Features e High speed 15-ns Transparent write (7C161) CMOS for optimum speed/power Low active power 633 mW Low standby power - 220 mW TTL compatible inputs and outputs Automatic power-down when deselected CYPRESS CY7C161 CY7C162 Functional Description The CY7C 161 and CY7C162 are high-per- formance CMOS static RAMs organized as 16,384 by 4 bits with separate I/O. Easy memory expansion is provided by active LOW chip enables (CE,, CE2) and three- state drivers. They have an automatic pow- er-down feature, reducing the power con- sumption by 65% when deselected, Writing to the device is accomplished when the chip enable (CE,, CE2) and write en- able (WE) inputs are both LOW, Data on the four input pins (Iq through Ij) is written 16K x 4 Static RAM with Separate I/O into the memory location specified on the address pins (Ag through Aj3). Reading the device is accomplished by tak- ing the chip enables (CE,, CE;) LOW while write enable (WE) remains HIGH. Under these conditions the contents of the memory location specified on the address pins will appear on the four data output pins. The output pins stay in a high-impedance State when write enable (WE) is LOW (7C162 only), or one of the chip enables (CE), CE>) are HIGH. A die coat is used to ensure alpha immunity. Logic Block Diagram INPUT BUFFER As 256 x 256 Aa ARRAY As SENSE AMPS Pin Configurations O1 Oz %e Ay 03 COLUMN DECODER | | DOWN CE, CE, 162-2 22PEFe WE OE J ! 162-1 Selection Guidel'! 7C161-12 7C161-15 7C161-20 70361 -25 7C161-35 7C162~12 IC162~-15 7C162-20 7C162~-25 7C162-35 Maximum Access Time (ns) 12 15 20 25 35 Maximum Operating Current (mA) 160 115 80 70 70 Maximum Standby Current (mA) 40/20 40/20 40/20 20/20 20/20 Shaded areas indicate preliminary information. Note: |. For military specifications, see the CY7C161A/CY7C162A datasheet. to -72CY7C161 CYPRESS CY7C162 Maximum Ratings (Above which the useful life may be impaired. For user guidelines, Output Current into Outputs (LOW) .............. 20 mA not tested.) Static Discharge Voltage ......0. 0.00000 000c0ee es >2001V Storage Temperature .............-.... -65C to +150C (per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015) Ambient Temperature with Latch-Up Current .......6 000.2 c cece eens >200 mA > j _eEO Power Applied ...........0006 cuteness 55C to +125C Operating Range Supply Voltage to Ground Potential (Pin 24 to Pin 12) 20... 2.0. eee 0.5V to +7.0V Ambient DC Voltage Applied to Outputs Range Temperature Veo in High Z State) ooo. eee -0.5V to +7.0V Commercial 0C to +70C SV + 10% DC Input Voltagel?) ....0...0... 000.0 eee 0.5V to +7.0V Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range 7C161-12 7C16115 7C16212 7C16215 Parameter Description Test Conditions Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit Vou Output HIGH Voltage Vcc = Min., 2.4 2.4 Vv Ion = 4.0mA VoL Output LOW Voltage Vec = Min., 04 0.4 Vv IoL = 8.0mA Vin input HIGH Voltage 2.2 Vec 2.2 Vec v Vit Input LOW Voltage!) -0.5 0.8 -0.5 0.8 Vv Itx Input Load Current GND Vi $ Vcc ~5 +5 -5 +5 uA loz Output Leakage GND < Vi Vcc, ~5 +5 -5 +5 pA Current Output Disabled los Output Short Vcc = Max., 350 350 mA Circuit Currentl3] Vout = GND lec Vec Operating Vec = Max., 160 115 mA Supply Current lour = OmA Ispy Automatic CE, Max. Vcc, 40 40 mA Power-Down Current CE, > Vin Min, Duty Cycle = 100% Iso Automatic CE, Max. Vec, 20 20 mA Power-Down Current CE] > Vcc - 0.3V, VIN 2 Vcc 0.3V or Vin < 0.3V Shaded areas indicate preliminary information.CY7C161 CYPRESS we Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range (continued) 7C161~-20 7C161-25 35 7C162~20 7C16225 35 Parameter Description Test Conditions Min. Max. Min. Max, Unit Vou Output HIGH Voltage Vcc = Min, 2.4 2.4 v lou = -40mA VoL Output LOW Voltage Vec = Min., 0.4 0.4 v lot =8.0mA Vin Input HIGH Voltage 2.2 Vec 2.2 Vcc v Vit Input LOW Voltagel2] -0.5 08 -0.5 0.8 v lix Input Load Current GND Vi Voc ~ +5 -5 +5 pA loz Output Leakage GND < Vi < Vcc. ~ +5 5 +5 pA Current Output Disabled los Output Short Voc = Max., -350 ~350 mA Circuit Currentl3] Vout = GND lec Vcc Operating Vcc = Max., 80 70 mA Supply Current lout = OmA Ispj Automatic CE, Max. Vcc, 40 20 mA Power-Down Current CE; > Vin Min. Duty Cycle = 100% Isp2 Automatic CE; Max. Vcc, 20 20 mA Power-Down Current CE; > Vcc 0.3V, Vin = Vcc 0.3V or Vin $ 0.3V Capacitance!) Parameter Description Test Conditions Max Unit Cin Input Capacitance Ta = 25C, f = 1 MHz, 10 pF Court Output Capacitance Vee = 5.0V 10 pF Notes: 2. Minimum voltage is equal to 3.0V for pulse durations less than 30 ns. 3. Not more than | output should be shorted at one time. Duration of the these parameters. short circuit should not exceed 30 seconds. AC Test Loads and Waveforms 5V R14819 5V 5 4810 OUTPUT OUTPUT , gov 30 pF R2 5 pF Re INCLUDING L _L_ 795 iwcLubING _L = _{ 255 GND JIGAND = = JIG AND = <5ns SCOPE (a) Normal Load SCOPE (b) High-Z Load C162-3 Equivalentto: THEVENIN EQUIVALENT 167Q OUTPUT 0 +~w0 1.73V ALL INPUT PULSES 90% 4. Tested initially and after any design or process changes that may affect 90% -< 5 ns C162-4CY7C161 CYPRESS CY7C162 Switching Characteristics Over the Operating Rangel5- 4] 7C161-12 | 7C161-15 | 7C161-20 | 7C161-25 | 7C161-35 7162-12 | 7C162-15 | 7C162-20 | 70162-25 | 7C162-35 Parameter Description Min. | Max. | Min. | Max. | Min. | Max. | Min. | Max. | Min. | Max. | Unit READ CYCLE tre Read Cycle Time 12 15 20 25 35 ns taa Address to Data Valid 12 15 20 25 35 ns toHA Output Hold from Address Change |- 3 3 5 5 5 ns tacE CE LOW to Data Valid 12 15 20 25 35 ns tpor OE LOW to Data Valid 12 10 10 12 15 ns tLZ0E OE LOW to Low Z 0 3 3 3 3 ns tHZO0E OE HIGH to High Z 7 8 8 10 12 ns tL2cE CE LOW to Low ZI] 3 3 5 5 5 ns tHzcE CE HIGH to High ZI7.8] 7 8 8 10 15 nis tpu CE LOW to Power-Up 0 0 0 0 0 ns tpp CE HIGH to Power-Down 12 15 20 20 20 ns WRITE CYCLE) twc Write Cycle Time 12 1S 20 20 25 ns tscE CE LOW to Write End 8 12 15 20 25 ns taw Address Set-Up to Write End 8 12 15 20 25 ns tHa Address Hold from Write End 0 0 0 0 0 ns tsa Address Set-Up to Write Start 0 0 0 0 a ns tpwE WE Pulse Width 8 12 15 15 20 ns tsp Data Set-Up to Write End 6 10 tO 10 15 ns tip Data Hold from Write End 0 0 0 0 0 ns tLZWE WE HIGH to Low ZI"] (7C162) 3 5 5 5 5 ns tuzwe WE LOW to High Z.- 5 (70162) 6 7 7 7 10 | ns tawE WE LOW to Data Valid (7C 161) 12 15 20 25 30 ns tapv Data Valid to Output Valid (7C161) 12 15 20 20 30 ns toce CE LOW to Data Valid 12 15 20 25 35 ns Shaded areas indicate preliminary information. Notes: 3. Test conditions assume signal transition time of 5 nsorless,timingref- 8. tuzceandtyzweare specified with C, = 5 pF asin part (b) af AC Test erence levels of 1.5V, input pulse levels of 0 to 3.0V, and output loading Loads. Transition is measured +500 mV from steady-state voltage. of the specified I9./Iox and 30-pF load capacitance, 9. The internal write time of the memory is defined by the overlap of CE, 6. Both CE, and CE) are represented by CE in the Switching Character- LOW, CE; LOW, and WE LOW. Both signals must be LOW to initiate istics and Waveforms sections. awrite and either signal can terminate a write by going HIGH. The data 7. Atany given temperature and voltage condition, ty,z is less than tLz for input set-up and hold timing should be referenced to the rising edge of any given device. the signal that terminates the write.CY7C161 Switching Waveforms!! Read Cycle No. 1119 11] tre ADDRESS * _ tna town DATA OUT PREVIOUS DATA VALID HX X DATA VALID C162-5 Read Cycle No. 21!4. 12] t cE aN Re a N /| face oS tooe [ tnzoe tizoe >J pe tHzce HIGH HIGH IMPEDANCE FIT, IMPEDANCE DATA OUT oo DATA VALID tizcE aaa; I*+ tro vec PU icc cunneNT 50% 50% Ise 162-6 Write Cycle No. 1 (WE Controlled)i?! ADDRESS WE tsp DATA IN DATAn VALID tHzwe tLzwe HIGH IMPEDANCE DATA OUT DATA UNDEFINED towe (70162) tapv DATA OUT DATA UNDEFINED DATA VALID (7C161) C162-7 Notes: 10. WE is HIGH for read cycle. 12. Address valid prior to or coincident with CE), CE; transition LOW. 11. Device is continuously selected, CE,, CE2 = Vit.CY7C161 CY7C162 CYPRESS Switching Waveforms!*) (continued) Write Cycle No. 2 (CE Controlled) !: !31 AOQDAESS WE tsp DATA IN DATAyy VALID HIGH IMPEDANCE {HZLE DATA OUT (70162) toceE DATA OUT DATA VALID (70161) C162-8 Note: 13. 1fCE goes HIGH simultaneously with WE HIGH, the output remains in a high-impedance state (7C162 only). Typical DC and AC Characteristics NORMALIZED SUPPLY CURRENT NORMALIZED SUPPLY CURRENT OUTPUT SOURCE CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE vs. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE = 8s. OUTPUT VOLTAGE 1.4 1.2 120 4S 1.2 3 10 2 100 Q 3 & 2 1.0 2 a 5 08 5 80 YW O.8 Ww 5 N N w bs a 06 G 60 3S 06 3 & 5 = 04 a Oo Oo @ 40 z 0.4 2 0.2 0.2 E 20 0.0 0.0 a 0 4.0 45 5.0 55 6.0 -55 25 125 0.0 1.0 2.0 30 40 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (Vv) NORMALIZED ACCESS TIME NORMALIZED ACCESS TIME OUTPUT SINK CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE vs. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE vs. OUTPUT VOLTAGE 1.4 1.6 ~ 140 120 e $ 13 3 1.4 Zz a 12 Oo i 100 a 1. A 2 3 Fa 3 8 x ="! 2 Z 60 = z 10 5 9 1.0 > | Veg = 5.0 5 40 0.8 & 0.9 Ll 3 20 6.8 0.6 0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 ~55 25 125 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)CY7C161 CYPRESS wee Typical DC and AC Characteristics (continued) TYPICAL POWER-ON CURRENT TYPICAL ACCESS TIME CHANGE vs, SUPPLY VOLTAGE vs. OUTPUT LOADING NORMALIZED Ic vs. CYCLE TIME 3.0 30.0 1.25 eo Voc = 5.0V 25 ~ 25.0 Va tev 2 a , 8 ce 9 20 2 20.0 QO 4.00 Ni N N 3 Z 15 : 15.0 < > LL c c c 9 4.0 2 10.0 Q 075 > 0s 5.0 - a. 0.0 0.50 00 10 20 30 40 50 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 20 30 40 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V} CAPACITANCE (pF) CYCLE FREQUENCY (MHz) Address Designators Address Address Pin Name Function Number AS X3 I A6 x4 2 Al XS 3 A8 X6 4 AQ X7 5 Al0 YO 6 All Y1 7 Al2 5 8 Al3 Y4 9 AO Y3 23 Al Y2 24 A2 X0 25 A3 Xl 26 Ad X2 27 2 ~78CY7C161 CY7C162 CYPRESS Ordering Information Speed Package Operating (ns) Ordering Code Name Package Type Range sy) CYICIGI~12PC:.2 Pai 28-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP | Commercial Reeve [7 v2.1 __[28-Lead Molded SOI 15 CY7C161-15PC P2) 28-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP | Commercial CY7C161-15VC V21 28-Lead Molded SOJ 20 CY7C161-20PC P21 28-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP | Commercial CY7C16120VCE V21 28-Lead Molded SOJ 25 CY7C16125PC P2tk 28-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP | Commercial CY7C161-25VC V2i 28-Lead Molded SOJ 35 CY7C161~35PC P2) 28-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP | Commercial CY7C161-35VC V21 28-Lead Molded SOJ Speed Package Operating (ns) Ordering Code Name Package Type Range 12 CY7C162~12PC P21 28-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP | Commercial CY7C162~12VC V21 28-Lead Molded SOJ 15 CY7C162~15PC P21 28-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP | Commercial CY7C162-15VC V21 28-Lead Molded SOJ 20 CY7C162-20PC P21 28-Lead (3(10-Mil) Molded DEP | Commercial CY7C16220VC V2) 28-Lead Molded SOJ 25 CY7C162--25PC P21 28-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP | Commercial CY7C162-25VC V21 28-Lead Molded SOJ 35 CY7C16235PC P21 28-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP | Commercial CY7C162~35VC V2) 28-Lead Molded SOJ Shaded areas indicate preliminary information. 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