No.1116 STK430 I Thick Film Hybrid Integrated Circuit 2 CHANNEL 18W min AF Power AMPLIFIER The STK430II is a single-package hybrid IC of our own original IMST structure. It is a dual-channl, high-efficiency amp. that has little voltage loss and is designed to operate from three supplies. Application areas include outdoor stereos, radio cassettes, and the like. Applications: Radio Cassette + Car stereo for diesel-engine car Outdoor stereo(3-supply operation) - Color TV(with sound multiplex system) + Electronic musical instrument Features: - Wide supply voltage range - Supply voltage range Vcc=8V to 26.4V, operable from battery (13.2V), AC line (26.4V) High Vccmax. enabling easy designing of transformer (Vccmax .=43V) - New circuit configuration permitting high power output Vcc 13.2V: 5.5W typ. x 2 (THD=10%) 26.4V: 21W typ. x 2 (THD=103%) 26.4V: 15W typ. x 2 (THD=10%) (THD=1%,FTC=50Hz to 15KHz) - Free from failure caused by load shorted because heat sink is provided Usable for 2-ohm load (at Vcc=22V or less) Easy to use in LM-band AM sets because electromagnetic interference in radio band is small Maximum Ratings at Ta=25C unit Maximum Supply Voltage Vcecmax 43 Vv Operating Case Temperature Tc -20 to +105 C Storage Temperature Tstg -20 to +125 C Available Time for Load Shorted tg Vec=26.4V,RL=40nm,=lKHz 2 sec Po=18W, VG=40d0B Recommended Operating Conditions at Ta=25c unit Recommended Supply Voltage Vec 26.4 Vv Load Resistance Ry, 4 ohm Continued on next page. Case Outline 4031 (unit:mm) | 9.2, ___-_>| 7.0 52.0 2-3.6 I 5. 4! | x 7 Jaye OK Qo = irs 4 Y 2.54 19 X2.54 82 35 56 >| |. 8- These specifications are subject to change without notice.4 STK 43011 Operating Characteristics at Ta=25C,Vcc=26.4V, RE=40ohm, R,=6000hm, VG= 404B, vat specified test circuit (based on Sample Application Circuit) oy min typ. max unit. Quiescent Current Ieco Vcec=30V 60. 120 -mA- Output Power * Po(1) Vec=13.2V,THD=10%,f=1KHz 5.0 5.5 .-. > W. Po(2) THD=10%, =1KHz 18 21 Ww Po (3) THD=1.0%,f=70Hz to 15KHz 15 W Total Harmonic Distortion THD(1) Vcc=9V,Po=1.0W, f=1KHz 0.5 0.8 % THD(2) Po=1.0W, f=1KHz 0.07 % Frequency Characteristics f,,fy Po=1.0w, 7998 40 50K ., Hz Input Resistance Ci Po=1.0W 21 ohm Output Noise Voltage VNO Vcec=30W 0.8 mVrms (Note) -For Power supply at the time of test, use a constant-voltage power supply unless otherwise specified **: For measurment of the available time for load shorted and output noise voltage,use the specified transformer power supply shown right. -The output noise voltage is the peak value on Specified transformer rms scale(VTVM) of average value indicating power supply type. For AC power supply, use an AC stabilized power supply (50Hz) to eliminate the effect of flicker noise in AC primary line. *For using RL=2 ohm,the supply voltage at the rated output must not exceed 22V. (equivalent to Sansui RP-22) Equivalent Circuit 60 7 oO Oo TRS i tr Ny tr : [re | * iy 3 FE TRG T = | | = R9- sub WY 4 db 5 VW 12 8 Test Circuit 2.2% Yeo 100u 1k 250438 3 e