Data Sheet
1. This datasheet is downloaded from the website of Murata Manufacturing co., ltd. Therefore, it’s specifi cations are subject to change or our products in it
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Noise Suppression Products/EMI Suppression Filters > For Automotive > EMIFILr (Capacitor type) for Automotive
oThis data sheet is applied for CHIP EMIFILr used for Automotive Electronics equipment for your design.
Continued from the preceding page.
c Derating of Rated Current
When NFM31H series is used in operating
temperatures exceeding +105°C, derating
of current is necessary.
Please apply the derating curve shown in
chart according to the operating
Derating of Rated Current
-55 105 125
Operating Temperature (°C)
Rated Current (A)
c !Caution/Notice
!Caution (Rating)
1. Do not use products beyond the rated current and rated
voltage as this may create excessive heat and
deteriorate the insulation resistance.
2. Be sure to provide an appropriate fail-safe
function on your product to prevent a second damage
that may be caused by the abnormal function or
the failure our product.
Solderability of Tin plating termination chip might be
deteriorated when low temperature soldering profi le
where peak solder temperature is below the Tin melting
point is used. Please confi rm the solderability of Tin
plating termination chip before use.