Table 2.69. +READRPTCFG – Read Reporting Configuration From Remote Node
Execute Command Response
AT+READRPTCFG:<Address>,<EP>, <SendMode>,<ClusterID>,<
Direction1>, <AttrID1>,…,<Direction16>,<AttrID16>
AT+READRPTCFG:,,,<ClusterID>, <Direction1>,<AttrID1>,…
,<Direction16>, <AttrID16>
<Address> — 16-bit hexadecimal number, which is the Node ID of
a remote device if the command is sent directly to a node, or a
group ID if the command is sent to a group.
<EP> — 8-bit hexadecimal number, which is the endpoint of a re-
mote device. Valid endpoint addresses are: 0x01 to 0xF0.
<SendMode> — A Boolean type to choose transmission mode ('0'
sends the command directly; '1' sends the command to a group).
<Cluster ID> — 16-bit hexadecimal cluster ID (see 1.2.2 Com-
bined Interface).
<Direction> — A Boolean type that specifies whether values of
the attribute are reported (0), or whether reports of the attribute
are received (1).
<AttrID> — 16-bit hexadecimal number representing the attribute
ID according to ZigBee Home Automation specification.
This command can be used to read multiple attributes (up to 16 in
a cluster).
If the address is a Node ID, set SendMode to 0, or the address
will be recognized as a group ID.
If destination address, endpoint, and SendMode are not given (“,”
cannot be omitted), the command will search the binding table for
a destination. If this is the user's preferred method, then it is nec-
essary to add the required destination to the local binding tables
in advance. After that, it will not be necessary to fill in the <addres
s> parameter.
READRPTCFGRSP:<NodeID>,<EP>, <ClusterID>,<Status>,<Dir
ection>,<AttrID>, [<DataType>,<MinimumReportingInterva
l>, <MaximumReportingInterval>, <ReportableChange>][<T
<errorcode> (See 3. List of Status codes.)
<NodeID> — 16-bit hexadecimal number, which is the source
Node ID of the response.
<EP> — 8-bit hexadecimal number, the source endpoint of the re-
<Cluster ID> — 16-bit hexadecimal cluster ID (see 1.2.2 Com-
bined Interface).
<Status> — 8-bit hexadecimal number indicating the result of the
requested operation.
<Direction> — 8-bit hexadecimal number specifies whether val-
ues of the attribute are reported (0x00), or whether reports of the
attribute are received (0x01).
<AttrID> — Attribute ID as a 16-bit hexadecimal number.
If the received <Direction> field is 0x00, the following informa-
tion is expected:
<DataType> — 8-bit hexadecimal number representing the attrib-
ute data type.
<MinimumReportingInterval> — The minimum reporting inter-
val field is 16 bits in length and will contain the minimum interval,
in seconds, between issuing reports for the attribute specified in
the attribute Identifier field. If the minimum reporting interval has
not been configured, this field will contain the value 0xffff.
<MaximumReportingInterval> — The maximum reporting inter-
val field is 16 bits in length and will contain the maximum interval,
in seconds, between issuing reports for the attribute specified in
the attribute Identifier field. If the maximum reporting interval has
not been configured, this field will contain the value 0xffff.
<ReportableChange> — The reportable change field will contain
the minimum change to the attribute that will result in a report be-
ing issued. For attributes with 'analog' data type (see ZigBee Clus-
ter Library 075123r04) the field has the same data type as the at-
tribute. If the reportable change has not been configured, this field
will contain the invalid value for the relevant data type.
For attributes of 'discrete' data types (see ZigBee Cluster Library)
this field is omitted.
AN1003: TG-PM-0523-CICIE R3xx CICIE AT Command Set
AT Style Command Conventions | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 0.1 | 54