January 2005 13 MIC2044/2045
MIC2044/2045 Micrel
Applications Information
Input and Output
Supply Bypass Filtering
The need for input supply bypass is brought about due to
several factors, most notably the input/output inductance
along the power path, operating current and current limit, and
output capacitance. A 0.1µF to 0.47µF bypass capacitor
positioned very close to the VIN pin to GND of the device is
strongly recommended to filter high frequency oscillations
due to inductance. Also, a sufficient bypass capacitor posi-
tioned close to the input source to the switch is strongly
advised in order to suppress supply transient spikes and to
limit input voltage droop. Inrush current increases with larger
output capacitance, thus the minimum value of this capacitor
will require experimental determination for the intended appli-
cation and design. A good starting point is a capacitor
between 4.7µF to 15µF. Without these bypass capacitors, an
extreme overload condition such as a short circuit, or a large
capacitive load, may cause either the input supply to exceed
the maximum rating of 6V and possibly cause damage to the
internal control circuitry or allow the input supply to droop and
fall out of regulation and/or below the minimum operating
voltage of the device.
Output Capacitance
When the MIC2044 die exceeds the overtemperature thresh-
old of approximately 140°C, the device can enter into a
thermal shutdown mode if the die temperature falls below
120°C and then rises above 140°C in a continuous cycle.
With VOUT cycling on and off, the MIC2044 will reset the
/FAULT while in an overtemperature fault condition if VOUT is
allowed to swing below ground. The inductance present at
the output must be neutralized by capacitance in order to
ensure that the output does not fall below ground. In order to
counter the board parasitic inductance and the inductance of
relatively short-length power cable (≤ 1ft., 16 - 20 gauge wire),
a minimum output capacitance of 22µF is strongly recom-
mended and should be placed close to the VOUT pin of the
MIC2044. For applications that use more than a foot of cable,
an additional 10µF/ft. is recommended.
Reverse Current Blocking
The MIC2044/45 provides reverse current flow blocking
through the output MOSFET if the voltage at VOUT is greater
than VIN when the device is disabled. The VBIAS supply has
a limited reverse current flow if the voltage at VOUT is pulled
above VBIAS when the device is disabled. A graph of the
VBIAS reverse current flow is shown in the “Functional
Characteristics” section. The reverse current for VBIAS can
be completely blocked by inserting a Schottky diode from the
VBIAS pin (cathode) to the supply (anode). However, the
minimum voltage of 1.6V must be supplied to VBIAS after
accounting for the voltage drop across the diode.
Output Slew-Rate Adjustment
The output slew-rate for the MIC2044/45 can be slowed down
by the use of a capacitor (16V rating, minimum; 25V sug-
gested) between SLEW and GND. The slew-rate control
circuitry is independent of the load capacitance and exhibits
a non-linear response. See the “Functional Characteristics”
section. Table 1 shows the rise time for various standard
capacitor values. Additionally, the output turn-on time must
be less than the nominal flag delay of 32ms in order to avoid
nuisance tripping of the /FAULT output. This limit is imposed
by the current limiting circuitry which monitors the
(VIN – VOUT) differential voltage and concludes a fault
condition is present if the differential voltage exceeds 200mV
for more than the flag delay period. For the MIC2045, the
/FAULT will assert and the output will latch off if the output is
not within 200mV of the input before the flag delay times out.
When using the active-low (–2) option with the EN input tied
to ground, slew control is functional during initial start-up but
does not function upon resetting the input power to the
device. In order for the SLEW control to operate during
consecutive system restarts, the EN pin must reset (toggle
OFF to ON).
UVLO Threshold Setting With Low Input Voltages
When the switching voltage is below 1.6V, the device’s
standard UVLO threshold (1.45V nominal) will hinder the
output MOSFET in switching VIN to VOUT. In this case, the
use of the UVLOIN pin is required to override the standard
UVLO threshold and set a new, lower threshold for the lower
input voltage. An external resistive divider network con-
nected at the UVLOIN pin is used to set the new threshold.
Due to the ratio of the internal components, the total series
resistance of the external resistive divider should not exceed
200kΩ. The circuit shown in Figure 4 illustrates an application
that switches 0.8V while the device is powered from a
separate 2.5V power supply. The UVLO threshold is set by
the following equation.
V 0.23V 1 R2
In substituting the resistor values from Figure 4, the resulting
UVLO threshold (VUVTH) is calculated as 0.6V for this 0.8V
switching application. When using the UVLOIN pin to set a
new UVLO threshold, an optional 0.1µF to 1.0µF capacitor
from UVLOIN to GND may be used as a glitch filter in order
to avoid nuisance tripping of the UVLO threshold. If the
UVLOIN pin is not in use, this pin should be left open
(floating). The use of a pull-down resistor to ground will offset
the ratio of the internal resistive divider to this pin resulting in
a shift in the UVLO threshold. To bypass (disable) UVLO,
connect the UVLOIN pin directly to the VIN pin of the
Conditions: VIN = VBIAS = 5V/3V
CLOAD = 47µF; ILOAD = 1A
CSLEW (µF) Rise Time (ms)
5V 3V
0.02 4.4 6.6
0.033 7.5 11.25
0.047 11 16
0.1 24 31.5
Table 1. Typical Output Rise Time for Various CSLEW
(VIN = 5V, 3V)