Size x CutterØOverall Flute ShankØSquare Type Price
Pitch (mm) (mm) Length (mm) Length (mm) (mm) A/F (mm) Order Code
4 x 40 2.845 48 12.5 3.15 2.50 Second 138-9489
4 x 40 2.845 48 12.5 3.15 2.50 Plug 138-9450
6 x 32 3.505 50 14 3.55 2.80 Second 138-9491
6 x 32 3.505 50 14 3.55 2.80 Plug 138-9492
8 x 32 4.166 53 9.5 4.50 3.55 Second 138-9493
8 x 32 4.166 53 9.5 4.50 3.55 Plug 138-9494
10 x 24 4.826 58 11 5.00 4.00 Set 3 148-5383
14x 20 6.350 66 13 6.30 5.00 Set 3 148-5384
14x 20 6.350 66 13 6.30 5.00 Taper 147-4139
14x 20 6.350 66 13 6.30 5.00 Second 147-4140
14x 20 6.350 66 13 6.30 5.00 Plug 147-4141
516 x 18 7.938 72 16 8.00 6.30 Set 3 148-5385
516 x 18 7.938 72 16 8.00 6.30 Taper 147-4142
516 x 18 7.938 72 16 8.00 6.30 Second 147-4143
516 x 18 7.938 72 16 8.00 6.30 Plug 147-4144
38x 16 9.525 80 18 10.00 8.00 Set 3 148-5387
38x 16 9.525 80 18 10.00 8.00 Taper 147-4146
38x 16 9.525 80 18 10.00 8.00 Second 147-4147
38x 16 9.525 80 18 10.00 8.00 Plug 147-4148
716 x 14 11.112 85 19 8.00 6.30 Set 3 148-5388
716 x 14 11.112 85 19 8.00 6.30 Taper 147-4149
716 x 14 11.112 85 19 8.00 6.30 Second 147-4150
716 x 14 11.112 85 19 8.00 6.30 Plug 147-4151
12x 13 12.700 89 22 9.00 7.10 Set 3 148-8968
12x 13 12.700 80 18 10.00 8.00 Taper 147-4152
12x 13 12.700 80 18 10.00 8.00 Second 147-4153
12x 13 12.700 80 18 10.00 8.00 Plug 147-4154
58x 11 15.875 102 24 12.50 10.00 Set 3 148-5389
58x 11 15.875 102 24 12.50 10.00 Taper 147-4155
58x 11 15.875 102 24 12.50 10.00 Second 147-4156
58x 11 15.875 102 24 12.50 10.00 Plug 147-4158
34x 10 19.050 112 29 14.00 11.20 Set 3 148-5390
34x 10 19.050 112 29 14.00 11.20 Taper 147-4159
34x 10 19.050 112 29 14.00 11.20 Second 147-4160
34x 10 19.050 112 29 14.00 11.20 Plug 147-4161
78x 9 22.225 118 29 16.00 12.50 Set 3 148-5391
78x 9 22.225 118 29 16.00 12.50 Taper 147-4162
78x 9 22.225 118 29 16.00 12.50 Second 147-4163
78x 9 22.225 118 29 16.00 12.50 Plug 147-4164
1 x 8 25.400 130 35 18.00 14.00 Set 3 148-5392
1 x 8 25.400 130 35 18.00 14.00 Taper 147-4165
ISO 529
Tap tolerance: Class 2 for 2B fit
Chamfer thread number: 1, 2 and 3
Cutting rake: 7°
Flute geometry: Straight flutes
Surface treatment:Bright
Range: No 2 - No 10, 1/4in- 1in
Application: For hand or machine tapping of
through or blind holes.
Straight Flute Taps