North American Capacitor Company/7545 Rockville Road/Indianapolis IN 46214-3073/Phone: (317)273-0090/Fax: (317)273-2400/www.nacc-mallory.com
Aluminum CapacitorsAluminum Capacitors
Aluminum CapacitorsAluminum Capacitors
Aluminum Capacitors
Type LP
Radial Snap-In Capacitors
Operating Temperature:
-40쎷C to +105쎷C
Voltage Range:
16 WVDC to 250 WVDC
Capacitance Range:
100 애F to 47,000 애F
Capacitance Tolerance:
앧 20% (Standard)
DC Leakage Current:
I = .02 CV
C=Capacitance in µF
V=Rated Voltage
I=Leakage Current in 애A
QA Stability Test:
Load Life: Apply WVDC for
1,000 hrs at 105쎷C
쐌 Capacitance change 앐20%
from initial limits
쐌DC leakage current meets
initial limits
쐌ESR 울 200% of initial
measured value
Shelf Life: 500 hrs, No Voltage
Applied @ 105쎷C
쐌Capacitance change 앐20%
from initial limits
쐌DC leakage current 울 200%
of initial measured value
쐌ESR 울 200% of initial
measured value
쏋 105쎷C - Long Life
쏋 22 to 35 mm Diameters
10 mm Lead Spacing
쏋 High Reliability
쏋 Stable ESR
쏋 Ideally Suited for Use in
Switchable Power Supplies
The maximum ripple current at 105°C and 120 Hz for LP capacitors is
shown in the Standard Rating Table. Maximum ripple current may be
adjusted by the multipliers in the following tables.
Ripple Multipliers
50 Hz1000Hz300Hz1000Hz10kHz100kHz
10 to 50 .90 1.0 1.03 1.05 1.10 1.10
63 to 100 .85 1.0 1.07 1.13 1.19 1.20
160 to 250 .80 1.0 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.40
Ambient Temperature Ripple Multiplier
+85쎷C 1.65
+65쎷C 2.25
+45쎷C 2.55
16 WVDC; 25 VDC Surge
4,700 .141 1.200 .866 .984 22 25 LP472M016A1P3
5,600 .120 1.429 .984 .984 25 25 LP562M016C1P3
8,200 .081 1.820 .866 1.378 22 35 LP822M016A5P3
8,200 .080 1.771 1.181 .984 30 25 LP822M016E1P3
12,000 .055 2.380 1.181 1.181 30 30 LP123M016E3P3
15,000 .046 3.000 1.378 1.181 35 30 LP153M016H3P3
22,000 .030 3.530 1.181 1.575 30 40 LP223M016E7P3
27,000 .025 4.270 1.378 1.575 35 40 LP273M016H7P3
33,000 .020 5.000 1.378 1.969 35 50 LP333M016H9P3
50 WVDC; 63 VDC Surge
1,200 .280 .860 .866 .984 22 25 LP122M050A1P3
1,500 .225 .983 .866 .984 22 25 LP152M050A1P3
2,200 .151 1.330 .866 1.378 22 35 LP222M050A5P3
2,200 .150 1.429 1.181 .984 30 25 LP222M050E1P3
3,300 .101 .176 1.181 1.181 30 30 LP332M050E3P3
3,300 .101 1.710 .984 1.378 25 35 LP332M050C5P3
3,300 .101 1.710 .984 1.181 25 30 LP332M050C3P3
3,900 .085 1.970 .984 1.575 25 40 LP392M050C7P3
4,700 .071 2.270 1.378 1.181 35 30 LP472M050H3P3
5,600 .059 2.600 1.378 1.378 35 35 LP562M050H5P3
6,800 .049 3.160 1.181 1.575 30 40 LP682M050E7P3
6,800 .049 3.160 1.181 1.969 30 50 LP682M050E9P3
8,200 .040 3.429 1.378 1.969 35 50 LP822M050H9P3
애애애애애F DL
DL Catalog
애애애애애F DL
DL Catalog
25 WVDC; 32 VDC Surge
2,700 .180 1.000 .984 .984 25 25 LP272M025C1P3
3,300 .151 1.160 .866 .984 22 25 LP332M025A1P3
3,300 .150 1.143 .984 .984 25 25 LP332M025C1P3
4,700 .106 1.480 .984 .984 25 25 LP472M025C1P3
5,600 .090 1.857 1.181 .984 30 25 LP562M025E1P3
5,600 .089 1.730 .984 1.181 25 30 LP562M025C3P3
6,800 .073 1.940 .984 1.378 25 35 LP682M025C5P3
10,000 .050 3.333 1.378 1.181 35 30 LP103M025H3P3
12,000 .041 2.970 1.378 1.181 35 30 LP123M025H3P3
15,000 .033 3.360 1.181 1.575 30 40 LP153M025E7P3
22,000 .023 4.857 1.378 1.969 35 50 LP223M025H9P3
35 WVDC; 44 VDC Surge
1,800 .188 1.040 .866 .984 22 25 LP182M035A1P3
2,700 .155 1.257 .984 .984 25 25 LP272M035C1P3
3,900 .108 1.571 1.181 .984 30 25 LP392M035E1P3
5,600 .074 2.050 1.181 1.181 30 30 LP562M035E3P3
6,800 .060 2.286 1.181 1.378 30 35 LP682M035E5P3
6,800 .061 2.320 .984 1.575 25 40 LP682M035C7P3
8,200 .051 2.690 1.378 1.181 35 30 LP822M035H3P3
10,000 .041 3.000 1.181 1.575 30 40 LP103M035E7P3
12,000 .035 3.590 1.378 1.575 35 40 LP123M035H7P3
15,000 .028 4.000 1.378 1.969 35 50 LP153M035H9P3
63 WVDC; 75 VDC Surge
820 .300 .770 .866 .984 22 25 LP821M063A1P3
1,200 .210 .990 .984 .984 25 25 LP122M063C1P3
1,800 .138 1.340 .866 1.575 22 40 LP182M063A7P3
1,800 .140 1.371 1.181 .984 30 25 LP182M063E1P3
2,200 .113 1.550 1.181 1.181 30 30 LP222M063E3P3
3,300 .076 1.200 1.378 1.181 35 30 LP332M063H3P3
4,700 .053 2.840 1.181 1.969 30 50 LP472M063E9P3
6,800 .037 3.360 1.378 1.969 35 50 LP682M063H9P3
100 WVDC; 125 VDC Surge
820 .300 .980 1.181 .984 30 25 LP821M100E1P3
2,200 .113 2.030 1.378 1.575 35 40 LP222M100H7P3
2,700 .092 2.320 1.378 1.969 35 50 LP272M100H9P3
2,700 .092 2.320 1.378 1.575 35 40 LP272M100H7P3
WV 16 25 - 35 50 -63 100 - 250
DF(%) 30 25 20 15
Dissipation Factor @ 120Hz, 25쎷C
For capacitors whose capacitance value exceeds 1000애F, the value
of DF(%) is increased 2% for every additional 1000애F.