_ en ) $Mettte (.)_means temporary Function Type No. Vin (V) [fcc (mA)! =Fmax RREJ | Topr ('C) Remarks max max | (kHz) max | (dB) typ HA16654APS 40 13 500 _ Suitable for forward method . oo 20-485 | _____ Voltage mode _ HA16664AFP 40 7 200 _ | [| O. 14 Suitable for forward method HA16664APS _ | ; oi Ol 8), Noltagemede HA16666P 40 | 12 600 [-20-+85/O/; 16 | Suitabie for forward method HA16666FP ae fe [oO 6: ___Voltage mode HA16107P oO] 16 Timer latch fail safe, voltage mode HA16107FP | |. 16 | Both forward and flyback method available HA16108P | O |} 16 | ON/OFF timer latch fail safe, voltage mode HA16108FP 34 20 600 | -20-+85] | 16 | _ Both forward and flyback method available HA16109P Of | 16 "Timer latch fail safe HA16109FP 10 16 | _Both forward and flyback method available Switching |HA16111P non 16 Timer latch fail safe Regulator |HA16111FP of ft | OF. 16 Both forward and flyback method available HA17384DPS : * 8 Current mode type AC/DC HA17384EPS (30) (13) (500) |(-20-+85)) 2% | 8 OVP+TSD HA17385EPS a ee ee ee _ HA17451AP 40 2.6 300 -20-+85| O] | 16 Without latch circuit HA17451AFP od O;..16 | from S.C.P of HA17451 HA16114P/FP/FPJ 40 i 600 | OO 16 4 ch step down/negative output Dc- DC HA16120FP/FPU - yf) 0-485) LO) 16 1 ch step up DC-DC HA16116FP/FPJ 40 20.5 | 600 |r40-485, | ) 20 output DC-DC HA16121FP/FPU fe fo LO; 20 | up/step down/negative output DC-DC HA17524P 40 10 450 | -20-+75) Oj] | 16 | Can select single end or push-pull HA17524FP fo {| tO 68 HA1835P 03-Vout| 12 | | 75 | -40-+85| 14 _ Watch dog|HA16103PJ 40 12 ~ 75 | -40-+85, Of [| 18 Low voltage detection : timer [HA16103FPJ fe a | Ol 2 7 _ ; HA16113FPJ 40 | 18 | | 78 | 40-485) | O | 24 TR chiype of HAT6103 HA16129FPJ 40 13 75 | -40-+85 1 O 20 deh type, output voltage 5.041.5%, | _ - |. oe nh _fail safe function built-in HA16117FA/FE/FG |-30-+85; =O, 8 CMOS HA16117FPA/FPB/FPC 14 0.6 = | O.. 8 4.4, 4.2 and 4.0V type detection voltage HA18117FPAJ/FPBU/EPCS | es 40-485 pO. 8 a Precision |HA17723 . 0-+70 | O 14 Series/Parallel dropper requlator Regulator | HA17723P 40 4 74 | -20- 475 OF 14 DC/DC converter, etc _[HA17723F | be | 0-470 | Or 14 7 id) Notes) xe IRE 3K Provided to the limited customers Type No. Veco loff max (mA) ~Vret (Vv) lk max Topr Package (Pin) Status (Vv) min | typ | max (mA) (C) DILP | SOP _| SIP (TO-92M)/ UPAK HA17431P 40 1 2.395 | 2.495 2.595; -100-+150 | -20- +85 a 3 | | O| HA17431FP of Po 8B Fo J oO A version (2.495 V+2.2%) So oo a Type No. Vec loff max (mA) Vref (V Ik max Topr Package (Pin) Status (V) min | typ | max (mA) (C) DILP SOP _| SIP (TO-92M)| UPAK - HA17431PA ft 3 HAI7431FPA* | 40 1 2.440 | 2.495 | 2.550 | -100 - +150 -20 - +85 _ T a |HA17431UA* Le Lo I oe to __. New version (2.500 V1%) ae ee ee ee Type No. Vec loff (mA) Vref (V) ikmax | Topr Package (Pin) (V) max min | typ | max (mA) (C) | ~ MPAK5 _ TO-92 HA17431VLP -20 - +85 5 ; | O} HA17431VP 16 1 2.475 | 2.500] 2.525) -60-50 8 re {| HA17431VPJ to _ _ 40 ~ +85 3 oO