For more information www.linear.com/LT8330
applicaTions inForMaTion
The LT8330 switches at 2MHz, allowing small value induc-
tors to be used. 0.68µH to 10µH will usually suffice. Choose
an inductor that can handle at least 1.4A without saturating,
and ensure that the inductor has a low DCR (copper-wire
resistance) to minimize I2R power losses. Note that in
some applications, the current handling requirements of
the inductor can be lower, such as in the SEPIC topology
where each inductor only carries one-half of the total
switch current. For better efficiency, use similar valued
inductors with a larger volume. Many different sizes and
shapes are available from various manufacturers. Choose
a core material that has low losses at 2MHz, such as a
ferrite core. The final value chosen for the inductor should
not allow peak inductor currents to exceed 1A in steady
state at maximum load. Due to tolerances, be sure to ac-
count for minimum possible inductance value, switching
frequency and converter efficiency.
Table 1. Inductor Manufacturers
Sumida (847) 956-0666 www.sumida.com
TDK (847) 803-6100 www.tdk.com
Murata (714) 852-2001 www.murata.com
Coilcraft (847) 639-6400 www.coilcraft.com
Würth (605) 886-4385 www.we-online.com
Bypass the input of the LT8330 circuit with a ceramic ca-
pacitor of X7R or X5R type placed as close as possible to
the VIN and GND pins. Y5V types have poor performance
over temperature and applied voltage, and should not be
used. A 4.7µF to 10µF ceramic capacitor is adequate to
bypass the LT8330 and will easily handle the ripple cur-
rent. If the input power source has high impedance, or
there is significant inductance due to long wires or cables,
additional bulk capacitance may be necessary. This can
be provided with a low performance electrolytic capacitor.
A precaution regarding the ceramic input capacitor con-
cerns the maximum input voltage rating of the LT8330.
A ceramic input capacitor combined with trace or cable
inductance forms a high quality (under damped) tank cir-
cuit. If the LT8330 circuit is plugged into a live supply, the
input voltage can ring to twice its nominal value, possibly
exceeding the LT8330’s voltage rating. This situation is
easily avoided (see Application Note 88).
Low ESR (equivalent series resistance) capacitors should
be used at the output to minimize the output ripple voltage.
Multilayer ceramic capacitors are an excellent choice, as
they are small and have extremely low ESR. Use X5R or
X7R types. This choice will provide low output ripple and
good transient response. A 4.7µF to 15µF output capacitor
is sufficient for most applications, but systems with very
low output currents may need only a 1µF or 2.2µF output
capacitor. Solid tantalum or OS-CON capacitor can be
used, but they will occupy more board area than a ceramic
and will have a higher ESR. Always use a capacitor with a
sufficient voltage rating.
The LT8330 is internally compensated. The decision to
use either low ESR (ceramic) capacitors or the higher
ESR (tantalum or OS-CON) capacitors, for the output
capacitor, can affect the stability of the overall system.
The ESR of any capacitor, along with the capacitance
itself, contributes a zero to the system. For the tantalum
and OS-CON capacitors, this zero is located at a lower
frequency due to the higher value of the ESR, while the
zero of a ceramic capacitor is at a much higher frequency
and can generally be ignored.
A phase lead zero can be intentionally introduced by placing
a capacitor in parallel with the resistor between VOUT and
FBX. By choosing the appropriate values for the resistor and
capacitor, the zero frequency can be designed to improve
the phase margin of the overall converter. The typical target
value for the zero frequency is between 30kHz to 60kHz.
A practical approach to compensation is to start with one
of the circuits in this data sheet that is similar to your ap-
plication. Optimize performance by adjusting the output
capacitor and/or the feed forward capacitor (connected
across the feedback resistor from output to FBX pin).