Unijunction Transistor
TO−18 Package
The 2N2646 is designed for use in pulse and timing circuits, sensing circuits and thyristor trigger circuits.
DLow Peak Point Current: 5A (Max)
DLow Emitter Reverse Current: .005A (Typ)
DPassivated Surface for Reliability & Uniformity
Absolute Maximum Ratings: (TA = +25C unless otherwise specified)
Power Dissipation (Note 1), PD300mW...................................................
RMS Emitter Current, IE(RMS) 50mA......................................................
Peak Pulse Emitter Current (Note 2), iE2A................................................
Emitter Reverse Voltage, VB2E 30V.......................................................
Interbase Voltage, VB2B1 35V............................................................
Operating Junction Temperature Range, TJ−65 to 125C...................................
Storage Temperature Range, Tstg −65 to +150C..........................................
Note 1 Derate 3mW/C increase in ambient temperature. The total power dissipation (available
power to Emitter and Base−Two) must be limited by the external circuitry.
Note 2 Capacitor discharge − 10F or less, 30 volts or less
Electrical Characteristics: (TA = +25C unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Intrinsic Standoff Ratio VB2B1 = 10V, Note 3 0.56 −0.75 −
Interbase Resistance rBB VB2B1 = 3V, IE = 0 4.7 7.0 9.1 k
Interbase Resistance Temperature
arBB 0.1 −0.9 %/C
Note 3. Intrinsic standoff ratio, is defined by equation:
= VP − VF
where VP = Peak Point Emitter Voltage
VB2B1 = Interbase Voltage
VF = Emitter to Base−One Junction Diode Drop ( 0.45V @ 10A)