Single Diode Schottky Barrier Diode M42 OUTLINE Dien S6 Package : G1F Unit:mm Weight 0.0llg(Typ) 60V 1A 35 ES D e #2/|\ SMD Ultra-small SMD DoHt-@ 4762! =0.8mm Ultra-thin PKG=0.8mm e (7 Ve=0.58V Low Vr=0.58V ayFe2_f [hh trod 5 (fA) Cathode mark Type No. Date code eS 024 vF VISE Switching Regulator eDC/DCIY/I\-3 ~~ DC/DC Converter 4b # = RB, 7 L,. OA RBS Home Appliance, Game, Office Automation = Bis Communication FBI OV TIL Web 4 b MIS CRAMER) & OS Favs, lOve RAILS CB F So, For details of the outline dimensions, refer to our web site or Semiconductor Short Form Catalog. As for the marking, refer to the specification "Marking, Terminal Connection. MewX RATINGS @xtRAZH Absolute Maximum Ratings (hee TI=25) H we | A ff ih By Item Symboll Conditions Type No. DG1S6 Unit CRAP iA Tae ; Storage Temperature Tstg 55~ 150 Cc Tey bike : i Operation Junction Temperature Tj 150 Cc +f A SLE ? Maximum Reverse Voltage Va 60. \ Ta=40T +4 05 th Jy ati SOHz IEG, BE a ear * Average Rectified Forward Current lo 50Hz sine wave, Resistance load Ta=64C 2 0.7 A Tr= 1280 1.0 4b AL 7 MTR Te 50Hz Esk, JFARO LIA 2 eat A, Ti = 250 30 A Peak Surge Forward Current M 50Hz sine wave, Non-repetitive 1 cycle peak value, T)=25C OBA - RAH Electrical Characteristics GH#Oe VHA TI=25T) eit EE AIL ASE r Forward Voltage VF Ir=0.7A, pulse measurement MAX 0.58 V ait iit Fa 20 Ne ANSE A Reverse Current Tr Vr= Vrw, Pulse measurement MAX 1000 LA SEPM Cj f=1MHz, Vr=10V TYP 32 pF Junction Capacitance " MAX 210 re de -47 6 LLY * BUILT Aja Junction to ambient MAX 120 c/w Thermal Resistance 3 MAX 70 Feri FM 4 Bil Junction to lead 3 MAX 20 L Weta) PER OV = + 32.6mm) Measured on 1 x 1 inch substrate (pattern area : 32.6mm) l4 FT & ba OA + 160mm) Measured on 1 x 1 inch substrate (pattern area : 160mm) 3 24 FPR Sta (et + 2,100mm) Measured on 2? x 2 inch alumina substrate (pattern area : 2,100mm) (J632-1) SBD Small SMD DG1S6 Mist CHARACTERISTIC DIAGRAMS NETS Tl ete NFR 748 thee PARTON iii Forward Voltage Forward Power Dissipation Peak Surge Forward Current Capability Sine wave (FE 4} ilp noe = Oms lms: ~~ Teyele [Noneeoet iv Tj=25C TH=1SC(MAX) TI= LXFC(TYP) Th= 2FC(MAX)= -Th= 25C(TYP) Forward Current Ir (A) Forward Power Dissipation Pr [W) Peak Surge Forward Current Irsm CA) [Pulse measurement] Forward Voltage Vr (V] Average Rectified Forward Current lo (A) Number of Cycles [cycle] A Ste PRABAHS EeAaE Reverse Current Reverse Power Dissipation Junction Capacitance 4 F f= 1MHz 5 T= 25'C = Wn D=tp/T 7 & : = sce : ifncoe mere oO ia T= 10 g ee = 5 T= a = = Oo 5 mena e & 8 TI= SIC( Z 3 ao : 5 fe T= 27C(TYP) 5 hepes 5 Pulse measurement] med | Reverse Voltage Ver (V) Reverse Voltage Vr (V) Reverse Voltage Ver (V) Fal FAINT Talo S-L F4lF4Ay FAT Talo -t--LT-E FalF4yFATJTrlo yp Derating Curve Ta-lo fl TL Uv Derating Curve Ta-lo "TT LT Le Derating Curve T-lo o - mK | Ve=30V hm VR BLL wee D=tp/T Pt o= __ (On glass-epoxy substrate Ame er Soya Average Rectified Forward Current lo [A) Average Rectified Forward Current Io (A) Average Rectified Forward Current Io (A) Ambient Temperature Ta [C] Ambient Temperature Ta [C] Lead Temperature Ti (C) elf ITY y bE SS + 32.6mm) e114 YAY Yb MAR (48 > 160mm") Measured on 1 x 1 inch substrate Measured on 1 x 1 inch substrate (pattern area 32.6mm) (pattern area 160mm) * Sine wave (i50Hz THE LT ET. * SOHz sine wave is used for measurements. + ERR OMTEL MAY Feo TB) ET. Typical SHANE SRL ET, * Semiconductor products generally have characteristic variation. Typical is a statistical average of the device's ability. (4532-1) 63