for General Electronic Equipment
Notice for TAIYO YUDEN products
Please read this notice before using the TAIYO YUDEN products.
■Product Information in this Catalog
Product information in this catalog is as of October 2020. All of the
contents specified herein and production status of the products listed in
this catalog are subject to change without notice due to technical
improvement of our products, etc. Therefore, please check for the latest
information carefully before practical application or use of our products.
Please note that TAIYO YUDEN shall not be in any way responsible
for any damages and defects in products or equipment incorporating
our products, which are caused under the conditions other than those
specified in this catalog or individual product specification sheets.
■Approval of Product Specifications
Please conta ct TA IYO YU DEN for fu r ther details of produ ct
specifications as the individual product specification sheets are
available. When using our products, please be sure to approve our
product specifications or make a written agreement on the product
specification with TAIYO YUDEN in advance.
■Pre-Evaluation in the Actual Equipment and Conditions
Please conduct validation and verification of our products in actual
conditions of mounting and operating environment before using our
■Limited Application
1. Equipment Intended for Use
The pr oduc ts lis ted in this cata log are intend ed for g ene ral-
purpose and standard use in general electronic equipment (e.g.,
AV equipment, OA equipment, home electric appliances, office
equipment, information and communication equipment including,
without limitation, mobile phone, and PC) and other equipment
specified in this catalog or the individual product specification sheets.
TAIYO YUDEN has the line-up of the products intended for
use in automotive electronic equipment, telecommunications
infrastructure and industrial equipment, or medical devices
classified as GHTF Classes A to C (Japan Classes I to III).
Therefo re, when using our products for the se equipment,
please check available applications specified in this catalog
or the individual product spe cification sheets and use the
corresponding products.
2. Equipment Requiring Inquiry
Please be sure to contact TAIYO YUDEN for further information
before using the products listed in this catalog for the following
equipment (excluding intended equipment as specified in this
catalog or the individual product specification sheets) which may
cause loss of human life, bodily injury, serious property damage
and/or serious public impact due to a failure or defect of the
products and/or malfunction attributed thereto.
(1) Transportation equipment (automotive powertrain control
system, train control system, and ship control system, etc.)
(2) Traffic signal equipment
(3) Disaster prevention equipment, crime prevention equipment
(4) Medical devices classified as GHTF Class C (Japan Class III)
(5) Highly public information network equipment, data-
processing equipment (telephone exchange, and base
station, etc.)
(6) Any other equipment requiring high levels of quality and/or
reliability equal to the equipment listed above
3. Equipment Prohibited for Use
Please do not incorporate our products into the following
equipment requiring extremely high levels of safety and/or
(1) Aerospace equipment (artificial satellite, rocket, etc.)
(2) Aviation equipment *1
(3) Medical devices classified as GHTF Class D (Japan Class IV),
implantable medical devices *
(4) Powe r generation control e quipme nt (nuclear powe r,
hydroelectric power, thermal power plant control system, etc.)
(5) Undersea equipment (submarine repeating equipment,
underwater work equipment, etc.)
(6) Military equipment
(7) Any other equipment requiring extremely high levels of safety
and/or reliability equal to the equipment listed above
1. There is a possibility that our products can be used only
for aviation equipment that does not directly affect the safe
operation of aircraft (e.g., in-flight entertainment, cabin
light, electric seat, cooking equipment) if such use meets
requirements specified separately by TAIYO YUDEN. Please
be sure to contact TAIYO YUDEN for further information
before using our products for such aviation equipment.
2. Implantable medical devices contain not only internal unit
which is implanted in a body, but also external unit which is
connected to the internal unit.
4. Limitation of Liability
Please note that unless you obtain prior written consent of TAIYO
YUDEN, TAIYO YUDEN shall not be in any way responsible for
any damages incurred by you or third parties arising from use of
the products listed in this catalog for any equipment that is not
intended for use by TAIYO YUDEN, or any equipment requiring
inquiry to TAIYO YUDEN or prohibited for use by TAIYO YUDEN
as described above.
■Safety Design
When using our products for high safety and/or reliability-required
equipment or circuits, please fully perform safety and/or reliability
evaluation. In addition, please install (i) systems equipped with
a protection circuit and a protection device and/or (ii) systems
equipped with a redundant circuit or other system to prevent an
unsafe status in the event of a single fault for a failsafe design to
ensure safety.
■Intellectual Property Rights
Information contained in this catalog is intended to convey examples
of typical performances and/or applications of our products and is
not intended to make any warranty with respect to the intellectual
property rights or any other related rights of TAIYO YUDEN or any
third parties nor grant any license under such rights.
■Limited Warranty
Please note that the scope of warranty for our products is limited to
the delivered our products themselves and TAIYO YUDEN shall not
be in any way responsible for any damages resulting from a failure
or defect in our products. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if there is
a written agreement (e.g., supply and purchase agreement, quality
assurance agreement) signed by TAIYO YUDEN and your company,
TAIYO YUDEN will warrant our products in accordance with such
■TAIYO YUDEN’s Official Sales Channel
The contents of this catalog are applicable to our products which are
purchased from our sales offices or authorized distributors (hereinafter
TAIYO YUDENs official sales channel). Please note that the contents
of this catalog are not applicable to our products purchased from any
seller other than TAIYO YUDENs official sales channel.
■Caution for Export
Some of our products listed in this catalog may require specific
procedures for export according to U.S. Export Administration
Regulations, Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law
of Japan, and other applicable regulations. Should you have any
questions on this matter, please contact our sales staff.
January 2021. All of the