Maximum contac t drop initial: 0.150 volt.
Afte r life test: 0.175 vo lt.
Overload current: 40 amperes dc, 60 amperes ac.
Rupture current: 50 amper es dc, 80 amperesac.
Duty rating: Conti nuous.
RFI specification MIL-STD-461.
(applicable to coil circuits of ac operated relays)
Conformance i nspection:
Performance of groups B and C tests are not applicable.
Group A acceptance reports shall be submitt ed to the qualif ying acti vity on a yearly basis in order to retain
qualifica tion for this military speci fication sheet.
Qualification by similarit y: See MIL-PRF-6106.
Referenced documents. In addition to MIL-PRF-6106, this speci f ication sheet references the following docum ents.
( Government do cuments are av ailable o n line at or or
from the S tanda rd ization Docum ent O r der Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Buil ding 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094) .
Soc iety of A utomo tive En gineer s d oc uments are a va i lable from the Society of Autom otive Engin eers 4 00
Commonwealth Dr ive Warrendale, Pennsyl vania, United States, 15096-0001.
Departm ent of Defense
MIL- STD-461 - Requir ements f or the Control of Electromagneti c Interf erence Characteristics of
Subsys tems and Equipment
Soci ety of Automoti v e Engineers ( SAE)
SAE-AMS3332 - Sili c one Rubber Extreme Low- Temperature Res i s tant, 15-30
Custodians: Preparing activity:
Air Force - 11
DLA - CC ( Project 5945-1221-17)
Review activities:
Navy - EC
NOT E: The activit ies l isted abov e wer e interested in this d ocument as of the date of t his d ocument . Sinc e
organizations and res ponsibiliti es can change, you should verify the currency of t he information abov e using ASSIST
Online database at
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