8AT24C1024SC 5045A–SEEPR–04/04
Device Add r ess in g The 1024K EEPROM requires an 8-bit device address word fol lowing a start condition to
enable the chip for a read or write operation (see Figure 8). The device address word
consists of a mandatory “one, zero” sequence for the first four most significant bits as
shown. T his is common to all two-wire EEPROM devices.
Th e nex t th ree bi ts of t he devi ce addr ess w or d a re unused. These three unused bits
should be set to “0”.
The sev enth bit (P0) of the device address is a memory page address bit. The memory
page address bit is the most significant bit of the d at a word ad d r e ss t ha t f ol lo w s .
The eighth bit of the device address is the read/write operation select bit. A read opera-
tion is initiat ed if this bit is high and a wri te operatio n is i nitiated i f this bit is low.
U pon a com pare of the devi ce address, t he EEPROM will output a “0”. If a compare is
not made, the device will retu rn to a standby state.
Fi gure 8. Device Address
Wr ite Op er at io ns BYTE WRITE: To select a data word in the 1024K memory requ ires a 17-bit word
address. The word address field co nsists of the P0 bit o f the d e vi ce addr es s, then t he
most significant word address followed by the least significant word address (s ee Figure
A write oper ation requir es the P0 bit and two 8-bit word addres ses followin g th e device
address word and acknowledgment. Upon receipt of this address, the EEPROM will
again respond wi th a “0” and then clock in the first 8-b it dat a word. Following receip t of
the 8-bit data word, the EEPROM will output a “0”. T he ad dre ssi ng device, s uch as a
m icr oco n tro ller, t hen mu s t term inate the wri te sequence with a stop condition. At this
time the EEPROM enters an internally-timed write cycle, tWR, to the nonvolat ile mem ory.
All inputs are disabled durin g this write cycle and the EEPROM will not r e spond until the
write is complete (see Figure 9 ).
Fi gure 9. Byte Write
PAGE WRITE: The 1024K EEPROM is capable of 256-byte page writes.
A page wri te is initiated t he same way as a byte write , bu t the m icrocont roller does not
send a sto p condition after the first data wo rd is clocked in. Instea d, after the EEPROM
ac knowle dges receip t of the first dat a word, the micro contro ller ca n tr ansmit up to 255
more data words. The EEPROM will respond with a “0” after each data word received.
The m icrocontroller must termina te the page write sequence with a stop condition (see
Figure 10).