Altera Corporation 1
Controller Function
December 2000, ver. 1.0 Application Note 133
QDR Overview The explosive growth of the Internet has boosted the demand for high-
speed data communication systems that require fast processors and high-
speed interfaces to peripheral components. While the processors in these
systems have improved in performance, static memories have not kept
pace. New SRAM architectures are evolving to support the high
throughput requirements of current systems. One such architecture is
quad data rate (QDR) SRAM, which can provide bandwidth
improvements more than four times greater than other SRAM
Most existing SRAM solutions were designed for PCs and have interfaces
that transfer data efficiently for PC-type single input/output (I/O)
applications. In contrast, most networking applications require
continuous data transfer between the SRAM and the memory controller
(e.g., continous transitions between read and write cycles through the
memory). Single I/O devices like standard synchronous pipelined
SRAMs do not perform well in these applications.
The QDR Consortium, comprised of Cypress Semiconductor, Integrated
Device Technology, Inc., and Micron Technology, designed the QDR
SRAM architecture for high-performance networking systems such as
routers and ATM switches. QDR SRAMs are designed to handle the
transfer of four data words through the SRAM in a single clock cycle. The
memory provides simultaneous reads and writes, as well as zero latency
and increased data throughput, guaranteeing simultaneous access to the
same address location.
This application note describes implementation of a QDR SRAM
controller in an Altera®APEX™ 20KE programmable logic device. The
implementation allows designer to interface with the Cypress CY7C1302
QDR SRAM device at a 100-MHz clock speed, giving an overall system
performance of 7.2 gigabits per second (Gbps).
Figure 1 compares the performance of QDR SRAMs versus other SRAM
architectures. The comparison assumes that the interfaces operate at
166 MHz. The figure shows that the QDR SRAM outperforms all other
types of SRAM and outperforms other architectures by four times in a
networking application.
2Altera Corporation
AN 133: QDR SRAM Controller Function
Figure 1. Performance Comparison
Source: QDR Consortium
APEX Interface When using QDR SRAM in a system, a memory controller generates all
the signals needed for the SRAM and serves as the interface to the system.
Altera APEX 20KE devices—with their speed and configurability—are
ideal for such a function. A QDR SRAM controller be implemented in an
APEX 20KE device to provide a simplified interface to an industry-
standard QDR SRAM device. Figure 2 provides a block diagram of the
Figure 2. Block Diagram
APEX 20KE Device SRAM Interface
Altera Corporation 3
AN 133: QDR SRAM Controller Function
Table 1 describes the function of each pin on the SRAM-APEX
This section describes some of the issues to be considered when
implementing a QDR SRAM controller in an APEX 20KE device. Because
the QDR SRAM interface is high speed, special care must be taken when
designing the controller interface. Design-specific issues include the
Expanded HSTL I/O interface, clock generation, and delay minimization.
The HSTL I/O standard is required for the QDR SRAM interface. APEX
devices and CY7C1302 SRAM devices support Expanded HSTL, which
uses a 1.8-V I/O supply voltage (VDDQ). Characterization data has shown
that APEX 20KE devices can drive out and receive Expanded HSTL
signals at 100 MHz.
Table 1. QDR SRAM Interface Signals
Signal Type Signal Name Description
Clock Outputs K, K_bar Clock inputs to the QDR SRAM. Alltransactionsare initiated synchronously
ontherisingedgeofKor K_bar.
Clock Input C K and K_bar are fed back as Cand C_bar, respectively, at the QDR SRAM
for use as output clocks.The controller uses the Cclock as a feedbackinput
for clocking in data from the QDR SRAM.
Control RPS_bar Active-low read port select signal, sampled on the rising edge of K.
Outputs WPS_bar Active-low write port select signal, sampled on the rising edge of K.
BWS_bar[1..0] Active-low byte write select signal, sampled on the rising edge of K.This
signal is used to individually select which bytes are written or read.
Outputs A[17..0] TheQDRSRAMusesthesameaddresssignalsfortheread and writeports.
For the CY7C1302 device, the address inputs to the QDR SRAM are
sampled on the rising edge of Kfor reads and on the rising edge of K_bar
for writes.
Data Inputs Dout[17..0] Read data output from QDR SRAM. Two words can be transferred from the
QDR SRAM during each clock cycle because the QDR outputs data on the
rising edges of Cand C_bar. Data output by the SRAM on the rising edge
of Cis captured by the controller on the subsequent falling edge of C.Data
output on the rising edge of C_bar is captured on the subsequent rising
edge of C.
Data Outputs Din[17..0] Write data input to the QDR SRAM. Data is captured by the QDR on the
rising edges of Kand K_bar.Therefore,two wordscan be transferred to the
QDR SRAM during each clock cycle.
4Altera Corporation
AN 133: QDR SRAM Controller Function
HSTL is a voltage-referenced I/O standard, very similar to the SSTL
standard, which is supported by the Quartus software. To implement the
Expanded HSTL interface, perform the following procedure.
1. In the Quartus software, use the Assignment Organizer to make an
I/O standard assignment of SSTL-2 Class I on all APEX pins that
interface with the SRAM (A[17..0],din[17..0],
dout [17..0],rps_bar,wps_bar,bws_bar[1..0],K,K_bar,
2. To implement the reference voltage pins required by the Expanded
HSTL standard, use the Quartus software to place VREF pin
assignments on all I/O banks that hold the interface pins. The same
VREF placement rules apply for Expanded HSTL as for SSTL. See the
Using I/O Standards in the Quartus Software White Paper for further
details on placing SSTL VREF pins.
3. UsetheQuartussoftwaretogenerateanSRAMObjectFile(.sof)for
the APEX device. The same SOF generated with SSTL I/O pins can
be used for Expanded HSTL I/O pins.
4. On the board, connect the VCCIO of each Expanded HSTL I/O bank
to 1.8 V. Connect all VREF pins to 0.75 V and terminate the
Expanded HSTL I/O signals as specified by the SRAM vendor.
Clock Generation
The clocking scheme used for the controller is important to maintain high
frequency operation. This clocking scheme requires the use of a PLL,
which is available on-chip in APEX 20KE devices, and three global clock
resources in the APEX device. (When ordering devices, be sure to specify
the X suffix for PLL-enabled devices.) The following clocks are required
for a QDR SRAM controller:
Input clock from the system
1x and 2x controller clocks
SRAM clocks Kand K_bar
Controller feedback clock C
The system must supply an input clock, nominally 100 MHz. This clock
can then be fed to the on-chip PLL, which generates a 1x clock and a 2x
clock for the controller. The 1x clock inputs data from the system and
pipes it through the controller. The data in, address, and control lines to
the SRAM can be clocked at a double data rate using the 2x clock.
Altera Corporation 5
AN 133: QDR SRAM Controller Function
The controller must also generate a differential clock signal (Kand K_bar)
for the QDR SRAM device. This action can be performed by using a 2x
clock to clock a T flipflop and register the true and complement of the TFF
output. The result is a 1x clock signal (K) and a 180-degree-phase-shifted
1x clock signal (K_bar).
Kand K_bar are output from the APEX device and sent to the SRAM
along with the data, address, and control lines. This clocking scheme
negates the effect of signal skew on write and read request operations,
because the propagation delays for Kand K_bar from the APEX device to
operation, the board designer should take care to equalize the trace length
(and therefore the flight times) of the data in, address, and control signals
with the Kand K_bar clocks.
When the Kclock reaches the SRAM, it is fed back to the controller as clock
Cand used to clock in any data arriving from the SRAM to the controller.
Because the SRAM outputs are also registered with clock C,thedatasent
reducing skew on read operations. The board designer should equalize
trace lengths of the data out bus and the Cclock signal.
Additionally, Altera recommends that the board designer place the APEX
device adjacent to the SRAM on the circuit board. This positioning keeps
trace length to a minimum and further minimizes any skew caused by
board delay.
Because data is exchanged between the controller and the SRAM at high
speeds, special care must be taken to avoid setup or hold violations for the
SRAM or APEX device. This section discusses the timing issues that may
arise when designing a high-speed interface.
Write Cycle
When designing for proper write-cycle timing, meeting the setup and
hold requirements of the SRAM is the primary concern. Setup and hold
specifications for the CY7C1302 (100-MHz speed grade) are 1 ns each.
Both the QDR clock and data signals are driven from the controller, so the
clock-to-output delay from the APEX device pins is the same for both sets
of pins. As determined by characterization, the clock-to-output delay
from the APEX pins when using Expanded HSTL can range from 2.2 ns to
4.9 ns (depending on temperature) but is consistent for both sets of pins.
The same principle applies to board delay, because flight times for clock
and data signals are equalized.
6Altera Corporation
AN 133: QDR SRAM Controller Function
The Kand K_bar outputs are clocked out from two registers, clkout and
clkout_bar. If these registers are placed in logic element (LE) registers
in the adjacent logic array block (LAB), their clock-to-output time is only
slightly greater than the clock-to-output time of the data and address
signals. Because Kand K_bar are clocked out on the positive edge of the
2x clock while data and address are clocked out on the negative edge,
there is a cushion of 2.5 ns each way for timing purposes.
The following calculations apply for controller-to-SRAM data transfers.
The calculation allows for up to a 1.2-ns difference between clock tCO and
data/address tCO, and up to 0.2 ns of board skew.
[tCO(APEX Clock) tCO(APEX Data and Address)] +
Board Skew (Clock Data) + tSU (SRAM) < 2.5 ns
[4.9 ns 3.7 ns] + 0.2 ns + 1.0 ns = 2.4 ns < 2.5 ns
[tCO(APEX Data and Address) tCO(APEX Clock)] +
Board Skew (Clock Data) + tH(SRAM) < 2.5 ns
[3.4 ns 2.2 ns] + 0.2 ns + 1.0 ns = 2.4 ns < 2.5 ns
Figure 3 shows the write cycle timing waveform for the SRAM interface
pins at 100 MHz.
Figure 3. Write Cycle Timing Waveform
t (APEX Clock)
t (APEX Data)
Altera Corporation 7
AN 133: QDR SRAM Controller Function
Read Cycle
When read data is sent from the SRAM to the controller, setup times on
the programmable delay features available in the APEX device. Apply the
following setting in the Quartus software to use the programmable delay
feature, which decreases the delay from the dout input pins to the input
registers, thereby decreasing the setup requirement:
With this setting turned on, the setup requirement for the dout pins in an
APEX 20KE device is 0.9 ns. Hold time requirements remain at 0.0 ns.
Arrival time of the dout signal is determined by the clock-to-output
specification for the SRAM. For the CY7C1302, the maximum tCO value is
3.0 ns, while the minimum tCO value (i.e., data output hold time tDOH)is
1.2 ns. Board delay can be ignored, because flight times for the Csignal
and the dout bus are roughly equal. Regardless, the timing calculation
allows for some skew between the clock and data lines.
Data is sent out of the SRAM on the rising edge of C,andiscapturedby
the controller on the falling edge of C. For a clock speed of 100 MHz, there
is a 5-ns window between the rising and falling edges. Subtracting a clock-
to-output delay of 3 ns leaves 2 ns of setup time on the APEX pins. This
timing meets the setup requirement of 0.9 ns, with 0.2 ns margin for any
signal skew.
The following calculations apply for data transfer from the SRAM to the
tCO (SRAM) + Board Skew (Clock Data) + tSU (APEX) < 5 ns
3.0 ns + 0.2 ns + 0.9 ns = 4.1 ns < 5 ns
tDOH (SRAM) + Board Skew (Data Clock) tH(APEX) > 0 ns
1.2 ns 0.2 ns 0.0 ns = 1.0 ns > 0 ns
Figure 4 shows the read cycle timing waveform for the SRAM interface
pins at 100 MHz.
Altera, APEX, APEX 20K, APEX 20KE, and Quartus are trademarks and/or service marks of Altera
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copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance
with Alteras standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any
time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application
or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to
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Copyright 2000 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
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AN 133: QDR SRAM Controller Function
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Figure 4. Read Cycle Timing Waveform
Conclusion The QDR SRAM architecture was designed to greatly increase memory
bandwidth for communications systems. Due to their speed and
programmability, APEX 20KE devices are ideal for implementation of a
QDR SRAM controller.
References For more information , refer to the following documents:
Cypress CY7C1302V25 QDR SRAM data sheet
Altera Using I/O Standards in the Quartus Software White Paper
t (APEX Address)
t (APEX Clock)
Q(A) Q(A+1)