DMS-30LCD Series
3½ Digit, LCD Display Digital Panel Voltmeters
MPM_DMS30LCD.E01 Page 2 of 6
Performance/Functional Specifi cations
Typical at TA = +25°C and supply voltage = +5V (using the single-ended input circuit)
or +9V (using the differential input circuit), unless otherwise noted.
➀ Applies for transient or continuous overvoltages applied to (+) INPUT HI (pin 11)
with (–) INPUT LO (pin 12) properly connected. Pin 12 is not overvoltage
protected (see Figure 1). Voltages applied to pin 12 should not exceed the
supply voltage.
➁ Listed spec applies to 5V-powered models only. For 9V-powered models, both
(–) INPUT LO (pin 12) and (+) INPUT HIGH (pin 11) must always be at least
1.5V above –BATTERY (pin 3) and at least 1.5V below +BATTERY (pin 1).
➂ See Technical Notes.
DMS-30LCD - 1 - 5 - C
Input Range:
0 = ±200mV
1 = ±2V
2 = ±20V
3 = ±200V
DMS-30-CP Panel cutout punch
DMS-BZL1-C DMS-30 bezel assembly
DMS-BZL2-C DMS-30 bezel assembly with sealing gasket
Add-On Application Boards:
DMS-EB-C Multi-purpose (gain/offset, 4-20mA, etc.)
DMS-EB-DC/DC-C Provides isolated +5V power
DMS-EB-RMS-C For true rms measurements of ac voltages
DMS-EB-AC/DC-C For ac line-powered applications
A panel-mount retaining clip is supplied with each model.
Leave blank for standard
Add B for backlit models.
Power Source:
5 = +5V
9 = +9V
1. +1.23V REFERENCE OUTPUT (Pin 9): This pin is the output of the
meter’s precision +1.23V internal reference, and it is referenced to
ANALOG COMMON (pin 10) which sits at a potential of approximately
+2V. This output should be buffered if used to drive external loads
since sourcing more than 15µA from pin 9 can affect both the initial
accuracy and temperature drift of the meter.
2. ANALOG COMMON (Pin 10): This pin is connected to an internal,
low-noise, “relative” ground. It is used in certain differential and “fl oat-
ing” measurements as described in the Applications section of this data
sheet and Ap Note DMS-AN3 at
http://www.murata-ps.com/data/meters/dms-an3.pdf. Pin 10 should
not be connected to pin 3 (5V RETURN/–BATTERY) or to your
system’s analog ground.
Analog Inputs Min. Typ. Max. Units
Full Scale Input Range:
DMS-30LCD-0 – ±200 – mV
DMS-30LCD-1 – ±2 – Volts
DMS-30LCD-2 – ±20 – Volts
DMS-30LCD-3 – ±200 – Volts
Input Impedence:
DMS-30LCD-0, -1 100 1000 – MΩ
DMS-30LCD-2, -3 0.8 1 – MΩ
Overvoltage Protection ➀––
DMS-30LCD-0, -1, -2 – – ±100 Volts
DMS-30LCD -3 – – ±250 Volts
Common Mode Voltage Range ➁– – ±2 Volts
CMRR (dc to 60Hz) – 86 – dB
Control Inputs ➂
Decimal Pt. Placement (Pins 4-6):
Logic Compatibility
Tie to pin 3 to activate
TTL (on 5V-powered models)
Display Test (Pin 2) Tie to pin 1 to activate
Backlight (Pin 2) Tie to pin 3 to turn on backlight
Sampling Rate 2.5 reading per second
Accuracy (1 minute warm-up):
DMS-30LCD-0 (Vin = +0.19V) – ±1 ±2 Counts
DMS-30LCD-1 (Vin = +1.9V) – ±1 ±2 Counts
DMS-30LCD-2 (Vin = +19V) – ±2 ±3 Counts
DMS-30LCD-3 (Vin = +190V) – ±2 ±3 Counts
Zero Reading (Vin = 0 Volts) “–001” “000” “001”
Temperature Drift (0 = +60°C) – ±0.2 ±0.4 Cnts/°C
+1.23V Reference Out (Pin 9) +1.20 +1.23 +1.25 Volts
Power Supply Requirements (5V Models)
Supply Voltage +4.75 +5.00 +5.25 Volts
Supply Current:
Standard Models – 800 1200 µA
Backlit Models – 45 60 mA
Power Supply Requirements (9V Models)
Supply Voltage +7.5 +9.00 +14.0 Volts
Supply Current:
Standard Models – 350 600 µA
Backlit Models – 45 60 mA
Display Type and Size 3½ digit, 0.4"/10.2mm high LCD
Polarity Indication Autopolarity ("–" for negative Vin)
Overrange Indication "–1_ _ _ " for negative inputs
"1_ _ _ " for positive inputs
Ordering Information
Operating Temperature 0 – +60 °C
Storage Temperature –20 – +75 °C
Humidity (non-condensing) 0 – 95 %
Case Material Polycarbonate
Weight 0.75 ounces (21 grams)
Add -C for RoHS
See www.murata-ps.com/dpm-availability for model-specifi c availability.