ADC12D500RF, ADC12D800RF
SNAS502E –JULY 2011–REVISED MARCH 2013 Calibration and Power-Down
If PDI and PDQ are simultaneously asserted during a calibration cycle, the ADC12D800/500RF will
immediately power down. The calibration cycle will continue when either or both channels are powered
back up, but the calibration will be compromised due to the incomplete settling of bias currents directly
after power up. Therefore, a new calibration should be executed upon powering the ADC12D800/500RF
back up. In general, the ADC12D800/500RF should be recalibrated when either or both channels are
powered back up, or after one channel is powered down. For best results, this should be done after the
device has stabilized to its operating temperature. Calibration and the Digital Outputs
During calibration, the digital outputs (including DI, DId, DQ, DQd and OR) are set logic-low, to reduce
noise. The DCLK runs continuously during calibration. After the calibration is completed and the CalRun
signal is logic-low, it takes an additional 60 Sampling Clock cycles before the output of the
ADC12D800/500RF is valid converted data from the analog inputs. This is the time it takes for the pipeline
to flush, as well as for other internal processes.
6.3.4 Power Down
On the ADC12D800/500RF, the I- and Q-channels may be powered down individually. This may be
accomplished via the control pins, PDI and PDQ, or via ECM. In ECM, the PDI and PDQ pins are logically
OR'd with the Control Register setting. See Power Down I-channel Pin (PDI) and Power Down Q-channel
Pin (PDQ) for more information.
6.4 Applications Information
The ADC12D800/500RF will continuously convert any signal which is present at the analog inputs, as long
as a CLK signal is also provided to the device. This section covers important aspects related to the analog
inputs including: acquiring the input, driving the ADC in DES Mode, the reference voltage and FSR, out-of-
range indication, AC/DC-coupled signals, and single-ended input signals. Acquiring the Input
The Aperture Delay, tAD, is the amount of delay, measured from the sampling edge of the clock input, after
which signal present at the input pin is sampled inside the device. Data is acquired at the rising edge of
CLK+ in Non-DES Mode and both the falling and rising edges of CLK+ in DES Mode. In Non-DES Mode,
the I- and Q-channels always sample data on the rising edge of CLK+. In DES Mode, i.e. DESI, DESQ,
DESIQ, and DESCLKIQ, the I-channel samples data on the rising edge of CLK+ and the Q-channel
samples data on the falling edge of CLK+. The digital equivalent of that data is available at the digital
outputs a constant number of sampling clock cycles later for the DI, DQ, DId and DQd output buses, a.k.a.
Latency, depending on the demultiplex mode which is selected. In addition to the Latency, there is a
constant output delay, tOD, before the data is available at the outputs. See tOD in the Timing Diagrams.
See tLAT, tAD, and tODin Converter Electrical Characteristics AC Electrical Characteristics. Driving the ADC in DES Mode
The ADC12D800/500RF can be configured as either a 2-channel, 800/500 GSPS device (Non-DES Mode)
or a 1-channel 1.6/1.0 GSPS device (DES Mode). When the device is configured in DES Mode, there is a
choice for with which input to drive the single-channel ADC. These are the 3 options:
DES – externally driving the I-channel input only. This is the default selection when the ADC is configured
in DES Mode. It may also be referred to as “DESI” for added clarity.
DESQ – externally driving the Q-channel input only.
60 Functional Description Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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