(Refer to Functional Diagram)
Main Control Loop
The LTC1436A/LTC1437A use a constant frequency, cur-
rent mode step-down architecture. During normal opera-
tion, the top MOSFET is turned on each cycle when the
oscillator sets the RS latch and turned off when the main
current comparator I1 resets the RS latch. The peak
inductor current at which I1 resets the RS latch is con-
trolled by the voltage on I
pin, which is the output of error
amplifier EA. V
and V
pins, described in the Pin
Functions, allow EA to receive an output feedback voltage
from either internal or external resistive dividers. When
the load current increases, it causes a slight decrease in
relative to the 1.19V reference, which in turn causes the
voltage to increase until the average inductor current
matches the new load current. While the top MOSFET is off,
the bottom MOSFET is turned on until either the inductor
current starts to reverse, as indicated by current compara-
tor I2, or the beginning of the next cycle.
The top MOSFET drivers are biased from floating boot-
strap capacitor C
, which normally is recharged during
each off cycle. However, when V
decreases to a voltage
close to V
, the loop may enter dropout and attempt to
turn on the top MOSFET continuously. The dropout detec-
tor counts the number of oscillator cycles that the top
MOSFET remains on, and periodically forces a brief off
period to allow C
to recharge.
The main control loop is shut down by pulling RUN/SS pin
low. Releasing RUN/SS allows an internal 3µA current
source to charge soft start capacitor C
. When C
reaches 1.3V, the main control loop is enabled with the I
voltage clamped at approximately 30% of its maximum
value. As C
continues to charge, I
is gradually re-
leased allowing normal operation to resume.
Comparator OV guards against transient overshoots
>7.5% by turning off the top MOSFET and keeping it off
until the fault is removed.
Low Current Operation
Adaptive Power mode allows the LTC1436A/LTC1437A to
automatically change between two output stages sized for
different load currents. TGL and BG pins drive large
synchronous N-channel MOSFETs for operation at high
currents, while the TGS pin drives a much smaller
N-channel MOSFET used in conjunction with a Schottky
diode for operation at low currents. This allows the loop to
continue to operate at normal frequency as the load
current decreases without incurring the large MOSFET
gate charge losses. If the TGS pin is left open, the loop
defaults to Burst Mode
operation in which the large
MOSFETs operate intermittently based on load demand.
Adaptive Power mode provides constant frequency opera-
tion down to approximately 1% of rated load current. This
results in an order of magnitude reduction of load current
before Burst Mode operation commences. Without the
small MOSFET (i.e.: no Adaptive Power mode), the transi-
tion to Burst Mode operation is approximately 10% of
rated load current.
The transition to low current operation begins when com-
parator I2 detects current reversal and turns off the
bottom MOSFET. If the voltage across R
does not
exceed the hysteresis of I2 (approximately 20mV) for one
full cycle, then on following cycles the top drive is routed to
the small MOSFET at TGS pin and BG pin is disabled. This
continues until an inductor current peak exceeds 20mV/
or the I
voltage exceeds 0.6V, either of which
causes drive to be returned to TGL pin on the next cycle.
Two conditions can force continuous synchronous opera-
tion, even when the load current would otherwise dictate
low current operation. One is when the common mode
voltage of the SENSE
pins is below 1.4V and
the other is when the SFB pin is below 1.19V. The latter
condition is used to assist in secondary winding regulation
as described in the Applications Information section.
Frequency Synchronization
A Phase-locked loop (PLL) is available on the
LTC1436A-PLL and LTC1437A to allow the oscillator to be
synchronized to an external source connected to the
PLLIN pin. The output of the phase detector at the PLL LPF
pin is also the control input of the oscillator, which
operates over a 0V to 2.4V range corresponding to –30%
to 30% in frequency. When locked, the PLL aligns the turn-
on of the top MOSFET to the rising edge of the synchroniz-
ing signal. When PLLIN is left open or at a constant DC
voltage, PLL LPF goes low, forcing the oscillator to mini-
mum frequency.