190(0.8mmthick),dimensions: 1.6(L)x0.8(W)x0.6(H)mm 2. Mono-colortype /AbsoluteMaximumRating (0.4) P.C. board Resin Cathode mark (Ta25) Series Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) UR,HR CL-191 () ExceptURandHR 50 20 CL-191UR/HR 78 30 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 1 100 Soldering terminal 0.3 1 Polarity 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. UR,HR Polarityisreversed ontheURandHR. /Electro-opticalCharacteristics /Unitmm Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor reflow-soldering: 0.8 For reflow soldering 0.8 0.7 Code for parts CL-191R CL-191D CL-191Y CL-191LY CL-191YG CL-191G CL-191FG CL-191PG 0.8 CL-191SR CL-191SD CL-191UR CL-191HR Lighting color Red Orange Yellow Lemon yellow Yellow green Green Fresh green Pure green Super brightness red Super brightness orange Ultra brightness red High brightness red IF (mA) VF typ (V) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 700 605 589 584 570 567 560 557 100 40 40 40 30 26 26 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 5 2.5 2.2 1 1.3 7.1 6.4 6.4 18 10 6.5 3 20 2 2.6 650 40 20 1.5 4.3 20 2 2.6 630 40 20 2 6.2 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 3.5 13 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 5 23 NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics 17 CL-190 CL-190 Series /Outlinedrawing 0.28 /AbsoluteMaximumRating (0.2) (0.4) P.C. board Resin (0.3) Cathode mark 1 Polarity 0.3 UR,HR Polarityisreversed ontheURandHR. /Unitmm Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor reflow-soldering: 0.8 For reflow soldering 0.8 0.7 Series (Ta25) Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 UR,HR CL-190() ExceptURandHR 50 20 CL-190UR/HR 78 30 1 100 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec Soldering terminal 0.8 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Electro-opticalCharacteristics Code for parts CL-190R CL-190D CL-190Y CL-190LY CL-190YG CL-190G CL-190FG CL-190PG CL-190SR CL-190SD CL-190UR CL-190HR Lighting color Red Orange Yellow Lemon yellow Yellow green Green Fresh green Pure green Super brightness red Super brightness orange Ultra brightness red High brightness red NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics 18 2. D i m e n s i o n s : 1 . 6 ( L ) x0 . 8 ( W ) x0 . 8 ( H ) mm,beingultra-smallsize (1.2) 1.6 (1.08) LED LEDdie 1. Mono-colortype 1. 2. 1.6(L)x0.8(W)x0.8(H) mm 0.8 0.8 Features IF (mA) VF typ (V) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 700 605 589 584 570 567 560 557 100 40 40 40 30 26 26 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 5 2.5 2.2 1 1.3 7.1 6.4 6.4 18 10 6.5 3 20 2 2.6 650 40 20 1.5 4.3 20 2 2.6 630 40 20 2 6.2 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 3.5 13 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 5 23 CL-280 CL-280 Series /Outlinedrawing 0.6 0.5 1 (0.75) (0.25) 0.18 Features 1. 1.0(L)x0.5(W)x0.6(H)mm LED 2. 1. ThisLEDisextremelythinandcompact 1.0(L)x0.5(W)x0.6(H)mm. 2. Brightnessandotherpropertiesarethe sameasthoseofourothercompactproducts. /AbsoluteMaximumRating P.C.board UR,HR For UR and HR Series (Ta25) Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) CL-280 () ExceptURandHR 50 20 CL-280UR/HR 78 30 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 UR,HR Resin Cathode mark 1 100 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec Soldering terminal Polarity 0.25 0.5 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Electro-opticalCharacteristics /Unitmm Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor reflow-soldering: 0.5 For reflow soldering 0.5 0.5 0.5 Code for parts CL-280R CL-280D CL-280Y CL-280LY CL-280YG CL-280G CL-280FG CL-280PG CL-280SR CL-280SD CL-280UR CL-280HR Lighting color Red Orange Yellow Lemon yellow Yellow green Green Fresh green Pure green Super brightness red Super brightness orange Ultra brightness red High brightness red (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) IF (mA) VF typ (V) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 700 605 589 584 570 567 560 557 100 40 40 40 30 26 26 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 5 2.5 2.2 1 1.3 7.1 6.4 6.4 18 10 6.5 3 20 2 2.6 650 40 20 1.5 4.3 20 2 2.6 630 40 20 2 6.2 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 3.5 13 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 5 23 NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics 19 CL-270 CL-270 Series /Outlinedrawing 0.6 1.15 LED 0.68 (1.2) 1.6 (1.1) (0.5) LED die (0.25) UR,HR For UR and HR P.C.board Resin Cathode mark 1.1 Features 1. LED 2. 3. 1.6(L)x1.15(W)x0.6(H)mm 1. Very-small-sizedchipLEDwhichmakes right-anglemountingavailable 2. Mono-colortype 3. Dimensions1.6(L)x1.15(W)x0.6(H) mm,beingextremelysmall /AbsoluteMaximumRating (0.2) (0.3) Soldering terminal Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) UR,HR CL-270 () ExceptURandHR 50 20 CL-270UR/HR 78 30 1001 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. 0.25 Polarity Series (Ta25) /Unitmm /Elector-opticalCharacteristics Code for parts Lighting color Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor reflow-soldering: 1.2 For reflow soldering 1.2 0.9 1.2 CL-270R CL-270D CL-270Y CL-270LY CL-270YG CL-270G CL-270FG CL-270PG CL-270SR CL-270SD CL-270UR CL-270HR Red Orange Yellow Lemon yellow Yellow green Green Fresh green Pure green Super brightness red Super brightness orange Ultra brightness red High brightness red NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics 20 IF (mA) VF typ (V) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 700 605 589 584 570 567 560 557 100 40 40 40 30 26 26 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 5 2.5 2.2 1 1.3 7.1 6.4 6.4 18 10 6.5 3 20 2 2.6 650 40 20 1.5 4.3 20 2 2.6 630 40 20 2 6.2 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 3.5 13 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 5 23 CL-260 CL-260 Series /Outlinedrawing 1.25 1.1 LED Cathode mark 0.3 (1.2) (1.1) 3.4 (1.425) (1.975) LED die (0.625) P.C.board UR,HR For UR and HR Cathode mark Resin Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.4(L)x1.25(W)x1.1 (H)mm 1. MountablefrombottomsurfaceofP.C. boardbychipmounter outprovidedontheP.C.board. 3. DesignedforcircularcutoutonP.C.board 4. Mono-colortype 5. Smallandsquaresize,dimensions3.4(L) x1.25(W)x1.1(H)mm /AbsoluteMaximumRating Series Soldering terminal 2.4 2. Thinnertotalheightcanbeobtainedby meansoffittinglensportionintothecut- Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) 1001 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 UR,HR 0.5 Polarity /Unitmm CL-260 () ExceptURandHR 65 25 CL-260UR/HR 78 30 1 1 (Ta25) IFPduty1/100.1msec ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Electro-opticalCharacteristics Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor reflow-soldering: 1.076 1.25 For reflow soldering 2.4 Cutout 4.2 Code for parts CL-260R CL-260D CL-260Y CL-260LY CL-260YG CL-260G CL-260FG CL-260PG CL-260SR CL-260SD CL-260UR CL-260HR Lighting color Red Orange Yellow Lemon yellow Yellow green Green Fresh green Pure green Super brightness red Super brightness orange Ultra brightness red High brightness red IF (mA) VF typ (V) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 700 605 589 584 570 567 560 557 100 40 40 40 30 26 26 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 5 2.5 2.2 1 1.3 7.1 6.4 6.4 18 10 6.5 3 20 2 2.6 650 40 20 1.5 4.3 20 2 2.6 630 40 20 2 6.2 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 3.5 13 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 5 23 NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics 21 CL-230 CL-230 Series /Outlinedrawing 1.1 Cathode mark 0.3 LED 1.6 (0.9) (1.4) 3.2 (1.35) (1.85) LEDdie (0.8) P.C. board Resin Cathode mark (0.5) Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.2(L)x1.6(W)x1.1(H) mm 1. MountablefrombottomsurfaceofP.C. boardbychipmounter 2. Thinnertotalheightcanbeobtainedby meansoffittinglensportionintothecutoutprovidedontheP.C.board. 3. Mono-colortype 4. Standardsmallsize,dimension:3.2(L)x 1.6(W)x1.1(H)mm UR,HR ForURandHR /AbsoluteMaximumRating Series Soldering terminal 2.2 0.5 Polarity /Unitmm (Ta25) Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) CL-230 () ExceptURandHR 65 25 CL-230UR/HR 78 30 1001 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 UR,HR 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Electro-opticalCharacteristics Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor reflow-soldering: 1.5 2.1 1.6 Cutout 1.5 2.3 For reflow soldering Code for parts CL-230R CL-230D CL-230Y CL-230LY CL-230YG CL-230G CL-230FG CL-230PG CL-230SR CL-230SD CL-230UR CL-230HR Lighting color Red Orange Yellow Lemon yellow Yellow green Green Fresh green Pure green Super brightness red Super brightness orange Ultra brightness red High brightness red NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics 22 IF (mA) VF typ (V) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 700 605 589 584 570 567 560 557 100 40 40 40 30 26 26 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 5 2.5 2.2 1 1.3 7.1 6.4 6.4 18 10 6.5 3 20 2 2.6 650 40 20 1.5 4.3 20 2 2.6 630 40 20 2 6.2 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 3.5 13 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 5 23 CL-220 CL-220 Series /Outlinedrawing Cathode mark 1.2 1.3 (1.1) LED (0.35) (1.7) 2.7 (2) LEDdie (0.6) P.C. board (0.5) Resin Features 1. 2. 3. 2.7(L)x1.2(W)x1.3(H) mm 4. 5. C L - 2 2 0 1. Bothmountingavailable:namely,upright andright-anglemounting 2. Mono-colortype 3. Ultrasmallsquaresize,dimensions:2.7 (L)x1.2(W)x1.3(H)mm 4. Thepackageprovidesareflectorarea aroundtheLEDdieanditenhanceshigher brightness. 5. ForCL-220therearetwowaysoftaping, namely,tapingupwardandtapingsideways.Pleasespecifywhenordering. /AbsoluteMaximumRating 1.7 Soldering terminal Polarity 0.5 UR,HR Polarityisreversed ontheURandHR. /Unitmm Series (Ta25) Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) CL-220 () ExceptURandHR 65 25 CL-220UR/HR 78 30 1001 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 UR,HR 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor /Electro-opticalCharacteristics reflow-soldering: Code for parts For reflow soldering 1.2 1.1 For right-angle mounting For upright mounting 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.2 CL-220R CL-220D CL-220Y CL-220LY CL-220YG CL-220G CL-220FG CL-220PG CL-220SR CL-220SD CL-220UR CL-220HR Lighting color Red Orange Yellow Lemon yellow Yellow green Green Fresh green Pure green Super brightness red Super brightness orange Ultra brightness red High brightness red IF (mA) VF typ (V) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 700 605 589 584 570 567 560 557 100 40 40 40 30 26 26 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 1.5 5 6.1 6.1 10 5.8 5.8 2.4 3 15 15 15 35 17 11 5.3 20 2 2.6 650 40 20 3.8 7.2 20 2 2.6 630 40 20 4.4 13 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 5.6 20 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 9 50 NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics 23 CL-200 CL-200 Series /Outlinedrawing 2.4 Cathode mark LED 2.4 (0.3) (2.6) (2) 3.2 (2.53) (1.2) (0.35) (2.1) LEDdie P.C. board (0.5) Resin 2.2 0.5 Polarity UR,HR Polarityisreversed ontheURandHR. /Unitmm Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor reflow-soldering: Soldering pattern on P.C. Board 2.4 1.5 2 1.5 2.1 For right-angle mounting For upright mounting 1.35 Features 1. 2. 3. 3.2(L)x2.4(W)x2.4(H)mm 4. 5. C L - 2 0 0 1. Bothmountingavailable;namely,upright andright-anglemounting 1.8 1.35 Series ingastandardsize 4. The package provides a reflector area aroundtheLEDdieanditenhanceshigher brightness. 5. ForCL-200therearetwowaysoftaping; namely,tapingupwardandtapingsideways.Pleasespecifywhenordering. UR,HR Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 65 25 CL-200UR/HR 78 30 1 100 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Elector-opticalCharacteristics Code for parts CL-200R CL-200D CL-200Y CL-200LY CL-200YG CL-200G CL-200FG CL-200PG CL-200SD CL-200UR CL-200HR Lighting color Red Orange Yellow Lemon yellow Yellow green Green Fresh green Pure green Super brightness red Super brightness orange Ultra brightness red High brightness red NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics (Ta25) (mW) CL-200 () ExceptURandHR CL-200SR 24 2. Mono-colortype 3. Dimensions:3.2(L)x2.4(W)x2.4(H)mm,be- /AbsoluteMaximumRating Soldering terminal IF (mA) VF typ (V) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 700 605 589 584 570 567 560 557 100 40 40 40 30 26 26 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2.5 9.8 9.4 9.4 23 11 8.8 2.9 7.8 39 31 31 95 53 30 15 20 2 2.6 650 40 20 5.7 29 20 2 2.6 630 40 20 8.6 35 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 17 94 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 37 147 CL-170 CL-170 Series /Outlinedrawing Cathode mark 1.25 1.1 LED LEDdie P.C. board (0.4) UR,HR ForURandHR Resin 1.2 Soldering terminal 0.4 Polarity /Unitmm Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor reflow-soldering: 1.2 For reflow soldering 0.9 1. Mono-colortype 2. Dimensions:2.0(L)x1.25(W)x1.1(H)mm, beingsmallsize (1.4) (0.625) 1.2 Features 1. 2. 2.0(L)x1.25(W)x1.1 (H)mm 0.5 (0.3) (0.75) (1.25) 2.0 1.2 /AbsoluteMaximumRating (Ta25) Series Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) UR,HR CL-170 () ExceptURandHR 65 25 CL-170UR/HR 78 30 1001 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Electro-opticalCharacteristics Code for parts CL-170R CL-170D CL-170Y CL-170LY CL-170YG CL-170G CL-170FG CL-170PG CL-170SR CL-170SD CL-170UR CL-170HR Lighting color Red Orange Yellow Lemon yellow Yellow green Green Fresh green Pure green Super brightness red Super brightness orange Ultra brightness red High brightness red IF (mA) VF typ (V) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 700 605 589 584 570 567 560 557 100 40 40 40 30 26 26 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 5 2.5 2.2 1 1.3 7.1 6.4 6.4 18 10 6.5 3 20 2 2.6 650 40 20 1.5 4.3 20 2 2.6 630 40 20 2 6.2 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 3.5 13 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 5 23 NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics 25 CL-150 CL-150 Series /Outlinedrawing LED LEDdie Cathode mark 1.6 (0.8) 1.1 0.5 1. 2. 3.2(L)x1.6(W)x1.1(H)mm 1. Mono-colortype 2. Dimensions:3.2(L)x1 .6(W)x1.1(H) mm,beingastandardsize (2.0) Resin (Ta25) Series Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) UR,HR CL-150 () ExceptURandHR 65 25 CL-150UR/HR 78 30 1001 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 P.C. board (0.5) Features /AbsoluteMaximumRating (0.6) 3.2 (1.5) (1.7) UR*HR ForURandHR 1 IFPduty1/100.1msec 2.2 Soldering terminal 1 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. 0.5 Polarity /Electro-opticalCharacteristics /Unitmm Code for parts CL-150R CL-150D CL-150Y CL-150LY CL-150YG CL-150G CL-150FG CL-150PG Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor reflow-soldering: 1.5 For reflow soldering 1.5 2.0 1.5 Lighting color IF (mA) VF typ (V) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Red Orange Yellow Lemon yellow Yellow green Green Fresh green Pure green Super brightness red Super brightness orange Ultra brightness red CL-150SR CL-150SD CL-150UR High brightness red CL-150HR (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 700 605 589 584 570 567 560 557 100 40 40 40 30 26 26 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.5 2.4 2.6 2.6 5 2.5 2.2 1 1.3 7.1 6.4 6.4 18 10 6.5 3 20 2 2.6 650 40 20 1.5 4.3 20 2 2.6 630 40 20 2 6.2 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 3.5 13 20 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 5 23 NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics IF-VF IF-VF Characteristics 100 Iv-Ta Iv-Ta Characteristics VF-Ta VF-Ta Characteristics Iv-IF Iv-IF Characteristics IFmax-Ta IFmax-Ta Characteristics 50 YG 20 2.4 D YG/G/FG/PG 5 PG 2.2 2.0 R 5 PG 2 2 1 1 0.5 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 1 2 5 10 20 50 - 20 100 50 D 0 20 40 80 5 - 20 100 0 20 40 60 5 SD 40 SR SD 2.0 60 80 100 50 2.6 1 2 5 IF(mA) 10 20 50 - 20 20 40 60 T a (C) 80 100 - 20 20 30 40 0 20 40 60 T a (C) 50 Commonto allcolors 60 60 20 0 10 60 SR 0.5 1 0 100 80 UR/HR 1.6 20 10 100 UR/HR 1 30 120 SD 1.8 SR 2 200 50 2 2.4 40 Directive Characteristics 2.4 2.2 5 2.2 20 T a (C) 500 10 VF(V) Iv(mcd) 10 V F( V ) 0 HR UR SD 20 2.0 - 20 100 Iv-Ta Iv-Ta Characteristics 2.6 20 SR 1.8 80 T a (C) VF-Ta VF-Ta Characteristics UR/HR 1.6 20 15 10 R 20 60 25 CL-150 CL-150Series 50 100 26 Y/LY T a (C) Iv-IF Iv-IF Characteristics IF-VF IF-VF Characteristics IF (mA) Y/LY IF(mA) V F( V ) 50 1.6 Iv ( in) 1.8 D 200 R Y/LY/FG 1.6 1.8 IFmax(mA) 10 YG/G/FG/PG 10 VF(V) Iv(mcd) Y/LY 20 30 500 G Iv ( in) R/YG/G/FG D IF (mA) CL-150UR*HR 2.6 50 80 100 70 40 70 80 20 80 90 0 90 CL-165 CL-165 Series /Outlinedrawing LE D LED die (LED) (Shorter wave length) LE D LED die (LED) (Longer wave length) 0.3 Features 1. 2 2. 1.5(L)x1.2(W)x0.7 H mm 1. Two-colorlighting 2. Dimensions:1.5(L)X1.2(W)X0.7(H)mm, beingultra-smallsize (0.5) (1.0) 1.5 0.7 /AbsoluteMaximumRating (0.6) (0.3) Series Lighting color P.C.board 1.2 Resin CL-165 0.7 65 25 78 30 IFP (mA) VR (V) Top (C) TSt (C) 1002 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 1 Pmeanstotalvalueofpowerdissipationwhenbothcolorsareon. (0.35) (0.25) IF (mA) 1 P (0.8) 90 HR LED LED Cathode mark Pd (mW) YG ( ) Soldering terminal 0.4 0.4 P1 (mW) (Ta25) 2 IFPduty1/100.1msec Polarity 2 ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Electro-opticalCharacteristics /Unitmm IF (mA) VF typ (V) Yellow green 20 High brightness red 20 Code for parts Lighting color (Ta25) IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.2 2.6 570 30 20 5.0 18 1.8 2.6 660 20 20 5.0 23 Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor reflow-soldering: CL-165HR/YG 0.5 Forreflowsoldering 0.4 NIST 0.5 PerNISTstandards 0.8 0.8 0.8 /Characteristics IF-VF IF-VF Characteristics VF-Ta VF-Ta Characteristics IFmax-Ta IFmax-Ta Characteristics Iv-IF Iv-IF Characteristics 50 100 HR 50 2.6 30 HR 25 10 5 5 1 0.5 0.5 1 1.6 2.0 2.4 1 5 10 YG 20 15 2.2 1.8 5 1.6 0 20 40 60 T a (C) 80 100 YG 2.0 10 - 20 50 IF(mA) V F( V ) 2.4 V F( V ) YG 10 IFmax(mA) YG Iv(mcd) IF (mA) HR - 20 HR 0 20 40 60 80 100 T a (C) Iv-Ta Iv-Ta Characteristics 10 Directive Characteristics 5 Iv ( in) 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 120 50 YG 100 HR 50 1 80 60 0.5 0.1 - 20 YG 60 YG 0 20 40 60 80 100 60 70 40 70 80 20 80 90 0 90 T a (C) 27 CL-155 CL-155 Series /Outlinedrawing LEDLEDdie LED (Shorter wave length) Cathode mark 1.1 2.7 LEDLEDdie LED (Longer wave length) (0.9) (0.9) 3.2 (2.0) (0.65) (0.6) 4 Features 1. 2 2. 3.2(L)x2.7(W)x1.1(H) mm 1. Two-colorlighting 2. D i m e n s i o n s : 3 . 2 ( L ) x2 . 7 ( W ) x1 . 1 ( H ) mm,beingastandardsize (1.7) 3 0.5 (R0.25) 1 2 1.4 Resin 0.9 LED LED (0.5) /AbsoluteMaximumRating 4 2.2 3 Series Pd IF IFP VR Top Tst (mW) (mW) (mA) (mA) (V) (C) (C) CL-155 90 65 25 1002 5 -25~+80 -30~+85 P 1 1P 1Pmeanstotalvalueofpowerdissipationwhenbothcolorsareon. 1 2 0.5 (0.9) Polarity 4 Soldering terminal 2IFPduty1/100.1msec 2ConditionforIFPispulseof1/10dutyand0.1msecwidth. /Unitmm /Electro-opticalCharacteristics Thefollowingsolderingpatternsarerecommendedfor Code for parts reflow-soldering: For reflow soldering 1.0 CL-155Y/PG 0.4 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 CL-155D/PG Lighting color Yellow Pure green Orange Pure green NIST PerNISTstandards /Characteristics 28 (Ta25) P.C. board IF (mA) VF typ (V) 20 20 20 20 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 (Ta25) max (V) P typ (nm) typ (nm) 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 589 557 605 557 40 24 40 24 IV IF min typ (mA) (mcd) (mcd) 20 20 20 20 2.6 1 2.4 1 6.4 3 7.1 3 CITILED Shipping Modes Precaution to be taken on mounting CITILEDs ShippingModes CITILED C I T I L E D Taped Soldering SingleCITILEDsarepackedonatape.Thetaping specificationsdependontheCITILEDtype.Fordetails oneachtype,pleaserefertothetapingspecifications pageinthiscatalog. (Consultationwithuspriortosolderingrecommended) 3003 Manualsoldering Thetemperatureoftheirontipshouldbenohigherthan 300(572F)andsolderingwithin3secondspersolder-land istobeobserved. Refllowsoldering Handing Forrecommendableconditionsforreflowsoldering,see figurebelow. 1) 2) 1) Caremustbetakennottocausestresstotheepoxy resinportionofCITILEDswhileitisexposedtohigh temperature. 2) Caremustbetakennottorubtheepoxyresinportion ofCITILEDswithhardorsharparticlesuchasthesand blastandthemetalhook. Notesfordesigning 1) 2) LED 1) Caremustbetakentoprovidethecurrentlimiting resistorinthecircuitsoastodrivetheCITILEDswithin theratedfigures.Also,cautionshouldbetakennot tooverloadCITILEDswithinstantaneousvoltageat theturningONandOFFofthecircuit. 2) Whenusingthepulsedrive,caremustbetakento keeptheaveragecurrentwithintheratedfigures.Also, thecircuitshouldbedesignedsoasnottobesubjected toreversevoltagewhenturningofftheCITILEDs. 10 sec. max. Temperature 220C max. 140-160C 4C/sec. max. 4C/sec. max. 1 Over 1 min. Time NEXT 29 Packingspecifications ) Moisture-proofpacking Inordertoavoidtheabsorptionofmoistureduringtransportationandstorage,CITILEDsarepackedinthealuminum envelope.Adesiccantwithahumidityindicatorisincludedin thealuminumenvelopeandindicatorchangesitscolorfrom bluetopinkasitabsorbsmoisture. /Label /Desiccant /Envelope /Reel /Polyester zip fastener 530 60 30 Storage Inordertoavoidtheabsorptionofmoisturte,itisrecommended tostoreCITILEDs(inbulkortaped)inthedrybox(orthe desiccator)withadesiccant.Otherwise,tostorethemin thefollowingenvironmentisrecommended. Temperature530(41F86F) Humidity60max. ItisrecommendedtosolderCITILEDsassoonaspossible afterunpackingthealuminumenvelope,butincasethat CITILEDshavetobeleftunusedafterunpacking,tostore theminthedryboxortosealthealuminumenvelopeagain isrequested. Baking Thepackingismoisture-proof,butproductsunpackedfor morethanacertaintimebeforeuseshouldbe bakedfirst. (Fordetailsapplyforindividualspesificationsheets.) Precautions: Pleaseseetheindividualspecificationsmanualandapplications manualforprecautions.