PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 1. SCOPE 1.1. Content This specification covers the performance, tests and quality requirements for the AMP* Shielded Cable Clamp Assemblies and Accessories (CCA&A) used with HDP-20 or HDE-20 connectors. This includes the following types (styles) of shielded cable clamps: A, Thermoplastic - fully plated B, Thermoplastic - selectively plated Cc. Zinc Die Cast - fully plated Each of these types can be utilized with one of the following strain relief arrangements: (1) Crimp ferrules (2) Split ring ferrules (3) None 1.2. Qualification When tests are performed on the subject product Line, the procedures specified in AMP 109 series specifieations shall be used. All inspections shali be performed using the applicable inspection plan and product drawing. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this specification and the product drawing, the product drawing shall take precedence. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this specification and the referenced documents, this specification shall take precedence. 2.1L. AMP Specifications A. 109-1: General Requirements for Test Specifications B. 109 Sertes: Test Specifications as indicated in Figure 1. (Comply with MIL-STD-202, MIL-STD-1344 and 3 EIA RS-364) i Cc, 501-80: Test Report w 5 aie a Bs *Trademark of AMP Incorporated. Be Ze p 32 wolf 11/4f F AMP INCORPORATED 7 2 x4 ar | Harrisburg, Pa. 17105 COPYRIGHT 1987 - oo hi fy) 4 7. "Lng 7 onal108-40032 "OLB OQ Release per Fe WF TITLE ACCESSORIES, CABLE AND CLAMP ECN BD-2576 y PAGE ASSEMBLIES, SHIELDED, AMPLIMITE LTR REVISION RECORD APP DATE 1 OF 6 AMP 1250.16 REV 7-87Corporate Bulletin 401-76: Cross-reference between AMP Test Specifications and Military or Commercial Documents Application Specifications (1) 114-40002; Contact, AMPLIMITE* HDE-20 Mass Terminated (23 114-40003: Contact, AMPLIMITE HDE-20 F-Crimp 3) 114-10000: Contact, 20 DF E. Product Specifications (1) 108-4001L: Connector, HDE-20 Mass Terminated 2) 108-40005:;: Gonnector, AMPLIMITE HDP-20 F, 501 - : Test Report 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1. Design and Construction Accessories shall be of the design, construction and physical dimenstons specified on the applicable product drawing. 3.2. Materials Plastic cable clamps: Thermoplastic, UL 94V-0 Rated Die case cable clamps: Zinc alloy Assembly hardware: Steel Crimp ferrules: Copper, brass Split ring ferrule: Aluminum AO 3.3, Ratings A. Current /Voltage: See Para 3.5. (a) B. Operating Temperature: -55* to 105C Die cast cable clamps -55* to 85C Plated plastic cable clamps This is the maximum operating temperature; however, the operating environment used must not exceed the limits of the cable. 3.4. Performance and Test Description Accessories shall be designed to meet the electrical, mechanical and environmental performance requirements specified in Figure 1. Results of this are also dependent on the connectors and cables used for the test. These items must conform to the test requirements in Figure l. REV | LOC AMP INCORPORATED AMF | Harrisburg,Pa. 17105 AMP 1251-13 FEV 10-85 108 -400323.5. Test Requirements and Procedures Summary Test Description Requirement Examination of Product Meets requirements of product drawing and AMP Specs 108-40005 and 1108-40011, Procedure SS Visual, dimensional and functional per applicable inspection pian. ELECTRICAL Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 1.0 kvac dielectric withstanding voltage, one minute hold, 1,0 milliampere maximum leakage current, Test between adjacent eontacts and contacts and shields of mated connector assemblies; AMP Spec 109-29-1, Insulation Resistance 5000 megohms minimum initial at 500 volts dc. Test between adjacent contacts and contacts and shields of mated connector assemblies; AMP Spec 109-28-4, Shielding Effectiveness Shielding shall attenuate emissions by the following levels. Measure shielding effectiveness of double ended single braid cable; Frequency MHz Shielding AMP Spec 109-90. 30-216 40 dB 216-1000 20 dB MECHANICAL Vibration (b) No discontinuities greater than 1.0 microsecond. Subject mated connectors to 10-55-10 Hz traversed in 1 minute at .06 inches total excursion; 2 hours in each of 3 mutually perpendicular planes; AMP Spec 109-21-1. Physical Shock (b) No discontinuities greater than 1.0 microsecond. Subject mated connector to 50 G's half-sine in 1l milliseconds; 3 shocks in each direction applied along the 3 mutually perpendicular planes total 18 shocks; AMP Spec 109-26-1. Cable Pullout (c) CCA&&A shall have no physical damage or electrical discontinuities greater than 1.0 microsecond. Apply 50 pounds; AMP Spec 109-46 Circular Jacket Cable Flexing (c) CCA&G&A shall have no physical damage or electrical discontinuities greater than 1.0 microsecond. 100 cycles at a rate of 12 to 14 cycles per minute; AMP Spec 109-20. Figure 1 (cont) amp | AMP 1251-13 REV 10-85 AMP INCORPORATED Harrisburg,Pa. 17105 108 - 40032Test Description Requirement Procedure ENVIRONMENTAL Thermal Shock (bh) Dielectric withstanding voltage, Subject mated connectors to 5 cycles between -55 to 105C for zinc die cast C.C.; -55" to 85C for plated plastic c.c, Maximum temperature not to exceed Para 3.3.B.:; AMP Spec 109-22. Industrial Mixed Flowing Gas Subject mated connectors to class III industrial mixed flowing gas for 10 day duration per AMP Spec 109-85-3. (a) Maximum rated current that can be carried by this product is Limited by cable per Para 3.3.B. and maximum operating temperature of CCAGA and temperature rise of contacts as determined by the Product Specifications in Para ?,1.E.. Variables which shall be considered for each application are: wire size, connector size, contact material, and ambient temperature. (b) Shall remain mated and show no evidence of damage, cracking or chipping. (c) Cable pullout and flex pertains to samples with crimp ferrules only Figure 1 (end) 3.6. Accessories Qualification and Requalification Tests and Sequences Test Group (a) Test or Examination L J 2] 3 Test Sequence (b) Examination of Product 1 1 1 I Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 3,8 3,9 Insulation Resistance 2,7 2,8 Shielding Effectiveness 4,9 2,4 4,10 Vibration 3 Physical Shock 6 Cable Pullout 5 Thermal Shock 7 Circular Jacket Cable Flexing 6 Industrial Mixed Fiowing Gas 3 (a) See Para 4.1.A. (b} Numbers indicate sequence in which tests are performed. Figure 2 AMP INCORPORATED race xe Rev yree amp | Harrisburg,Pa. 17105 4 108-40032 o |B ee a AMP 1251-13 REV 10-85QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS Qualification Testing A. Sample Selection Connector housings and contacts shall be prepared in accordance with applicable Instruction Sheets. They shall be selected at random from current production, All test groups shall each consist of a minimum of six double ended cable assemblies with appropriate shielding hardware, The cable used shall be a single shielded jacketed cable with enough conductors that a minimum of 75% of the contacts in the connector are terminated, Each cable shall be 6 feet + .5 inches long as specified in the cable Length figure of AMP Test Specification 109-90. All contacts shall be crimped in accordance with AMP Specification 114-10000. B. Test Sequence Qualification inspection shall be verified by testing samples as specified in Figure 2, Acceptance (1) Test results from development on pre-qualification samples will be used to determine upper and lower one-sided statistical tolerance limits for 99% reliability at 95% confidence, as follows. Let Xbar and s denote the sample average and standard deviation, respectively, of the test data. Let k denote the normal distribution one-sided tolerance factor for 95% confidence and 99% reliability, The value of k varies with sample size. Values of k are given in various tables, for example, NBS Handbook 91, Factors for One-Sided Tolerance Limits for Normal Distribution. Suitability of the normal distribution for representing the data shall be verified with normal probability plots, goodness of fit tests, etc. Then the upper one-sided tolerance Limit for 99% reliability at 95% confidence is given by Xbar + ks. The interpretation of this tolerance limit is as follows: based on the test data, and assuming 4a normal distribution for the test data, we can be 95% confident that 99% of the population of values represented by the sample data will not exceed Xbar + ks. For any test parameter for which there is specified an upper requirement which is not to be exceeded, satisfactory performance of the product is achieved when the value of Xbar + ks does not exceed the requirement value. The lower one-sided tolerance limit for 95% confidence and 99% reliability is given by Xbar -_ ks. This has a similar interpretation and corresponding application to lower requirement values. A411 samples tested in accordance with this specification shall meet the stated tolerance limit. REV | LOC AMP INCORPORATED AMP | Harrisburg,Pa. 17105 108 -40032 a AMP 1251-13 REV 10-85-Failures attributed to equipment, test setup, or operator deficiencies shall not disqualify the producr, When product failure occurs, corrective action shali be taken and samples resubmitted for qualification, 4.2, Requalification Testing Requalification shall be established by the cognizant divisional engineering function and may consist of all or any part of the overall qualification program provided that it is conducted within the required time period. 4.3. Quality Conformance Inspection The applicable AMP inspection plan will specify the sampling acceptable quality q level to be used. Dimensional and functional requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable product drawing and this specification, IWV AMP [ w \ Figure 3 amp | REY | Loc AMP INCORPORATED Harrisburg,Pa. 17105 108-40032 AMP 1261-13 REV 10-85