Document #: 38-03030 Rev. *A Page 3 of 12
Functional Description
The 64 macrocells in the CY7C37 3i are divid ed be tween fou r
logic blocks. Each logic block incl udes 16 macrocells, a 72 x
86 product term array , and an intelligent product term allocator.
The logic blocks in the FLASH370i architecture are connected
with an extreme ly fast and predictable routing resource—the
Programmable Interconnect Matrix (PIM). The PIM brings
flexibility, routability, speed, and a uniform delay to the inter-
Like all members of the FLASH370i family , the CY7C373i is rich
in I/O resources. Every macrocell in the device features an
associated I/O pin, resulting in 64 I/O pins on the CY7 C373i.
In addition, there is one dedicated input and four input/clock
Finally, the CY7C373i features a very simple timing model.
Unlike other high-density CPLD architectures, there are no
hidden speed delays such as fanout effects, interconnect
delays, or expander delays. Regardless of the number of
resources used or the type of application, the timing param-
eters on the CY7C373i remain the same.
Logic Block
The number of logic blocks d istinguishes the membe rs of the
FLASH370i family. The CY7C373i includes four logic blocks.
Each logic block is constructed of a product term array, a
product term allocator, and 16 macrocells.
Product Term Array
The product term array in the FLASH370i logic block in cludes
36 inputs from the PIM and outputs 86 product terms to the
product term allocator. The 36 inputs from the PIM are
available in both positive and negative polarity, making the
overall array size 72 x 86. This large array in each logic block
allows for very complex functions to be implemented in single
passes through the device.
Product Term Allocator
The product term allocator is a dynamic, configurable resource
that shifts product term resources to macrocells that require
them. Any number of product terms between 0 and 16
inclusive can be assigned to any of the logic block macrocells
(this is called product term steering). Furthermore, product
terms can be shared among multiple macrocells. Th is mean s
that product terms that are common to more than one output
can be implemented in a single product term. Product term
steering and product term sharing help to increase the
effective density of the FLASH370i CPLDs. Note that the
product term allocator is handl ed by software and is invisible
to the user.
I/O Macrocell
Each of the macrocells on the CY7C373i has a separate I/O
pin associated with it. In oth er words, each I/O pin is shared
by two macrocells. The input to the macrocell is the sum of
between 0 and 16 product terms from the product term
allocator. The macrocell includes a register that can be
optionally bypassed, polarity control over the input sum-term,
and two global clocks to trigger the register. The macrocell
also features a se parate feed b ac k path to the PIM so that the
register can be buried if the I/O pin is used as an input.
Programmable Interconnect Matrix
The Programmable Interconnect Matrix (PIM) connects the
four logic blocks on the CY7C373i to the inputs and to each
other. All inputs (including feedbacks) travel th rough the PIM.
There is no speed penalty incurred by signals traversing the
For an overview of ISR programming, refer to the FLASH370i
Family data sheet and for ISR cable and software specifica-
tions, refer to ISR data sheets. For a detailed description of
ISR capabilities, refer to the Cypress application note, “An
Introduction to In System Reprogramming with FLASH370i.”
PCI Compliance
The FLASH370i family of CMOS CPLDs are fully compliant with
the PCI Local Bus Speci fication publishe d by the PCI Special
Interest Group. The simple and predictable timing model of
FLASH370i ensures compliance with the PCI AC specifications
independent of the design. On the other hand, in CPLD and
FPGA architectures without simple and predictable timing, PCI
compliance is dependent upon routing and product term
3.3V or 5.0V I/O operation
The FLASH370i family can be configured to operate in both
3.3V and 5.0V systems. All devices have two sets of VCC pin s:
one set, VCCINT, for internal operation and input buffers, and
another set, VCCIO, for I/O output drivers. VCCINT pins must
always be connected to a 5.0V power supply. However, the
VCCIO pins may be connected to either a 3.3V or 5.0V powe r
supply, depending on the output requirements. When VCCIO
pins are connected to a 5.0V source, the I/O voltage levels are
compatible with 5.0V systems. When VCCIO pins are
connected to a 3.3V source, the input voltage levels are
compatible with both 5.0V and 3.3V systems, while the output
voltage levels are compatible with 3.3V systems. There will be
an additional timing delay on all output buffers when operating
in 3.3V I/O mode. The added flexibility of 3.3V I/O capability is
available in commercial and industrial temperature ranges.
Bus Hold Capabilities on all I/Os and Dedicated Inputs
In addition to ISR capability , a new feature called bus-hold has
been added to all FLASH370i I/Os and dedicated input pins.
Bus-hold, which is an improved version of the popular internal
pull-up resistor , is a weak latch connected to the pin that does
not degrade the device’s performance. As a latch, bus-hold
recalls the last state of a pin when it is three-stated, thus
reducing system noise in bus-interface applications. Bus-hold
additionally allows unused device pins to remain unconnected
on the board, which is particularly useful during prototyping as
designers can route new signals to the de vice without cutting
trace connections to VCC or GND.
Design Tools
Development software for the CY7C371i is available from
Cypress’s Warp™, Warp Professional™, and Warp Enter-
prise™ software packages. Please refer to the data sheets on
these products for more details. Cypress also actively
supports almost all third-party design tools. Please refer to
third-party tool support for further information.
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