OPTOELECTRONICS PHOTO FET OPTOCOUPLERS DIMENSIONS IN mm PACKAGE CODE K ST1603A OUTPUT ANODE |4 6 TERM. CATH.|2 Zz 5] OUTPUT [5 4 TERM. ST1600 Equivalent Circuit TOTAL PACKAGE Storage temperature .............. 55C to 150C Operating temperature ............ 55C to 100C Lead solder temperature .......... 260C for 10 sec INPUT DIODE Power dissipation (25C ambient) .......... 100 mW Derate linearly (above 25C) ........... 1.33 mW/C Continuous forward current ...............- 60 mA Peak forward current (10us pulse, 1% duty cycle). 1A Reverse voltage... 6... eee eee 6V H11F1 H11F2 H11F3 The H11F series has a gallium-aluminum-arsenide infrared emitting diode coupled to a symmetrical bilateral silicon photodetector. The detector is electrically isolated from the input and performs like an ideal isolated FET designed for distortion-free control of low level ac and dc analog signals. The H11F series devices are mounted in dual in-line packages. As a remote variable resistor @ <100 29 to =300 MO @ >99.9% linearity m <15 pF shunt capacitance m =100 GO I/O isolation resistance As an analog switch w Extremely low offset voltage m 60 V pk-pk signal capability m No charge injection or latchup @ to, tor $15 us m Underwriters Laboratory (UL) recognizedFile #E90700 As a variable resistor @ Isolated variable attenuator m Automatic gain control = Active filter fine tuning/band switching As an analog switch w Isolated sample and hold circuit = Multiplexed, optically isolated A/D conversion DETECTOR Power dissipation (at 25C ambient) ....... 300 mw Derate linearly (above 25C ambient) ...... 4mw/Cc Breakdown voltage (H11F1, H11F2) .......... +30V Breakdown voltage (H11F3) ..............0.. +15V Continuous detector current ............. +100 mA@& PHOTO FET OPTOELECTRONICS OPTOCOUPLERS npu PONEN TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. INPUT DIODE Forward voltage VE 1.1 1.75 v =16 mA Reverse current la 10 pA Va=5V Capacitance on 50 pF V=0, f=1 MHz OUTPUT DETECTOR (Either polarity) Breakdown voltage (H11F1, H11F2) BVi6 30 Vv I,=10 vA, |-=0 (H11F3) BVig 15 v I-=10 LA, =O Off-state dark current lis 50 nA Vie=15 V, =O las 50 pA Vie=15 V, 1-=0, T.= 100C Off-state resistance les 300 MQ Vis=15 V, 1-=O Capacitance Cus 15 pF Vig=0, lp=O0, f=1 MHz CHARACT ERISTIC SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS TEST CONDITIONS On-state resistance (H11F1) Cag 200 QO r=16 MA, be=100 pA (H11F2) fas 330 a [-=16 MA, |6=100 A (H11F3) las 470 D2 le=16 mA, l4g=100 pA On-state resistance (H11F 1) Tes 200 Oo =16 mA, |4.=100 nA (H11F2) Tea 330 n 1-=16 MA, |6=100 pA (H11F3) Yea 470 QD |-=16 MA, |4=100 vA Turn-on time fon 25 us l-=16 mA, Vie=5 V, R.=500 Turn-off time bor 25 us (-=16 mA, Vis=5 V, R,=50 0 Resistance, non-linearity and asymmetry 0.1 % |;=16 mA, R.=50 2, Vic=5 V Surge isolation voltage Veen 1 Minute Surge isolation voltage Viso 5300 Veus 1 Minute Isolation resistance (input to output) 10" 2 Vio=0, f=1 MHz Input to output capacitance 2 pF Vio=0, f=1 MHzoS PHOTO FET OPTOELECTRONICS OPTOCOUPLERS NORMALIZED TO Tp ={6mA igg=25uA RMS Ty = 25C r(on)- NORMALIZED RESISTANCE 250 100 Ta- AMBIENT TEMPERATURE- C . 872077 1. Resistance vs. Temperature gg~ MAXIMUM RMS SIGNAL VOLTAGE - mv Q MAXIMUM VOLTAGE D 9 - oO y oO igg- MAXIMUM RMS SIGNAL CURRENT pA Tag-NORMALIZED DARK CURRENT Pp 7 os ny NORMALIZED TO Vag =I5V Ip =O Ta =25C -2 Ta-AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ~C + fon) RESISTANC! ; sT2079 w ST2080 2. Region of Linear Resistance 3. Off-State Current vs. Temperature 100 5 80 60 40 Fy 20 a a oO 1% z 4 & 5 6 8 3 yt 4 = 4 z 3 z g ; $2 LO = = YY ; T $ oa 3 igg 102A RMS 06 2 | rons 2002 2 04 3 | a 02 01 aA 10 1 12 13 14 18 16 50 100 150 200 260 300 350 Ve FORWARD VOLTAGE VOLTS $T2081 Vgg-0.C. BIAS VOLTAGE-mv sT2082 4. Input Voltage vs. Input Current 5. Resistive non-linearity vs. D.C. BiasOPTOELECTRONICS PHOTOFET OPTOCOUPLERS : POEs aap AS AN ANALOG SIGNAL SWITCH ISOLATED VARIABLE ATTENUATORS 500K _ 5 Vin Vout VIN ch 02 Vout o Hit |, o Ln __ 5 tl | Ip ! $72058 LOW FREQUENCY HIGH FREQUENCY DYNAMIC RANGE * 7Odb DYNAMIC RANGE = SOdb FOR O v, OF IN) AFI Vout oe Cc If 4} \ ST2059 Accuracy and range are improved over conventional FET switches because the H11F has no charge injection from the control signal. The H11F also provides switching of either polar- ity input signal up to 30V magnitude. AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL Yin Yout SIGNAL T2060 This simple circuit provides over 70db of stable gain control for an AGC signal range of from 0 to 30mA. This basic circuit can be used to provide programmable fade and attack for electronic music. MULTIPLEXED, OPTICALLY-ISOLATED A/D CONVERSION CALL MFI CALL Va s Di ACQUISITION V H74al Liptyiit 1 wel. MSB Ves MSB. 4 PROCESS Vek fe AD Eras f wey contro In - q Li CONVERTER [35 SoZ] SYSTEM AD 38 a HIF! 7 ST2061 The optical isolation, linearity and low offset voltage of the H11F allows the remote multiplexing of low level analog signals from such transducers as thermocouplers, Hall effect devices, strain gauges, etc. to a single A/D converter. ACTIVE FILTER FINE TUNING/BAND SWITCHING l - I - A muri FA HIF! ] | 1 | Al | 4 A2 Bb i iL L If) ADVUSTS f), Ig ADUUSTS fo ST2062 The linearity of resistance and the low offset voltage of the H11F allows the remote tuning or band-switching of active filters without switching glitches or distortion. This schematic illus- trates the concept, with current to the H11F1 IREDs controlling the filter's transfer characteristic. TEST EQUIPMENT KELVIN CONTACT POLARITY HUF HUF t Ig TO A&B FOR PARAMETER | POLARITY 1 SENSING C&D FOR POLARITY 2 HIIFI HUF ST2063 In many test equipment designs the auto polarity function uses reed relay contacts to switch the Kelvin Contact polarity. These reeds are normally one of the highest maintenance cost items due to sticking contacts and mechanical problems. The totally solid-state H11F eliminates these troubles while providing fas- ter switching.