Specifications (continued)
U1610A U1620A
Characteristic (continued)
Horizontal system
Range 5 ns/div to 50 s/div 2 ns/div to 50 s/div
Resolution 100 ps for 5 ns/div 40 ps for 2 ns/div
Timebase accuracy 25 ppm
Reference position Left, center, right
Delay range (pre-trigger) 1 screen width or 120 µs (whichever less) 1 screen width or 1 ms (whichever less)
Delay range (post-trigger) 50 ms to 500 s 20 ms to 500 s
Delay resolution 100 ps for 5 ns/div 40 ps for 2 ns/div
Delay time measurement accuracy Same channel: ± 0.0025% reading ± 0.17% screen width ± 60 ps
Channel-to-channel: ± 0.0025% reading ± 0.17% screen width ± 120 ps
Modes Main, zoom, XY, roll
Horizontal pan and zoom Dual window zoom
Trigger system
Sources Channel 1, Channel 2, External
Modes Normal, Single, Auto
Types Edge, Glitch, TV, Nth Edge, CAN, LIN
Autoscale Finds or displays active channels, sets the edge trigger type on the highest numbered
channel, and sets the vertical sensitivity on the scope channel timebase to display
~2 periods
Requires > 10 mVpp minimum voltage, 0.5% duty cycle, and > 50 Hz minimum frequency
Holdoff time 60 ns to 10 s
Range ± 6 div from center of screen
Sensitivity ≥ 10 mV/div: 0.5 div
< 10 mV/div: greater of 1 div or 5 mV
Trigger level accuracy ± 0.6 div
Coupling modes AC (~10 Hz), DC, LF-Reject (~35 kHz), HF-Reject (~35 kHz)
External trigger
• Input impedance 1 MΩ ≈ 10 pF
• Maximum input CAT III 300 V
• Range DC coupling: trigger level ± 5 V
• Bandwidth 100 kHz
Automatic measurements Delay, duty cycle (+/–), fall/rise time, frequency, period, phase shift, T-max, T-min, width
(+/–), amplitude, average, base, crest, cycle mean, maximum, minimum, overshoot,
peak-to-peak, preshoot, standard deviation, top, Vrms (AC/DC), active/apparent/reactive
power, power factor
Waveform math functions CH1 + CH2, CH1 – CH2, CH2 – CH1, CH1 × CH2, CH1/CH2, CH2/CH1, d/dt (CH1), d/dt
(CH2), ∫(CH1)dt, ∫(CH2)dt, FFT
Cursors Delta V: Voltage difference between cursors
Delta T: Time difference between cursors
FFT points 1024
FFT windows Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, Blackman-Harris, Flattop