AC centrifugal fan G2E120-CR21-01 forward curved, single inlet with housing (flange) ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG Bachmuhle 2 * D-74673 Mulfingen Phone +49 7938 81-0 Fax +49 7938 81-110 Limited partnership * Headquarters Mulfingen County court Stuttgart * HRA 590344 General partner Elektrobau Mulfingen GmbH * Headquarters Mulfingen County court Stuttgart * HRB 590142 Nominal data Type G2E120-CR21-01 Motor M2E068-BF Phase 1~ 1~ Nominal voltage VAC 230 230 Frequency Hz 50 60 Type of data definition fa fa Valid for approval / standard CE CE Speed min-1 2200 2050 Power input W 83 100 Current draw A 0.37 0.45 Motor capacitor F 2 2 Capacitor voltage VDB 450 450 Capacitor standard P0 (CE) P0 (CE) Min. back pressure Pa 0 0 Max. ambient temperature C 50 45 Starting current A 0.48 0.5 ml = max. load * me = max. efficiency * fa = running at free air * cs = customer specs * cu = customer unit Subject to alterations Item no. 10514-5-9980 * Revision 68158 * Release 2009-07-07 * Page 1 / 5 ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG * Bachmuhle 2 * D-74673 Mulfingen * Phone +49 (0) 7938 81-0 * Fax +49 (0) 7938 81-110 * * AC centrifugal fan G2E120-CR21-01 forward curved, single inlet with housing (flange) Technical features Mass 1.9 kg Size 120 mm Surface of rotor Uncoated Material of impeller Sendzimir galvanized sheet steel Housing material Sendzimir galvanized sheet steel Direction of rotation Clockwise, seen on rotor Type of protection IP 44 Insulation class "B" Humidity class F0 Max. permissible ambient motor temp. (transp./ storage) + 80 C Min. permissible ambient motor temp. (transp./storage) - 40 C Mounting position Shaft horizontal Condensate discharge holes None Operation mode S1 Motor bearing Ball bearing Touch current acc. IEC 60990 (measuring network Fig. 4, TN system) < 0.75 mA Motor protection Thermal overload protector (TOP) wired internally Cable exit Axial Protection class I (if protective earth is connected by customer) Product conforming to standard EN 60335-1; CE Approval GOST; CCC Item no. 10514-5-9980 * Revision 68158 * Release 2009-07-07 * Page 2 / 5 ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG * Bachmuhle 2 * D-74673 Mulfingen * Phone +49 (0) 7938 81-0 * Fax +49 (0) 7938 81-110 * * AC centrifugal fan G2E120-CR21-01 forward curved, single inlet with housing (flange) Product drawing 1 Connection line PVC, 4x brass lead tips crimped Connection screen U1 blue PE green/yellow Z brown U2 black Item no. 10514-5-9980 * Revision 68158 * Release 2009-07-07 * Page 3 / 5 ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG * Bachmuhle 2 * D-74673 Mulfingen * Phone +49 (0) 7938 81-0 * Fax +49 (0) 7938 81-110 * * AC centrifugal fan G2E120-CR21-01 forward curved, single inlet with housing (flange) Charts: Air flow 50 Hz Druck p f s[Pa]fur Rho=1,2kg/m^3 20 40 60 80 qv[cfm] 100 120 140 160 180 1,35 330 1,3 320 310 1,25 300 1,2 290 1,1 270 4 260 1,05 250 1 240 0,95 230 3 pf s[Pa] 220 0,9 210 0,85 200 0,8 190 0,75 180 0,7 170 160 0,65 150 0,6 140 0,55 130 Air performance measured as per ISO 5801 Installation category A. For detailed information on the measuring set-up, please contact ebm-papst. Suction-side noise levels: LwA measured as per ISO 13347 / LpA measured with 1m distance to fan axis. The values given are valid under the measuring conditions mentioned above and may vary according to the actual installation situation. With any deviation from the standard set-up, the specific values have to be checked and reviewed with the unit installed. 0,5 120 2 110 0,45 100 0,4 90 0,35 80 0,3 70 60 0,25 50 0,2 40 0,15 0,1 ] pf s[Pa 30 20 10 0 Measurement: LU-57078 1,15 280 p fs_E[IN H2O] 340 0 0,05 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 qv[m^3/h] 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 320 Measured values U f n Pe I qv pfs V Hz min-1 W A m3/h Pa 1 230 50 2200 83 0.37 280 0 2 230 50 2375 79 0.34 235 110 3 230 50 2575 72 0.31 170 220 4 230 50 2740 65 0.29 90 260 U = Supply voltage * f = Frequency * n = Speed * Pe = Power input * I = Current draw * qv = Air flow * pfs = Pressure increase Item no. 10514-5-9980 * Revision 68158 * Release 2009-07-07 * Page 4 / 5 ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG * Bachmuhle 2 * D-74673 Mulfingen * Phone +49 (0) 7938 81-0 * Fax +49 (0) 7938 81-110 * * AC centrifugal fan G2E120-CR21-01 forward curved, single inlet with housing (flange) Charts: Air flow 60 Hz Druck p f s[Pa]fur Rho=1,2kg/m^3 qv[cfm] 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1,75 420 1,7 400 1,6 1,65 1,55 380 1,45 1,4 340 1,35 4 320 1,3 1,25 300 1,2 1,15 280 1,1 260 1,05 3 1 240 pf s[Pa] Measurement: LU-57079 1,5 360 0,95 0,9 220 0,85 200 0,8 p fs_E[IN H2O] 440 0 Air performance measured as per ISO 5801 Installation category A. For detailed information on the measuring set-up, please contact ebm-papst. Suction-side noise levels: LwA measured as per ISO 13347 / LpA measured with 1m distance to fan axis. The values given are valid under the measuring conditions mentioned above and may vary according to the actual installation situation. With any deviation from the standard set-up, the specific values have to be checked and reviewed with the unit installed. 0,75 180 0,7 0,65 160 0,6 140 0,55 2 0,5 120 0,45 100 0,4 0,35 80 0,3 0,25 60 0,2 40 0 0,15 ] pf s[Pa 20 0,1 0,05 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 qv[m^3/h] 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 300 Measured values U f n Pe I qv pfs V Hz min-1 W A m3/h Pa 1 230 60 2050 100 0.45 265 0 2 230 60 2405 99 0.43 230 125 3 230 60 2710 94 0.41 175 250 4 230 60 3030 87 0.38 100 320 U = Supply voltage * f = Frequency * n = Speed * Pe = Power input * I = Current draw * qv = Air flow * pfs = Pressure increase Item no. 10514-5-9980 * Revision 68158 * Release 2009-07-07 * Page 5 / 5 ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG * Bachmuhle 2 * D-74673 Mulfingen * Phone +49 (0) 7938 81-0 * Fax +49 (0) 7938 81-110 * *