325 MHz SAW Filter
12 MHz Bandwidth
Part Number: SF0325BA02633S
• SAW Products •
• 324 Clark Street, Worcester, MA 01606, USA •
• Ph 1-508-852-5400 •
• Fax 1-508-852-8456
www.idt.com DSSF0325BA02633S Rev- 20-April-09
ECN 36378 Page 2 of 3
Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Center Frequency F
- 325 - MHz
Minimum Insertion Loss (IL) - 12.8 14 dB
1 dB Bandwidth 9 10.6 - MHz
3 dB Bandwidth 10 12.4 - MHz
40 dB Bandwidth - 18.8 35.5 MHz
Amplitude Ripple (320.75 to 329.25 MHz) - 0.6 1 dB p-p
Phase Linearity (320.75 to 329.25 MHz) - 5 - deg p-p
Group Delay Ripple (320.75 to 329.25 MHz)
- 35 75 ns p-p
Attenuation (Reference level from Minimum Insertion Loss (IL))
10 to 220 MHz
50 64 - dB
220 to 300 MHz 40 47 - dB
350 to 355 MHz 40 50 - dB
355 to 375 MHz 35 51 - dB
375 to 380 MHz 40 51 - dB
380 to 405 MHz 35 52 - dB
405 to 500 MHz 40 53 - dB
Input / Output Return Loss 10 12 - dB
Source and Load Impedance - 50 - Ω
Ambient Temperature - 25 - ºC
Parameter Min Max Units
Storage Temperature Range -40 +85 ºC
Operating Temperature Range -40 +85 ºC
Input Power Level - 10 dBm
Zin = Zout =50 ohm, single ended
L1=10 nH L2=12 nH L3=10 nH L4=15 nH