RFSW2043 RFSW2043DC to 20Ghz SPDT pHEMT GaAs Switch DC TO 20GHz SPDT pHEMT GaAs SWITCH Package: QFN, 16 pin, 0.8mmx3mmx3mm NC A B A 16 15 14 13 NC 1 12 NC GND 2 11 GND RF2 3 10 RF1 GND 4 9 GND Features Low Insertion Loss: 2.25dB at 20GHz High Isolation: 26dB at 20GHz Excellent Return Loss 21nS Switching Speed GaAs pHEMT Technology Compact 3mmx3mm QFN package Applications 5 6 7 8 NC GND RFIN GND Broadband Communications Test Instrumentation Fiber Optics Product Description Military Aerospace RFMD's RFSW2043 is a broadband absorptive SPDT GaAs microwave monolithic integrated circuit (MMIC) switch designed to operate from DC to 20GHz using the RFMD FD05 0.5m switch process. It features low insertion loss of 2.25dB at 20GHz and high isolation of 26dB at 20GHz while being packaged in a compact low cost 3mmx3mm QFN package for easy end use assembly. The switch uses complementary control logic of -5/0V and does not require a separate bias supply. Functional Block Diagram Ordering Information RFSW2043S2 RFSW2043SB RFSW2043SQ RFSW2043SR RFSW2043TR7 RFSW2043PCK-410 2-piece sample bag 5-piece bag 25-piece bag 100 pieces on 7" reel 750 pieces on 7" reel Evaluation board with a 2-piece sample bag Optimum Technology Matching(R) Applied GaAs HBT GaAs MESFET InGaP HBT SiGe BiCMOS Si BiCMOS SiGe HBT GaAs pHEMT Si CMOS Si BJT GaN HEMT BiFET HBT LDMOS RF MICRO DEVICES(R), RFMD(R), Optimum Technology Matching(R), Enabling Wireless ConnectivityTM, PowerStar(R), POLARISTM TOTAL RADIOTM and UltimateBlueTM are trademarks of RFMD, LLC. BLUETOOTH is a trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., U.S.A. and licensed for use by RFMD. All other trade names, trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. (c)2006, RF Micro Devices, Inc. DS120718 7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 * For sales or technical support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@rfmd.com. 1 of 11 RFSW2043 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Rating Unit Drain Bias Voltage (VCTRL) -10 VDC RF Input Power (Any State) +30 dBm RF Output Power (ON State) +30 dBm RF Output Power (OFF State) +21 dBm -55 to +150 C -55 to +85 C Storage Temperature Operating Temperature ESD JESD22-A114 Human Body Model (HBM) Class 1A (All pads) Caution! ESD sensitive device. Exceeding any one or a combination of the Absolute Maximum Rating conditions may cause permanent damage to the device. Extended application of Absolute Maximum Rating conditions to the device may reduce device reliability. Specified typical performance or functional operation of the device under Absolute Maximum Rating conditions is not implied. RoHS status based on EUDirective2002/95/EC (at time of this document revision). The information in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by RF Micro Devices, Inc. ("RFMD") for its use, nor for any infringement of patents, or other rights of third parties, resulting from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of RFMD. RFMD reserves the right to change component circuitry, recommended application circuitry and specifications at any time without prior notice. Specification Typ. Max. Insertion Loss (0GHz to 5GHz) 1.5 2.2 dB ON State, All Temps Insertion Loss (5GHz to 10GHz) 1.6 2.5 dB ON State, All Temps Parameter Min. Operating Frequency DC 20 Unit Condition GHz Insertion Loss (10GHz to 15GHz) 1.8 2.8 dB ON State, All Temps Insertion Loss (15GHz to 20GHz) 2.25 3.4 dB ON State, All Temps ON State, All Temps Isolation (DC to 20GHz) 20 30 dB Input Return Loss (DC to 20GHz) 10 16 dB ON State, All Temps Output Return Loss (DC to 20GHz) 12 16 dB ON State, All Temps Output Return Loss (DC to 20GHz) 15 22 dB OIP3 (2GHz to 20GHz) 35 46 dBm 100MHz spacing, 2dBm input, 25 C OFF State, All Temps OIP2 (3GHz to 20GHz) 75 82 dBm 100MHz spacing, 2dBm input, 25 C Switching Speed 21 25 ns 50% control to 90% RF, All Temps Control Current 41 55 A Sum of all control lines, 25 C Control Voltage 0/-5 2 of 11 V 7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 * For sales or technical support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@rfmd.com. DS120718 RFSW2043 DS120718 7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 * For sales or technical support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@rfmd.com. 3 of 11 RFSW2043 4 of 11 7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 * For sales or technical support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@rfmd.com. DS120718 RFSW2043 DS120718 7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 * For sales or technical support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@rfmd.com. 5 of 11 RFSW2043 6 of 11 7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 * For sales or technical support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@rfmd.com. DS120718 RFSW2043 Pin 1, 5, 12, 16 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11 3, 10 Function NC GND Description Interface Schematic RF2, RF1 RF output. These pins are DC coupled and matched to 50 from DC to 20GHz. No Connect Ground. Grounding via should be located as close as possible to this pin. RFout 50ohm 13, 14, 15 VA, VB, VA DC control for switch operation. Nominal operating voltage is -5V. The two VA pins (13 and 15) are connected internally for added layout flexibility. 2kohm 4.4pF 7 RFIN RF input. This pin is DC coupled and matched to 50 from DC to 20GHz. RFin Truth Table High = -5V 0.2V, Low = 0V, 0.2V Control Line VA High Low DS120718 RF Path VB Low High RFin to RF1 RFin to RF2 7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 * For sales or technical support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@rfmd.com. 7 of 11 RFSW2043 Package Drawing Maximum Height=1.0mm Dimensional Tolerance=+0.05mm 8 of 11 7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 * For sales or technical support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@rfmd.com. DS120718 RFSW2043 Application Schematic VA VB Bypass Cap** 16 DC Block* 50 strip Bypass Cap** 15 14 13 1 12 2 11 3 10 4 9 5 * Not Required 7 50 strip DC Block* RF 1 8 RFin ** Not Required but may be necessary in some applications to maintain noise free control lines. 6 Bypass Cap** DC Block* 50 strip RF 2 VA DS120718 7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 * For sales or technical support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@rfmd.com. 9 of 11 RFSW2043 Evaluation Board Schematic 10 of 11 7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 * For sales or technical support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@rfmd.com. DS120718 RFSW2043 Evaluation Board Layout DS120718 7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 * For sales or technical support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@rfmd.com. 11 of 11