Style R Receptacle - Extended 8477 A080 100-8 a | Inverted (2,54) Q SEONG no F 4-Row / 5-Row i LB owA* _ one E | 516 {13,10) rt o i | eon | ely L_ =7))| kevinc @ For dimension see y contact designation code. D 100 pa ed 200 (2,54) yRow Cow G-un - (6,08) aE t +12 fl x (5.31) 300 OM. 172 DIA Lo o> L | (782) (2.84) HOLE PATTERN ae, ORDERING CODE Typical Example PREFIX Se 20-SOCKET WITHOUT KEYING 22-SOCKET WITH KEYING SERIES inverted DIN, Expanded NUMBER OF CONTACT CAVITY POSITIONS NO. CONTACT POSITIONS [| CONTACT ROWS | A | 8 Cc D E |F G 128 44x32) a1 | gare 5.90) (66.90) gas) dito (1310) 160 5 (6 x32) 31 | ara | e390 | eae | eran | (ae | (aon 20 A 4 (4x50) 49 |aau) (eae) CONTACT DESIGNATION CODE CODE NO. DESCRIPTION erty | | CODENO. DESCRIPTION LNA jgnt-angle PC. contact 18 i tact 118 002 2 core tonal (3,00) 006 Bf OES. x03 (0,79) (3,00) Right-angle wire wrap 449 008 Z square terminal (11,43) ight-angle PC. contact 177 o12 Z cere orrinas (45) VARIATION CODE Gold Contact Area, NOTE: For alternate loading Gold All Over Tir/Lead Terminal and plating, please contact DIN 41612 DIN 41612 factory. Class Ill Class IIt AANot available with keying. 50 Cycles 50 Cycles Shaded variations recommended for standard applications. 073 001 Available through ELCO franchised distributors. 074 002 56