NDS-023 Rev. 3, April 2013NPT1010 Page 1
• Optimized for broadband operation from
DC – 2000MHz
• 100W P3dB CW power at 900MHz
• 60-95 W PSAT CW power from 500-1000MHz in
broadband application design
• High efciency from 14 - 28V
• 1.4 °C/W RTH with maximum TJ rating of 200°C
• Robust up to 10:1 VSWR mismatch at all phase
angles with no damage to the device
• Subject to EAR99 export control
DC – 2000 MHz
14 – 28 Volt
Gallium Nitride 28V, 100W RF Power Transistor
Built using the SIGANTIC® NRF1 process - A proprietary GaN-on-Silicon technology
RF Specications (CW, 900MHz): VDS = 28V, IDQ = 700mA, TA = 25°C, Measured in Nitronex Test Fixture
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units
P3dB Average Output Power at 3dB Gain Compression 49.0 50.0 -dBm
P1dB Average Output Power at 1dB Gain Compression - 49.0 -dBm
GSS Small Signal Gain 18.7 19.7 -dB
hDrain Efciency at 3dB Gain Compression 57 64 -%
VSWR 10:1 VSWR at all phase angles No damage to the device
Figure 1 - Typical CW Performance in Load-Pull,
VDS = 28V, IDQ = 700mA
Figure 2 - Typical CW Performance in Load-Pull,
VDS = 28V, IDQ = 700mA
NDS-023 Rev. 3, April 2013NPT1010 Page 2
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Off Characteristics
Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage
(VGS = -8V, ID = 36mA) 100 - - V
Drain-Source Leakage Current
(VGS = -8V, VDS = 60V) - 9 18 mA
On Characteristics
Gate Threshold Voltage
(VDS = 28V, ID = 36mA) -2.3 -1.8 -1.3 V
Gate Quiescent Voltage
(VDS = 28V, ID = 700mA) -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 V
On Resistance
(VGS = 2V, ID = 270mA) -0.13 0.14 W
Drain Current
(VDS = 7V pulsed, 300ms pulse width,
0.2% duty cycle)
19.0 21.0 -A
Symbol Parameter Max Units
VDS Drain-Source Voltage 100 V
VGS Gate-Source Voltage -10 to 3 V
IGGate Current 180 mA
PTTotal Device Power Dissipation (Derated above 25°C) 125 W
TSTG Storage Temperature Range -65 to 150 °C
TJOperating Junction Temperature 200 °C
HBM Human Body Model ESD Rating (per JESD22-A114) 1B (>500V)
MM Machine Model ESD Rating (per JESD22-A115) Class A (200V)
CDM Charge Device Model ESD Rating (per JESD22-C101) IV (>1000V)
DC Specications: TA = 25°C
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Thermal Resistance (Junction-to-Case),
TJ = 180 °C -1.4 - °C/W
Thermal Resistance Specication
Absolute Maximum Ratings: Not simultaneous, TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted
NDS-023 Rev. 3, April 2013NPT1010 Page 3
Frequency (MHz) ZS (W)ZL (W)PSAT (W) GSS (dB) Drain Efciency @ PSAT (%)
500 2.8 + j2.2 2.7 + j2.0 100 24.5 71%
900 1.1 - j0.5 1.9 + j0.6 100 21.0 70%
1500 1.1 - j3.6 2.0 - j1.2 100 17.0 63%
2000 1.1 - j4.9 1.9 - j3.8 89 14.5 59%
Load-Pull Data, Reference Plane at Device Leads
VDS=28V, IDQ=700mA, TA=25°C unless otherwise noted
Figure 3 - O p t i m u m I m p e d a n c e s f o r C W
Performance. Z0 = 5 Ω
Figure 4 - L oa d - Pu ll Co nt ours , 5 0 0 M Hz ,
PIN = 27dBm, ZS = 2.8 + j2.2 Ω
Figure 5 - L o a d - Pu ll C o n to u r s , 9 0 0 M Hz ,
PIN = 32.5dBm, ZS = 1.1 - j0.5 Ω
Table 1: Optimum Source and Load Impedances for CW Gain, Drain Efciency, and Output Power Performance
ZS is the source impedance
presented to the device.
ZL is the load impedance
presented to the device.
NDS-023 Rev. 3, April 2013NPT1010 Page 4
Figure 6 - L oad - Pu ll C onto urs , 15 0 0M Hz,
PIN = 29dBm, ZS = 1.1 - j3.6 Ω
Figure 7 - L oad - Pull Co nto ur s, 2 0 0 0 M Hz,
PIN = 36dBm, ZS = 1.1 - j4.9 Ω
Figure 8 - Typical CW Performance Over Voltage in
Load-Pull, 900MHz
Figure 9 - Typical CW Performance Over
Temperature in Nitronex Test Fixture, 900MHz
Figure 10 - Quiescient Gate Voltage (VGSQ) Required
to Reach IDQ as a Function of Ambient Temperature,
VDS = 28V
Figure 11 - MTTF of NRF1 Devices as a
Function of Junction Temperature
Load-Pull Data, Reference Plane at Device Leads
VDS=28V, IDQ=700mA, TA=25°C unless otherwise noted.
NDS-023 Rev. 3, April 2013NPT1010 Page 5
RF Performance in 500-1000MHz Broadband Application Circuit
VDS=28V, IDQ=700mA, TA=25°C unless otherwise noted
Figure 12 - Photograph of 500-1000MHz
broadband application circuit for NPT1010
Figure 13 - CW Pe r fo r man c e i n b ro a db an d
circuit. Measurements (symbols) are connected
by a smoothing function (25 °C)
Figure 14 - CW drive up curves in broadband circuit.
Figure 15 - CW Pe r fo r man c e i n b ro a db an d
circuit. Measurements (symbols) are connected
by a smoothing function (100 °C)
Figure 16 - CW Performance in broadband circuit
at different output powers connected by a smoothing
NDS-023 Rev. 3, April 2013NPT1010 Page 6
(dBm) PSAT (W) Drain Efciency
@ PSAT (%) GSS (dB) TJ,RISE (°C)1
500 48.9 77.8 60 18.1 76
550 49.3 84.9 65 17.4 66
600 49.8 94.8 69 16.6 63
650 48.3 68.2 63 16.1 59
700 48.1 63.8 56 15.5 73
750 48.0 63.1 55 15.1 76
800 49.4 86.9 63 15.1 76
850 49.7 92.5 66 15.4 71
900 50.0 98.9 66 15.7 74
950 49.0 79.4 69 16.0 53
1000 48.3 67.1 67 16.0 49
RF Performance in 500-1000MHz Broadband Application Circuit
VDS=28V, IDQ=700mA, TA=25°C unless otherwise noted
Note 1: Temperature rise is from junction to case and is calculated from the dissipated power using an RTH
value of 1.4°C/W
Figure 17 - Input and output return loss of
the 500-1000MHz broadband application
circuit, PIN = -5dBm
Table 2: Power, gain, efciency and temperature rise across frequency in the 500-1000MHz appli-
cation circiut
NDS-023 Rev. 3, April 2013NPT1010 Page 7
Figure 18 - Schematic of 500-1000MHz application board for NPT1010
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Figure 19 - Layout of 500-1000MHz application board for NPT1010
NDS-023 Rev. 3, April 2013NPT1010 Page 8
Name Value Tolerance Size Vendor Vendor Number
C1 100pF 5% .11"X.11" ATC ATC100B101J
C2 100pF 5% .11"X.11" ATC ATC100B101J
C3, C6 1.0uF 10% 1812 AVX Corp 18121C105KAT2A
C4, C7 0.1uF 10% 1206 Kemet C1206C104K1RACTU
C5, C8 0.01uF 1% 1206 AVX Corp 12061C103KAT2A
C9 150uF 20% 3216(EIA) Nichicon UPW1C151MED
C10 270uF 20% 10mm(dia) United Chmi-Con ELXY 630ELL271MK25S
C11, C12 56pF 1% .11"X.11" ATC ATC100B560J
C14, C15 4.7pF 1% .11"X.11" ATC ATC100B4R7J
C13 15pF 1% .11"X.11" ATC ATC100B150J
R1 10 ohms 5% 805 Panasonic ERJ-6ENF10R0V
R2, R3 0.33 ohms 1% 805 Panasonic ERJ-6RQFR33V
R4, R5 7.5 ohms 1% 2512 Stackpole Electron- RHC 2512 10 1% R
L1 12nH 5% 805 Coilcraft 0805CS-120XJB
L2 4 Turn, 16G, 0.2"ID Copper Wire
N Connector Amphenol 172195
nbd-079_Rev1 Rogers Rogers 6010LM 25mil, 1oz,
εr = 10.2
Copper Heatsink
BNC Connectors Tyco Electronics 1052566-1
Metric 18-8 SS
Socket head
Cap Screw M2.5
Thread, 8mm
Length, 0.45mm
McMaster Carr 91292A012
Table 3: NPT1010 500-1000MHz Application Board Build of Materials
NDS-023 Rev. 3, April 2013NPT1010 Page 9
Figure 20 - AC360B-2 Metal-Ceramic Package Dimensions and Pinout (all dimensions are in inches [mm])
Ordering Information1
Part Number Description
NPT1010B NPT1010 in AC360B-2 Metal-Ceramic Bolt-Down Package
1: To nd a Nitronex contact in your area, visit our website at
NDS-023 Rev. 3, April 2013NPT1010 Page 10
Nitronex, LLC
2305 Presidential Drive
Durham, NC 27703 USA
+1.919.807.9100 (telephone)
+1.919.807.9200 (fax)
Additional Information
This part is lead-free and is compliant with the RoHS directive
(Restrictions on the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment).
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Nitronex warrants performance of its packaged semiconductor or die to the specications applicable at the time of sale in
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