Loc DIST REVISIONS E B rq DESCRIPTION TATE PO A | RELEASE FOR PRODUCTION 27-02-02) AJB |FWK of Gb T6916 Giregzd Git 4707 GIY AFLG Ys 1 | METAL BACKSHELL 37 WAY TOP ENTRY | 3-1478762-7 1 | METAL BACKSHELL 25 WAY TOP ENTRY | 2-1478762-5 1. FOR ASSEMBLY, DETAILS REFER TO 1| METAL BACKSHELL 15 WAY TOP ENTRY | 1-1478762-5 - 1, 1| METAL BACKSHELL 9 WAY TOP Entry | 0-1478762-9 = a i 1-PER BOX OF 100 PARTS ate 7 v-i47876 e >| 8 lz by 4 DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER 6 Z & & fe ig THIS DRAWING IS A CONTROLLED DOCUMENT. OW BEKEN 27-02-02 ae Tyeo Electronics Corparation ax aK 27-02-02 eee anmore, lesex, 3-1478762-7] 709 | 522 | 150 2 bepe ti DMENSONS: eS, [aoe a-aiae [ime * uM F_W--KING _ e-1478762-5| 532 | 473 | 46] > | 2 | 2] 2 [1 pac g PRODUCT PEE AK sen AGT nue A 1-1478762-5| 395 | 405 | 146] & [ 2 2/2 1 pene 32 = . 0-1478762-9| 310 [ 383 | 146 e|e}|e2eti ae 32 ees PART NUMBER| A B C | ITEM 1 2! 3 4! MATERIAL FINISH WEIGHT _ 1478762 ~ - CUSTOMER DRAWING J 4.5 PE 11 le AMP 1470~19 REV 31MARZO00 - - Y:\PBL\02412\\1478762-C.dwq Loc DIST REVISIONS E |B OF DESCRIPTION TATE DR] A A | RELEASE FOR PRODUCTION 07-03-02| AJB Wh 195.0 D Coven seareS Use hwo halves of drain rafal Disnantie the cable 18mm and Lise two halves of strain refef Dismontie the cable 18mm and diferent sizes can be mixed shape cable to two piglals diferent sizes can bs mixed. shape cable to two pighals. Aitoch the strain relief around the cable Bend cable shielding back on outside of strain ralet C 148.5 fount comecter and cable Assemble the other hal Mount connector and cable Assemble the other hall into the backshel, screwing lorce: 100-120 Nom. B SIDE 1 SIDE 2 | LEAFLET, BACKSHELL ASSEMBLY 1478530-1 DESCRIPTIIN, | CPART No. __| THIS DRAWING IS A CONTROLLED DOCUMENT. [ j aeyoy 7 MAR &2 as Tyco Elactronics Corporation coi 7 a Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4RS DIMENSIONS: TOLERANCES UNLESS C.NEALE un omenmse sreoren: /EWokK LEAFLET, ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS lo PLO +/ PRODUCT SPEC ' A 1 PLC / _ FOR ADK SERIES Oeste v RON - Piet _ MATERIA. FINISH WEIGHT _ A3}00779 1478530 ~ - CUSTOMER DRAWING PN rs 1 Fy [ha AP 1470-19 REY 31MARZ000 | 07/03/2002 09:55 EBQ01189 Y:\PBL\O2-412\14785350-C.dwg Loc DIST REVISIONS E B Pr DESCRIPTION DATE DAN] AA A | RELEASE FOR PRODUCTION 11.06.02 1SJS|C.K D D C oO YEN S SeneS plastic __ | heat shin metal plastic = brold heal shrink 8mm forule 8mm eet - =e atest CRIMP ! CRIMP C 1 Cc Mount conmectar and cable Aambie tha other hot _| into the bocishell screwing force: 100-120 Nem. Mount connecter and cable Assemble the other hat Zz Info the bacishet. screwing force: 100-120 Nem, B B SIDE 1 SIDE 2 __t LEAFLET, CRIMP KIT 1478531-1 } _ DESCRIPTION PART No. THIS DRAWING IS A CONTROLLED DOCUMENT. [6 J cuackcony V8 eas Tyco Electronics Corporation __ on k 11.08.02 Sobenke Stanmore, Miidlesex, HA7 4RS nn a TBR [We uu | etc . je LEAFLET, APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS A TpiG ay FOR ADK SERIES PLC 2/ = A PLC +/ APPLICATION SPEC _ PLC ave SIZE | CAGE COOE | DRAWING NO RESTRICTED TO| MATERIAL, FINISH WEIGHT _ AS 00779 1478531 _ - ~ CUSTOMER DRAWING Pos le 7 1 [Pa MMP 1470-19 REV S1MAR2000 07/03/2002 09:55 9001189 Y:A\PBL\O2412\ 1478531C.dwq