P/N:PM1301 REV. 1.2, NOV. 06, 2006
MX29LV002C/002NC T/B
MX29LV004C T/B
MX29LV008C T/B
Secto r Erase is to erase all the data in a secto r with "1" and "0" as all "1". It requires six command cycles to issue. The
first two cycles are "unlock cycles", the third o ne is a configuratio n cycle, the f o urth and fifth are also "unlo ck cycles"
and the sixth cycle is the secto r erase command. After the sector erase command sequence is issued, there is a time-
o ut period o f 50us counted internally . During the time-o ut period, additional sector address and sector erase co mmand
can be written multiply. Once user enters ano ther sector erase co mmand, the time-o ut perio d of 50us is reco unted. If
user enters any co mmand o ther than sector eras o r erase suspend during time-o ut perio d, the erase co mmand wo uld
be abor ted and the device is reset to read array condition . The number of sectors could be from one sector to all
secto rs. After time-o ut perio d passing by, additio nal erase co mmand is not accepted and erase embedded o peratio n
During sector erasing, all commands will no t be accepted except hardware reset and erase suspend and user can
check the status as chip erase.
When the embedded chip erase o peratio n is on go ing, user can co nfirm if the embedded operation is finished o r no t by
the fo llowing metho ds:
Status Q7 Q6 Q5 Q2 RY/BY#
In pro gress 0 Togging 0 Toggling 0
Finished 1 Stop toggling 0 1 1
Exceed time limit 0 Toggling 1 Toggling 0
Chip Erase is to erase all the data with "1" and "0" as all "1". It needs 6 cycles to write the actio n in, and the first two
cycles are "unlo ck" cycles , the third o ne is a co nfiguration cycle, the fourth and fifth are also "unlo ck" cycles , and the
sixth cycle is the chip erase operation.
During chip erasing, all the co mmands will not be accepted except hardware reset or the wo rking vo ltage is too low that
chip erase will be interrupted. After Chip Erase, the chip will return to the state o f Read Array.
*1: The status Q3 is the time-out per iod indicator. When Q3=0, the device is in time-out period and is acceptible to
ano ther secto r address to be erased. When Q3=1, the de vice is in erase o peratio n and o nly er ase suspend is valid.
*2: R Y/BY# is o pen drain o utput pin and sho uld be weakly co nnected to Vcc through a pull-up resisto r.
*3: When an attempt is made to erase a pro tected sector , Q7 will o utput its complement data o r Q6 continues to toggle
f o r 100us o r less and the de vice returned to read arra y status witho ut erasing the data in the pro tected secto r .
When the embedded erase o peration is o n going, user can co nfirm if the embedded operatio n is finished or no t by the
fo llowing metho ds:
Status Q7 Q6 Q5 Q3 Q2 RY/BY#*2
Time-out period 0 To gging 0 0 Toggling 0
In pro gress 0 To gging 0 1 Toggling 0
Finished 1 Sto p toggling 0 1 1 1
Exceed time limit 0 Toggling 1 1 Toggling 0