MAAM-011100 Broadband Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA) 400 MHz - 20 GHz Features Rev. V2 Functional Schematic 12 dB Gain 50 Input / Output Match over Gain Range 30 dB Gain Control with 0 to -2 V Control +18 dBm Output Power +5 V, -0.5 V DC, 70 mA Lead-Free 1.5 x 1.2 mm 6-lead TDFN Package RoHS* Compliant and 260C Reflow Compatible RFOUT/ VD 1 6 N/C N/C 2 5 N/C RFIN/ VG 3 4 VC Description The MAAM-011100 is an easy-to-use, broadband, general purpose variable gain amplifier. Its over 30 dB gain range is controlled by a single control pin and 50 match is maintained over all settings. The MAAM-011100 operates from 400 MHz to 20 GHz and features flat gain control from +10 dB to -20 dB. At maximum gain setting (VC=Open) it delivers up to +18 dBm power and under 5 dB noise figure. Both reduce proportionally as gain is reduced with VC. The input IP3 exceeds +15 dBm at max/min gain settings. The device is typically biased with a VD = +5 V, VG = -0.5 V, and a control of 0 V to -2 V. Typical current is 70 mA with VG at -0.5 V Pin Configuration Pin No. Pin Name Function 1 RFOUT/VD RF Output 2 N/C No Connection 3 RFIN/VG RF Input The MAAM-011100 is ideally suited for use as a power amplifier driver, gain trimming block, or temperature compensation in the receive or transmit mode. Typical applications include Wi-Fi, LTE. Point-to-Point, IMS, EW, and A&D systems. 4 VC Voltage Control 5 N/C No Connection 6 N/C No Connection This device is assembled in a leadless 1.5 X 1.2 mm package that can be handled and placed with standard pick and place assembly equipment. 7 Paddle3 Ground 3. The exposed paddle centered on the package bottom must be connected to RF and DC ground. Ordering Information1,2 Part Number Package MAAM-011100 bulk quantity MAAM-011100-TR1000 1000 piece reel MAAM-011100-001SMB Sample board 1. Reference Application Note M513 for reel size information. 2. All sample boards include 5 loose parts. * Restrictions on Hazardous Substances, European Union Directive 2011/65/EU. 1 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MAAM-011100 Broadband Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA) 400 MHz - 20 GHz Rev. V2 Electrical Specifications (unless otherwise noted): Freq = 10 GHz, TA = +25C, VD = +5 V, VG = -0.5 V, VC = Open, ZIN = ZOUT = 50 Parameter Test Conditions Units Min. Typ. Max. Highest Gain VC = open @ 400 MHz VC = open @ 10 GHz VC = open @ 20 GHz dB 8 12 10 11 -- Lowest Gain VC = -2 V @ 400 MHz VC = -2 V @ 10 GHz VC = -2 V @ 20 GHz dB -- -33 -23 -25 -18 Gain Control VC = 0 to -2 V dB -- 30 -- Isolation All States dB -- 28 -- Input Return Loss All States dB -- 14 -- Output Return Loss All States dB -- 12 -- Noise Figure At maximum gain dB -- 5 -- P1dB At maximum gain @ 10 GHz dBm -- +15 -- Input IP3 At maximum or minimum gain dBm -- +15 -- Stability Any Load - Voltage Supply External Choke V -- 5 -- Bias Current VD = +5 V VG = -0.5 V mA -- 75 0.01 -- Absolute Maximum Ratings4,5,6 Parameter Absolute Max. Input Power +15 dBm Operating Voltage +8 Volts Operating Current 110 mA Junction Temperature7 +150C Operating Temperature -40C to +85C Storage Temperature -65C to +150C unconditional Handling Procedures Please observe the following precautions to avoid damage: Static Sensitivity Gallium Arsenide Integrated Circuits are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) and can be damaged by static electricity. Proper ESD control techniques should be used when handling these devices. 4. Exceeding any one or combination of these limits may cause permanent damage to this device. 5. MACOM does not recommend sustained operation near these survivability limits. 6. Operating at nominal conditions with TJ 150C will ensure MTTF > 1 x 106 hours. 7. Junction Temperature (TJ) = TC + JC * ((V * I) - (POUT - PIN)) Typical thermal resistance (JC) = 67C/W a) For TC = 25C, TJ = 47C @ 5 V, 70 mA, POUT = 15 dBm, PIN = 6 dBm b) For TC = 85C, TJ = 107C @ 5 V, 70 mA, POUT = 15 dBm, PIN = 6 dBm 2 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MAAM-011100 Broadband Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA) 400 MHz - 20 GHz Rev. V2 Application Schematic Evaluation Board VG RFIN VC C4 VD C3 C2 FB R1 3 4 C1 1 RFOUT 2, 5, 6 Application Information for DC & pins Recommended PCB Layout For proper MAAM-011100 operation a DC voltage must be applied at the VG (-0.5V) and VD (+5V) pins in that order. Adjusting VG from -0.2 V to -0.6 V will change the quiescent current which can effect power and linearity if set below or above 70 mA. The gain of the MAAM-011100 is controlled with the VC pin. The gain reduction is almost linear with VC between 0 V to -2 V. Below -2 V internal ESD protection diodes will draw increasing current. The nominal open circuit voltage at the VC pin is +1 V and produces maximum gain and power. Limiting applications and zero crossing adjustment can be done by adjusting the VG and VC pins together. Parts List Component Value Package C1, C4 0.22 F 0201 C2, C3 0.22 F 0402 FB8 407 0402 R1 1 K 0402 8. MACOM recommends using Murata part BLM15GG471. To bias properly, a DC voltage must be applied at the output pin. Typically this is done with a 2 element bias network that consists of a choke and a DC blocking capacitor. We recommend a ferrite bead for the main bias choke and quality capacitor for the DC block. A simple 1 K resistor can be used as a RF choke for the negative VG as applied to the input pin. It is recommended that the total ground (common mode) inductance not exceed 0.03 nH (30 pH). This is equivalent to placing at least four 8-mil (200-m) diameter vias under the device, assuming an 8-mil (200-m) thick RF layer to ground 3 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MAAM-011100 Broadband Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA) 400 MHz - 20 GHz Rev. V2 Typical Performance Curves over Temperature Return Loss Gain, VC = 0 V, -2 V 15 10 0 0 VC = Open @ +25C VC = Open @ -40C VC = Open @ +85C -10 -30 -20 0 5 10 15 20 -30 0 5 10 Frequency (GHz) 20 Noise Figure 0 10 +25C -40C +85C -10 6 -30 4 -40 2 0 5 10 15 +25C -40C +85C 8 -20 20 0 0 5 Frequency (GHz) 10 15 20 15 20 Frequency (GHz) Output P1dB Input IP3 20 20 16 16 12 12 8 8 +25C -40C +85C 4 0 15 Frequency (GHz) Reverse Isolation -50 Output RL @ +25C Output RL @ -40C Output RL @ +85C VC = -2 V @ +25C VC = -2 V @ -40C VC = -2 V @ +85C -15 -45 Input RL @ +25C Input RL @ -40C Input RL @ +85C 0 5 +25C -40C +85C 4 10 15 Frequency (GHz) 20 0 0 5 10 Frequency (GHz) 4 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MAAM-011100 Broadband Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA) 400 MHz - 20 GHz Rev. V2 Typical Performance Curves vs. Control Voltage Noise Figure Gain 40 15 0 30 -15 20 -30 -45 open 0V -0.2 V -0.4 V 0 5 -0.6 V -0.8 V -1.0 V -1.2 V 10 15 open 0V -0.2 V -0.4 V 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (GHz) Input Return Loss Output Return Loss 10 10 VC = Open, 3 V VC = Open, 5 V VC = Open, 7 V 0 VC = -2, 3 V VC = -2, 5 V VC = -2, 7 V -10 -20 -20 0 5 10 15 VC = Open, 3 V VC = Open, 5 V VC = Open, 7 V 0 -10 20 -30 0 5 Frequency (GHz) 10 15 20 15 20 Input IP3 20 20 15 15 10 10 VC = Open, 3 V VC = Open, 5 V VC = Open, 7 V 5 0 VC = -2, 3 V VC = -2, 5 V VC = -2, 7 V Frequency (GHz) Output P1dB 0 -1.4 V -1.6 V -1.8 V -2.0 V 10 -1.4 V -1.6 V -1.8 V -2.0 V Frequency (GHz) -30 -0.6 V -0.8 V -1.0 V -1.2 V 5 10 VC = Open VC = 0 V VC = -1 V VC = -2 V 5 15 Frequency (GHz) 20 0 0 5 10 Frequency (GHz) 5 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MAAM-011100 Broadband Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA) 400 MHz - 20 GHz Rev. V2 Typical Performance Curves Saturated Power @ 10 GHz Saturated Power 20 20 15 15 10 10 VD = 3 V 5 VD = 5 V VD = 7 V 5 VC = Open VC = 0 V VC = -1 V 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 -2 -1.6 -1.2 Frequency (GHz) -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 0.4 0.8 1.2 Control Voltage (Vc) Gain @ 10 GHz Noise Figure @ 10 GHz 10 30 VD = 3 V 25 0 VD = 5 V VD = 7 V 20 VD = 3 V VD = 5 V -10 VD = 7 V 15 -20 -30 10 -2 -1.6 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 5 -2 -1.6 -1.2 Control Voltage (Vc) -0.4 0 Current @ 10 GHz Input IP3 @ 10 GHz 20 120 VD = 3 V, VD = 5 V, VD = 7 V, VD = 3 V, VD = 5 V, VD = 7 V, VD = 3 V, VD = 5 V, VD = 7 V, VD = 3 V VD = 5 V 15 90 VD = 7 V 10 60 5 30 0 -0.8 Control Voltage (Vc) -2 -1.6 -1.2 -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 Control Voltage (Vc) 0.8 1.2 0 -2 -1.6 VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG VG -1.2 = -0.4 V = -0.4 V = -0.4 V = -0.5 V = -0.5 V = -0.5 V = -0.6 V = -0.6 V = -0.6 V -0.8 -0.4 0 Control Voltage (Vc) 6 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MAAM-011100 Broadband Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA) 400 MHz - 20 GHz Lead-Free 1.5 x 1.2 mm 6-lead TDFN Reference Application Note S2083 for lead-free solder reflow recommendations. Meets JEDEC moisture sensitivity level 1 requirements. Plating is matte tin over Copper. 7 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: Rev. V2