Specifications apply at 18oCto28
oC after 30 minutes warm up, at maximum
output into 50Ω.
Waveform Parameters
TGA124x TGA1210x
Waveform Memory: 64k points/ch 1M points/ch
Waveform Length: 4 to 65,536 points 8 to 1,048,576 points
Vertical Resolution: 12 bits (4096 levels)
Sample Clock Rate: 0.1Hz to 40MHz 0.1Hz to 100MHz (1)
Clock Resolution: 4 digits 8 digits
Clock Accuracy: <10 ppm for 1 year (± 1 digit of setting)
Clock Temp. Stability: Typically <1 ppm/oC
Waveform Storage: 256K Words
Non-volatile RAM CF Memory Cards
(32MB to 1GB size)
Max. Waveforms: 100 500 per card
Note 1: TGA1210x generators can also use an external sample clock, DC to
Waveform Creation and Editing
All Models
Internal: Basic arbitrary waveform creation and editing tools are built
into the instrument. Arbitrary waveforms can be built-up us-
ing insertion of standard waveforms between points, point by
point value setting, and straight line drawing between points.
External: All TGA1200 series units are supplied with Waveform Man-
ager Plus software for Windows which provides full waveform
creation, editing and management. Waveforms are trans-
ferred using the digital interfaces or memory card.
A number of waveforms can be linked and played as a sequence. Each
waveform can have a loop count of up to 32,768. A sequence of waveforms
can be looped up to 1,048,575 times or run continuously.
TGA124x TGA1210x
Max. Waveforms in a Sequence: 16 1024
Output Filter
The output filter type is selectable. This can be used to optimise a particular
TGA124x TGA1210x
Filter Choice: 16MHz Elliptic, 10MHz Elliptic,
10MHz Bessel or None 40MHz Elliptic,
20MHz Bessel or None
Sine, square, triangle, DC, positive ramp, negative ramp, sin(x)/x, pulse,
pulse train, cosine, haversine and havercosine.
All Waveforms
TGA124x TGA1210x
Frequency Accuracy: <10 ppm for 1 year
Temp. Stability: Typically <1 ppm/oC
Output Level: 2.5mV to 10Vpp into 50Ω(5mV to 20Vpp e.m.f.)
Sine, Cosine, Haversine, Havercosine
TGA124x TGA1210x
Frequency Range: 0·1mHz to 16 MHz 0·1mHz to 40 MHz
Freq. Resolution: 0·1mHz or 7 digits 0·1mHz or 10 digits
Harmonic Distortion: <0.1% THD to 100kHz;
<–65dBc to 20kHz,
<–50dBc to 300kHz,
<-35dBc to 10MHz
<-30dBc to 16MHz
<0.15% THD to 100kHz;
<-60dBc to 20kHz,
<-50dBc to 1MHz,
<-40dBc to 10MHz,
<-30dBc to 40MHz.
Nonharmonic Spurii: <–65dBc to 1MHz,
<–65dBc + 6dB/octave
1MHz to 16MHz
<-60dBc to 1MHz,
<-60dBc + 6dB/octave
1MHz to 40MHz.
TGA124x TGA1210x
Frequency Range: 1mHz to 16 MHz 1mHz to 50 MHz
Freq. Resolution: 1mHz or 4 digits 1mHz or 8 digits
Freq. Accuracy: ± 1 digit of setting
Rise and Fall Times: <25ns <8ns
Technical Specifications
Variable-clock ARB architecture
Direct replay for jitter-free waveforms
All TGA1200 series units generate arbitrary waveforms using a variable
clock architecture rather than DDS.
This ensures that every point in the waveform is replayed exactly as it was
defined, the rate of replay being set by the clock frequency.
By contrast, a DDS arbitrary generator uses a fixed clock frequency and
varies the replay rate by duplicating or omitting waveform points. Unless
there is an integer relationship between the desired replay rate, clock fre-
quency and waveform length, each "cycle" of the waveform will differ from
the previous one, resulting in jitter.
Sequencing for increased waveform length
Variable clock architecture also allows sequencing and looping. The 64K
words of waveform memory per channel provided in TGA124X units can
Many real-world waveforms include repetitive elements. By using a seg-
be constructed by a "sequence" in which the individual elements are re-
played in a defined order and with a defined number of repetitions (loop
count). Inthis way waveforms can becreatedwithamuch greater number
of points than the waveform memory size.
DDSarbitrarygeneratorscannotdothisandthe effectivewaveformlength
is limited to the actual waveform memory size.
TGA12100 - the next step forward
TTidesigned thenewTGA1210X generators baseduponextensive expe-
rience of actual user requirements. So in addition to raising the maximum
clockspeedfrom 40MHzto 100MHz,anumberofotherimportantfeatures
1M word waveform memory
Some users require very long arbitrary waveforms. TGA1210X units in-
corporate 1,048,576 words of waveform memory per channel. Thus even
long and complex waveforms which have no repetitive elements can be
CompactFlash memory card storage provides effectively unlimited stor-
age for waveforms. Greater sequencing capability (up to 1024 segments)
gives even more flexibility in waveform reconstruction.
External ARB clock input
Some applications require that the arbitrary waveform is clocked in direct
synchronism with an external signal.
TGA1210Xunits incorporatean externalARBclock inputthatcan beused
to clock any number of channels at any rate from DC up to 50MHz.
System clock architecture
All TGA1200 units incorporate a separate clock generator for each chan-
nel allowing completely independent operation.
On the TGA1242 and TGA1244, channel synchronisation is achieved by
defining one channel as the Master channel and driving the other chan-
nel(s) from its clock.
The TGA12102 and TGA12104 provide a further option by incorporating
an additional independent system clock generator. The system clock cre-
atesaninternalversion of the external ARB clock signal and can generate
frequencies between 0.1Hz and 50MHz.
When the system clock (or external ARB clock) is used to drive multiple
be made without any discontinuities.
circuitry or the external ARB input of another generator when more than
four channels are required.
Auxiliary sinewave output
The output of the master clock generator is also available as a fixed level
sinewave. When not being used as the master for channel synchronisa-
tion, this can be used as another independent variable frequency genera-
toroverthe range0.1Hz to50MHz,providingtheequivalentofthreeorfive
channel outputs.