500-3200 MHz Fully Matched High Dynamic Range Amplifier
Preliminary Data Sheet
January 2007
MicroWave Technology, Inc. an IXYS Company, 4268 Solar Way, Fremont, CA 94538
510-651-6700 FAX 510-651-2208 WEB www.mwtinc.com
Data contained herein is subject to change without notice. All rights reserved © 2006
Please visit MwT website www.mwtinc.com for information on other MwT MMIC pro ducts.
Typical Scattering Parameters:
(Vds=6.0V, Ids=150mA, Ta =25°C Reference Plan es at Leads)
F [GHz]
Mag - Ang S21
Mag - Ang S12
Mag - Ang S22
Mag - Ang
0.4 0.19 98.66 2.79 176.94 0.01 63.23 0.32 83.88
0.6 0.13 47.98 3.48 136.87 0.01 26.17 0.21 77.22
0.8 0.07 -2.92 4.21 98.46 0.02 -7.36 0.15 59.34
1.0 0.05 -127.00 4.69 59.73 0.02 -40.77 0.12 53.51
1.2 0.09 151.81 4.76 21.49 0.02 -75.24 0.13 35.24
1.4 0.18 109.75 5.09 -13.87 0.03 -106.14 0.11 26.45
1.6 0.24 66.92 5.06 -49.72 0.03 -138.13 0.12 1.20
1.8 0.28 27.21 4.99 -84.02 0.04 -170.03 0.13 -33.37
2.0 0.29 -11.18 4.86 -118.22 0.04 157.74 0.13 -71.80
2.2 0.27 -52.17 4.59 -146.97 0.04 130.96 0.17 -113.51
2.4 0.26 -92.11 4.82 -179.59 0.04 99.51 0.18 -152.37
2.6 0.23 -140.62 4.94 148.31 0.05 68.70 0.22 174.78
2.8 0.20 159.07 5.18 114.91 0.05 36.56 0.25 144.42
3.0 0.22 82.13 5.57 79.84 0.06 3.12 0.29 114.41
3.2 0.33 -3.09 5.90 38.94 0.07 -36.79 0.31 78.48
3.4 0.52 -76.15 5.62 -5.47 0.07 -81.39 0.27 36.78
3.6 0.70 -136.79 4.75 -48.16 0.06 -120.63 0.15 -11.94
3.8 0.81 170.37 3.89 -86.16 0.05 -165.18 0.06 -21.34
4.0 0.84 128.82 3.00 -119.64 0.04 160.57 0.00 119.74
Absolute Maximum Ratings: (Ta= 25
Vds Drain-Source Voltage V 8
ate-Source Voltage V -6 to +0.8
Ids Drain Current mA 300
Igs Gate Current mA 3
Pdiss DC Power Dissipation W 2.4
Pin max RF Input Power dBm +24
Tch Channel Temperature ºC 150
Tstg Storage Temperature ºC -60 to 150
*Operation of this device above any one of these parameters may cause permanent damage.