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13March2012/version 7 LEM reserves the right to carry out modications on its transducers, in order to improve them, without prior notice
Ampere-turns and amperes
The transducer is sensitive to the primary current linkage
QP (also called ampere-turns).
Where NPIP is the number of primary turn (1, 2 , 3
or 4 depending on the connection of the primary
Caution: As most applications will use the transducer with
only one single primary turn (NP = 1), much of this datasheet
is written in terms of primary current instead of current
linkages. However, the ampere-turns (A-t) unit is used to
emphasis that current linkages are intended and applicable.
Transducer simplied model
The static model of the transducer at temperature TA is:
VOUT = G QP + error
In which error =
VOE + VOT (TA) + εG ·QP·G + εL(QPmax)·QPmax·G + TCG·(TA-25)·QP·G
With: QP = NPIP :the input ampere-turns (At)
Please read above warning.
QPmax :the maxi input ampere-turns that have
been applied to the transducer (At)
VOUT :the secondary voltage (V)
TA :the ambient temperature (°C)
VOE :the electrical offset voltage (V)
VOT(TA) :the temperature variation of VO at
temperature TA (V)
G :the sensitivity of the transducer (V/At)
G :the sensitivity error
L (QPmax) :the linearity error for QPmax
This model is valid for primary ampere-turns QP between
-QPmax and +QPmax only.
Performance parameters denition
Sensitivity and linearity
To measure sensitivity and linearity, the primary current (DC)
is cycled from 0 to IP, then to -IP and back to 0 (equally spaced
IP/10 steps).
The sensitivity G is dened as the slope of the linear regres-
sion line for a cycle between ± IPN.
The linearity error εL is the maximum positive or negative
difference between the measured points and the linear
regression line, expressed in % of IPN.
Magnetic offset
The magnetic offset current IOM is the consequence of a cur-
rent on the primary side (“memory effect” of the transducer’s
ferro-magnetic parts). It is included in the linearity gure but
can be measured individually.
It is measured using the following primary current cycle.
IOM depends on the current value IP1.
Figure 30: Current cycle used to measure magnetic and
electrical offset (transducer supplied)
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