GdldlOg oos4Uy Revised 6-99 Personal Systems Products Computer Industry Expansion Connectors Standard Edge .050 Series Product Facts: PCI Connectors p p p m@ Supports PC! extension cards derived from the MC bus m For 3.3 and 5 volt signaling o = =s o o - - : + ee aw Easy mating of high circuit = : if! s count daughierboards 2 Leelee Fee wail = Choice of plastic pylons or Ss L metal holddowns is | hl 32 and 64 bit t = . aie ir T TTT T a an It cOnnecIOrs S Material and Finish: TET TTT available o Housing ~ High terpereture therm3- ws va plastic, white ; ; m Polarizing web for positive . Contacts - Phosphor orange, duplex With 2 Plastic Pylons hoard-to-board registration platad gald in cortact area, tir-lead on sclder tails HOHE E FET | oi FEHETNENE AEF HET M., wal SHR THTEy ate omet2 Pea EPEE TIMER EONTERESENTON~ SAY ASEECCMERETROETEET TORUS | = oO wD ; = _ a Cc es = 1 oO t Te B - (C0 & = a ~< LL With 4 Plastic Pylons 1 | at aa ~s set <4, | : 4<, : ' i L . _ | i I THT TAN ee TE me WTP ST TT | With 3 Metal Holddowns No. of Housing Stgnaling Blt Notes Part Dual Pos Styla () Caunt Humber 62 2 Plastic Pylans 3385 22 Bit 11299-1 62 2 Plastic Pylons 33&5 a2 Bit 3 149154-6 92 3 Metal Kolddowrs 5 64 Bit 145169-4 92 3 Plastic Pylons 33 64 Bit 3 145165-8 92 3 Plastic Pylons 5 4 Bit 3 145166-8 Notes: 1. Surface mount version available Part No. 145098-1 2. 40C [2.54] Salder Ta | length Note: 3. .125 [3.7] Solder Ta | length BLUE part numbers indicate 2D geometry and 3D CAD models that are included on CD-ROM. 32 Personal Sysiems Products WwW. Specifications subject to change