Wireless four-way articulating camera, focal
length 25–60 mm
Part number VSA4-1M-W
The new FLIR wireless four-way articulation
videoscope cameras for the VS70 allows for
inspection of tight, remote, and off-center targets.
Use both articulation knobs to control movement
of the camera up, down, left, and right to get a
complete video or picture for your inspection.
These cameras come with an integrated handset
that contains power and brightness adjustment
buttons. Set your display down or let it hang from
the neck strap while you focus on your probe
orientation without worrying about cords. Also
included are the handy camera tip accessories
that allow viewing at a 45° angle (mirror),
retrieving a metallic object (magnet), and reduce
the likelihood of getting stuck (anti-snag ball).
General information
Compatible main unit VS70
Integrated handset Yes
Wireless capabilities 2.4 GHz to main unit
Wireless maximum range 30 m
Compatible wireless handset N/A
Compatible detachable cameras N/A
Warranty 2 years
Camera specifications
Articulation 240 ± 20° manual tip articulation
Diameter 8 mm
Resolution VGA ( 640 × 480 pixels)
Probe length 1 m
Focal length 25–60 mm
Field of view 60°
Imaging sensor CMOS
Video format NTSC
Brightness control Manual with 10 level options
P/N: VSA4-1M-W
© 2015, FLIR Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved worldwide. Names and marks
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identification only and are the property of their
respective owners.
Document identity
Publ. No.: VSA4-1M-W
Commit: 29700
Modified: 2015-10-16
Formatted: 2015-10-20
Specifications subject to change without further
notice. Camera models and accessories subject
to regional market considerations. License
procedures may apply. Products described herein
may be subject to US Export Regulations. Please
refer to exportquestions@flir.com with any
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