Limits in standard typeface are for TJ= 25°C, and limits in boldface type apply over the operating ambient temperature range
(−30°C to +85°C). Unless otherwise specified: VIN_A = 3.6V; VHWEN = VIN_A; VDx = 0.4V; GroupA = GroupB = Fullscale Current;
C1= C2= CIN_A= COUT= 1.0 µF.(3)
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units
Output Current Regulation 2.7V ≤VIN_A ≤5.5V −7.5% 25 +7.5% mA
GroupA 8 LEDs in GroupA
Output Current Regulation 2.7V ≤VIN_A ≤5.5V −7.5% 25 +7.5% mA
GroupB 4 LEDs in GroupB
IDx 3.2V ≤VIN_A ≤5.5V
Output Current Regulation VLED = 3.6V 22.3
All LED Drivers Enabled mA
BankA current code = 1111101b, exp dimming DxA
All LED Drivers on BankA(4) scale
2.7V ≤VIN ≤5.5V GroupA (8 LEDs) 0.8 3
IDx- LED Current Matching(5) LED Current = %
MATCH GroupB (4 LEDs) 0.4 3
Fullscale current
VDxTH VDx 1x to 3/2x Gain Transition Threshold VDx Falling 135 mV
Current sink Headroom Voltage IDx = 95% ×IDx (nom.)
VHR 100 mV
Requirement(6) (IDx (nom) ≈20 mA)
Gain = 3/2 2.4
Open-Loop Charge Pump Output
Resistance(7) Gain = 1 0.5
Gain = 1.5x, No Load. Current through VIN_A 2.9 4.4
pin. Sensor Bias OFF
IQQuiescent Supply Current mA
Gain = 1x, No Load. Current through VIN_A 1.1 2.4
pin. Sensor Bias OFF
HWEN = 1.8V. All registers in factory defaults
ISB Standby Supply Current 1.2 µA
state. Current through VIN_A pin.
ISD Shutdown Supply Current HWEN = 0V. Current through VIN_A pin. 0.2 1.0 µA
fSW Switching Frequency 1.1 1.3 1.6 MHz
tSTART Startup Time See(8) 250 µs
VALS ALS Reference Voltage −6% 1.0 +6% V
RALS register setting = 00010b −6% 10.1 +6%
RALS Internal ALS Resistor kΩ
RALS register setting = 00100b −6% 5.0 +6%
(1) All voltages are with respect to the potential at the GND pins.
(2) Min and Max limits are specified by design, test, or statistical analysis. Typical numbers are not ensured, but do represent the most
likely norm.
(3) CIN_X, COUT, CLDOX, CSEN, C1, and C2: Low-ESR Surface-Mount Ceramic Capacitors (MLCCs) used in setting electrical characteristics.
(4) The total output current can be split between the two groups (IDx = 25 mA Max). Under maximum output current conditions, special
attention must be given to input voltage and LED forward voltage to ensure proper current regulation. The maximum total output current
for the LM3537 should be limited to 180 mA.
(5) For the two groups of current sinks on a part (group A and group B), the following are determined: the maximum sink current in the
group (MAX), the minimum sink current in the group (MIN), and the average sink current of the group (AVG). For each group, two
matching numbers are calculated: (MAX-AVG)/AVG and (AVG-MIN)/AVG. The largest number of the two (worst case) is considered the
matching figure for the group. The matching figure for a given part is considered to be the highest matching figure of the two groups.
The typical specification provided is the most likely norm of the matching figure for all parts.
(6) For each Dxpin, headroom voltage is the voltage across the internal current sink connected to that pin. For group A and B current sinks,
VHRx = VOUT -VLED. If headroom voltage requirement is not met, LED current regulation will be compromised.
(7) Specified by design.
(8) Turn-on time is measured from the moment the charge pump is activated until the VOUT crosses 90% of its target value.
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