R RapIDTM Platfo orm - PROFIB P BUS Network k Interfface Siingle po ort, DP-V V1, Slave e Conne ectivity S Solution n The e RapID Platform P Network N Interface e is a com mplete, prre-tested solution that manages the industrrial protoc col for a host proc cessor The Networrk Interface module m or embedded de esign contai ns everrything need ded to participate in a PR ROFIBUS serial network inclu uding the com mmunications controller, protocol stacks, s Flash , RAM, and physical inte erface. A ho ost processor connects to the Netwoork Interrface via a UART or 16b bit Parallel In nterface. At the softwar e layer, the h host connects to the Unified Interface so other protocols caan be used d without ch hanging the host softwaare. The Nettwork Interfaace has passsed PROFIBU US certificatiion for DPV V1 devices. This T means yyour field device will operate problemfree with w any PRO OFIBUS contrroller. Eas sy Hardw ware and Software S Integratiion The Networrk Interface can be integgrated into a design as eeither a mod dule or an em mbedded de esign. As a module, m the Network Intterface plugs into a boarrd using stan ndard 2.54 mm m pitch thrroughhole ppins. Wheen designingin the module, hardware integratio on is as easyy as conn necting Powe er/Ground/R Reset and in nterfacing the Host to th e UART or 16 6bit Parallel interface. As an embedded design n, the Netwo ork Interfacee hardware design can b be integrateed directly u using the scheematics provvided. Also provided p are e the Bill of Materials M annd example llayouts to m minimize the hardware desiggn effort. So oftware for the t embedded design is provided ass firmware that is downloaded to Flash. Wheether using the Network Interface ass a module or o an embeddded design, no software developm ment is requ uired and the ere are no liicense fees or o royalties.. Software inttegration with a Host is also easy. Messages M paassed betweeen the Host and Networrk Interface follo ow the Unifie ed Interface definition. A simple to use, Innovassicsupplied,, PCbased ttool configurres the Netw work Interfa ace, so the Host only passses parameters betweeen it and the Network Interface. Fro om this tool, it is also easy e to spec ify how paraameters will be passed tto the PROFIBUSS controller using the GSSD file. Since the Host iss only passing parameters, tthe Host sofftware does not have to change if PROFIBUSS network paarameters cchange or if aanother Indu ustrial Ethernet protocol is uused. Examp ple Ccode iss provided to o minimize the softw ware effort foor the Host / Network In nterface com mmunication n. www.inno ovasic.com m R RapIDTM Platfo orm - PROFIB P BUS Network k Interfface Siingle po ort, DP-V V1, Slave e Conne ectivity S Solution n Reliable Bus s Operatiion The Networrk Interface physical p inte erface is RS4 485 diffeerential NonReturntoZZero (NRZ) siignaling thatt supports thhe requ uired data rates from 9.6 6 kBaud to 12 MBaud. The T physical interrface provide es complete e isolation an nd uses the standard s DB B9 conn nector that mates m with any a PROFIBU US cable. Ele ectrical charracteristics meet m all PROFIBUS requirements and d the modul e has b been tested for compliance. As a PROFIB BUS slave device, the Network Interfface is a passive commun nication node that respo onds automaatically to th e mance levelss. DPV0 suppports basicc cyclic data exchange, aand DPV1 mastter at eitherr DPV0 or DPV1 perform supp ports both cyyclic and acyyclic data excchange. Sevveral alarm ttypes are sup pported as p part of the acyclic data exch hange. Data rates down to 1 ms are supported at a the maxim mum I/O datta size of 244 4 bytes. A generic Ge eneral Statio on Descriptio on (GSD) file e is providedd as an exam mple electron nic data sheeet for the communication properties of o the device e. The GSD file f describe s to the PRO OFIBUS mastter a device's specific inforrmation such h as key devvice data (i.e. measure vaalues and m anipulated vvariables), communicatiion capaabilities, and diagnostic values. v Fas st Evaluattion and Developm ment The RapID Platform P Nettwork Interfa ace Evaluatio on Kit providdes a quick aassessment for interfacing a Host to o the m module. An application example is provided p in order to dem monstrate eendtoend, H HosttoNetw work InterrfacetoCon ntroller comm munication. Simply connect the Hoost developm ment board tto the Netwo ork Interface e evalu uation board d via the UA ART or 16bit Parallel RapID Pla atform interrface. Once Hostside co ommunicatio on is established, PRO OFIBUS Netw work Interfac ce PROFIBUS comm munication can be evaluaated using a PLC Parrameter Details or Co ontroller sim mulator. The e communicaation path Hosst Processor Any CPU orr DSP betw ween Host an nd PROFIBUS controller can be Hosst Processor UART (115 5.2 kBaud) Inte erfaces 16-bit Paral llel (up to 12..5 Mbps) completely veriffied before in ntegrating th he module into Data Transp port: RS-485 5 yourr field device e hardware. Netw work Inte erface Tem mperature Pow wer Supply PRO OFIBUS RapIDNIEEK V0004 Com mpliance Data Rate: 9.6 Kbps to 12 Mbps Ports: 1 Topology: L Line with term mination -40C to +85 5C Voltage: 3.3 VDC Power conssumption: 1.5 5W Cyclic Inputt Data: 244 b bytes Cyclic Outp put Data: 244 4 bytes Minimum Cycle time: 1 m ms Alarm Type es: Update, S Status, Process, Diiagnostic, Pulll/Plug RoHS, CE, www.inno PI ovasic.com m