LM135 - LM235 - LM335,A
There is a n easy m etho d of ca librating the dev ice
for higher accuracies (see typical applications).
The single point calibration works because the
output of the LM135, LM235, LM335 is proportion-
al to the absolute temperature with the extrapolat-
ed output of sensor going to 0V at 0°K
(-273.15°C). Errors in output voltage versus tem-
perature are only slope. Thus a calibration of the
slope at one temperature corrects errors at all
The circuit output (calibrated or not) can be given
by the equation: VOT + VOTO x
where T is the unknown temperature and To is the
reference tempe rature (in °K).
Nomi nally the output is calibrate d at 10mV/°K.
Precautions should be taken to ensure good sens-
ing accuracy. As in the case of all temperatures
sensors, self heating can decrease accuracy. The
LM13 5, LM235, LM335 should operate with a low
current but sufficient to drive the sensor and its
calibration circuit to their maximum operating tem-
If the sensor is used in surroundings where the
thermal resistance is constant, the errors due to
self heating can be externally calibrated. This is
pos sible if the circuit is biased with a temperature
stable current. Heating will then be proportional to
zener voltage and therefore temperature. In this
way the error due to self heating is proportional to
the absolu te temperature as scale factor errors.