SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-1306. TITLE
4.8.2 Burn-in. When fus es are tes ted in acc ordance with 5.8.4, they shall not open circuit nor s hall their
voltage drops change by more than 10 percent from the pre-thermally shocked values. There shall be no
mechanical damage as a result of this testing.
4.8.3 Dielectric Strength. W hen fus es are tested in accordance with 5.8.5, the leakage c urrent shall not
exceed 1 milliampere.
4.8.4 X-Ray Inspection. When fuses are tested in accordance with 5.8.6, there shall be no rejections.
4.8.5 Current-Carrying Capacity (Group C / Qualification Only). When fuses are tested in accordance
with 5.8.7, they shall show no evidence of mechanical damage and shall carry the current as specified without
electrical failure. The temperature of the case or terminals shall at no point rise more than +85°C above the ambient
air temperature. The maximum temperature rise for 6.0, 7.5, 10, 15 and 20 ampere fuses shall be +120°C.
4.8.6 Terminal Strength. W hen fuses are tested in accordance with 5.8.8, the lead terminals shall not
break or loosen. The cold resistance values shall not change by more than 10 percent.
4.8.7 Thermal Vacuum (Qualification Only). When fuses are tested in accordance with 5.8.17, they shall
not open circuit during the application of derated DC current nor shall there be evidence of arcing or mechanical
damage af ter the test. Fuses that are subj ected to the 400 perc ent overload cur rent test s hall "blow" within the time
period specified (see Table VI). The cold resistance values of those fuses not subjected to the overload current
shall not change by more than 10 percent when measured after thermal vacuum exposure.
4.8.8 Overload Current. Overload Current Characterization. Each fuse lot shall be sam pled to assure that blow tim e limits
fall within the limits of Table VI. Each lot shall be truncated to form an inspection lot based upon the Final Voltage
Drop after burn-in. The manufacturer shall blow samples (a minimum of 20 samples total) selected from the
extrem es of the truncated population to insure that their blow times are within the specification. The results of this
procedure shall be provided in the "Group A Data" with the lot data package. Overload Current. Fuses selected f rom a tr uncated distribution shall be tes ted in accordanc e with
5.8.15. The clearing times and the maximum I2t shall be as specified in Table VI. After clearing, the circuit shall
rem ain open without closing again dur ing a one minute period. T he let through ener gy during the one minute per iod
shall be included in the calculation of I2t. The blown fuses shall meet the resistance after firing test of 4.8.9.
4.8.9 Resistance after Firing. When blown fuses are tested in accordance with 5.8.16, the minimum
resistanc e shall be 10 megohm s. The f ollowing exceptions shall apply for fus es with current r atings greater than 5
a) 250% Overload - A resistance value of 100K ohms minimum following the 250% overload test.
b) Other Overloads - A resistance value of 1 megohm minimum following overload testing.
4.8.10 Moisture Resistance (Group C / Qualification Only). When fuses are tested in accordance with
5.8.9, there shall be no evidence of cracking or peeling of the fuse body, loosening of the terminals or excessive
corrosion of the leads. The resistance of the fuses shall not change by more than 15 percent as a result of the
moisture exposure.
4.8.11 Shock (Group C / Qualification Only). When fuses are tested in accordance with 5.8.10, there shall
be no evidence of mechanical damage and the fuse resistance shall not change by more than 10 percent.
4.8.12 Vibration (Group C / Qualification Only). When fuses are tested in accordance with 5.8.11, there
shall be no evidence of mechanical damage and the fuse resistance shall not change by more than 10 percent.
4.8.13 Low Temper ature Oper ation (Group C / Q ualific ation Only). When f uses are tested in ac cordanc e
with 5.8.13, they shall not open circuit and the fuse resistance shall not change by more than 10 percent.