on pe W3a7soa1 Co12b4 5 J 3875081 G E SOLID STATE Darlington Power Transistors o T3229 O1E 17264 2N6648. 2N6649, 2N6650 10-Ampere P-N-P Darlington Power Transistors 40-60-80 Volts, 70 Watts Gain of 1000 at5 A Features: 8 Operates from {C without predriver Applications: & Power switching Audio amplifiers = Hammer drivers Series and shunt regulators The 2N6648, 2N6649 and 2N6650 are monolithic silicon p-n-p Darlington transistors designed for low- and medium- frequency power applications. The high gain of these devi- ces makes it possible for them to be driven directly from integrated circuits. They are complementary to the 2N6383, 2N6384, and 2N63854 , The 2N6648, 2N6649, and 2N6650 are supplied in hermetic steel JEDEC TO-204AA packages. cormerly RCA Dev. Nos. TAB351, TA8488, and TA8350, respectively. 4 Technical data for 2N6383, 2N6384, and 2N6385 are given In RCA bulletin File No, 609. MAXIMUM RATINGS, Abdsolute-Maximum Values: File Number 1013 TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS (FLANGE) j SITS- BITE JEDEC TO-204AA E 920$-20863RI Fig.t Schematic diagram for all types. 2N6648 2n6649 2N66s0 * Vopo eerste ees Suen seeateneeseterees ~40 -60 ~80 Vv Voerisus) Reet 100% ccsccseeees ecneeee ~40 -60 -80 Vv * Voge ltus) ce cceeec teen entre renee bes 40 -60 -80 Vv Voegy (sus) Veg ttSV vrreeeee Coenen teeeeeee 40 ~60 80 V # VERO cece r eter te ree tenet ee enuanee ~5 5 6 Vv Fg ceceeeeneeeencenteeee ceeeenee tens -10 -10 10 A . TOM veererrereeenes pensnene seeave te 15 15 -16 . A Hg cece rete eee ee tenet tree ne ren seen 0.25 0,25 0.25 A * Py . Tey S289 oes ev en eeree eee en ees : 70 70 70 w Te > 28C cseeeeerere Derate linearly 0.66 f wc * Tyger Ty verte eee e eee tener snes bene 65 to $150 pam c a TT At distances 2 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) from t | seating plane for 10 smax. ...-4 ees _ 288 C : * In accordance with JEDEC registration data format (JS-6 RDF-4) 266 __ 0806 B-03on 4 GE SOLID STATE O1 DE J 3e7s081 O047?cb5 7? I _ ee ea ge ~ O1e 17265 D0 T-33Z9 3875081 G & SOLID STATE Darlington Power Transistors 2N6648, 2N6649, 2N6650 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS, At Case Temperature (Tc) = 25C Unless Otherwise Specified TEST CONDITIONS LIMITS CHARACTERISTIC] VOLTAGE CURRENT V de Ade 2nee48 | 2Ne649 | 2NeG50 | UNITS a Vce|Vee| Ic Ip__| MIN, | MAX, | MIN.| MAX, _ MIN, | MAX, IcEO 40_ 0 - -1 - - ~ - -60 o |--]} - ~[-11 - | - | ma 80 0 = = - - - | -i -40 | 1.5 ~ |-o3[ -7 - -/[- *lIcev -60 | 1.5 -~ | - ~l-os|-] - 80 | 1.5 -}- ~|- ~ {| -03 ~40 | 1.5 -~{-3 7 -T - -]- Te = 150C 60 | 1.5 - - - 3 - ~. 80 | 1.5 - - - {| - ~ | -3 "| lego 6 0 - | -107 =- | -10 | - | -10 | ma po *1 Veeolsus} ~0,24 0, -40 - 60} - ~80) - VCER (sus) Age = 1002 0.28 40 - ~6O} ~- -80/ - Vv Vce visus} 1.65 |-0,28 ~40] | -6o] - | -s0] Fl hEE -3 5a 1000 |20,000] 1000/20,000} 100}20,000 3 108 100 - 100 - 400 = Vv ~3 5a - 2.8 - 1-28 - 1-28 BE ~3 ~108 - |-as*| - [-45*] - |-a54 ov ~64 |-oo1] -~ | -2 | - | -2 | - | -2 Vcelsat) -toa | -o1@{ | ~3*| | -3%] | -3*] ov Ve 108 - 4 -~ | 4 - | 4 Vv hfe f=1kHz 5 i 1000 _ 1000] - 4000] * the] f= 1 MHz -5 1 20 = 20 - 20 - 'S/o 35 af - f-rf- fad - t=1s, 26 28| - |-28] - |-28] - A nonrep, Reic - | 1.76 | ~ [1.78 | - | 4.75 | ocw * tn accordance with JEDEC registration data format {JS-6 RDF-4). { 4 4 Pulsed: Pulse duration = 300 ps, duty factor = 1.8%. - | . WOTE CURRENT DENATING AT CONSTANT VOLTAGE 4PPUES ONLY TO THE O1SSIFATION~ Ra LBATED POATION AMO THE Ig), -LIMITEO ape 8 g z5 iS 8 Se det on 0 CASE TEMPERATURE g)~"6 aes 20eser COLLECTOR CURRENT ttedea 92CS8- Z0697A2 Fig.2 Derating curve for all types. Fig. 3 Typical dc beta characteristics for all types. - 267 080? B-04 Vt BF gen - ~ 22 ee --lee G E SOLID STATE Ol Def sarsoai Oow7enb 1 3875081 GE SOLID STATE OTE eee OT . Darlington Power Transistors , O1E 17266 db [> 35 29 2N6648, 2N6649, 2N6650 TEMPERATURE (Te}* 25% DERATEO LINEARLY TEMPERATURE) VecotMax bs -40V Vceg (WAX) -GOV (2N6649) *-a0y i2n6650) =10 +60 +100 COLLECTOR=10-EMITTER VOLTAGE lcr}- 8205-29325 Fig. 4 Maximum operating areas for all types. ve COLLECTOR -TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE iver) *TO*EMITTER VOLTA CASE TEMPERATURE (Tele 25C. COULESTM one rage - & i u w g a SMALL> SIGNAL CURRENT GAIN (gg! s ar 10 FREQUENCY IN=WHe GASE-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE tvgg)-V ACS 2O8ER 98CS 20G7 mT Fig. 5 Typical small-signal gain for all types. Fig. 6 Typical input characteristics for ail types. TO- EMITTER VOLTAGE COLLEETON GUARENT Lc * * ~ _ . GASE-TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE (vggi z COLLECTOR-TO-ENITTER VOLTAGE IveghV *t64-200 72K Fig. 7 Typical output characteristics for ail types. Fig. 8 Typical transfer characteristics for all types. 268 _. woe 0808 B-05G E SOLID STATE on pefze7sos1 oox7en7 o '~3875081 G E SOLID STATE , DIE 17267, D T-3329 Darlington Power Transistors ' 2N6648, 2N6649, 2N6650 CASE TEMPERATURE {Tg} + 100C *For st CLE. NONREPE TITWWE PULSE. ceo IMAX } = (2N6 64a] Meco MAX} -0 (2N6649) YEO MAK) -80 f2NesO} a 0 +60 =100 1000, COLLECTOR= TO-EMITTER VOLTAGE IVce) 9208-29322 Fig. 9 Maximum operating areas for all types at Tg = 100C. COLLECTOR CUARENT (Ic Imma COLLECTOR -TO-EMITTER SATURATION voLTAce [Vee leet] ~v a2 card 9208-29321 Fig. 10 Typical saturation characteristics for all types. Fig. 11 Circuit used to measure saturated switching times. COLLECTOR SUPPLY VOLTAGE {Vccle -20V Igi*TaztIe/300 ,1e<25" T mr ee << 10% . - - 10% TIME : COLLECTOR- TO-famTTER ease a 4 < VOLTAGE te_1- Lage " i LF wie FORM TUAN: me A becereser t 10 COLLECTOR CURRENT ILg1A | . 02C3-2086eR: Fig. 13 Phase relationship between Input currant Fig. 12 Typical saturated switching-time charac- and output current showing reference teristics for all types. points for specification of switching times. ! en 269