1. General description
The UJA113x System Basis Chip (SBC) contains a fully integrated buck and boost
converter along with a number of features commonly found in the latest generation of
automotive Electronic Control Units (ECUs). It interfaces directly with CAN and LIN bus
lines, supplies the mi crocontr oller, handles input and outp ut signals and supports fail-safe
features including a watchdog and advanced ‘limp home’ functionality configurable via
non-volatile memory. The UJA113x is available in number of va riants as detailed in
Section 3.
To satisfy the demand for SBCs that operate at low battery supply voltages and feature
low power dissipa tion, a switched mod e power supply (SMPS) with automatic d own (Buck
mode) or up conversion ( Bo ost mode) has been integrated into the UJA113x. In Boost
mode, the SMPS of the UJA1131 and UJA1132 variants can continue supplying a
microcontroller during dips in the battery voltage, ensuring uninterrupted operation. The
boost stage of the UJA1135 and the UJA1136 has limited output current capability, and is
suitable for supplying th e memory in a microcontroller to prev en t info r ma tio n bein g lost .
The SMPS requires on ly a sing le ex te rn al co il an d som e capacito rs but no separate
The UJA113x implements the classic CAN physical layer as defined in the current
ISO11898 standard (-2:2003, -5:2007, -6:20 13). Pending the release of the upcoming
version of ISO11898-2:201x including CAN FD, ad ditional timing parame ters defining loop
delay symmetry are included. This implementation enables reliable communication in the
CAN FD fast phase at data rates up to 2 Mbit/s.
The UJA113xFD/x variants support ISO 11898-6:2013 and ISO 11898-2:201x compliant
CAN partial networking with a selective wake-up function incorporating CAN FD-passive.
CAN FD-passive is a feature that allows CAN FD bus traffic to be ignored in
Sleep/Standby mode. CAN FD-passive partial networking is the perfect fit for networks
that support both CAN FD and classic CAN communicatio ns. It allows normal CAN
controllers that do not need to communicate CAN FD messages to remain in partial
networking Sleep/Standby mode during CAN FD communication without generating bus
A number of configuration settings are stored in non-volatile memory. This makes it
possible to adapt the power-on an d limp home behavior of the UJA113x to meet the
specific require m en ts of an applicatio n .
UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/(dual) LIN system basis chip
Rev. 2 — 5 July 2016 Product data sheet
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
2. Features and benefits
2.1 General
Generic SBC functions:
Fully integrated buck-boost converter
5 V/3.3 V volt age regulator delivering up to 500 mA
Separate voltage regulator with optional prote ction against shorts to battery and
loss of module ground
CAN transceiver and up to two LIN transceivers
Two-channel battery monitoring with integrated A/D converter
Watchdog with Window and Timeout modes and on-chip oscillator
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for communicating with the microco ntroller
ECU power management system
Protected general-purpose high-voltage I/O pins configura ble as high-side drivers
(HS), low-side drivers (LS) or wake-up inputs
Four internal PWM/p ulse timers in derivatives containing high-voltage I/O pins
(see Table 1)
Designed for auto mo tiv e ap plic at ion s:
Excellent ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) performance
6 kV ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) protection according to the Human Body
Model (HBM) on the CAN/LIN bus pins
6 kV ElectroStatic Discharge protection according to IEC 61000-4- 2 on the
CAN/LIN bus pins, the sensor supply output (VEXT) and the HVIO pins
40 V short-circuit proof CAN/LIN bus pins
Battery and CAN/LIN bus pins are protected against transients in accordance with
ISO 7637-3
Very low-current Standby and Sleep modes with full wake-up capability
Supports remote flash programming via the CAN-bus
Compact 10 mm 10 mm HTQFP48 package with low thermal resistance
Dark green product (halogen free and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
2.2 Integrated buck and boost converter (SMPS)
Buck and boost functions with a single external coil:
Automatic Buck or Boost mode selection depending on input voltage and output
load conditions
Boost function allows the UJA1131 and UJA1132 to operate at very low supply
voltages (e.g. 2 V; lowest achievable supply voltage depends on output load
Boost function of the UJA1135 and UJA1136 can be used to supply the volatile
memory of a microcontroller down to battery voltages a low as 2 V.
Soft-start function
The SMPS functions as a pr e- re g ulato r for V1 and, op tio n ally, V2:
Results in excellent load response at V1 and V2
Results in negligible ripple at V1 and V2 outputs
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
Pre-regulator output voltage selectable via the SPI
The SMPS can be switched to Pass-through mode to ensure the lowest possible
current consumption with immediate full output current capability
The SMPS can be used to supply external loads directly:
e.g. as an energy-efficient supply for an LED chain
2.3 Low-drop voltage regulators (LDOs)
Main voltag e regulator V1:
5 V or 3.3 V nominal output voltage (depending on the selected device)
500 mA output current capability
capable of 500 mA transient load current jump in Standby mode
Current limiting above 500 mA
On-resistance of less than 2
2 % accuracy
Undervoltage reset; selectable threshold on the 5 V version: 60 %, 70 %, 80 % or
90 % of nominal value (default detection and release at 90 %)
Excellent transient response with a small ceramic output capacitor
Short-circ uit pr ot ec tio n
Integrated clamp protects the microcontroller by maintaining the output voltage
below 6 V, even when reverse currents of up to 50 mA are injected
Turned off in Sleep mode
Auxiliary voltage regulator V2 with configurable output stage:
5 V nominal output voltage
2 % accuracy (1.5 % up to 5 mA output curr en t)
Excellent transient response with a small ceramic output capacitor
Short-circ uit pr ot ec tio n
Current limiting above 100 mA
Configurable as supply for on-board loads
Configurab le as su pp ly for off-board loads (‘se n sor sup ply ’); pr ot ected against
shorts to GND and battery; loss-of-ground proof; high ESD robustness
2.4 CAN transceiver
ISO 11898-2:201x (upco ming merged ISO 1 189 8-2/5/6) compliant 1 Mbit/s high-speed
CAN transceiver supporting CAN FD active communication up to 2 Mbit/s in the CAN
FD data field
Autonomous bus biasing according to ISO 11898-6:2013
CAN-bus connections are truly floating when power to pin BAT is off
UJA113xFD: selective wake-up function (ISO11989-6:2013 compliant CAN partial
No ‘false’ wake-ups due to CAN FD traffic
Separate supply pin for flexibility (e.g. can be supplied from V1 or V2)
2.5 LIN transceivers
One or two channels depending on the selected device
LIN 2.x compliant
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
Compliant with SAE J2602
Downward compatible with LIN 1.3
Integrated LIN slave termination
Improved EMC emission performance with optimized curve shaping
2.6 High-voltage I/Os (HVIOs; not available in UJA113xFD/0 variants)
4 or 8 general-purpose input/output pins individually configurable as high- or low-side
output drivers
On/off contr ol via the SPI or by mapping to one of four internal PWM timers
Optional direct output on/off control via another HVIO configured as an input
(HVIO1 to HVIO4 controlled by HVIO5 to HVIO8 in variants with 8 HVIO pins)
PWM timing options include 8-bit dimming up to 250 Hz as well as periodic pulses
with variable length and variable rep etition rate; e.g. for cyclic contact monitoring
On-resistance less tha n 24
Two or more HVIOs can be combined to form a single output with increased driver
Combined into one or two banks of four HVIOs with individual supply pins for each
bank; the banks can be supplied independently fr om the battery ( 12 V), the SMPS
(6 V) or V1/V2 (5 V)
Reverse-current protection of th e output in Off mode (loss-of-ground and
loss-of-battery proof)
Open-load diagnostics and short-circuit protection and diagnostics
Can be configured individually to shut down in response to a battery supply
undervoltage and/or overvoltage
Individually configurable as inputs with wake-up capability
Selectable wake-up edge
Selectable wake-up threshold: ratiometric to HVIO supply pin or absolute level
Wake-up threshold tolerates ground offsets of up to 2.5 V
Wake-up source reporting via SPI
Continuous or periodic input level sampling; timing can be synchronized with
another HVIO pin configured as an output driver for cyclic contact monitoring
Three HVIOs can be configured individually as limp-home outputs
HVIO2 as stati c high-side driver limp-home signal
HVIO3 as 100 Hz, 10 % duty cycle limp-home signal
HVIO4 as 1.25 Hz, 50 % duty cycle limp-home signal
2.7 A/D converter for monitoring the battery voltage
10-bit resolut ion , acc ur at e to 300 mV at 20 V full scale
Two channels:
Measures the voltage level on pin BAT or pin BATSENSE
Measures the battery voltage on either side of a polarity protection diode
connected to pin BATSENSE via a series resistor
Continuous measurement on both channels
Optional software interrupt and/or shutdown of function s when measured supply
voltage is outside a defined range (unde rvoltage and overvoltage detection)
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
2.8 Power management
Wake-up via CAN, LIN or HVIO pins with wake-up source recognition
HVIO wake input functionality can be disabled to reduce current consumption
Cyclic output signal for biasing various wake-up applications with selectable period
and configurable on-time
Cyclic wake-up with selectable period
Standby mode featuring very low supply current with V1 active to maintain supply to
the microcontroller
Sleep mode featuring very low supply current with V1 off
Sleep mode option can be disabled via non-volatile memory
2.9 System control and diagnostic features
Watchdog that can operate in Windo w, Timeout (with optional cyclic wake-up) and Off
Modes (with automatic re-enable if an interrupt is generated)
Watchdog period select able between 8 ms and 4 s
16-, 24- or 32-bit SPI for configuration, control and diagnosis
2 Interrupt output pins - one for high- and low-prio rity interrupts, one for high-priority
interrupts; interrupts can be enabled individually:
V1 and V2/VEXT undervoltage; V2/VEXT overvoltage; battery over- and
undervoltage; CAN, LIN and local wake-up (HVIO); CAN and HVIO diagnostics;
overtemperature warning; cyclic wake-up; SPI failure
Bidirectional reset pin with selectable reset length to support various microcontrollers;
triggered, for example, by a watchdog overflow or by a V1 undervoltage event
Limp-home output (LIMP) for activating application-specific ‘limp-home’ hardware in
the event of a serious system malfunction
Configuration information for selected functions stored in non-volatile memory
Enable output (EN) for controlling safety-critical hardware; e.g. shut-down if the
microcontroller fails
Overtemperature warning and shut-down
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
3. Product family overview
Table 1. Feature overview of UJA113x SBC family
Buck/high-curre nt boost SMPS
Buck/low-current b oo st SMPS
V1 LDO 5 V, 500 mA
V1 LDO 3.3 V, 500 mA
V2/VEXT LDO 5 V 100 mA
CAN FD transceiver up to 2 Mbit/s
CAN partial networking; CAN FD passive
1 LIN transceivers
2 LIN transceiver
4 HVIOs: HS/LS driver or WAKE input
8 HVIOs: HS/LS driver or WAKE input
4 timers for HVIO control
Battery monitoring
LIMP pin
Advanced LIMP function
SPI interface
Reset output
EN pin for controlling critical hardware
Mode control: Normal, Standby, Sleep
Overtemperature warning and shutdown
HTQFP48 package
UJA1131HW/5V0 ●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●
UJA1131HW/3V3 ●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●
UJA1132HW/5V0 ●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●
UJA1132HW/3V3 ●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●
UJA1135HW/5V0 ●● ●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●
UJA1135HW/3V3 ●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●
UJA1136HW/5V0 ●● ●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●
UJA1136HW/3V3 ●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●
UJA1131HW/FD/5V/4 ●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●
UJA1131HW/FD/3V/4 ●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●
UJA1131HW/FD/5V/0 ●●●● ●●● ●●●●●●
UJA1131HW/FD/3V/0 ●●●●● ●●● ●●●●●●
UJA1132HW/FD/5V/4 ●●● ●● ●●●●●●●●●●●
UJA1132HW/FD/3V/4 ●●●● ●● ●●●●●●●●●●●
UJA1132HW/FD/5V/0 ●●● ●●● ●●●●●●
UJA1132HW/FD/3V/0 ●●●● ●●● ●●●●●●
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
4. Ordering information
[1] UJA113x/5Vx variants contain a 5 V regulator (V1); UJA1 13x/3Vx variants cont ain a 3.3 V regulator (V1); UJA113xFD/x variants support
CAN partial networking.
Table 2. Ordering informatio n
Type number[1] Package
Name Description Version
UJA1131HW/5V0 HTQFP48 plastic thermal enhanced thin quad flat package; 48 leads; body
10 x 10 x 1.0 mm; exposed die pad SOT1181-2
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
5. Block diagram
(1) UJA1132x and UJA1136x only
Fig 1. Block diagram of UJA113 x va ria nts without partial networ ki ng
/ / 96036
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
(1) UJA1132FDx
(2) UJA113xFD/4 only
Fig 2. Block diagram o f UJA113xFD/x variants featuring CAN partial networking
/ / 96036
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
6. Pinning information
6.1 Pinning
6.2 Pin description
(1) UJA1131x and UJA1135x only
(2) UJA113xFD/0 only
(3) UJA113xFD/x only
Fig 3. Pin configuration
9 +9,2LF
(1 +9,2QF
9 +9,2QF
6', +9,2QF
6'2 %$7+6QF
,171 %227+
'/LF 96036
'/LF /
5;'/ *1'603
7;'/ /
5;'& %$7603
7;'& %227+
9&$1 &$3$
&$1+ &$3%
&$1/ /,03
Tabl e 3. Pin descripti on
Symbol Pin Description
BATV2 1 supply input for V2 regulator
VEXT 2 protected output of voltage regulator V2 (‘sensor supply’)
V2 3 protection selection for voltage regulator V2: leave pin uncon nected for a
protected LDO with output at VEXT; connect to pin VEXT for an unprotected
LDO with lower drop-out
GND 4 ground
EN 5 enable output
V1 6 v oltage regulator output for the microcontroller (5 V or 3.3 V depending on
SBC version)
SDI 7 SPI data input
SDO 8 SPI data output
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
SCK 9 SPI clock input
SCSN 10 SPI chip select input
INTN1 11 interrupt output 1 to the microcontroller (triggered by all interrupts)
RSTN 12 reset input/output to and from the micro controller; referenced to V1 (see
Section 7.3.1)
INTN2 13 interrupt output 2 to the microcontroller (triggered by high-priority interrupts)
RXDL2/i.c 14 LIN2 receive data output; internally connected and shou ld be left open in
UJA1131x and UJA1135x
TXDL2/i.c. 15 LIN2 transmit data input; internally connected and should be left open in
UJA1131x and UJA1135x
RXDL1 16 LIN1 receive data output
TXDL1 17 LIN1 transmit data input
RXDC 18 CAN receive data output
TXDC 19 CAN transmit data input
VCAN 20 5 V supply input for the integrated HS-CAN transceiver
CANH 21 CANH bus line
CANL 22 CANL bus line
GND 23 ground
LIN1 24 LIN bus line 1
LIN2/i.c. 25 LIN bus line 2; internally connected and should be left open in UJA1131x
and UJA1135 x
BAT 26 battery supply for the LIN transceiver; input source 0 for battery A/D
ADCCAP 27 connection for A/D converter source 0 input filter capacitor
BATSENSE 28 battery A/D converter source 1 input
.29 battery supply input for HVIO 5, 6, 7 and 8 (bank 1); not connected in
HVIO8/n.c. 30 high voltage input/output 8; not connected in UJA113xFD/x
HVIO7/n.c. 31 high voltage input/output 7; not connected in UJA113xFD/x
HVIO6/n.c. 32 high voltage input/output 6; not connected in UJA113xFD/x
HVIO5/n.c. 33 high voltage input/output 5; not connected in UJA113xFD/x
HVIO4/i.c. 34 high voltage input/output 4; internally connected in UJA113xFD/0
HVIO3/i.c. 35 high voltage input/output 3; internally connected in UJA113xFD/0
HVIO2/i.c. 36 high voltage input/output 2; internally connected in UJA113xFD/0
HVIO1/i.c. 37 high voltage input/output 1; internally connected in UJA113xFD/0
BATHS1/i.c. 38 battery supply input for HVIO 1, 2, 3 and 4 (bank 0); internally connected
and should be left open in UJA11 3xFD/0
LIMP 39 limp home output
CAPB 40 terminal B for SMPS bootstrap capacitor
CAPA 41 terminal A for SMPS bootstrap capacitor
BOOTH1 42 terminal for bootstrap capacitor 1 (connected between BOOTH1 and L1)
BATSMPS 43 battery supply input for SMPS
L1 44 SMPS coil terminal 1
Tabl e 3. Pin descripti on …continued
Symbol Pin Description
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
The exposed die pad at the bottom of the package allows for better heat dissipation from
the SBC via the printed-circuit board. It is inter nally c onn ect ed to GND (pin s 4, 23 ) and
must be connected to ground on the PCB.
7. Functional description
7.1 System Controller
The system controller manages register configuration and controls the internal functions
of the SBC. Detailed device status information is collected and made available to the
microcontroller. The system controller also generates reset and interrupt signals.
7.1.1 Operating modes
The system controller is a state machine. SBC operating modes and state transitions are
illustrated in Figure 4. A detailed har dware characterization of the SBC operating modes
by functional block is given in Table 4. Off mode
The UJA113x switches to Off mode when the battery supply voltage is too low to power
the SBC.
When the battery is initially connected, the UJA113x powers up in Off mode. As soon as
the battery supply rises above the power-on detection threshold (Vth(det)pon), the SBC
executes a system reset and enters Standby mode. It switches automatically to Off mode
from all other modes if the battery supply voltage and the SMPS output voltage fall belo w
the power-off thresho ld (V th(det)poff). In Off mode, the voltage regulators are disabled and
the CAN and LIN bus systems are in a high-resistive state.
GNDSMPS 45 ground connection for SMPS
L2 46 SMPS coil terminal 2
VSMPS 47 SMPS output voltage
BOOTH2 48 terminal for bootstrap capacitor 2 (connected between BOOTH2 and L2)
Tabl e 3. Pin descripti on …continued
Symbol Pin Description
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip Standby mode
Standby mode is a low-power mode in which regulator V1 is switched on.
The SBC switches to Standby mode via Reset mode:
from Off mode if the battery voltage rises above the power-on detection threshold
from Overload mode when the battery voltage is below th e overvoltage detection
threshold (Vth(det)ov) and the chip temperature is below the overtemperatur e protection
release threshold, Tth(rel)otp, (provided the reset counter does not overflow; i.e.
RCC < 3, see Section 7.3)
from Sleep mode in response to a regular or dia gnostic interrupt (see Section 7.12)
provided RCC 3 on entering Reset mode
from Normal mode in the event of a reset event, provided RCC 3 on entering Reset
Standby mode can also be selected from Normal mode via an SPI command (MC = 100;
see Table 5).
The SBC exits Standby mode if:
Normal or Sleep mode is selected via an SPI command
a reset event is generated
the global chip tem p er at ur e rise s ab ov e th e Ove r Temperature Prote ct ion (OT P )
activation threshold, Tth(act)otp, causing the SBC to enter Overload mode
the battery voltage rises above the overvoltage detection threshold (Vth(det)ov),
causing the SBC to enter Overload mode
the battery supply voltage and the SMPS output voltage fall below the power-off
threshold (Vth(det)poff), causing the SBC to switch to Off mode Normal mode
Normal mode is the active SBC operating mode. In this mode, the SBC is fully operational
and all onboard hardware can be activated.
Normal mode can be selected from Standby mode via an SPI command (MC = 111).
The SBC immediately exits Normal mode if:
a reset event is triggered
Standby or Sleep mode is selected via the SPI (MC = 100 or MC = 001)
the global chip temp er at ur e rise s ab ove the OTP activat ion thr es ho l d, Tth(act)otp,
causing the SBC to enter Overload mode
the battery voltage rises above the overvoltage detection threshold (Vth(det)ov),
causing the SBC to enter Overload mode
the battery supply voltage and the SMPS output voltage fall below the power-off
threshold (Vth(det)poff), causing the SBC to switch to Off mode
Remark: When the UJA113x enters Normal mode, the following features are activated
afte r a short delay (td(act)norm; see Table 91): CAN and LIN transceivers, battery
monitoring, HVIO low side drivers.
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip Sleep mode
Sleep mode is a low-power mode simila r to Standby mode. However, V1 is switched of f in
Sleep mode.
Sleep mode is selected from Normal or Standby mode via an SPI command (MC = 001).
The SBC switches to Sleep mode when this command is received, provided there are no
pending interrupts or wake-up events and at least one re gula r wa ke-u p source is en able d
(see Section 7.12.2) . Any att em p t to ente r Slee p mode wh ile on e of the se co nd itio ns has
not been met will trigger a system reset and set the reset source status bits (RSS) to
10100 (‘illegal Sleep mode command received’; see Table 6).
Fig 4. UJA113x system controller
HYHQW 5&&RQ
6/3& 
6/3& 
6/3& 
6/3& 
)10& 
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
Sleep mode can be deactivated by setting the Sleep control bit (SLPC) in the SBC
configuration register to 1 (see Table 9). This register is located in the non-volatile
memory area of the device. When this bit is set to 1, the Sleep mode command is ignored.
No other SBC functions ar e affected.
If the reset counter overflows when the SBC is in Reset mode, it switches to Forced Sleep
Prepar ation (FSP) mode. The reset counter is cleared and limp home activated in FSP
mode. The SBC then switches automatically to Sleep mode, provided SLPC = 0 (if
SLPC = 1, it returns to Reset mode).
Since V1 is off in Sleep mode, the only way t he SBC can exit Sleep mode is via a wake-up
event. This can be a regular or a diagnostic wake-up event (see Section 7.12). Overload mode
Overload mode is pro vided to prevent the device being d amaged in critica l situations. The
SBC switches immediately to Overload mode:
from any mode other than Off mode if the global chip temperature rises above the
overtemperature protection activation threshold, Tth(act)otp
if the battery volt age re mains above the overvo ltage detection threshold (V th(det)ov) for
longer than the overvoltage detection time, t det(ov)
The SBC generates overtemperature and overvoltage/load dump shutdown warning
interrupts to help prevent the loss of data in the microcontroller memory in the event of a
critical overtemperature/overload event (see Section 7.6 and Section 7.8.3).
In Overload mode, the voltage regulators are switched off, pin RSTN is driven LOW and
the limp home control bit, LHC, is set to 1 so that the LIMP pin is driven LOW (see
Section 7.5). In additio n, the SMPS is off, the bus system s are in a high-resistive state and
the HVIOs are in a fail-safe state (see Section 7.10.4).
The SBC exits Overload mode when,
the global chip temperature is below Tth(rel)otp and VBAT < Vth(det)ov
the device is forced to Off mode (supply voltage < Vth(det)poff)
After leaving Overload mode, the SBC generates a system reset and enters Standby
mode. R e se t mode
The SBC switches to Reset mode in response to a reset event (see Section 7.3). This
ensures that pin RSTN is pulled down for a defined period to allow the microcontroller to
start up in a controlled manner. In addition, Reset mode provides a number of fail-safe
features including a reset counter and a reset watchdog.
The SBC exits Reset mode if:
the device is forced to Off or Overload mode
the reset event has been processed and pin RSTN has been switched HIGH agai n;
the SBC then switches to Standby mode
the reset counter overflows causing the SBC to switch to Sleep mode via FSP mode
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip Forced Sleep Preparation (FSP) mode
FSP mode is an intermediate state that is activated in the event of a serious system
failure. In FSP mode, all control settings are r eset to safe values to avoid deadlocks and to
ensure that the system starts up correctly once the failure condition has been elimin ated.
In FSP mode, all pending interrupts are cleared and all regular interrupt sources are
activated (see Table 56). In addition, bit LHC bit is set to 1 to activate the limp home
function (See Table 12).
The SBC switches to FSP mode from Reset mode if the reset counter overflows. F orc ed No rma l mo de
Forced Normal mode is a test mode intended for initial prototyping and device evaluation
in the laboratory. It simplifies SBC testing, is useful for failure detection and can be used
for first factory flashing of the microcontroller during production.
The CAN and LIN transceivers, the SMPS, V1 and V2 are on in For ced Normal mode. The
HVIOs and the watchdog are disabled and there is limited access to the SPI registers.
Only the Main status register (address 0x03), the Watchdog status register (address
0x05), the Identification registers (addresses 0x7E and 0x7F) and the registers in
non-volatile memory (addresses 0x70 and 0x75) can be read. The non-volatile memory
can be reprogrammed p rovided the SBC is in the factory preset state (see Section 7.13
for details).
The SBC switches to Forced Normal mode after power-on if bit FNMC in the SBC
configuration and control register (Table 9) is set to 1. After the initial power-on reset
sequence has be en completed, system re set is disabled. So the SBC cannot force a re set
and will not react to external reset events.
The SBC exits Forced Norm al mode if:
the non-volatile memory is (re-)programmed
the SBC switches to Overload or Off mode
A system reset is performed when the SBC exits Forced Normal mode. Hardware characterization for the SBC operating modes
Note that the digital interface pins may be inactive when the voltage on V1 drops below
the V1 undervoltage threshold (see Section
Tabl e 4. Hardware characterizatio n by functional block
Block Operatin g mode
Off Forced
Normal Standby Normal Sleep Reset Overload FSP
V1 off on on on off on off on
V2/VEXT off on V2C[1] V2C[1] V2C[1] V2C[1] off V2C[1]
HVIOn[2] of f off HVIOn control
HVIOn control
register[3] HVIOn
state[4] HVIOn
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[1] Determined by the setting of bits V2C in the Regulator control register (see Table 25).
[2] HVIO availability depends on the device variant (see Table 1).
[3] Determined by the settings in the relevant HVIO control register (see Section 7.10.7).
[4] See Section 7.10.4.
[5] Determined by the settings in the SMPS control register (see Table 23).
[6] Determined by the setting of bits CMC in the CAN control register (see Table 26).
[7] Availability of LIN2 depends on the device variant (see Table 1).
[8] Determined by the setting of bits LMCn in the LIN control register (see Table 27).
[9] Determined by the settings of bits ENC and ENDC in the Fail-safe control register (see Table 12).
[10] Since V1 is off, EN can only operate as open-drain output in Sleep mode
[11] Determined by the setting of bit LHC in the Fail-safe control register (see Table 12).
[12] Determined by the setting of bits WMC in the Watchdog control register (see Table 7).
SMPS off on (default
voltage) SMPS control
register[5] SMPS control
register[5] SMPS
on off on
CAN CAN Off CAN Active/
CAN Listen-
CAN Offline/
CAN Offline
Bias/ CAN
CAN Active/
CAN Offline/
CAN Offline
Bias/ CAN
CAN Off if
CAN shut
CAN Offline/
CAN Of fline
CAN Offline/
CAN Offline
CAN Off CAN Offline/
CAN Offline
LIN2[7] LIN Off LIN Active LIN Offline/ LIN
Listen-only[8] LIN Active/ LIN
LIN Offline[8]
LIN Offline LIN Offline LIN Off LIN Offline
EN off off ENC/ENDC[9] ENC/ENDC[9] ENC/
ENDC[9][10] ENC/
ENDC[9] off ENC/
LIMP floating floating LHC[11] LHC[11] LHC[11] LHC[11] LHC = 1 LHC = 1
RXDC pull-up
to V1 CAN status pull-up to V1;
wake-up; CAN
status if
CMC = 11
CAN status if
CMC = 01/10;
same as
pull-up to V1 pull-up to
V1/LOW if
pull-up to
V1 pull-up to V1
RXDL2[7] pull-up
to V1 LIN status pull-up to V1;
wake-up; LIN
status if
LMC = 11
LIN status if
LMC = 01/10;
same as
pull-up to V1 pull-up to
V1/LOW if
LIN wake-up
pull-up to
V1 pull-up to V1
SPI disabled limited
access active active disabled disabled disabled disabled
Watchdog off off WMC[12] WMC[12] WMC[12] off off off
Tabl e 4. Hardware characterizatio n by functional block …continued
Block Operatin g mode
Off Forced
Normal Standby Normal Sleep Reset Overload FSP
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7.1.2 System control registers
The operating mode is sele cted via bits MC in the Mo de control register. The Mode control
register is accessed via SPI address 0x01 (see also Section 7.16.2).
The Main SBC status register can be accessed to monitor the status of the
overtemperature warn ing flag and to determine whether the SBC has entered Normal
mode after power-up. It also indicates the so urce of the most recent reset event.
Table 5. Mode control register (address 01h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:3 reserved R -
2:0 MC R/W 001 Sleep mode
100 Standby mode
111 Normal mode
Table 6. Main SBC status register (address 03h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 reserved R -
6 OTWS R 0 IC temperature below overtemperature warning threshold
1 IC temperature above overtemperature warning threshold
5 NMS R 0 SBS has entered Normal mode (after leaving Off mode)
1 SBS powered up but has not yet switched to Normal mode
4:0 RSS R source of most recent reset event:
00000 exited Off mode (power-on)
00001 CAN wake-up detected in Sleep mo de
00010 LIN1 wake-up detected in Sleep mode
00011 LIN2 wake-up detected in Sleep mode (if LIN2 is available)
00100 HVIO1 wake-up detected in Sleep mode (if dedicated HVIO is available)
00101 HVIO2 wake-up detected in Sleep mode (if dedicated HVIO is available)
00110 HVIO3 wake-up detected in Sleep mode (if dedicated HVIO is available)
00111 HVIO4 wake-up detected in Sleep mode (if dedicated HVIO is available)
01000 HVIO5 wake-up detected in Sleep mode (if dedicated HVIO is available)
01001 HVIO6 wake-up detected in Sleep mode (if dedicated HVIO is available)
01010 HVIO7 wake-up detected in Sleep mode (if dedicated HVIO is available)
01011 HVIO8 wake-up detected in Sleep mode (if dedicated HVIO is available)
01100 watchdog overflow in Sleep mode
01101 diagnostic wake-up in Sleep mode
01110 watchdog triggered too early
01111 watchdog overflow
10000 illegal watch dog mode control access
10001 RSTN pulled down externally
10010 leaving Overload mode
10011 V1 undervoltage event
10100 illegal Sleep mode command received
10101 wake-up after leaving FSP mode
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7.2 Watchdog
The UJA113x contains a watchdog that supports three operating modes: Window,
Timeout and Autonomous. In Window mode (available only in SBC Normal mode), a
watchdog trigger event within a closed watchdog window resets the watchdog timer. In
Timeout mode, the watchdog runs continuously and can be reset at any time withi n the
time-out time by a watchdog trigger. Watchdog Timeout mode can also be used for cyclic
wake-up of the microcontroller. In Autonomous mode, the watch dog can be off or in
Timeout mode.
The watchdog mode and watchdog period are selected via the Watchdog control register
(Table 7) and can only be changed when the SBC is in Standby mode.
The watchdog mode is selected via bits WMC. If Window mod e is selected (WMC = 100),
the watchdog remains in (or switches to) Timeout mode until the SBC enters Normal
mode. Any attempt to chang e the watchdog operating mode (via WMC) while the SBC is
in Normal mode will cause the UJA113x to switch to Reset mode and the reset source
status bits (RSS) will be set to 10000 (‘illegal watchdog mode control access’; see
Table 6).
Eight watchdog periods are supported, from 8 ms to 4096 ms. The watchdog period is
programmed via bits NWP. The selected period is valid for both Window and Timeout
modes. The default watchdog period is 128 ms.
A watchdog trigger event reset s the watch dog timer. A watchdog trigger event is any valid
write access to the Watchdog control register. If the watchdog mode or the watchdog
period have chang ed as a result of the write access, the n ew values are valid immediately.
[1] Default value if SDMC = 1 (see Section 7.2.1)
[2] Default value.
[3] Selected in Standby mode but only activated when the SBC switches to Normal mode.
The watchdog is a valuable safety mechanism, so it is critical that it is configured correctly .
Two features are provided to prevent watchdog parameters being changed by mistake:
Table 7. Watchdog control register (address 00h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:5 WMC R/W watchdog mode control:
001[1] Autonomous mode
010[2] Timeout mode
100[3] Window mode
4 reserved R -
3:0 NWP R/W nominal watchdog period
1000 8 ms
0001 16 ms
0010 32 ms
1011 64 ms
0100[2] 128 ms
1101 256 ms
1110 1024 ms
0111 4096 ms
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redundant states asso ciat ed with co nf igu ra tio n bits WMC and NWP
reconfiguration protection in Normal mode
Redundant states associated with control bits WMC and NWP ensure that a single bit
error cannot cause the watchdog to be configur ed incorrectly (at least 2 bit s must be
changed to reconfigure WMC or NWP). If an attempt is made to write an invalid code to
WMC or NWP (e.g. 011 or 1001 respectively), the SPI op eration is abandone d and an SPI
failure interrupt is generated, if enabled (see Section 7.12).
Two operating modes have a major impact on the operation of the watchdog: Forced
Normal mode and Sof tware Development mode (Sof tware Development mode is provided
for test purposes and is not an SBC operating mode; the UJA113x can be in any mode
with Software Development mode enab led; see Section 7.2.1). These modes are en abled
and disabled via bits FNMC and SDMC respectively in the SBC configuration control
register (see Table 9). This register is located in the non-volatile memory area (see
Section 7.13). In Forced Normal mode (FNM), th e watchdog is disabled. In Software
Development mode (SDM), the watchdog can be disabled or activated for test purposes.
Information on the status of the watchdog is available from the Watchdog status register
(Table 10). This register also indicates whether Forced Normal and Software
Development mo de s ar e ac tive .
[1] Default value if SDMC = 0
[2] Default value if SDMC = 1
Table 8. Summary of watchdog settings
System controller state Watchdog configuration
SDMC = x SDMC = x SDMC = 0 SDMC = 1
WMC = 100
(Window) WMC = 010[1]
(Timeout) WMC = 001
(Autonomous) WMC = 001[2]
Normal mode Window Timeout Timeout off
Standby mode (INTN1 HIGH) Timeout Timeout off off
Standby mode (INTN1 LOW) Timeout Timeout T imeout off
Sleep mode Timeout Timeout off off
Forced Normal mode off off off off
Other modes off of f off off
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[1] Factory preset value.
Table 9. SBC configuration control register (ad dre ss 74h)
This table is located in non-volatile memory with restricted write access.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 reserved R -
5:4 V1RTSUC R/W V1 reset threshold (defined by bit V1RTC) at start-up:
00[1] V1 undervoltage detection at 90 % of nominal value at
start-up (V1RTC = 00)
01 V1 undervoltage detection at 80 % of nominal value at
start-up (V1RTC = 01)
10 V1 undervoltage detection at 70 % of nominal value at
start-up (V1RTC = 10)
11 V1 undervoltage detection at 60 % of nominal value at
start-up (V1RTC = 11)
3 FNMC R/W 0 Forced Normal mode disabled
1[1] Forced Normal mode enabled
[1] Software dev el o pment mode disabled
1 Software development mode enabled
1 VEXTAC R/W 0[1] regulator V2 can be used as a sensor supply via pin VEXT,
provided pin V2 is left floating
1 regulator V2 not protected against shorts to higher voltages;
pin V2 must be shorted to pin VEXT
[1] Sleep mode supported
1 Sleep mode not supported
Table 10. Watchdog status register (address 05h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:4 reserved R -
3 FNMS R 0 SBC is not in Forced Normal mode
1 SBC is in Forced Normal mode
2 SDMS R 0 SBC is not in Software Development mode
1 SBC is in Software Development mode
1:0 WDS R watchdog status:
00 watchdog is off
01 watchdog is in first half of window
10 watchdog is in second half of window
11 reserved
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7.2.1 Software development mode
Software Development mode is provided to simplify the sof tware design process. When
Software Development mode is enabled, the watchdog starts up in Autonomous mode
(WMC = 001) and is inactive after a system reset, overriding the default value (see
Table 7). The watchdog is always off in Autonomous mode if Sof tware Development mode
is enabled (SDMC = 1; see Table 9).
Software can be run without a watchdog in Software Development mode. However, it is
possible to activate an d deactivate the watchdog for test purposes by selecting Window or
Timeout mode via bits WMC while the SBC is in Standby mode (note that Win dow mo de
will only be activated once the SBC switches to Normal mode). Software Development
mode is activated via bits SDMC in non-volatile memory (see Table 9).
7.2.2 Watchdog behavior in Window mode
The watchdog runs continuously in Window mode. The watchdog is in Window mode
when WMC = 100 and the UJA113x is in Normal mode.
In Window mode, the watchdog can only be triggered during the second half of the
watchdog period. If the watchdog overflows, or is triggered in the first half of the watchdo g
period (before ttrig(wd)1), a system reset is performed. If the watchdog is triggered in the
second half of the watchdog period (after ttrig(wd)1 but before ttrig(wd)2), the watchdog timer
is restarted.
7.2.3 Watchdog behavior in Timeout mode
The watchdog runs contin uously in Timeout mode. The watchdog is in Timeout mode
when WMC = 010 and the UJA113x is in Normal, Standby or Sleep mod e. The watchdog
will also be in T imeout mode if WMC = 100 and the UJA113x is in St andby or Sleep mode.
If Autonomous mode is selected (WMC = 001), the watchdog will be in Timeout mode if
one of the conditions for Timeout mode listed in Table 8 has been satisfied.
In T imeout mode, the watchdog can be triggered at any time up to ttrig(wd)2 after the start of
the watchdog period. If the watchdog overflows (t > ttrig(wd)2), the watchdog interrupt bit
(WDI) in the System interrupt status register ( Table 58) is set. If a WDI is already pending,
a system reset is performed. In Timeout mode, the watchdog can be used as a cyclic
wake-up source fo r the microcontroller whe n the UJA113x is in S tand by or Sleep mode. In
Sleep mode, a watchdog ov erflow generates a wake-up event.
7.2.4 Watchdog behavior in Autonomous mode
Autonomous mode is selected when WMC = 001. In Autonomous mode, the watchdog is
either off or in Timeout mode, according to the conditions detailed in Table 8.
When Autonomous mode is selected, the watchdog will be in Timeout mode if the SBC is
in Normal mode and Software Development mode is disabled (SDMC = 0). If the SBC is
in Standby mode, the watchdog will be in Timeout mode if INTN1 is LOW and SDMC = 0.
Otherwise the watchdog will be off.
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7.2.5 Exceptional behavior of the watchdog after writing to the Wa tchdog regis ter
A successful write operation to the Watchdog control register resets the watchdog timer.
Bits WDS are set to 01 and th e watchdog rest art s at the beginning o f the watchdog period
(regardless of the selected watchdog mode). However, the wa tchdog may restart
unexpected ly in th e sec on d ha lf of the watchdog period or a WDI interrupt may be
generated under the following conditions.
Case A: When the watchdog is running in Timeout mode (see Table 8) and a new
watchdog period is selected (via bits NWP) that is shorter than the existing watchdog
period, one of both of the following events may occur.
Status bits WDS can be set to 10. When this happens, the timer re starts at th e
beginning of the second half of the watchdog period, causing the watchdog to overflow
earlier than expected. This can be avoided by writing the new NWP (or NWP + WMC)
code twice whenever the watchdog period needs to be changed. The write commands
should be sent consecutively. The gap between the commands should be at least
td(W)SPI, but less than half of the new watchdog period.
If the watchdog is in the second half of the watchdog period when the watchdog period
is changed, the timer will be reset correctly. The watchdog will restart at the beginning of
the watchdog period and WDS will be set 01. However, a WDI interrupt may be
generated unexpectedly. To counteract this effect, the WDI interrupt should be cleared
by default after the new watchdog period has been selected. The gap between this
command and the two write commands discussed above should not be less than
Case B: If the watchdog is triggered in Timeout mode (see Table 8) at exactly the same
time that WDS is set to 10, it will start up again in the second half of the watchdog period.
As in Case A, this will cause the watchdog to overflow earlier than expected. This
behavior appears identical to an ignored watchdog trigger event and can be avoided by
issuing two consecutive watchdog commands. The gap between the commands should
be at least td(W)SPI and the second command should be issued before the end of the first
half of the watchdog period. It is recommended to use this trigger scheme if it is possible
that the watchdog could be triggered exactly in the middle of the watchdog window.
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7.3 System reset
When a system reset occurs, the SBC switches to Reset mode and initiates a process
that generates a low-level pulse on pin RSTN.
When the UJA113x enters Reset mode, the value stored in the reset counter (RCC) is
checked. If RCC < 3 , the reset counter is incremented (bits RCC = RCC + 1; see
Table 12). Pin RSTN is then pulled LOW for the selected reset length (tw(rst)) to begin the
reset process. The reset length is determined by bits RLC in the Start-up control register
(Table 11). When the reset timer expires, RSTN is released and the SBC switche s to
Standby mode.
The reset counter ensures that repeated reset events are detected. If RCC is equal to 3
when the UJA113x enters Reset mode, the SBC assu mes that a serious failure has
occurred and switches to FSP mode, enabling the limp home function (see Section 7.5).
Fig 5. Reset process during a system reset
5&& "
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When the system is running correctly, it is expected that the reset counter will be reset
(RCC = 00) periodically by the system software to ensure th at rout ine r eset events do not
cause it to overflow. When the battery supply voltage is low (VBATSMPS < Vuvd(BATSMPS)),
the reset count er is not incremented. T his pr ec au tio n ensu re s that the system starts up
properly when the supp ly voltage is low.
The voltage on V1 is monitored throughout the reset process. If a V1 undervoltage is
detected, the reset timer is restarted. The reset process is also monitored by a reset
time-out timer. The reset time-out timer ensures that deadlock is avoided in Reset mode,
e.g. due to a permanently low V1 supply. If the reset process has not been completed by
the time the reset time-out timer expires (after tto(rst)), the reset counter is incremented.
The reset process is then restarted if RCC < 3. If RCC = 3, the SBC switches to FSP
7.3.1 Characteristics of pin RSTN
Pin RSTN is a bidirectional open-drain low-side driver with integrated pull-up resistance,
as shown in Figure 6. With this configuration, the SBC can detect the pin being pulled
down externally, e.g. by the microcontroller. The input reset pulse width must be at least
7.3.2 Selecting the output reset pulse width
The duration of the output reset pulse is selected via bits RLC in the Start-up control
register (Table 11), which is located in non-volatile memory. The SBC distinguishes
between a cold start and a warm start. A cold start is performed on start-up if the reset
event was generated by a V1 undervoltage event (the V1 undervoltage threshold is
defined by bits V1RTC; see Table 25). This happens when the SBC exits Off, Overload
and Sleep modes. The output reset pulse width for a cold start is determined by the
setting of bits RLC.
If the reset event was not triggered by a V1 undervoltage (e.g by a warm start of the
microcontroller), the SBC always us es the shortest reset length (tw(rst) = 1 ms to 1.5 ms).
Fig 6. RSTN internal pin confi gu ra ti on
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[1] Factory preset value.
7.3.3 Reset sources
The following events cause the SBC to switch to Reset mode:
VV1 drops below the selected V1 undervoltage threshold defined by bits V1RTC
pin RSTN is pulled down externally
the watchdog overflows in Window mode
the watchdog is triggered too early in Window mode (before ttrig(wd)1)
the watchdog overflows in Timeout mode while a wa tchdog interrupt (WDI) is pending
an attempt is made to reconfigure the Watchdog control register while the SBC is in
Normal mode
the SBC leaves Off mode
the SBC leaves Overload mode
the SBC leaves Sleep mode (local or bus wake-up)
a Sleep mode command is received while an interrupt is pending (INTN1 LOW; see
Section 7.12.3)
a Sleep mode command is received while no regular interrupt is selected (see
Section 7.12.3)
Table 11. S tart-up control register (address 73h)
This table is located in non-volatile memory with restricted write access.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 reserved R -
5:4 RLC R/W RSTN output reset pulse width:
00[1] tw(rst) = 20 ms to 25 ms
01 tw(rst) = 10 ms to 12.5 ms
10 tw(rst) = 3.6 ms to 5 ms
11 tw(rst) = 1 ms to 1.5 ms
3 V2SUC R/W V2 start-up control:
0[1] bits V2C set to 00 at power-up (default)
1 bits V2C set to 11 at power-up
2 IO4SFC R/W HVIO4 configuration control:
0[1] pin HVIO4 configured as a standard I/O pin
1 HVIO4 limp home function enabled
1 IO3SFC R/W HVIO3 configuration control:
0[1] pin HVIO3 configured as a standard I/O pin
1 HVIO3 limp home function enabled
0 IO2SFC R/W HVIO2 configuration control:
0[1] pin HVIO2 configured as a standard I/O pin
1 HVIO2 limp home function enabled
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7.4 EN output
The EN pin can be used to control external hardware, such as power comp onents, or as a
general-purpose output when the system is running properly.
The EN pin is a V1-based digital output driver. It can be configured via bit ENDC in the
Fail-safe control register as a push-pull output driver or as an open-drain low side driver.
The functionality is identical in both con figurations. The only differ ence is that the pin is lef t
floating if the open-drain option is selected and pulled up otherwise.
The output signal on pin EN is configured via bit ENC as follows:
ENC = 00: EN is permanently LOW
ENC = 01: EN is HIGH when the SBC is in Normal, Reset and Standby modes
ENC = 10: EN is HIGH when the SBC is in Normal mode
ENC = 11: EN is controlled by Timer 2
If the high-side driver is deactivated (ENDC = 1), a pull-up resistor is nee ded from EN to
V1, regardless of the value of ENC.
The EN pin can be used to deactiva te e xterna l ha rdwa re in the eve nt of a batter y over - or
undervoltage when the SBC is in Normal mode (see also Section 7.8.2). This function is
enabled/disabled via bit s ENSC (see Table 12). When this functio n is enabled, the EN pin
is driven low when the battery supply is outside its specified operating range (see
Table 12). When this happens, the settings of bits ENC are ignored.
7.4.1 Fail-safe control register
The Fail-safe control register contains the reset counter along with EN and limp home
control settings.
Table 12. Fail-safe contr ol reg is te r (add ress 02h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 ENSC R/W EN shut-down control:
00 EN pin not influenced by ba ttery over- or undervoltage
01 EN pin driven LOW when battery undervoltage detected
10 EN pin driven LOW when battery overvoltage detected
11 EN pin driven LOW when battery over- or undervoltage
5 ENDC R/W EN high-side driver activation:
0 EN high-side driver enabled; push-pull output
1 EN high-side driver disabled; pin configured as an
open-drain low-side driver
4:3 ENC R/W EN output configuration:
00 EN is driven permanently LOW
01 EN is HIGH (or floating if ENDC = 1) when the SBC is in
Normal, Reset and Standby modes
10 EN is HIGH (or floating if ENDC = 1) when the SBC is in
Normal mode
11 EN is controlled by Timer 2
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7.5 Limp home function
The LIMP pin can be used to enable so called ‘limp home’ hardware in the event of an
ECU failure. Detectable failure conditions include SBC overtempe rature events, loss of
watchdog service, short circuits on pins RSTN or V1 and user-initiated or external reset
events. The LIMP pin is a battery-related, active-LOW, open-drain output.
The LIMP pin is activated automatically (via bit LHC in the Fail-Safe control register;
Table 12) as the soon as the SBC enters Overload Mode or switches to FSP mode after
multiple reset events. Alternatively, the host controller can activate the LIMP output
directly by setting bit LHC via the SPI.
Bit LHC is cleared automatically when the SBC enters Off mode. In SBC active modes, it
is assumed that the host controller will clear bit LHC via the SPI. When bit LHC is cleared,
the LIMP pin is immediately released.
In addition to the LIMP pin, an advanced limp home function has been implemented via
pins HVIO2, HVIO3 and HVIO4 (see Section 7.10.6). These pins can be configured
individually as ‘limp home’ or standard I/O pins via the Start-up control register (see
Table 11), which is located in the non-volatile memory area.
Pin HVIO2 can be used as an additional static LIMP signal. The difference between this
pin and the LIMP pin is that HVIO2 activates its high-side driver to allow the dedicated
limp home hardware to be supplied directly.
The high-side driver of HVIO3 can be used to drive a PWM signal with a 10 % duty cycle
and a period of 100 Hz when configured as a limp home output. HVIO4 provides a slow
1.25 Hz clock with a 50 % duty cycle that can be used for hazard light control.
7.6 Global temperature protection
The temperature of the UJA113x is monitored continuously. The SBC switches to
Overload mode when the glo bal chip temperature rises above the overtemperature
protection activation threshold, Tth(act)otp. When this event happens, pi n RSTN is driven
LOW and limp home is activated (pin LIMP is driven low; HVIO2/HVIO3/HVIO4 limp home
functionality is triggered if enable d). In ad dition, the SMPS, the CAN and LIN tra nsceivers
and all voltage regulators are switched off. The HVIO pins are set to fail-safe state (see
Section 7.10.4). When the global chip temperature falls below the overtemperature
protection release threshold, Tth(rel)otp, the SBC switches to Standby mode via Reset
The SBC can be configured to issue an over temperature warning. When the global chip
temperature rises above the overtemperature warning threshold (Tth(warn)otp), the SBC
generates an OTWI inter rupt, if enable d. It can also lower the output volt age of the SMPS
to reduce power dissipation (see Section
2 LHC R/W LIMP output configuration:
0 LIMP pin is floating
1 LIMP pin is driven LOW
1:0 RCC R/W xx reset counter; incremented at every system reset if
uvd(BATSMPS); maximum value is 3
Table 12. Fail-safe contr ol reg is te r (add ress 02h) …continued
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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7.7 Register locking
Sections of the register address map can be write-protected to protect against unintended
modifications. Any attempt to overwrite a locked regis ter res ults in the entire S PI
command being ignored (even if part of the SPI command accesses unlocked registers).
An SPI failure interrupt is generated (SPIFI = 1), if enabled. Note that this facility only
protects locked bits from being modified via the SPI and will not prevent the UJA113x
updating status regis ter s et c.
Table 13. Lock control register (address 0Ah)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 reserved R -
6 LK6C R/W lock control 6: address area 0x68 to 0x6F - data mask (FD
versions only)
0 SPI write-access en abled
1 SPI write-access disabled
5 LK5C R/W lock control 5: address area 0x50 to 0x5F - Timer control
0 SPI write access enabled
1 SPI write access disabled
4 LK4C R/W lock control 4: address area 0x40 to 0x4F - HVIO5 to HVIO8
control (if HVIO bank 1 available; see Section 7.10)
0 SPI write access enabled
1 SPI write access disabled
3 LK3C R/W lock control 3: address area 0x30 to 0x3F - HVIO1 to HVIO4
control (if HVIO bank 0 available; see Section 7.10)
0 SPI write access enabled
1 SPI write access disabled
2 LK2C R/W lock control 2: address area 0x20 to 0x2F - transceiver control
0 SPI write access enabled
1 SPI write access disabled
1 LK1C R/W lock control 1: address area 0x10 to 0x1F - supply control
0 SPI write access enabled
1 SPI write access disabled
0 LK0C R/W lock control 0: address area 0x06 to 0x09 - general-purp ose
0 SPI write access enabled
1 SPI write access disabled
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7.8 Power supplies
7.8.1 Battery supply pins
The UJA113x contains a number of supply pins for suppling different SBC modules:
BATSMPS supplies the SMPS and regulator V1
BATV2 supplies regulator V2
BATHS1 supplies HVIO1, HVIO2, HVIO3 and HVIO4 (if available)
BATHS2 supplies HVIO5, HVIO6, HVIO7 and HVIO8 (if available)
BAT supplies the LIN transceiver and is an input to the A/D converters
An external diode is needed in series between the battery and any supply pin co nnected
directly to the battery to pr otect th e device again st negative volt age s.The battery p ins can
be supplied via different paths. A loss of supply at one or more of the battery pins will not
damage the device.
The internal circuitry is supplied via pin BAT or pin VSMPS. If both VBAT and VVSMPS fall
below the power-off detection threshold, Vth(det)poff, the SBC switches immediately to Off
mode. The voltage regulators and the internal logic are shut down in Off mode. The SBC
switches from Off mode to Stan dby mode as soon as VBAT rises above the power-on
detection threshold, V th(det)pon. This event generates a power-on st atus interr upt (POSI) to
inform the microcontroller that the UJA113x has left Off mode.
7.8.2 Battery monitor
The SBC contains a two-channel 10-bit ADC covering the 20 V full-scale range for
monitoring the battery voltage. The ADC is used to measure the supply voltages on pins
BAT and BATSENSE. If a series resistor an d a capacitor ar e co nn e cte d as show n in
Figure 7, the supply voltage connected to the anode of the reverse polarity diode can be
monitored via pin BATSENSE. The ADC conversion results are stored in bit s BMBCD and
BMSCD in, respectively, the VBAT and VBATSENSE conversion results registers
(Table 18/Table 19 and Table 20/Table 21).
An under- or overvoltage event on a selected ADC channel gen erates a battery monitor
undervolta ge ( BMUI) or over volt age (BMOI) interrupt (a nd optionall y deactivates the CAN
transceiver and peripheral loads connected to HVIOn/V2/VEXT or EN). The channel is
selected via the ba tter y monito r sour ce con tro l bit (BMSC) in the Battery monitor trigger
source control register (Table 14). If BMSC = 0, an under- or overvoltage on pin BAT
triggers an interrupt. If BM SC = 1, an under- or overvo ltage on pin BATSENSE triggers an
The battery monitor under- and overvoltage thresholds are set via bits BMUTC and
BMOTC (see Table 15 and Table 16). Under- and overvoltage threshold hysteresis levels
are set via bits BMHUC and BMHOC (see Table 17). The under- and overvoltage status
can be monitored via bits BMUVS and BMOVS in the Supply status register (Table 22).
In order to minimize quiescent current consumption, battery monitoring is only enabled
when the SBC is in Normal mode. When battery monitoring is deactivated, all related
functions are unavailable.
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Fig 7. Battery monitoring circuit
Table 14. Battery mon ito r event trigger source control register (address 11h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:1 reserved R -
0 BMSC R/W trigger source for generating battery monitoring/overvoltage/
undervoltage/shutdown events:
0 voltage on BAT triggers an event
1 voltage on BATSENSE triggers an event
Table 15. Battery mon ito r undervoltage threshold control register (address 12h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:0 BMUTC R/W xxxxxxxx threshold for triggering a battery undervoltage event and
BMUI interrupt; threshold = BMUTC[7:0]/255 20 V
Table 16. Battery mon ito r overvoltage threshold control register (address 13h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:0 BMOTC R/W xxxxxxxx threshold for triggering a battery overvoltage event and
BMOI interrupt; threshold = BMOTC[7:0]/255 20 V
Table 17. Battery mon itor hysteresis control register (addre ss 14h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:4 BMHOC R/W xxxx battery monitor overvoltage threshold release level; release
level = BMHOC[7:4] 4/255 20 V below threshold defined
3:0 BMHUC R/W xxxx battery mo nitor undervoltage threshold release level; release
level = BMHUC[3:0] 4/255 20 V below threshold defined
Table 18. ADC conversion results for VBAT register 1 (address 15h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:0 BMBCD R xxxxxxxx ADC conversion results for voltage measured on pin BAT;
8 mos t significant bits
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Table 19. ADC conversion results for VBAT register 2 (address 16h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:3 reserved R -
2 BMBCS ADC conversion results for VBAT read out via SPI:
0 8 MSBs of BMBCD not read out via SPI
1 8 MSBs of BMBCD read out via SPI
1:0 BMBCD R xx ADC conversion results for voltage measured on pin BAT;
2 least si gnificant bits
Table 20. ADC conversion results for VBATSENSE register 1 (address 17h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:0 BMSCD R xxxxxxxx ADC conversion results for voltage measured on pin
BATSENSE; 8 most significant bits
Table 21. ADC conversion results for VBATSENSE register 2 (address 18h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:3 reserved R -
2 BMSCS ADC conversion results for VBATSENSE read out via SPI:
0 8 MSBs of BMSCD not read out via SPI
1 8 MSBs of BMSCD read out via SPI
1:0 BMSCD R xx ADC conversion results for voltage measured on pin
BATSENSE; 2 least sign ificant bits
Table 22. Supply voltage status register (address 1Bh)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 reserved R -
5 BMOVS R overvoltage status of voltage on selected (via BMSC) event
trigger source (BAT or BATSENSE):
0 voltage below overvoltage threshold (defined by BMOTC)
1 voltage above overvoltage threshold (defined by BMOTC)
4 BMUVS R undervoltage status of voltage on selected (via BMSC) event
trigger source (BAT or BATSENSE):
0 voltage above undervoltage threshold (defined by BMUTC)
1 voltage below undervoltage threshold (defined by BMUTC)
3 SMPSS R status of voltage on pin VSMPS:
VSMPS is within the regulation window
VSMPS is outside the regulation window
2:1 VEXTS R status of VEXT pin:
00 VVEXT ok (above undervoltage and below overvoltage
01 VVEXT below undervoltage threshold
10 VVEXT above overvoltage threshold
11 VVEXT disabled
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7.8.3 Overvoltage shut-down
If the supply voltage remains above the overvoltage detection threshold (Vth(det)ov) for
longer than tdet(ov), the SBC triggers an Overvoltage shut-down interrupt (OVSDI; see
Table 56). Once the interrupt has been generated, the overvoltage shut-down timer is
starte d and the SBC enters Overload mode after td(sd)ov.
If the supply voltage falls below the overvoltage release threshold (Vth(rel)ov) while the
overvoltage shut-down timer is running, a system reset is generated when the timer
expires and the SBC switches to Standby mode (via Reset mode; see Figure 4).
A system reset is generated every time the SBC exits Overload mode. In all cases, the
reset source is recorded as ‘leaving Overload mode’ (RSS = 10010; see Table 6).
7.8.4 Buck and Boost converter (SMPS)
All the active components of a SMPS are included in the UJA113x (only a single external
coil and some capacitors are needed to obtain a functional SMPS). Three bootstrap
capacitors are needed between pins CAPA and CAPB, BOOTH1 and L1 and between
BOOTH2 and L2 (see Figure 31). The converter operating mode, Boost or Buck is
selected automatically and depends on the supply voltage level and the load conditions.
The SMPS configuration is shown in Figure 8.
The SMPS is used as a pre-regulator for linear regulator V1. It can also be used as a
pre-regulator for V2 or to supply an external load such as an LED chain. SMPS parameter selection and status monitoring
The SMPS output voltage (between 5 V and 8 V) is selected via bit s SMPSOC in the
SMPS output voltage control register (Table 24). Since the SMPS is intended to operate
as a pre-regulator for linear regulators V1 and/or V2, the output voltage must be set to a
voltage higher than the output voltage(s) of V1 and/or V2. At power-on and when a pulse
is detected on RSTN, the SMPS is enabled with the output voltage set to 6.0 V (the
default value; see Table 87).
The SMPS status can be monitored via bit SMPSS in the Supply voltage status register
(Table 22). A regulation window is defined from VVSMPS(act) 60 mV to VVSMPS(act) +
60 mV. VVSMPS(act) is the actual value of the SMPS output voltage at DC load. SMPSS is
set to 0 when VVSMPS is within the regulation window. SMPSS is set to 1 when VVSMPS is
outside the regulation window for longer than tto(reg). This time-out is added because load
transients may cause a short excursion of Vvsmps outside the 60 mV window while the
SMPS is still in regulation and inside its specified limits. An SMPSSI interrupt is
generated, if enabled (SMPSSIE = 1; see Table 66), when VVSMPS moves outside the
regulation window.
The SMPSS flag will be set/cleared when Vvsmps leaves/enters the regulation window
because of a transition between switched mode and Pass-through mode. This includes
transitions requested via SPI, automatic transitions caused by a too-low or too-high supply
0 V1S R V1 status:
0 V1 output voltage above 90 % undervoltage threshold
1 V1 output voltage below 90 % undervo ltage threshold
Table 22. Supply voltage status register (address 1Bh) …continued
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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voltage, and automatic transitions caused by a too-high output current. The SMPSS flag is
disabled when the SMPS is in Pass-through mode and cannot trigger an SMPSSI
Table 23. SMPS control register (address 19h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:4 reserved R -
3 SMPSOTC R/W SMPS overtemperature control:
VSMPS not modified when an overtemperature warning
received (OTWI interrupt)
VSMPS automatically reduced to 5 V when the chip
temperature is above the overtemperature warning
threshold, Tth(warn)otp
2 reserved R -
1:0 SMPSC R/W SMPS on/off control:
00 the SMPS is on in Normal, Standby and Reset modes
and shut down in all other modes
01 the SMPS is on in Normal, Standby, Reset and Sleep
modes and shut down in all other modes
10 reserved
11 Pass-through mode is requested in Normal, S tandby and
Sleep modes
Table 24. SMPS output voltage control register (address 1Ah)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:4 reserved R -
3:0 SMPSOC R/W SMPS output voltage (VVSMPS):
0000 5.0 V
0001 5.2 V
0010 5.4 V
0011 5.6 V
0100 5.8 V
0101 6.0 V
0110 6.2 V
0111 6.4 V
1000 6.6 V
1001 6.8 V
1010 7.0 V
1011 7.2 V
1100 7.4 V
1101 7.6 V
1110 7.8 V
1111 8.0 V
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip Automatic up/down principle
An up- and a down-con verter are combined in the SMPS. The SMPS switches
automatically and seamlessly betwee n three operat ing mo de s, withou t affecting th e
Buck mode: The converter will be in Buck mode when the required output voltage is
significantly lower than the input voltage. In this mode, the coil terminal conn ected to pin
L2 is permanently conn ected to the outp ut, VSMPS, via internal switch S3 (see Figure 8).
S1 and S2 are the buck converter switches.
A buck converter uses significantly less energy than a linear regulator because the
average input current is lower than the average output current.
Boost mode: The converter will be in Boost mode when the required output voltage is
higher than the input voltage. In this mode, the coil terminal connected to pin L1 is
permanently connected to the input, pin BATSMPS, via internal switch S1. S3 and S4 are
the boost converter switches. In Boost mode, the average input current is higher than the
average output current.
At very low input vo ltages, the loa d can be too great to maint ain a const ant output volt age,
causing the output voltage to fall. Note that the boost current capability of the
UJA1131/UJA1132 is higher than that of the UJA1135/UJA1136.
Auto mode: The converter will be in Auto mode when the required output volt age is in the
same range as the input voltage. In this mode, all four switches operate to maintain the
output voltage at the correct level, independently of the input voltage.
Bootstrap cycle: In Buck, Boost and Auto modes, a bootstrap capacitor charge cycle is
inserted after every 32nd PWM cycle. The duration of the charge cycle is 1/4 of a PWM
cycle. During the bo o tstrap charg e cyc le, bo th side s of th e coil ar e co nn ec te d to gro und.
Fig 8. Configuring the automatic Buck and Boost mode controller
6 ' 6
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In Pass-through mode (see Section, a bootstrap charge cycle only occurs if one
of the bootstrap voltages drops below the minimum voltage required to keep S1 and S3
switched on properly. The bootstrap charge cycle frequency is automatically reduced to
minimize quiescent current. Start-up and inrush currents
The SMPS can start up at any battery voltage above the power-on level. It switches
automatically to Boost, Buck or Auto mode as required by the battery voltage level and
output voltage setting. The auto up/down mechanism allows for a controlled st art-up, even
when the input voltage is lower than the desired output voltage. Unlike a conventional
boost-converter, the SMPS does not require a voltage at the output to start up.
To avoid excessive inrush currents and coil saturation at start-up, the rate of increase of
the coil current is limited by the switching control mechanism when the SMP S is starting
up. This function also prevents overshoot at the output voltage during start-up. Pass-through mode operation
When the output load is light, it may not be necessary to use the SMPS as a pre-regulator
for V1 and/or V2 since the internal power dissipation will be relatively low, even when
using linear regulators. For example, the microcontroller still needs to be supplied when
the SBC is in Standby mode, even though it may be switched to a low-current mode.
Pass-through mode is provided for such situations.
In Pass-through mode, switches S1 and S3 are closed. The inte rnal power consumption
of the SMPS is negligible. The output voltage mirrors the input voltage, less the voltage
drop across the coil and the switches.
Pass-through mode is selected via bits SMPSC in the SMPS control register (Table 23).
When SMPSC is set to 11, the UJA113x switches to Pass-through mode provided no
over- or under-voltage is detected and the load current is below the pass- through
overcurren t thr e sho l d , Ith(ocd)(VSMPS). The transition from a switching mode to
Pass-through mode is made gradually to avoid overshoots and oscillations on VSMPS
(see Section
Pass-through mode is automatically disabled and the SMPS is reactivated under any of
the following conditions:
undervolt age detected (VBATSMPS <V
overvoltage detected (VBATSMPS >V
the chip temperature rises above the overtemperature warning threshold (Tth(warn)otp)
the load current exceeds th e pass-through overcurrent threshold, Ith(ocd)(VSMPS)
Undervoltage protection prevents a system reset being generated by a falling battery
supply voltage. Overvoltage protection ensures that loads connected to the SMPS output
are not exposed to the high voltages that could be generated during a jump start or load
dump. Overvoltage protection also allows 16 V ceramic capacitors to be used at the
SMPS output.
When the chip temperature exceeds the overtemperature warning threshold, the SMPS is
reactivated to reduce internal dissipation. If the load current exceeds the pass-through
overcurrent threshold, Ith(ocd)(VSMPS), the SMPS is reactivated to limit the output current in
the event of a short-circuit conditio n on the VSMPS pin .
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A timer is started as soon as the SMPS is activated. If the conditio n that caused the SMPS
to leave Pass-through mode is r emoved before the timer expires (af ter td(act)), the return to
Pass-through mode is postponed until the timer has expired (td(act) is the minimum time
the SMPS spends in switched mode before a transition to Pass-through mode can be
When the SMPS is active, it is not possible to determine if an overcurrent would be
detected in Pass-through mode. So the SMPS will attempt to return to Pass-through mode
after td(act) if Pass-through mode is still selected (SMPSC = 11) and no over- or
under-voltage is present. If an overcurrent is detected, the SMPS will be activated again
(after tt(sw-pt)). So a continuous overcurrent causes the SMPS to cycle through active and
Pass-through modes with a period of td(act) + t
Automatic transition in and out of Pass-through mode is illustrated in Figure 9.
During the transition from Pass-throug h to an active SMPS operating mode, the voltage
on the VSMPS pin remains above the selected output voltage. This precaution
guarantees that the voltage regulator(s) remains in regulation and within specification. It
also ensures that the system can withstand load current transients on the V1 regulator
output from 0 mA to 500 mA in Standby mode. Transitions to and from Pass-through mode
When switching to Pass- th ro ug h mod e, the SM PS cannot simply close the two high-side
switches (S1 and S3) as this wou ld generate very large transien t current s in the coil and a
large output voltage overshoot. Instead, the SMPS controller slowly increase the duty
(1) VVSMPS(SMPSOC) is the SMPS output voltage selected via bits SMPSOC
Fig 9. The SMPS switches in an d out of Pass-through mode au tom a tic ally when activated (SMPSC = 11)
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cycle. As soon as the controller detects a 100% duty cycle it stops switching and only
generates filling pulses to keep the bootstrap capacitors charged. The time required to
reach 100% duty cycle depends on the outpu t load. The transition is always completed
within tt(sw-pt). This behavior is illustrated in Figure 10.
After the fixed transition time (tt(sw-pt)), all analog modules involved in SMPS switching are
switched off to conserve current. The pass-through control module will remain active to
provide regular filler pulses to keep the bootstrap supply capacitors charged. It will also
monitor the over- and under voltage indicator signals. The SMPS will meet St andby mode
current requ ire m en ts.
The transition time is inser ted to allow the system ( microcontro ller) some time to switch to
a sleep mode after switching on Pass-through mode.
When the SMPS is triggered to leave Pass-through mode, VVSMPS is likely to be much
greater than the pr ogrammed value. To achieve a smooth transition, all analog circuit s are
started up and all switching is suspended. This will cause VVSMPS to fall. Once VVSMPS
falls below the programmed output voltage level plus 100 mV, normal switching is
resumed. The time between disabling Pass-through mode and the SMPS starting
switching is determined by the output load.
To prevent the SMPS rapidly oscillating between switching and Pass-through mode, it will
remain in switching mode for at least td(act) before attempting to return to Pass-through
(1) Pass-through mode activated (SMPSC = 11) AND (Vuvd(BATSMPS) < VBATSMPS <V
(2) The output voltage rises until the PWM duty cycle reaches 100 %. The time required depends on the output load.
(3) All non-essential circuitry is switched off after tt(sw-pt) and a low-current mode is activated. Overcurrent detection is enabled.
Fig 10. Transition from switched mode to Pass-through mode
  
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip Overload protection
Output current limiting protects the SMPS and the control module against short circuits at
the output.
Under normal operating conditions, the SMPS minimizes internal power dissipation.
However, if the input voltage is low when the SMPS is required to supply a heavy load in
Boost mode, the input current can significantly exceed the output current. When this
happens, the power dissipated in the internal switches and diodes can lead to thermal
overload. Thermal shutdown can be avoided by reducing the load current and/or the
SMPS output volta ge. An overtemperature warning (status bit OTWS = 1; see Table 6)
can be interpreted as a request to take appropriate action.
The UJA113x provides an option to red uce the SMPS output voltage to 5 V automatically
when the overtemperature warning threshold has been exceeded. This option is enabled
by setting bit SMPSOTC in the SMPS control register (Table 23) to 1. When this option is
activated, the linear regulators fed by the SMPS are no longer able to supply 5 V.
However the output voltage of the regulator supplying the microcontroller may still be high
enough for it to remain operation al. This depends on the supply voltage range of the
microcontroller. Automatic output voltage reduction is disabled (SMPSOTC = 0) at
power-up and when a pulse is received on RSTN.
(1) Pass-through mode disabled (SMPSC 11) OR VBATSMPS <V
ovd(BATSMPS) OR IVSMPS > Ith(ocd)(VSMPS) OR IC temperature > Tth(warn)otp. All switches
are open.
(2) VVSMPS = programmed VVSMPS + 100 mV. Switching restarts.
(3) Pass-through can be entered again after td(act) (provided all requirements are met). If IVSMPS >
Ith(ocd)(VSMPS) when the SMPS re-enters Pass-through mode, it will start switching again after
tt(sw-pt). The circuit will switch repeatedly between switching and Pass-through modes with a cycle
time of td(act) + t
t(sw-pt) while IVSMPS > Ith(ocd)(VSMPS).
Fig 11. Transition from Pass-through mode to switched mode
  
996036 9%$76036
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7.8.5 Linear regulators
The UJA113x contains two independent voltage regulators, V1 and V2. V1 regulator
Regulator V1 is intended to supply the microcontroller, its periphery and additional CAN
transceivers and delivers up to 500 mA at 3.3 V or 5 V. It is supplied internally from the
output of the SMPS.
The output voltage on V1 is monitored continuously. A system reset is generated if the
voltage on V1 falls below the undervoltage threshold.
For the 5 V versions of the UJA113x (UJA113x/5V0), the undervoltag e threshold (60 %,
70 %, 80 % or 90 % of the nominal V1 voltage) is selected via bits V1RTC in the
Regulator control register (Table 25). The default value of the undervoltage threshold at
power-up is determined by the value of bits V1RT SUC in the SBC configuration control
register (Table 9). The SBC configuration control register is in non-volatile memory,
allowing the user to define the under voltage threshold (V1RTC) at start-up.
For the 3.3 V versions (UJA113x/5V0), the 90 % threshold always applies (regardless of
the V1RTC and V1RTSUC setting).
In addition, a warning is issued (a V1UI interrupt) if V1 drops below 90 % of the nom inal
value (provided the interrupt is enabled; V1UIE = 1). The UJA113x/5V0 can use this
information to warn the microcontroller that the level on V1 is outside the nominal supply
range when the 60 %, 70 % or 80 % threshold is selected. The status of V1, whether the
output volt age is above or below the 90 % undervolt age threshold, can be r ead via bit V1S
in the Supply voltage status register (Table 22).
In reverse supply situations (e.g. when the attached microcontroller is in low-power mode
and current is injected via its port pins to its supply pins), internal clamp circuitry ensures
that the voltage on pin V1 remains below 6 V. Volta ge regulator V2
Voltage regulator V2 is a 5 V regulator with two outputs V2 and VEXT.
If the regulator is intended to supply external components that require protection against
shorts to battery and shorts to ground, the VEXT output should be selected, leaving pin
V2 open. Bit VEXTAC must be set to 0 (see Table 9). In this configuration, the output
current flows through a transistor connected between V2 and VEXT (see Figure 1). This
transistor is automatically deactivated if an overvoltage is detected at pin VEXT. The
transistor is re-enabled when the overvoltage condition is removed, reactivating VEXT.
Pins V2 and VEXT should be shorte d together when the regu lator is bein g used to supply
internal loads (e.g. the CAN transceiver and other peripheral loads). In this case, bit
VEXTAC should be set to 1 (VEXTAC is located in non-volatile memory).
The V2 output pin is not protected against shorts to the battery, but connecting V2 to
VEXT reduces the supply voltage needed on BATV2 to generate 5 V at the output at low
battery voltages. The configuration options are illustrated in Figure 12.
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V2 is enabled and disabled via bits V2C in the Regulator control register (Table 25). The
value of bits V2SUC in the Start-up control registe r ( Table 11) determine the defa ult value
at power-up. The Start- up control register is in non-volatile memory (see Section 7.13),
allowing the user to define the configuration of V2 at start-up.
The output voltage on VEXT is monitored continuously. Warnings are issued when the
voltage drop s below 90 % of the nominal value (VEXTUI interrupt) or rises to 110 % of the
nominal value (VEX TOI interrupt). This information can be used to warn the
microcontroller that the level on VEXT is outside the nominal supply range or that a failure
has occurred. The status of VVEXT can be read via bits VEXTS in the Supply voltage
status register (Table 22).
The UJA113x can be configured to shut down V2 automatically when the battery monitor
detects an under- or overvoltage on the battery supply (via bits V2SC; see Table 25). Re g ul at or co n trol reg is te r
[1] Default value at power-up defined by setting of bits V2SUC (see Table 11).
Fig 12. V2/VEXT configuratio n op tio ns for suppling internal and external loads
Table 25. Regulator control register (address 10h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 reserved R -
5:4 V2SC R/W V2 shutdown response to a battery over- or undervoltage:
00 no shut-down in response to under- or overvol tage
01 shut-down in response to an undervo ltage
10 shut-down in response to an overvoltage
11 shut-down in response to under- and overvoltage
3:2 V2C R/W [1] V2 control:
00 V2 off in all modes
01 V2 on in Normal mode
10 V2 on in Normal, Standby and Reset modes
11 V2 on in Norma l, Standby, Sleep, Reset and FSP modes
1:0 V1RTC R/W [2] V1 undervoltage reset threshold:
00 reset threshold set to 90 % of V1 nominal output voltage
01 reset threshold set to 80 % of V1 nominal output voltage
10 reset threshold set to 70 % of V1 nominal output voltage
11 reset thre shold set to 60 % of V1 nominal output voltage
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[2] Valid for the UJA113x/5V0 versions only; for the UJA113x/3V3 versions, the V1 undervoltage reset
threshold is always 90 % of the nominal value. Default value at power-up defined by setting of bits
V1RTSUC. (see Table 9).
7.9 CAN and LIN bus transceivers
7.9.1 High-speed CAN transceiver
The integrated high-speed CAN transceiver is designed for active communication at bit
rates up to 1 Mbit/s (up to 2 M bit/s in the CAN FD data field), providing dif ferential transmit
and receive capability to a CAN protocol controller. The transceiver is ISO 11898-2:201x
(upcoming merged ISO 11898-2/5/6 standard) compliant. It is supplied via pin VCAN,
which can be connected to the output of V2, for example, or to V1 in the 5 V version
The CAN transceiver supports autonomous CAN biasing. When the SBC detects activity
on the CAN-bus, it activates autonomous CAN biasing if the CAN transceiver is inactive.
This is useful when the node is disabled due to a malfunction in the microcontroller. The
SBC ensures that the CAN-bus is correctly biased so that communication is not disturbed
by a disabled ECU. The auton omous CAN bias voltage is derived directly from the battery,
so it is active even if VCAN is not supplied. CAN operating modes
The integrated CAN tran sceiver supports four operating modes: Active, Listen-only,
Offline and Of fline Bias (see Figure 13). The CAN transceiver operating m ode depends on
the UJA113x operating mode and on the setting of bits CMC in the CAN control register
(Table 26).
When the UJA113x is in Normal mode, the CAN transceiver operating mode (Active,
Listen-only or Of fline) can be selected via bits CMC in the CAN control register (Table 26).
When the UJA113x is in Standby or Sleep modes, the transceiver is forced to Offline or
Offline Bias mode (depending on bus activity).
CAN Active mode: In CAN Active mode, the transceiver can transmit and receive data
via CANH and CANL. The differential receiver converts the analog data on the bus lines
into digital data, which is output on pin RXDC. The transmitter converts digital data
generated by the CAN controller (input on pin TXDC) into analog signals suitable for
transmission over the CANH and CANL bus lines.
CAN Active mode is selected when CMC = 01 or 10. When CMC = 01, VCAN
undervoltage detection is enabled and the transceiver will go to CAN Offline or CAN
Offline Bias mode when the voltage on VCAN drops below the undervoltage detection
threshold, (VVCAN <V
uvd(VCAN)). When CMC = 10, VCAN undervoltage detection is
disabled. The transmitter will remain active until the voltage on V1 drops belo w the V1
reset threshold (selected via bits V1R TC). The SBC will then switch to Reset mode and
the transceiver will switch to CAN Offline or CAN Offline Bias mode.
The CAN transceiver is in Active mode when:
the UJA113x is in Normal mode (MC = 111) and the CAN transceiver has been
enabled by setting bits CMC in the CAN control register to 01 or 10 (see Table 26)
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if CMC = 01, the voltage on pin VCAN is above the undervoltage detection
threshold (Vuvd(VCAN))
if CMC = 10, the voltage on pin V1 is above the V1 reset threshold OR
the SBC is in Forced Normal mode with VVCAN >V
If pin TXDC is held LOW (e.g. by a short-circuit to GND) when CAN Active mode is
selected via bits CMC, the transceiver will not enter CAN Active mode but will switch to or
remain in CAN Listen-only mode. It will remain in Listen-only mode until pin TXDC goes
HIGH in order to pre v en t a ha rd wa re and/o r software application failure from driving the
bus lines to an unwanted dominant state.
In CAN Active mode, the CAN bias volt age is derived from the supply voltage on VCAN.
The application can determine whether the CAN transceiver is ready to transmit/receive
data or is disabled by reading the CAN Transceiver Status (CTS) bit in the Transceiver
Status Register (Table 28).
CAN Listen-only mode: Listen-only mode enables basic selective wake-up using the
CAN protocol controller in the host microcontroller. In Listen-only mode the CAN
transmitter is disabled, r educing current consum ption. The CAN receiver and CAN biasing
remain active. This enables the host microcontroller to switch to a low-power mode in
which an embedded CAN protocol controller remains active, waiting for a signal to wake
up the microcontroller.
The CAN transceiver is in Listen-only mode when:
the UJA113x is in Norm a l or Standby mode and CM C = 11 OR
the UJA113x is in Forced Normal mode and VVCAN < Vuvd(VCAN)
Note that VVCAN does not need to remain active (> Vuvd(VCAN)) in CAN Listen-only mode.
However, the CAN transceiver will not leave Listen-only mode while TXDC is LOW or if
CAN Active mode is selected by setting CMC = 01 while VVCAN < Vuvd(VCAN).
CAN Offline and Offline Bias modes: In CAN Of fline mode, the transceiver monitors the
CAN bus for a wake-up event, provided CAN wake-up detection is enabled (CWIE = 1;
see Table 67). CANH and CANL are biased to GND.
CAN Offline Bias mode is the same as CAN Offline mode, with the exception that the CAN
bus is biased to 2.5 V. This mode is activated automatically when activity is detected on
the CAN bus while the transceiver is in CAN Offline mode. The transceiver will return to
CAN Offline mode if the CAN bus is silent (no CAN bus edges) for longer than tto(silence).
The CAN transceiver switches to CAN Offline mode fro m CAN Active or CAN Listen only
mode if:
the SBC switches to Sleep, Reset or FSP mode OR
the SBC is in Normal mode and CMC = 00 OR
the SBC is in Stan dby mode and CMC = 00, 01 or 10
provided the CAN-bus has been inactive for at least tto(silence). If the CAN-bus has been
inactive for less than tto(silence), the CAN transceiver switches first to CAN Offline Bias
mode and then to CAN Offline mode once the bus has been silent for tto(silence).
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The CAN transceiver switches to CAN Offline/Offline Bias mod e from CAN Active mode if
CMC = 01 and VVCAN <V
uvd(VCAN) or CMC = 10 and the voltage on V1 drops below the
V1 reset threshold.
The CAN transceiver switches to CAN Offline mode:
from CAN Offline Bias mode if no activity is detected on the bus (no CAN edges) for
t> t
to(silence) OR
when the SBC switches from Off or Overtemp mode to Reset mode
The CAN transceiver switches from CAN Offline mode to CAN Offline Bias mode if:
a standard wake-up pattern (according to ISO 11898-5) is detected on the CAN bus
the SBC is in Normal mode, CMC = 01 and VVCAN <V
CAN off mode: The CAN transceive r is switched off completely with the bus lines floating
the SBC switches to Off or Overload mode OR
CSC 00 AND CAN shut down condition true OR
VBAT and VSMPS fall below the CAN receiver undervoltage detection threshold,
It is switched on again on entering CAN Offline mode when VBAT or VSMPS is above the
undervoltage release threshold (Vuvr(CAN)) and the SBC is no longer in Off/Overload
mode. CAN Off mode prevents re verse currents flowing from the bus when the battery
supply to the SBC is lost.
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip CAN standard wake-up ( partial networking not enabled)
If the CAN transceiver is in Offline or Offline Bias mode and CAN wake-up is enabled
(CWIE = 1), but CAN selective wake-up is disabled (CPNC = 0 or PNCOK = 0), the
UJA113x will monitor the bus for a wake-up pattern.
A filter at the receiver input prevents unwanted wake-up events occurring due to
automotive transients or EMI. A dominant-recessive-dominant wake-up pattern must be
transmitted on the CAN bus with in the wake-up timeout time (tto(wake)) to pass the wake-up
filter and trigger a wake -up event (see Figure 14; note that additional pulses may occur
between the recessive/dominan t phases). The recessive and dominant phases must last
at least twake(busrec) and twake(busdom), respectively.
Fig 13. CAN transceiver state machine
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
When a valid CAN wake-up pattern is detected on the bus, CAN wake-up interrupt bit CWI
in the Transceiver interrupt status register is set (see Table 60) and pin RXDC is driven
LOW. If the SBC was in Sleep mode when the wake-up pattern was detected, V1 is
enabled to supply the microcontroller and the SBC switches to Standby mode via Reset
mode. CAN partial networking (UJ113xFD only)
Partial networking allows nodes in a CAN network to be selectively activated in response
to dedicated wake -u p fra m es (WUF). Only node s th at are functionally require d ar e ac tive
on the bus while the other nodes remain in a low-power mode until needed.
If both CAN wake-up detection (CWIE = 1) and CAN selective wake-up (CPNC = 1) are
enabled, and the partial networking registers are configured correctly (PNCOK = 1), the
transceiver mon ito rs th e bu s for dedica te d CAN wa ke -u p fra m es .
Wake-up frame (WUF): A wa ke-up frame is a CAN frame according to ISO11898-1:2003,
consisting of an identifier field (ID), a Data Length Code (DLC), a data field and a Cyclic
Redundancy Check (CRC) code including the CRC delimiter.
The wake-up frame format, standard (11-bit) or extended (29-bit) identifier, is selected via
bit IDE in the Frame control register (Table 32).
A valid WUF identifier is defined and stor ed in th e ID registers ( Table 30). An ID mask can
be defined to allow a group of identifiers to be recognized as valid by an individual node.
The identifier mask is defined in the mask regi sters (Table 31), where a 1 me a ns ‘don t
In the example illustrated in Figure 15, based on the standard frame format, the 11-bit
identifier is defined as 0x1A0. The identifier is stored in ID registers 2 (0x29) and 3 (0x2A).
The three least significant bits of the ID mask, bit s 2 to 4 o f Mask register 2 ( 0x2D), are set
to 1, which means that the corresponding identifier bits are ‘don’t care’. This means that
any of eight different identifiers will be recognized as valid in the received WUF (from
0x1A0 to 0x1A7).
Fig 14. CAN wake-up timing showin g a valid wake-up pattern
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The data field indicates which nodes are to be woken up. Within the data fiel d, groups of
nodes can be predefin ed and associated with bits in a data mask. By comparing the
incoming data field with the data mask, multiple groups of nodes can be woken up
simultaneously with a single wake-up message.
The data length code (bits DLC in the Frame control register; Table 32) determines the
number of data bytes (between 0 and 8) expected in the data field of a CAN wake-up
frame. If one or more data bytes are expected (DLC 0000), at least one bit in the data
field of the receive d wak e- up fra m e mu st be se t to 1 and at least one equivalent bit in the
associated data ma sk register in the transceiver (see Table 33) must also be set t o 1 for a
successful wake-up. Each matching pair of 1s indicates a group of nodes to be activated
(since the data field is up to 8 bytes long, up to 64 groups of nodes can be defined). If
DLC = 0, a data field is not expected.
In the example illustrated in Figure 16, the data field consists of a single byte (DLC = 1).
This means that the da ta field in the incoming wake-up frame is evaluated against data
mask 7 (stored at address 6 Fh; see Table 33 and Figure 19). Data mask 7 is defined as
10101000 in the example. This means the node is assigned to three groups (Group1,
Group 3 and Group 5).
The received message shown in Figure 16 could, potentially, wake up four groups of
nodes: groups 2, 3, 4 and 5. Two matches are found (groups 3 and 5) when the message
data bits are compared with the configured data mask (DM7).
Fig 15. Evaluating the ID field in a selective wake-up frame
Fig 16. Evaluating the Data field in a selective wake-up frame
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Optionally, the data len gth code an d the data field can be excluded fr om the evalu ation of
the wake-up frame. If bit PNDM = 0, only the identifier field is evaluated to determine if the
frame cont ains a valid wake -up message. If PNDM = 1 (the default value), the dat a field is
included for wake-up filtering.
When PNDM = 0, a valid wake-up message is detected and a wake-up event is captured
(and CW is set to 1) when:
the identifier field in the received wake-up frame matches the pattern in the ID
registers after filtering AND
the CRC field in the received frame (including a recessive CRC delimiter) was
received without error
When PNDM = 1, a valid wake-up message is detected when:
the identifier field in the received wake-up frame matches the pattern in the ID
registers after filtering AND
the frame is not a Remote frame AND
the data length code in the received message matches the configured data length
code (bits DLC) AND
if the data length code is greater than 0, at least one bit in the data field of the
received frame is set and the corresponding bit in the associated data mask register is
also set AND
the CRC field in the received frame (including a recessive CRC delimiter) was
received without error
If the UJA113xFD receives a CAN message containing errors (e.g. a ‘stuffing’ error) tha t
are transmitted in advance of the ACK field, an internal error counter is incremented. If a
CAN message is received without any errors appearing in front of the ACK field, the
counter is decremented. Data received after the CRC delimiter and before the next Start
of Frame (SOF) is ignored by the partial networking module. If the counter overflows
(counter > 31), a frame dete ct error is captured (PNFDEI = 1) and the device wakes up;
the counter is reset to zero when the bias is switched off and partial networking is
Partial networking is assumed to be configured correctly when PNCOK is set to 1 by the
application software. The UJA113xFD clears PNCOK after a write access to any of the
CAN partial networ king configuration registers (see Section 7.9.8).
If selective wake-up is disabled (CPNC = 0) or partial networking is not configured
correctly (PNCOK = 0), and the CAN transceiver is in Offline mode with wake-up enabled
(CWIE = 1), then any valid wake-up pattern according to ISO 11898-2:201x (upcoming
merged ISO 11898-2/5/6 standard) will trigger a wake-up event.
If the CAN transceiver is not in Offline or Offline Bias mode (CMC 00) or CAN wake-up
is disabled (CWIE = 0), all wake-up patterns on the bus will be ignored.
CAN FD frames: CAN FD stands for ‘CAN with Flexible Data-Rate’. It is based on the
CAN protocol as specified in the upcoming ISO 11898-1:201x standard.
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CAN FD is being gradually in troduced i nto automotive ma rket. In time, all CAN controllers
will be required to comply with the new standard (enabling ‘FD-active’ nodes) or at least to
tolerate CAN FD communication (enabling ‘FD-passive’ nodes). The UJA113xFD
supports FD-passive features by means of a dedicated implementation of the partial
networking pr otocol.
The UJA113xFD can be configured to recognize CAN FD frames as valid CAN frames.
When CFDC = 1, the error counter is decremented every time the control field of a CAN
FD frame is received. The UJA113xFD remains in low-power mode (CAN FD-passive)
with partial networking enabled. CAN FD frames ar e ne ve r re co gn ize d as valid wa ke -u p
frames, even if PNDM = 0 and the frame contains a valid ID. After receiving the control
field of a CAN FD frame, the UJA113xFD ignores further bus signals until idle is again
CAN FD frames are interpreted as frames with errors by the partial networking module
when CFDC = 0. So the error counter is incremented when a CAN FD frame is received. If
the ratio of CAN FD frames to valid CAN frames exceeds the threshold that triggers error
counter overflow, bit PNFDEI is set to 1 and the device wakes up. Fail-safe features
TXDC dominant time-out: A TXDC dominant time-out timer is started when pin TXDC is
forced LOW while the transceiver is in Active Mode. If the LOW state on pin TXDC
persists for longer than the TXDC dominant time-out time (tto(dom)TXDC), the transmitter is
disabled, releasing the bus lines to recessive state. A CAN failure interrupt (CFI) is
generated, if enabled (CFIE = 1; see Table 67).
This function prevents a hardware and/or software application failure from driving the bus
lines to a permanent dominant state (blocking all network communications). The TXDC
dominant time-out timer is reset when pin TXDC goes HIGH. The status of the TXDC
dominant time-out can be read via bit CFS in the Transceiver status register (Table 28).
The TXDC dominant time-out time also defines the minimum possible bit rate of 40 kbit/s.
Pull-up on TXDC pin: Pin TXDC has an intern al pu ll-up towards V1 to ensure a safe
defined state in case the pin is left floating.
CAN failure interrupt: A CAN failure interrupt is triggered (CFI = 1), if enabled, when
status bit VCS (indicating that VVCAN <V
uvd(VCAN)) or status bit CFS (indicating that pin
TXDC is clamped LOW) is set to 1.
CAN shut down in response to a battery under- or overvoltage: The CAN transceiver
can be configured to shut down if the battery monitor detect s an un der- or overvo ltage on
the battery supply (see Section 7.8.2). The response of the CAN transceiver (to a BMUI
and/or BMOI interrup t) is configured via bits CSC in the CAN control register (Table 26).
This feature make s it pos sib le to re du ce cur rent con sum p tio n ve ry qu ickly whe n the
battery supply voltage drops below the undervoltage threshold, and/or to limit power
consumption when the battery supply voltage rises ab ove the overvoltage threshold.
7.9.2 LIN transceiver(s)
The LIN transceiver(s) pro vides the interface betwe en a Local Interconnect Network (LIN)
master/slave protocol controller and the physical bus in a LIN network. It is primarily
intended for in-vehicle sub-networks using baud rates from 1 kBd up to 20 kBd.
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For optimum support o f LIN slave applications, the transceiver(s) contains an integrated
LIN slave termination resistor (connected between the LIN pin and pin BAT). L IN 2.x /SA E J260 2 co mplia n t
The UJA113x is fully LIN 2.0, LIN 2.1, LIN 2.2, LIN 2.2A and SAE J2602 compliant. Since
the LIN physical layer is independent of higher OSI model layers (e.g. the LIN protocol),
nodes containing a LIN 2.2A-compliant physical layer can be combined, without
restriction, with LIN physical layer nodes that comply with earlier revisions (LIN 1.0, LIN
1.1, LIN 1.2, LIN 1.3, LIN 2.0, LIN 2.1 and LIN 2.2).
7.9.3 LIN operating modes
The integrated LIN transceiver(s) supports three operating modes: Active, Offline and
Listen only. In the UJA1132 and UJA1136, the dual LIN transceivers can be controlled
independently, so one can be active while the other is off.
Fig 17. LIN transceiver state machine
/0& 
/0& 
6WDQGE\/0& 25
1RUPDO/0& 
1RUPDO/0& 
/0& 
6WDQGE\/0& 25
1RUPDO/0& 
/0& 
6WDQGE\/0& 25
1RUPDO/0& 
1RUPDO/0& 
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip L IN Act iv e mo de
In LIN Active mode, the transceiver can transmit and receive data via the LIN bus pins.
The receiver detects data streams on the LIN bus (via pin LINn) and transfers the input
data to the microcontroller via pin RXDLn. LIN recessive is represented by a HIGH level
on RXDLn; LIN dominant is represented by a LOW level.
Transmit data streams from the protocol controller on the TXDLn input are converted by
the transmitters into optimized bus signals shaped to minimize EME.
The LIN transceiver is in Active mode when:
the SBC is in Normal mode (MC = 111) and the LIN transceiver has been enabled by
setting bit LMCn in the LIN mode control register to 01 or 10 (see Table 27) and the
supply voltage on pin BAT is above the LIN undervoltage detection threshold
uvd(LIN)) OR
the SBC is in Forced Normal mode (FNMC = 1) and the supply voltage on pin BAT is
above the LIN undervoltage detection threshold (VBAT >V
uvd(LIN)) L IN Of fli ne mod e
In Offline mode, the LIN transceiver monitors the LIN bus for a remote wake-up event,
provided LIN wake-up detection is enabled (LWInE = 1; see Table 67) and
A filter at the receiver input prevents automotive transie nts or EMI triggering invalid
wake-up even ts. A LOW level on the LIN bus lasting at least twake(dom)LIN followed by a
rising edge triggers a remote wake-up event (see Figure 18). Pin RXDLx is driven LOW
and an LWIn interrupt is generated to signal to the microcontroller that a remote wake-up
event has been detected. If the SBC is in Sleep mode when the remote-wake up event is
triggered, it switches to Standby mode, enabling the microcontroller supply on V1.
The LIN transceiver switches to LIN Offline mode from LIN Active or LIN Listen-only mode
the SBC is in Sleep, Reset or FSP mode OR
the SBC is in Normal mode with LMCn = 00 OR
the SBC is in Standby mode with LMCn = 00, 01 or 10 OR
and from LIN Off mode when:
the supply voltage on pin BAT is above the LIN undervoltage detection threshold
uvd(LIN)) and the SBC is not in Off or Overload mode.
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip LIN Listen- on ly mod e
In Listen-only mode, the LIN transmitter is disabled. The LIN receiver remains active,
allowing the microcontroller to monitor activity on the bus while not transmitting.
The LIN transceiver is in Listen-only mode when:
the SBC is in Normal or Standby mode AND
LMCn = 11 AND
the supply voltage on pin BAT is above the LIN undervoltage detection threshold
uvd(LIN)) L IN Of f mod e
The LIN transceiver is switched of f completely in LIN Off mode. The bus lines are re leased
and remain in recessive state. The receiver is deactivated and unable to respond to a
wake-up pattern. The transceiver switches to LIN Off mode when:
the SBC switches to Off or Overload mode OR
VBAT falls below the LIN under voltage detection threshold, Vuvd(LIN), while the SBC is
in Normal mode (undervolt age monitoring is switched off in Standby, Sleep and Reset
7.9.4 Fail-safe features General fail- sa fe features
The following fail-safe features have been implemented:
Pin TXDLn has an in tern al pull-up towa rds V1 to g uarantee safe , define d st ate s if th is
pin is left floating
The transmitter output stage current is limited in order to protect the transmitter
against short circuits to pin BAT
A loss of power (pins BAT and GND) has no impact on the bus lines or on the
microcontroller. No reverse currents flow fr om the bus.
Fig 18. LIN wake-u p timing diagram
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip TXDL dominant time-out
A TXDL dominant time-out timer circ uit prevents the bus lines being driven to a pe rmanent
dominant state ( blocking all networ k co mmunications) if p in TXDLn is force d permane ntly
LOW by a hardware and/or software application failure. The timer is triggered by a
negative edge on TXDLn. If the pin remains LOW for longer than the TXDL dominant
time-out time (tto(dom)TXDL), the transmitter is disabled, driving the bus line to a recessive
state. The timer is reset by a positive edge on TXDLn.
This function can be disabled (via bits LSCn; see Table 27) to allow the UJA113x to be
used in applications requirin g the transmission and/or reception of long LOW sequences.
7.9.5 LIN slope control
Automatic slope control has been incorporated into the LIN transmitter, so it is not
necessary to select the bit rate.
7.9.6 Operation when supply voltage is outside specified operating range
If VBAT > 18 V or VBAT < 5 V, the LIN transceiver may remain operational, but parameter
values cannot be guaranteed to remain within the operating ranges specified in Table 90
and Table 91.
In LIN Active mode:
If the input level on pin TXDLn is HIGH, the LIN transmitter output on pin LINn will be
If the input level on pin LINn is recessive, the receiver output on pin RXDLn will be
If the voltage on pi n V BAT rises to 28 V (e.g. during an a utomoti ve ju mp- st a rt) , re liab le
LIN data transfer is still supported
uvd(LIN), the LIN transceiver switches to Off mode (note that LIN
undervoltage detection is only active while the SBC is in Normal mode).
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7.9.7 Transceiver control and status registers
[1] Valid for UJA113xFD/x variants only; otherwise reserved.
Table 26. CAN control register (address 20h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 reserved R -
6CFDCR/W[1] CAN FD control:
0 CAN FD tolerance disabled
1 CAN FD tolerance enabled
5 PNCOK R/W [1] CAN partial networking configuration OK:
0 partial networking register configuration invalid (wake-up
via standard wake-up pattern only)
1 partial networking registers configured successfully
4CPNCR/W[1] CAN partial networking control:
0 disable CAN selective wake-up
1 enable CAN selective wake-up
3:2 CSC R/W CAN shut-down control:
00 CAN transceiver is not shut down when a battery monitor
under- or overvoltage interrupt is generated
01 CAN transceiver shuts down in response to a battery
monitor undervoltage (BMUI) interrupt (SBC in Normal
10 CAN transceiver shuts down in response to a battery
monitor overvoltage (BMOI) interrupt (SBC in Normal
11 CAN transceiver shuts down in response to a BMUI or
BMOI interrupt (SBC in Normal mode)
1:0 CMC R/W CAN transceiver operating mode selection:
00 Offline/Offline Bias mode
01 Active mode (when the SBC is in Normal mode)
10 Active mode (when the SBC is in Normal mode); VCAN
undervoltage disabled
11 Listen-only mode
Table 27. LIN control register (address 21h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 LSC2 R/W [1] LIN2 slope control:
00 slope control active
01 slope control active
10 slope control active and TXDL dominant time-out
11 reserved
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[1] UJA1132 and UJA1136 only; bits 7:4 are reserved in the UJA1131 and UJA1135 and should remain
5:4 LMC2 R/W [1] LIN2 transceiver operating mode selection:
00 Offline
01 Active mode (when the SBC is in Normal mode)
10 Active mode (when the SBC is in Normal mode)
11 Listen-only mode
3:2 LSC1 R/W LIN/LIN1 slope control:
00 slope control active
01 slope control active
10 slope control active and TXDL dominant time-out
11 reserved
1:0 LMC1 R/W LIN/LIN1 transceiver operating mode selection:
00 Offline
01 Active mode (when the SBC is in Normal mode)
10 Active mode (when the SBC is in Normal mode)
11 Listen-only mode
Table 28. Transceiver status register (address 22h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 CTS R CAN transmitter status:
0 CAN transmitter disabled
1 CAN transmitter ready to transmit data
6 CPNERR R [1] CAN partial networking error:
0 no CAN partial networking error detected (PNFDEI = 0
1 CAN partial networking error detected (PNFDEI = 1 OR
PNCOK = 0; wake-up via standard wake-up pattern
5CPNS R [1] CAN partial networking status:
0 CAN partial net wo rki n g co nf iguration error det ected
(PNCOK = 0)
1 CAN partial networking configuration ok (PNCOK = 1)
4COSCSR [1] CAN oscillator status:
0 CAN partial networking oscillator not running at target
1 CAN partial networking oscillator running at target
3 CBSS R CAN-bus sile n ce status:
0 CAN-bus has been inactive for less than tto(silence)
1 CAN-bus has been inactive for longer than tto(silence)
Table 27. LIN control register (address 21h) …continued
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
[1] Valid for UJA113xFD/x variants only; otherwise reserved.
2 VLINS R LIN supply status:
0 LIN supply ok in Normal mode or SBC not in Normal
1 LIN switched to Offline mode due to a LIN undervoltage
event in Normal mode
1 VCS R CAN supply status:
0 VCAN undervoltage detection is deactivated or the
CAN supply is above the undervoltage threshold
uvd(VCAN)) with VCAN undervoltage detection
active (it is only active when the SBC is in Normal mode
and CMC = 01 or CMC = 11)
1 CAN supply is below the undervoltage threshold
uvd(VCAN)) with the SBC in Normal mode and
CMC = 01 or CMC = 11
0 CFS R CAN failure status:
0 no failure detected
1 CAN transmitter disabled due to a TXDC dominant
time-out event
Table 28. Transceiver status register (address 22h) …continued
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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7.9.8 CAN partial networking configuration registers
Dedicated re gisters are provided for configuring CAN partial networking.
Table 29. Data rate register (address 26h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:3 reserved R -
2:0 CDR R/W CAN data rate selection:
000 50 kbit/s
001 100 kbit/s
010 125 kbit/s
011 250 kbit/s
100 reserved (intended for future use; currently
selects 500 kbit/s)
101 500 kbit/s
110 reserved (intended for future use; currently
selects 500 kbit/s)
111 1000 kbit/s
Table 30. ID registers 0 to 3 (add resses 27h to 2Ah)
Addr. Bit Symbol Access Value Description
27h 7:0 ID7:ID0 R/W - bits ID7 to ID00 of the extended frame format
28h 7:0 ID15:ID8 R/W - bits ID15 to ID8 of the extended frame format
29h 7:2 ID23:ID18 R/W - bits ID23 to ID18 of the extended frame format
bits ID5 to ID0 of the standard frame format
1:0 ID17:ID16 R/W - bits ID17 to ID16 of the extended frame format
2Ah 7:5 reserved R -
4:0 ID28:ID24 R/W - bits ID28 to ID24 of the extended frame format
bits ID10 to ID6 of the standard frame format
Table 31. ID mask registers 0 to 3 (addresses 2Bh to 2Eh)
Addr. Bit Symbol Access Value Description
2Bh 7:0 IDM7:IDM0 R/W - ID mask bits 7 to 0 of extended frame format
2Ch 7:0 IDM15:IDM8 R/W - ID mask bits 15 to 8 of extended frame format
2Dh 7:2 IDM23:IDM18 R/W - ID mask bits 23 to 18 of extended frame format
ID mask bits 5 to 0 of standard frame format
1:0 IDM17:IDM16 R/W - ID mask bits 17 to 16 of extended frame format
2Eh 7:5 reserved R -
4:0 IDM28:IDM24 R/W - ID mask bits 28 to 24 of extended frame format
ID mask. bits 10 to 6 of standard frame format
Table 32. Frame control register (address 2Fh)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 IDE R/W - identifier format:
0 standard frame format (11-bit)
1 extended frame format (29-bit)
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
6 PNDM R/W - partial networking data mask:
0 data length code and data field are ‘don’t care’ for
1 data length code and data field are evaluated at
5:4 reserved R -
3:0 DLC R/W number of data bytes expected in a CAN frame:
0000 0
0001 1
0010 2
0011 3
0100 4
0101 5
0110 6
0111 7
1000 8
1001 to
1111 tolerated, 8 bytes expected
Table 33. Data mask registers (addresses 68h to 6Fh)
Addr. Bit Symbol Access Value Description
68h 7:0 DM0 R/W - data mask 0 configuration
69h 7:0 DM1 R/W - data mask 1 configuration
6Ah 7:0 DM2 R/W - data mask 2 configuration
6Bh 7:0 DM3 R/W - data mask 3 configuration
6Ch 7:0 DM4 R/W - data mask 4 configuration
6Dh 7:0 DM5 R/W - data mask 5 configuration
6Eh 7:0 DM6 R/W - data mask 6 configuration
6Fh 7:0 DM7 R/W - data mask 7 configuration
Table 32. Frame control register (address 2Fh) …continued
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
Fig 19. Dat a mask register usage for different values of DLC
/&  '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 '
/& 
/&  '0 '0 '0 '
/&  '0 '0 '0 '0 '
/&  '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 '
/&  '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 '
'0 '0 '
/&  '
/&  '0 '
'0 '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 '
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7.10 High-volt age input/output pins (HVIOs; not available in UJA113xFD/0)
The UJA113x contai ns 4 or 8 high-volt age input/output p ins (HVIO) that can be configured
via the SPI as high- or low-side drivers or as wake-up inputs. They are clustered in 1 or 2
banks of 4 HVIO pins. HVIO1 to HVIO4 belong to bank 0; HVIO5 to HVIO8 belong to bank
1. Each bank has its own dedicated supply pin (BATHS1 and BATHS2 respectively). The
BATHSx pins can be supplied independently from the battery, the SMPS or from one of
the voltage regulator s, provided the supply voltage remains within the specified range.
The structure of the HVIOs is depicted in Figure 20.
The high- and low-side drivers allow the HVIOs to be used, for example, to supply sensors
or an LED chain or for biasing switche s. The HVIOs could be used in combination with the
four integrated timers to synchronously bias and sample switches or to generate PWM
signals for adjusting th e brightness of LEDs. Two or more HVIOs can be combined to form
a single output with increased driver capability. In addition, the HVIOs can be configured
to generate limp home signals or to control hazard lights.
7.10.1 HVIO configuration
A dedicated control register is provided for each of the 8 HVIO pins (Table 34). Before it
can be used, an HVIO pin must first be configured via bits IOnCC. These control bits are
used to assign a high-level function to each of the HVIO pins. If an HVIO pin is not
configured (IOnCC = 000), the output drivers are of f and the input is d eactivated. All other
control bits are ignored.
Once an HVIO pin has been configured, it can be activated via bits IOnAC. An HVIO can
be permanently enabled or disabled, or it can be controlled by one of the four integrated
timers. If an HVIO is configured as an output driver, the output is activated by each pulse
of the associated timer signal. This allows an output to be cyclically activated or controlled
by a PWM signal.
Remark: HVIO outputs configured as low-side drivers are only enabled while the SBC is
in Normal mode.
Bank 1 is not available in the UJA113xFD/4.
Fig 20. HVIO structure
%DQN %DQN
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If an HVIO is configured as a wake-up input, control bi ts IOnAC define the sampling
scheme. If the HVIO is perman ently deactivated , then the wake input is ne ve r sampled . If
the pin is permanently enabled, it is sampled at a rate of fs(wake). If it is controlled by a
timer, the sample rate i s determined by the fr equency of the timer signal (the sample p oint
is at the end of the timer puls e) . H V IO control via a timer is depicted in Figure 21.
The wake-up detection threshold can be configured separately for each bank of HVIOs.
The threshold can be GND-based or ratiometric to the relevant BATHSx supply voltage.
The wake-up thresholds for bank 0 and bank 1 are configured via bits B0WTC and
B1WTC, respectively, in the wake-up threshold control registers (Table 35 and Table 36).
Bits IOnWLS in the wake-up status registers (Table 37 and Table 38) can be read to
determine whether the input levels on the HVIO pins were above or below the selected
threshold when last sa mpled. Note that the wake-up status information is only valid for
HVIOs configured as wake-up inputs.
If the SBC detects a rising or falling edge on an HVIO that is configured as a wake-up
input, it generates a wake-up interrupt (IOnREI or IOnFEI), if enabled (see Table 68 and
Table 70).
Fig 21. Example of HVIO control via a timer
+9,2/6GULYHU ,2&& 
+9,2/6GULYHU ,2&& 
+9,2+6GULYHU ,2&& 
+9,2ZDNHLQSXW ,2&& 
,2$& ,2$& ,2$& ,2$& 
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip HVIO slope control
The HVIO output drivers are equipped with a slope control mechanism that can be
activated via the IOnCC control bits. The purpose of slope control is to minim ize
electro-magnetic emissions, when necessary.
Low-side driver slope control: When slope control is disabled, the LS-driver behaves
as a regular switch: when activated, the on-resistance immediately changes from infinite
to Ron(HVIOn-GND). When slope cont ro l is enable d, th e LS- dri ve r be ha ves as a current
source: when activated, the output sink current goes from zero to Isink(act)HVIO. The on
resistance changes to Ron(HVIOn-GND) after a fixed delay of td(on)HVIO. This allows the user
to adjust the dV/dt on the HVO output by selecting the output capacitance.
HIGH-side driver slope control: When slope control is disabled, the HS-driver behaves
as a regular switch: when activated, the on-resistance immediately changes from infinite
to Ron(BATHSx-HVIOn). When slope control is enabled, the HS-driver initially acts as a
slope-controlled voltage source. After a fixed time, td(on)HVIO, the HS-driver on-resistance
changes to Ron(BATHSx-HVIOn). This behavior helps to limit the dV/dt on the HVIO output
7.10.2 Direct control of HVIOs (only valid for variants with 8 HVIO pins)
The direct control featur e allows an HVIO on bank 0 to be controlled directly from an HVIO
on bank 1 (without involving the SPI interface). The controlled HVIO on bank 0 must be
configured as a high- or low-side driver and the ‘direct control’ option must be selected
(IOnAC =110 for inverted control or IOnAC = 111 for non-inverted control). Input and
output assignment is fixed - HVIOn of bank 0 is assigned to HVIO(n+4) of bank 1.
The 'controlling' HVIO on bank 1 does not need to be activated. It only needs an input
configuration (wake-up input or HS-driver and wake-up input). However, it will need to be
activated before its status can be read or associated interrupts enabled.
The direct control pairings can be individually enabled and the configuration of one HVIO
pair has no impact on other HVIO functions.
Note that the direct control option is not available for HVIO2, HVIO3 or HVIO4 if they are
configured as limp home outputs in MTPNV memory (see Section 7.10.6).
7.10.3 Short-circuit and open load detection
The HVIO output drivers are protected against short circuits and open loads.
When a short circuit is detected on an HVIO, the output driver is automatically
deactivated. A short-circuit failure is reported via the driver status register (bits
IOnDS = 10; see Table 39 and Table 40). To reactivate the HVIO, the associated
activation control bits must be reset to 000 (bits IOnAC; see Table 34), which clears the
driver status bit s (IOnDS = 00; driver is OK). The HVIO can then be reactivated (again via
bits IOnAC, as described in Section 7.10.1). If the short circuit is still present, the HVIO is
again deactivated. The HVIO short-circuit thresholds can be set individually via bits
IOnSCTC (see Table 41 and Table 43).
The UJA113x is also able to detect open-load failures. However, in contrast to the
response to a short-circuit, the output driver is not deactivated when an open load is
detected. The open-load failure is reported via the driver status register (bits IOnDS = 01;
see Table 39 and Table 40). The relevant status bit remains set to 01 until the driver
current rises above the open-load threshold. The HVIO open-load detection thresholds
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can be set individually via bits IOnOLTC (see Table 42 and Table 44).
If the SBC detects an HVIO short-circuit or open-load failure, an IOnSCI or IOnOLI
interrupt is gener ated, if e nabled (see Section 7.12). If the UJA113x is in Sleep mode, th e
interrupt triggers a wake-up event.
Note that short-circuit/open-load detection is only enabled when an HVIO driver is
switched on. When an HVIO is controlled by a timer, diagnostic status information is
updated when the driver switches on.
A minimum HVIO on-time is required for open-load failure detection. A failure may no t be
detected if the on-time is less than tdet(fail)HVIO due to a short duty cycle. Once a failure has
been detected, an open load failure is reported (IOnDS = 01). The open load failure is
automatically recovere d when the current the HVIO pin is driving exceeds the open-load
threshold for the HVIO failure recovery time trec(HVIO).
Note that positive currents flow into the IC and negative currents flow out of the IC - so
both positive and negative thresholds are defined. For a LS-driver, the open-load
threshold is exceeded when the driving current is above the positive threshold
(> Ith(det)open; see Table 90). For a HS-driver, the open-load threshold is exceeded when
the driving current is below the negative threshold (< Ith(det)open).
7.10.4 Automatic load shedding
It may be desirable to deactivate the HVIOs as soon as possible in response to a battery
under- or overvoltage event. For an overvolt age, this feature can prevent overload
conditions in the SBC or in external loads. For an undervoltage, it can help maintain the
charge in the battery capacitor to keep the module operational for as long as possible.
The UJA113x provides the option to deactivate the HVIO ports individually (input or
output) in the event of an under- or overvoltage. This option helps to reduce the reaction
time without burdening the microcontroller.
The HVIOs are configured via bits IOnSC in the HVIOn control registers (see Table 34).
The under- and overvoltage thresholds are defined by the battery monitor thresholds,
BMOTC and BMUTC (see Section 7.8.2). HVIO ports are automatically reactivate d when
the under- or overvoltage condition is removed. Note that shutdown control is only active
while the SBC is in Normal Mode.
The HVIOs switch to a fail-safe state when the SBC enters Overload mode (see
Section For HVIOs configured as limp-home outputs (HVIO2, HVIO3, and/or
HVIO4; see Section 7.10.6), the selecte d lim p- ho m e func t ion s ar e act iva te d whe n the
HVIOs switch to fail-safe state. Otherwise, the HVIO drivers are de-activated.
7.10.5 Safety features
For certain applications it can be critical to ensure that an HVIO high- or low-side dr iver is
not activated accidentally. To prevent this happening, a driver can be deactivated via bits
IOnHOC and IOnLOC in non-volatile memory (see Table 45 and Table 46). Non-volatile
memory settings have the highest priority. That me an s th at conflicting SPI register
settings in standard memory are overruled.
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7.10.6 HVIO pins configured as limp home outputs
The LIMP pin is provided to enable ‘limp home’ hardware in the event of an ECU failure
(see Section 7.5). Pins HVIO2, HVIO3 and HVIO4 can be used to provide additional limp
home functionality. When the limp home control bit is set (LHC = 1; see Table 12), the
following functions are supported:
HVIO2 can be configured as a statically active high-side driver
HVIO3 can be configured as a high-side switch supplying a 100 Hz PWM signal with a
10 % duty cycle
HVIO4 can be configured as a high-side switch supplying a 1.25 Hz PWM signal with
a 50 % duty cycle
Bit LHC is set automatically in Overload and FSO modes but can also be set via the SPI.
Limp home functio nality is enabled for the HVIO pin s via th e IOn SFC con tr o l bits in the
Start-up control register (Table 11). The Start-up control register is located in the
non-volatile memory bank so this function can be enabled automatically at power-on.
When HVIO2, HVIO3 and HVIO4 are configured as limp home outputs, the b it settings in
the dedicated con tr ol re gis ter s ar e ign or ed .
Timer 3 and Timer 4 provide the clock signals for HVIO3 and HVIO4, respectively. When
these HVIOs are configured as limp home outputs (LHC = 1; IOnSFC = 1), the timers are
dedicated to th e HVIO s an d ca nn ot be use d for an y oth e r pu rp os e. Timer 3 and Timer 4
control settings are ignored (see Section 7.11).
Short-circuit and open -load detection is en abled for HVIO2, HVIO3 and HVIO4 when they
are configured as limp home outputs. The HVIO output driver is deactivated when a
short-circuit is detected. In order to recover from a short-circui t failure, the HVIO must be
deactivated and reactivated via the SPI by resetting and then setting bit LHC.
Note that when an HVIO is configured as a limp home output, its high-side driver should
not be deactivated via bit IOnHOC in non-volatile memory (see Table 45).
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7.10.7 HVIO control and st atus registers
HVIO control and status registers are not available in the UJA113xFD/0. HVIO bank 1
(HVIO5 to HVIO 8) regis te rs are no t av aila ble in the UJA113xFD/4.
[1] Addresses 30h to 33h for HVIO1 to HVIO4 respectively; addresses 40h to 43h for HVIO5 to HVIO8.
Table 34. HVIOn control reg isters[1]
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 IOnSC R/W HVIOn shutdown control:
00 HVIOn does not respond to a battery over- or undervoltage
01 HVIOn shuts down when battery undervoltage is detected in
Normal mode
10 HVIOn shuts down when battery overvoltage is detected in
Normal mode
11 HVIOn shuts down when battery over- or undervoltage is
detected in Normal mode
5:3 IOnAC R/W HVIOn activation control:
000 HVIOn is deactivated
001 HVIOn is enab led
010 HVIOn is controlled by Timer 1
011 HVIOn is controlled by Timer 2
100 HVIOn is controlled by Timer 3
101 HVIOn is controlled by Timer 4
110 HVIOn is controlled by HVIOn+4 (inverted control; only
available for bank 0)
111 HVIOn is controlled by HVIOn+4 (non-inverted control; only
available for bank 0)
2:0 IOnCC R/W HVIOn configuration control:
000 HVIOn is off
001 HVIOn is configured as a HS-driver with slope control
010 HVIOn is configured as a LS-driver with slope control
011 HVIOn is configured as a wake-up input
100 HVIOn is configured as a HS-driver and wake-up input wi th
slope control
101 HVIOn is configured as a HS-driver without slope control
110 HVIOn is configured as a LS-driver without slope control
111 HVIOn is configured as a HS-driver and wake-up input
without slope control
Table 35. Bank 0 (HVIO1 to HVIO4) wake-u p threshold control register (address 34h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:1 reserved R -
0 B0WTC R/W bank 0 wake-up threshold configuration:
0 t hreshold is ratiometric to VBATHS1
1 t hreshold is absolute
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Table 36. Bank 1 (HVIO5 to HVIO8) wake-u p threshold control register (address 44h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:1 reserved R -
0 B1WTC R/W bank 1 wake-up threshold configuration:
0 t hreshold is ratiometric to VBATHS2
1 t hreshold is absolute
Table 37. Bank 0 wake-up status register (address 35h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:4 reserved R -
3 IO4WLS R status of input voltage on HVIO4:
0 t he input voltage is below the selected wake-up threshold
1 t he input voltage is above the selected wake-up threshold
2 IO3WLS R status of input voltage on HVIO3:
0 t he input voltage is below the selected wake-up threshold
1 t he input voltage is above the selected wake-up threshold
1 IO2WLS R status of input voltage on HVIO2:
0 t he input voltage is below the selected wake-up threshold
1 t he input voltage is above the selected wake-up threshold
0 IO1WLS R status of input voltage on HVIO1:
0 t he input voltage is below the selected wake-up threshold
1 t he input voltage is above the selected wake-up threshold
Table 38. Bank 1 wake-up status register (address 45h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:4 reserved R -
3 IO8WLS R status of input voltage on HVIO8:
0 t he input voltage is below the selected wake-up threshold
1 t he input voltage is above the selected wake-up threshold
2 IO7WLS R status of input voltage on HVIO7:
0 t he input voltage is below the selected wake-up threshold
1 t he input voltage is above the selected wake-up threshold
1 IO6WLS R status of input voltage on HVIO6:
0 t he input voltage is below the selected wake-up threshold
1 t he input voltage is above the selected wake-up threshold
0 IO5WLS R status of input voltage on HVIO5:
0 t he input voltage is below the selected wake-up threshold
1 t he input voltage is above the selected wake-up threshold
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Table 39. Bank 0 driver status register (address 36h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 IO4DS R HVIO4 driver status:
00 HVIO4 driver is ok
01 open load on HVIO4
10 short circuit on HVIO4
11 HVIO4 driver is off
5:4 IO3DS R HVIO3 driver status:
00 HVIO3 driver is ok
01 open load on HVIO3
10 short circuit on HVIO3
11 HVIO3 driver is off
3:2 IO2DS R HVIO2 driver status:
00 HVIO2 driver is ok
01 open load on HVIO2
10 short circuit on HVIO2
11 HVIO2 driver is off
1:0 IO1DS R HVIO1 driver status:
00 HVIO1 driver is ok
01 open load on HVIO1
10 short circuit on HVIO1
11 HVIO1 driver is off
Table 40. Bank 1 driver status register (address 46h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 IO8DS R HVIO8 driver status:
00 HVIO8 driver is ok
01 open load on HVIO8
10 short circuit on HVIO8
11 HVIO8 driver is off
5:4 IO7DS R HVIO7 driver status:
00 HVIO7 driver is ok
01 open load on HVIO7
10 short circuit on HVIO7
11 HVIO7 driver is off
3:2 IO6DS R HVIO6 driver status:
00 HVIO6 driver is ok
01 open load on HVIO6
10 short circuit on HVIO6
11 HVIO6 driver is off
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1:0 IO5DS R HVIO5 driver status:
00 HVIO5 driver is ok
01 open load on HVIO5
10 short circuit on HVIO5
11 HVIO5 driver is off
Table 41. Bank 0 short-circuit detection threshold control register (address 39h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 IO4SCTC R/W HVIO4 short-circuit detection threshold:
00 Ith(det)sc condition 00 ; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)sc condition 01 ; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)sc condition 10 ; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)sc condition 11; see Table 90
5:4 IO3SCTC R/W HVIO3 short-circuit threshold:
00 Ith(det)sc condition 00 ; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)sc condition 01 ; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)sc condition 10 ; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)sc condition 11; see Table 90
3:2 IO2SCTC R/W HVIO2 short-circuit threshold:
00 Ith(det)sc condition 00 ; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)sc condition 01 ; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)sc condition 10 ; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)sc condition 11; see Table 90
1:0 IO1SCTC R/W HVIO1 short-circuit threshold:
00 Ith(det)sc condition 00 ; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)sc condition 01 ; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)sc condition 10 ; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)sc condition 11; see Table 90
Table 42. Bank 0 open-load detection threshold control register (address 3Ah)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 IO4OLTC R/W HVIO4 open-load threshold:
00 Ith(det)open condition 00; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)open condition 01; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)open condition 10; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)open conditi on 11; see Table 90
5:4 IO3OLTC R/W HVIO3 open-load threshold:
00 Ith(det)open condition 00; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)open condition 01; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)open condition 10; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)open conditi on 11; see Table 90
Table 40. Bank 1 driver status register (address 46h) …continued
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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3:2 IO2OLTC R/W HVIO2 open-load threshold:
00 Ith(det)open condition 00; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)open condition 01; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)open condition 10; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)open conditi on 11; see Table 90
1:0 IO1OLTC R/W HVIO1 open-load threshold:
00 Ith(det)open condition 00; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)open condition 01; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)open condition 10; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)open conditi on 11; see Table 90
Table 43. Bank 1 short-circuit detection threshold control register (address 49h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 IO8SCTC R/W HVIO8 short-circuit threshold:
00 Ith(det)sc condition 00 ; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)sc condition 01 ; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)sc condition 10 ; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)sc condition 11; see Table 90
5:4 IO7SCTC R/W HVIO7 short-circuit threshold:
00 Ith(det)sc condition 00 ; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)sc condition 01 ; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)sc condition 10 ; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)sc condition 11; see Table 90
3:2 IO6SCTC R/W HVIO6 short-circuit threshold:
00 Ith(det)sc condition 00 ; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)sc condition 01 ; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)sc condition 10 ; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)sc condition 11; see Table 90
1:0 IO5SCTC R/W HVIO5 short-circuit threshold:
00 Ith(det)sc condition 00 ; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)sc condition 01 ; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)sc condition 10 ; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)sc condition 11; see Table 90
Table 44. Bank 1 open-load detection threshold control register (address 4Ah)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 IO8OLTC R/W HVIO8 open-load threshold:
00 Ith(det)open condition 00; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)open condition 01; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)open condition 10; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)open conditi on 11; see Table 90
Table 42. Bank 0 open-load detection threshold control register (address 3Ah) …continued
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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5:4 IO7OLTC R/W HVIO7 open-load threshold:
00 Ith(det)open condition 00; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)open condition 01; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)open condition 10; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)open conditi on 11; see Table 90
3:2 IO6OLTC R/W HVIO6 open-load threshold:
00 Ith(det)open condition 00; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)open condition 01; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)open condition 10; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)open conditi on 11; see Table 90
1:0 IO5OLTC R/W HVIO5 open-load threshold:
00 Ith(det)open condition 00; see Table 90
01 Ith(det)open condition 01; see Table 90
10 Ith(det)open condition 10; see Table 90
11 Ith(det)open conditi on 11; see Table 90
Table 45. HVIO high-side driver con tr ol reg is te r (address 71h)
This table is located in non-volatile memory with restricted write access.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 IO8HOC R /W HVIO8 high -si d e driver control:
0[1] HVIO8 high-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO8 control register
1 HVIO8 high-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO8 control register
6 IO7HOC R /W HVIO7 high -si d e driver control:
0[1] HVIO7 high-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO7 control register
1 HVIO7 high-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO7 control register
5 IO6HOC R /W HVIO6 high -si d e driver control:
0[1] HVIO6 high-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO6 control register
1 HVIO6 high-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO6 control register
4 IO5HOC R /W HVIO5 high -si d e driver control:
0[1] HVIO5 high-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO5 control register
1 HVIO5 high-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO5 control register
3 IO4HOC R /W HVIO4 high -si d e driver control:
0[1] HVIO4 high-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO4 control register
1 HVIO4 high-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO4 control register
Table 44. Bank 1 open-load detection threshold control register (address 4Ah) …continued
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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[1] Factory preset value.
2 IO3HOC R /W HVIO3 high -si d e driver control:
0[1] HVIO3 high-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO3 control register
1 HVIO3 high-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO3 control register
1 IO2HOC R /W HVIO2 high -si d e driver control:
0[1] HVIO2 high-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO2 control register
1 HVIO2 high-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO2 control register
0 IO1HOC R /W HVIO1 high -si d e driver control:
0[1] HVIO1 high-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO1 control register
1 HVIO1 high-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO1 control register
Table 46. HVIO low-s ide driver control register (address 72h)
This table is located in non-volatile memory with restricted write access.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 IO8LOC R/W HVIO8 low-side driver control:
0[1] HVIO8 low-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO8 control register
1 HVIO8 low-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO8 control register
6 IO7LOC R/W HVIO7 low-side driver control:
0[1] HVIO7 low-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO7 control register
1 HVIO7 low-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO7 control register
5 IO6LOC R/W HVIO6 low-side driver control:
0[1] HVIO6 low-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO6 control register
1 HVIO6 low-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO6 control register
4 IO5LOC R/W HVIO5 low-side driver control:
0[1] HVIO5 low-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO5 control register
1 HVIO5 low-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO5 control register
Table 45. HVIO high-side driver con tr ol reg is te r (address 71h) …continued
This table is located in non-volatile memory with restricted write access.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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[1] Factory preset value.
3 IO4LOC R/W HVIO4 low-side driver control:
0[1] HVIO4 low-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO4 control register
1 HVIO4 low-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO4 control register
2 IO3LOC R/W HVIO3 low-side driver control:
0[1] HVIO3 low-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO3 control register
1 HVIO3 low-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO3 control register
1 IO2LOC R/W HVIO2 low-side driver control:
0[1] HVIO2 low-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO2 control register
1 HVIO2 low-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO2 control register
0 IO1LOC R/W HVIO1 low-side driver control:
0[1] HVIO1 low-side driver is controlled by the setting in the
HVIO1 control register
1 HVIO1 low-side driver is off, regardless of the setting in
the HVIO1 control register
Table 46. HVIO low-s ide driver control register (address 72h) …continued
This table is located in non-volatile memory with restricted write access.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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7.11 Timer control (not applicable to UJA113xFD/0 variants)
The UJA113x contains 4 timers. Each timer can be assigned to any of the HVIOs. Up to
four configuration options are availa ble: two Autonomous options and two Slave options. If
an Autonomous option is selected (PWM mode or Timer mode), the timer period is
determined by the dedicated timer period control bits TnPC. If a Slave option is selected
(Synchronous timer mode or Synchronous follower mode), the timer period is inherited
from a timer further up the chain, as described in Table 47. Timer 1 acts as a master timer
and, therefore, has no slave optio n.
The timer mode is selected via control bits TnMC (see Table 48 to Table 54). The options
available are describ ed in Table 47. In an Autonomous mode, the duty cycle is determined
by the setting of bits TnDCC (see Table 49 to Table 55). In Timer mode, the activation of
an assigned HVIO is delayed by one period to allow for synchronization with other timers.
Remark: When HVIO3 is configured as a limp home output (IO3SFC = 1), Timer 3
provides the cloc k si gnal (1 00 Hz 1 0 % PW M; see Section 7.10.6). Timer 3 is not
available for any other purpose. Timer 3 control settings are ignored (Table 52 and
Table 53). HVIOs configured to be controlled by Timer 3 remain off. Similarly, Ti mer 4 is
dedicated to HVIO4 when it is configured as a limp home output and cannot be used for
any other purp os e (1.2 5 Hz 50 % PWM sign al).
Table 47. Timer configuration options
Mode Mode type TnMC Description
PWM Autonomous 00 The duty cycle set via TnDCC is relative to the timer period. The period is
determined by the dedicated timer period control bits (TnPC). This
configuration option can be used for LED dimming.
T imer Autonomous 01 The pulse width is a multiple of 100 s regardless of the selected period. If
the on-time is longer than the selected period, the timer is always on. The
period is determined by the dedicated timer period control bits (TnPC).
This option is useful for generating short pulses with long periods, e.g. for
switch biasing or safety heartbeat signals.
timer Slave 10 The pulse length is a multiple of 100 s. T he pulse is triggered
synchronously with the pulse of Timer 1. So the timer period is inherited
from Timer 1, regardless of the setting of TnPC. If the pulse length is
longer than the period of Timer 1, the timer is always on. This mode can be
used for generating synchronized pulses of different lengths. Since Timer
1 is the master timer, this option is only available for Timers 2 to 4. Note
that the slave timer is trigge red even when Timer 1 is operating at a duty
cycle of 0 %.
follower Slave 11 The pulse length is a multiple of 100 s. The pulse of Timer n is triggered
at the end of the pulse of Timer n 1. The period is also inherited from
Timer n 1 (if Timer n 1 is also running in a Slave mode, the period is
inherited from Timer n 2, and so on). So the pulse of Timer 3 is triggered
at the end of the Timer 2 pulse and the period is also inherited from Timer
2 (assuming Timer 2 is not running in a Slave mode). This mode is useful
for generating consecutive pulses. This option is only available for Timers
2 to 4. Note that the slave timer is triggered even when Timer 1 is
operating at a duty cycle of 0 %.
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7.11.1 Timer control and status registers
Table 48. Timer 1 control re gister (address 50h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 reserved R -
5:2 T1PC R/W Timer 1 period:
0000 4 ms
0001 8 ms
0010 20 ms
0011 30 ms
0100 50 ms
0101 100 ms
0110 200 ms
0111 400 ms
1000 800 ms
1001 1 s
1010 2 s
1011 4 s
1 reserved R -
0 T1MC R/W Timer 1 mode control:
0 Timer 1 is in PWM mode; on-time = T1DCC T1PC / 255
1 Timer 1 is in Timer mode; on-time = T1DCC tw(base)tmr s;
period defin ed by T1PC
Table 49. Timer 1 duty cycle control register (address 51h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:0 T1DCC R/W xxxxxxxx duty cycle = T1DCC / 255
Table 50. Timer 2 control re gister (address 52h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 reserved R -
5:2 T2PC R/W Timer 2 period:
0000 4 ms
0001 8 ms
0010 20 ms
0011 30 ms
0100 50 ms
0101 100 ms
0110 200 ms
0111 400 ms
1000 800 ms
1001 1 s
1010 2 s
1011 4 s
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0:1 T2MC R/W Timer 2 mode control:
00 Timer 2 is in PWM mode; on-time = T2DCC T2 PC / 255
01 Timer 2 is in Timer mode; on-time = T2DCC tw(base)tmr s;
period defin ed by T2PC
10 Timer 2 pulse is triggered at the start of Timer 1 pulse
(master-slave mode); on-time = T2DCC tw(base)tmr s
11 Timer 2 pulse is triggered at the end of Timer 1 pulse
(follower mode); on-time = T2DCC tw(base)tmr s
Table 51. Timer 2 duty cycle control register (address 53h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:0 T2DCC R/W xxxxxxxx duty cycle = T2DCC / 255
Table 52. Timer 3 control re gister (address 54h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 reserved R -
5:2 T3PC R/W Timer 3 period:
0000 4 ms
0001 8 ms
0010 20 ms
0011 30 ms
0100 50 ms
0101 100 ms
0110 200 ms
0111 400 ms
1000 800 ms
1001 1 s
1010 2 s
1011 4 s
0:1 T3MC R/W Timer 3 mode control:
00 Timer 3 is in PWM mode; on-time = T3DCC T3 PC / 255
01 Timer 3 is in Timer mode; on-time = T3DCC tw(base)tmr s;
period defin ed by T3PC
10 Timer 3 pulse is triggered at the start of Timer 1 pulse
(master-slave mode); on-time = T3DCC tw(base)tmr s
11 Timer 3 pulse is triggered at the end of Timer 2 pulse
(follower mode); on-time = T3DCC tw(base)tmr s
Table 53. Timer 3 duty cycle control register (address 55h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:0 T3DCC R/W xxxxxxxx duty cycle = T3DCC / 255
Table 50. Timer 2 control re gister (address 52h) …continued
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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7.12 Interrupt mechanism and wake-up function
The SBC interrupt mechanism alerts the microcontroller to specific events or changes of
state via the interru pt pins, INTN1 and INTN2. Most interrupts can be enable d/disabled via
dedicated interrupt enable bits. If an event occurs while the associated interrupt is
enabled, pin INTN1 and, depending on the interrupt sour ce, pin INT N2 are fo rced LOW. If
the device is in Sleep mode when the interrupt is generated, the SBC wakes up and
enters Reset Mode. The SBC does not disting uish between wake-up and inter rupt events.
All wake-up events (LIN, CAN and HVIO) generate interrupt req uests and all interrupts
trigger a wake-up event when the UJA113x is in a low-power mode. When the SBC wakes
up in response to an interrupt or wake-up event, the interrupt pin(s) will be LOW to signal
to the microcontroller that an interrupt needs to be processed.
Pins INTN1 and INTN2 are digital open-drain active-LOW outputs that should be
connected to the microcontroller. External pull-up resistors to V1 are needed to pull the
interrupt pins HIGH when no interrupt is pending. Pin INTN1 is always driven LOW when
Table 54. Timer 4 control re gister (address 56h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 reserved R -
5:2 T4PC R/W Timer 4 period:
0000 4 ms
0001 8 ms
0010 20 ms
0011 30 ms
0100 50 ms
0101 100 ms
0110 200 ms
0111 400 ms
1000 800 ms
1001 1 s
1010 2 s
1011 4 s
0:1 T4MC R/W Timer 4 mode control:
00 Timer 4 is in PWM mode; on-time = T4DCC T4 PC / 255
01 Timer 4 is in Timer mode; on-time = T4DCC tw(base)tmr s;
period defin ed by T4PC
10 Timer 4 pulse is triggered at the start of Timer 1 pulse
(master-slave mode); on-time = T4DCC tw(base)tmr s
11 Timer 4 pulse is triggered at the end of Timer 3 pulse
(follower mode); on-time = T4DCC tw(base)tmr s
Table 55. Timer 4 duty cycle control register (address 57h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:0 T4DCC R/W xxxxxxxx duty cycle = T4DCC / 255
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an interrupt is pe nding. Pin INTN2 is assigned to a critical su bset of interru pt s that req uire
immediate action, such as undervoltage or overtemperature warnings. So INTN2 can be
used to assign priorities to interrupts via software.
An interrupt status bit is associated with each interrupt source to indicate whether an
interrupt is pending. Th e interr upt st atus bit s are located in Table 58 to Table 64. When an
interrupt is generated, the microcontroller needs to poll these registers to determine the
source of the interrupt. An additional Globa l interrupt status re gister (Table 57) is provided
to help speed up this process. The microcontroller can access this register to determine
the type of interrupt g enerated (system, supply, transceiver, bank 0 or bank 1) and then go
directly to the relevant status register, minimizing access times.
Once the interrupt source has been identified, the relevant status bit should be cleared
(set to 0) by writing 1 to the relevant bit - writing 0 will have no effect. A number of status
bits can be cle ared in a single write o peration by writing 1 to all rele vant bit s. The interrupt
pins are released (go HIGH) when all interrupt status bits have been cleared.
7.12.1 Interrupt delay
If interrupts occur very frequently, they can have a significant impact on the software
processing tim e (b ec au se pins INTN1/INTN2 are repeatedly driven LOW, requiring a
response from the microcontroller each time). The UJA113x incorporates an interrupt
delay timer to limit the disturbance to the software.
A timer is started and pin INTN1 is released when one or more interrupt status bits are
cleared. A number of interrupt s may be gene rated and capture d while the timer is runnin g
and pin INTN1 remai ns HIGH. When the timer e xpires a f ter t to(int), pin INTN1 goes LOW if
one or more interrupts are pending. Note that the interrupt status registers can be read
and cleared at any time, includin g while the timer is running and INTN1 is HIGH.
The interrupt delay timer is stopped immediately if pin RSTN goes LOW (as happens
when the SBC enters Reset, Sleep, Over load and Off modes). The timer ha s no e ffect on
pin INTN2. This pin goes LOW as soon as an associated interrupt is generated to allow
the microcontroller to react as quickly as possible.
7.12.2 Sleep mode protection
The interrupt (wake-up) fu nction is critical when the UJA113x is in Sleep mode because
the SBC will only leave Sleep mode in response to an interrupt request. To avoid
deadlocks, the SBC distinguishes between regular and diagnostic interrupts (see
Section 7.12.3). Regular interrupts are generated by bus (CAN, LIN) and local (HVIO)
wake-up events; diagnostic interrupts detect failure/error conditions or state changes. At
least one regular in terrupt must be enabled before the UJA113x can switch to Sleep
mode. Any attempt to enter Sleep mode while all the regular interrupts are disabled
triggers a system reset.
Another condition that must be satisfied before the UJA113x can switch to Sleep mode is
that all interrupt status bits must be cleared (no interrupt pending). If an SPI command to
go to Sleep mode (MC = 001) is issued while an in terrupt is pending, the SBC immedi ately
switches to Reset mode. This condition applies to all interrupts (regular and diagnostic).
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7.12.3 Interrupt sources
Table 56 provides an overview of the interrupts recognized by the UJA113x. The events
that trigger each interrupt are described. In addition, the interrupt type (‘regular’ or
‘diagnostic’) is specified along with the associated interrupt pin(s) (INTN1 or both INTN1
and INTN2).
Most interrupt s can be enab led and disabled via the inte rrupt enable registers (Table 65 to
Table 71). The following interrupts do not have associated interrupt ena ble bits and are
always enabled: WDI, PNFDEI, POSI, OVSDI.
Note that bus wake-up events (CAN, LIN1 and LIN2) also cause the dedicated RXD pins
(RXDC, RXDL1 and RXDL2) to go LOW . Pin RXDx is released when the relevant in terrupt
status bit (CWI, LWI1 or LWI2) is cleared.
Table 56 . Interrupt sources
Symbol Description Type Pin Source
CFI CAN failure interrupt diagnostic INTN1 St atus bit VCS and/or status bit CFS is set to 1.
CWI CAN wake-up interrupt regu lar INTN1 A CAN wake-up event was detected whil e the
transceiver was not in Active mode.
CBSI CAN-bus silence interrupt diagnostic INTN1 The CAN-bus has been silent for t > tto(silence).
LWIn LINn wake-up interrupt r egular INTN1 A wake-up event was detected at LINn while the
transceiver was not in Active mode.
WDI watchdog failure interrupt diagnostic INTN1 The watchdog overflowed in Timeout mode. If the
watchdog overflows while a WDI is pending, a reset is
performed. Note that this interrupt ca nnot be
OTWI overtemperature warning
interrupt diagnostic INTN1,
INTN2 The global chip temp erature has exceeded the
over-temperature warning threshold.
PNFDEI partial networking frame
detect error interrupt diagnostic INTN1 A CAN error frame was detected by the partial
networking receiver.
POSI power-o n status interrupt diagnostic INTN1 The SBC has left Off Mode; interrupt is always enabled.
SPIFI SPI failure interrupt diagnostic INTN1 This interrup t is triggered by the following events:
illegal WMC code
illegal NWP code
illegal MC code
wrong SPI clock count (only 16-, 24- and 32-bit
commands are supported)
write access to a locked register
V1UI V1 undervoltage interrupt diagnostic INTN1,
INTN2 V1 voltage dropped below the 90 % undervoltage
threshold while V1 was active (no interrupt triggered in
Sleep mode because V1 is off). This interrupt is
independent of the V1RTC bit setting.
VEXTUI V2 undervoltage interrupt diagnostic INTN1 V2/VEXT dropped below the 90 % un dervoltage
VEXTOI V2 overvoltage interrupt diagnostic INTN1 V2/VEXT above the 110 % overvoltage threshold.
BMUI batte ry monitor undervol tage
interrupt diagnostic INTN1,
INTN2 The voltage measured at the active battery monitoring
source (pin BAT or pin BATSENSE) dropped below the
selected undervoltage threshold.
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7.12.4 Interrupt registers
[1] Reserved in UJA113xFD/x.
[2] Reserved in UJA113xFD/0.
BMOI battery monitor overvoltage
interrupt diagnostic INTN1,
INTN2 The voltage measured at the active battery monitoring
source (pin BAT or pin BATSENSE) has risen above the
selected overvoltage threshold.
OVSDI overvoltage shut-down
interrupt diagnostic INTN1,
INTN2 A battery overvoltage will cause the SBC to enter
Overload Mode; interrupt is always enabled.
SMPSSI SMPS status interrupt diagnostic INTN1,
INTN2 The state of bit SMPSS has changed (see
IOnOLI HVIOn open load interrupt diagnostic INTN1 An open load condition was detected at HVIOn while the
high-side or low-side driver was active.
IOnSCI HVIOn short circuit interrupt diagnostic INTN1 A short-circuit condition was detected at HVIOn while
the high-side or low-side driver was active.
IOnREI HVIOn rising edge interrupt regular INTN1 A rising edge wake-up signal was detected at pin HVIOn
when configured as wake input.
IOnFEI HVIOn falling edge interrupt regular INTN1 A falling edge wake-up signal was detected at pin
HVIOn when configured as wake input.
Table 56 . Interrupt sources …continued
Symbol Description Type Pin Source
Table 57. Global interrupt status register (address 60h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 reserved R -
[1] R 0 no pending interrupt in the bank 1 fail interrupt status register
1 pending interrupt in the bank 1 fail in terrupt status register
[1] R 0 no pending interrupt in bank 1 wake-up interru pt status register
1 pending interrupt in the bank 1 wake -up interrupt status register
[2] R 0 no pending interrupt in the bank 0 fail interrupt status register
1 pending interrupt in the bank 0 fail in terrupt status register
[2] R 0 no pending interrupt in bank 0 wake-up interru pt status register
1 pending interrupt in the bank 0 wake -up interrupt status register
2 TRXIS R 0 no pending interrupt in the Transceiver interrupt status register
1 pending interrupt in the Transceiver interrupt status register
1 SUPIS R 0 no pending interrupt in the Supply interrupt status register
1 pending interrupt in the Supply interrupt status register
0 SYSIS R 0 no pending interrupt in the System interrupt status register
1 pending interrupt in the System interrupt status register
Table 58. System inte rrupt status register (address 61h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 reserved R -
5 OVSDI[1] R/W 0 no overvoltage shut-down interrupt pending
1 overvoltage shut-down interrupt pending
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[1] Interrupt always enabled.
[1] R/W 0 no powe r-on status interrupt pending
1 power-on status interrupt pending
3 reserved R -
2 OTWI R/W 0 no overtemperature warning interru pt pending
1 overtemperature warning interrupt pending
1 SPIFI R/W 0 no SPI failure interrupt pending
1 SPI failure interrupt pending
[1] R/W 0 no watchdog failure interrup t pe nding
1 watchdog failure interrupt pending
Table 59. Supply interrup t status register (address 62h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 reserved R -
5 SMPSSI R/W 0 no SMPS status interrupt pending
1 SMPS status interrupt pending (value of bit SMPSS
has changed; see Section
4 BMOI R/W 0 no battery monitor overvoltage interrupt pending
1 battery monitor overvoltage interrupt pending
3 BMUI R/W 0 no battery monitor undervoltage interrupt pending
1 battery monitor undervoltage interrupt pending
2 VEXTOI R/W 0 no VEXT overvoltage interrupt pending
1 VEXT overvoltage interrupt pending
1 VEXTUI R/W 0 no VEXT undervoltage interrupt pending
1 VEXT undervoltage interrupt pending
0 V1UI R/W 0 no V1 undervoltage interrupt pending
1 V1 undervoltage interrupt pending
Table 60. Transceiver interrupt status register (address 63h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 reserved R -
5 PNFDEI R/W 0 no partial networking frame detection error detected
1 partial networking frame detection error detected
4 CBSI R/W 0 no CAN-bus silence interrupt pending
1 CAN-bus silence interrupt pending - CAN-bus silent
for at least t > tto(silence)
[1] R/W 0 no LIN2 wake-up interrupt pending
1 LIN2 wake-up interrupt pending
2 LWI1 R/W 0 no LIN1 wake-up interrupt pe nding
1 LIN1 wake-up interrupt pending
Table 58. System inte rrupt status register (address 61h) …continued
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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[1] UJA1132 and UJA1136 only; bit 3 is reserved in the UJA1131 and UJA1135.
1 CFI R/W 0 no CAN failure interrupt pending
1 CAN failure interrupt pending
0 CWI R/W 0 no CAN wake-up interrupt pending
1 CAN wake-up interrupt pending
Table 61. Bank 0 wa ke-up interrupt status register (address 64h)
Not available in UJA113xFD/0.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 IO4FEI R/W 0 no HVIO4 falling edge in terrupt pending
1 HVIO4 falling edge interrupt pending
6 IO4REI R/W 0 no HVIO4 rising edge interrupt pending
1 HVIO4 rising edge interrupt pending
5 IO3FEI R/W 0 no HVIO3 falling edge in terrupt pending
1 HVIO3 falling edge interrupt pending
4 IO3REI R/W 0 no HVIO3 rising edge interrupt pending
1 HVIO3 rising edge interrupt pending
3 IO2FEI R/W 0 no HVIO2 falling edge in terrupt pending
1 HVIO2 falling edge interrupt pending
2 IO2REI R/W 0 no HVIO2 rising edge interrupt pending
1 HVIO2 rising edge interrupt pending
1 IO1FEI R/W 0 no HVIO1 falling edge in terrupt pending
1 HVIO1 falling edge interrupt pending
0 IO1REI R/W 0 no HVIO1 rising edge interrupt pending
1 HVIO1 rising edge interrupt pending
Table 62. Bank 0 fail interrupt status register (address 65h)
Not available in UJA113xFD/0.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 IO4SCI R/W 0 no HVIO4 short circuit interrupt pending
1 HVIO4 short circuit interrupt pending
6 IO4OLI R/W 0 no HVIO4 open load interrupt pendin g
1 HVIO4 open load interrupt pending
5 IO3SCI R/W 0 no HVIO3 short circuit interrupt pending
1 HVIO3 short circuit interrupt pending
4 IO3OLI R/W 0 no HVIO3 open load interrupt pendin g
1 HVIO3 open load interrupt pending
3 IO2SCI R/W 0 no HVIO2 short circuit interrupt pending
1 HVIO2 short circuit interrupt pending
2 IO2OLI R/W 0 no HVIO2 open load interrupt pendin g
1 HVIO2 open load interrupt pending
Table 60. Transceiver interrupt status register (address 63h)continued
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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1 IO1SCI R/W 0 no HVIO1 short circuit interrupt pending
1 HVIO1 short circuit interrupt pending
0 IO1OLI R/W 0 no HVIO1 open load interrupt pendin g
1 HVIO1 open load interrupt pending
Table 63. Bank 1 wa ke-up interrupt status register (address 66h)
Not available in UJA113xFD/x.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 IO8FEI R/W 0 no HVIO8 falling edge in terrupt pending
1 HVIO8 falling edge interrupt pending
6 IO8REI R/W 0 no HVIO8 rising edge interrupt pending
1 HVIO8 rising edge interrupt pending
5 IO7FEI R/W 0 no HVIO7 falling edge in terrupt pending
1 HVIO7 falling edge interrupt pending
4 IO7REI R/W 0 no HVIO7 rising edge interrupt pending
1 HVIO7 rising edge interrupt pending
3 IO6FEI R/W 0 no HVIO6 falling edge in terrupt pending
1 HVIO6 falling edge interrupt pending
2 IO6REI R/W 0 no HVIO6 rising edge interrupt pending
1 HVIO6 rising edge interrupt pending
1 IO5FEI R/W 0 no HVIO5 falling edge in terrupt pending
1 HVIO5 falling edge interrupt pending
0 IO5REI R/W 0 no HVIO5 rising edge interrupt pending
1 HVIO5 rising edge interrupt pending
Table 64. Bank 1 fail interrupt status register (address 67h)
Not available in UJA113xFD/x.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 IO8SCI R/W 0 no HVIO8 short circuit interrupt pending
1 HVIO8 short circuit interrupt pending
6 IO8OLI R/W 0 no HVIO8 open load interrupt pendin g
1 HVIO8 open load interrupt pending
5 IO7SCI R/W 0 no HVIO7 short circuit interrupt pending
1 HVIO7 short circuit interrupt pending
4 IO7OLI R/W 0 no HVIO7 open load interrupt pendin g
1 HVIO7 open load interrupt pending
3 IO6SCI R/W 0 no HVIO6 short circuit interrupt pending
1 HVIO6 short circuit interrupt pending
2 IO6OLI R/W 0 no HVIO6 open load interrupt pendin g
1 HVIO6 open load interrupt pending
Table 62. Bank 0 fail interrupt status register (address 65h) …continued
Not available in UJA113xFD/0.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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1 IO5SCI R/W 0 no HVIO5 short circuit interrupt pending
1 HVIO5 short circuit interrupt pending
0 IO5OLI R/W 0 no HVIO5 open load interrupt pendin g
1 HVIO5 open load interrupt pending
Table 65. System interrupt enable register (address 04h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:3 reserved R -
2 OTWIE R/W 0 overtemperature warning in terrupt disabled
1 overtemperature warning interrupt enabled
1 SPIFIE R/W 0 SPI failure interrupt disabled
1 SPI failure interrupt enabled
0 reserved R -
Table 66. Supply interrup t enable (address 1Ch)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 reserved R -
5 SMPSSIE R/W 0 SMPS status interrupt disabled
1 SMPS status interrupt enabled
4 BMOIE R/W 0 battery monitor overvo ltage interrupt disabled
1 battery monitor overvoltage interrupt enabled
3 BMUIE R/W 0 b attery monitor undervoltage interrupt disabled
1 battery monitor undervoltage interrupt enabled
2 VEXTOIE R/W 0 VEXT overvoltage interrupt disabled
1 VEXT overvoltage interrupt enabled
1 VEXTUIE R/W 0 VEXT undervoltage interrupt disabled
1 VEXT undervoltage interrupt enabled
0 V1UIE R/W 0 V1 undervoltage interrupt disabled
1 V1 undervoltage interrupt enabled
Table 67. Transceiver interrupt enable register (address 23h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:5 reserved R -
4 CBSIE R/W 0 CAN-bus silence interrupt disabled
1 CAN-bus silence interrupt enabled
[1] R/W 0 LIN2 wake-up interrupt disabled
1 LIN2 wake-up interrupt enabled
2 LWI1E R/W 0 LIN1 wake-up interrupt disabled
1 LIN1 wake-up interrupt enabled
Table 64. Bank 1 fail interrupt status register (address 67h) …continued
Not available in UJA113xFD/x.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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[1] UJA1132 and UJA1136 only; bit 3 is reserved in the UJA1131 and UJA1135.
1 CFIE R/W 0 CAN failure interrupt disabled
1 CAN failure interrupt enabled
0 CWIE R/W 0 CAN wake-up interrupt disabled
1 CAN wake-up interrupt enabled
Table 68. Bank 0 wake-up interrupt enable register (address 37h)
Not available in UJA113xFD/0.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 IO4FEIE R/W 0 HVIO4 falling edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO4 falling edge interrupt enabled
6 IO4REIE R/W 0 HVIO4 rising edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO4 rising edge interrupt enabled
5 IO3FEIE R/W 0 HVIO3 falling edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO3 falling edge interrupt enabled
4 IO3REIE R/W 0 HVIO3 rising edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO3 rising edge interrupt enabled
3 IO2FEIE R/W 0 HVIO2 falling edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO2 falling edge interrupt enabled
2 IO2REIE R/W 0 HVIO2 rising edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO2 rising edge interrupt enabled
1 IO1FEIE R/W 0 HVIO1 falling edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO1 falling edge interrupt enabled
0 IO1REIE R/W 0 HVIO1 rising edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO1 rising edge interrupt enabled
Table 69. Bank 0 fail interrupt enable register (address 38h)
Not available in UJA113xFD/0.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 IO4SCIE R/W 0 HVIO4 short circuit interrupt disabled
1 HVIO4 short circuit interrupt enabled
6 IO4OLIE R/W 0 HVIO4 open load interrupt enabled
1 HVIO4 open load interrupt disabled
5 IO3SCIE R/W 0 HVIO3 short circuit interrupt disabled
1 HVIO3 short circuit interrupt enabled
4 IO3OLIE R/W 0 HVIO3 open load interrupt enabled
1 HVIO3 open load interrupt disabled
3 IO2SCIE R/W 0 HVIO2 short circuit interrupt disabled
1 HVIO2 short circuit interrupt enabled
2 IO2OLIE R/W 0 HVIO2 open load interrupt enabled
1 HVIO2 open load interrupt disabled
Table 67. Transceiver interrupt enable register (address 23h) …continued
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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1 IO1SCIE R/W 0 HVIO1 short circuit interrupt disabled
1 HVIO1 short circuit interrupt enabled
0 IO1OLIE R/W 0 HVIO1 open load interrupt enabled
1 HVIO1 open load interrupt disabled
Table 70. Bank 1 wake-up interrupt enable register (address 47h)
Not available in UJA113xFD/x.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 IO8FEIE R/W 0 HVIO8 falling edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO8 falling edge interrupt enabled
6 IO8REIE R/W 0 HVIO8 rising edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO8 rising edge interrupt enabled
5 IO7FEIE R/W 0 HVIO7 falling edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO7 falling edge interrupt enabled
4 IO7REIE R/W 0 HVIO7 rising edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO7 rising edge interrupt enabled
3 IO6FEIE R/W 0 HVIO6 falling edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO6 falling edge interrupt enabled
2 IO6REIE R/W 0 HVIO6 rising edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO6 rising edge interrupt enabled
1 IO5FEIE R/W 0 HVIO5 falling edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO5 falling edge interrupt enabled
0 IO5REIE R/W 0 HVIO5 rising edge interrupt disabled
1 HVIO5 rising edge interrupt enabled
Table 71. Bank 1 fail interrupt enable register (address 48h)
Not available in UJA113xFD/x.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7 IO8SCIE R/W 0 HVIO8 short circuit interrupt disabled
1 HVIO8 short circuit interrupt enabled
6 IO8OLIE R/W 0 HVIO8 open load interrupt enabled
1 HVIO8 open load interrupt disabled
5 IO7SCIE R/W 0 HVIO7 short circuit interrupt disabled
1 HVIO7 short circuit interrupt enabled
4 IO7OLIE R/W 0 HVIO7 open load interrupt enabled
1 HVIO7 open load interrupt disabled
3 IO6SCIE R/W 0 HVIO6 short circuit interrupt disabled
1 HVIO6 short circuit interrupt enabled
2 IO6OLIE R/W 0 HVIO6 open load interrupt enabled
1 HVIO6 open load interrupt disabled
Table 69. Bank 0 fail interrupt enable register (address 38h) …continued
Not available in UJA113xFD/0.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
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7.13 Non-volatile SBC configuration
The UJA113x contains Multiple Time Programmable Non-Volatile (MT PNV) memory cells
that allow some of the default device settings to be reconfigured. The MTPNV memory
address range is from 0x71 to 0x74. An overvie w of th e MTPNV registers is given in
Table 72. Details on bit settings, including factory preset values, can be found in Table 9,
Table 11, Table 45 and Table 46.
[1] For derivatives without the relevant HVIO pin, the associated bit is set to 0; this needs to be taken into account when calculating the
CRC value.
7.13.1 Programming the MTPNV cells
Bit NVMPS in the MTPNV status register (Table 73) must be set to 1 before the
non-volatile memory cells can be reprogrammed. Bit NVMPS is pre-set to 1 when the
device is shipped. It is reset to 0 after the cells have been programmed. The battery
supply voltage mu st be within the ra ng e spe cified for M TPNV pro gramm ing ( V prog(MTPNV);
see Table 90) while the cells are being programmed.
NVMPS can be set to 1 again by restoring the factory presets (see Section 7.13.2). When
the factory presets are restored, a system reset is generated, automatically forcing the
UJA113x to switch to Forced Normal mode (since FNMC = 1). This ensures that the
programming cycle cannot be interrupted by the watchdog.
Programming of the non-volatile memory registers is performed in two steps. First, the
required values are writte n to addresses 0x71 to 0x74. In the second step, reprogramming
is confirmed by writing the correct CRC value to the MTPNV CRC control register (see
Section The SBC starts repr ogramming the MTPNV cells as soon as the CRC
value has been validated. If the CRC value is not correct, reprogramming is aborted. On
completion, a system reset is genera ted to indicate that the MTPNV cells have been
reprogrammed successfully. Note that updated contents of registers 0x71 to 0x74 cannot
be read until the programming process has been successfully completed.
After an MTPNV programm ing cycle has been completed, the non-volatile memory is
protected ag ain st bein g ov er wr itte n via a standard SPI write ope ra tio n.
1 IO5SCIE R/W 0 HVIO5 short circuit interrupt disabled
1 HVIO5 short circuit interrupt enabled
0 IO5OLIE R/W 0 HVIO5 open load interrupt enabled
1 HVIO5 open load interrupt disabled
Table 71. Bank 1 fail interrupt enable register (address 48h) …continued
Not available in UJA113xFD/x.
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
Table 72. Overview of MTPNV registers
Addr. Register Name Bit:
0x73 Start-up control reserved RLC V2SUC IO4SFC IO3SFC IO2SFC
0x74 SBC configuration ctrl. reserved V1RTSUC FNMC SDMC VEXTAC SLPC
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The MTPNV status register (Table 73) contains a write counter, WRCNTS, that is
incremented each time the MTPNV cells are reprogrammed (up to a maximum value of
111111; there is no overflow). Note that this counter is provided for information purposes
only; reprogramming will not be aborted if it reaches its maximum value. An error
correction code status bit, ECCS, indicates whether repro gr am m i ng was successful. It is
not recommende d to program the MTPNV cells m ore than Ncy(W)MTP times (see Table 90). Calculating the CRC value for MTP programming
The cyclic redundancy check value stored in bits CRCC in the MTPNV CRC control
register is calculated using the da t a written to registers 0x71 to 0x74. Not writing to one of
these registe rs is equi vale nt to writin g 00 h to that reg iste r.
The CRC value is calculated using the data representation shown in Figure 22 and the
modulo-2 divisi on with th e ge ne ra to r po lyn o mia l: X8+X
5 + X3+X
2 + X + 1. The result of
this operation must be bitwise inverted.
The following parameters can be used to calculate the CRC value (e.g. via the Autosar
Table 73. MTPNV status register (address 70h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:2 WRCNTS R xxxxxx write counter: contains the number of times the
MTPNV cells were reprogrammed
1 ECCS R 0 no error detected during MTPNV cell programmi ng
1 an error was detected during MTPNV cell
0 NVMPS R 0 MTPNV memory cannot be overwritten
1 MTPNV memory is ready to be reprogrammed
Table 74. MTPNV CRC control register (address 75h)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:0 CRCC R/W - CRC control data
Fig 22. Dat a representation for CRC calculation
Table 75. Parameters for CRC coding
Parameter Value
CRC result width 8 bits
Polynomial 0x2F
Initial value 0xFF
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Alternatively, the following algorithm can be used:
data = 0 // unsigned byte
crc = 0xFF
for i = 0 to 3
data = content_of_address(0x71 + i) EXOR crc
for j = 0 to 7
if data 128
data = data * 2 // shift left by 1
data = data EXOR 0x2F
else data = data * 2 // shift left by 1
next j
crc = data
next i
crc = crc EXOR 0xFF
7.13.2 Restoring factory preset values
Factory preset values are restored when the following conditions apply for at least
td(MTPNV) during power-up:
pin RSTN is held LOW
CANH is pulled up to VBAT
CANL is pulled down to GND
After the factory preset values have been restored, the SBC enters Forced normal Mode.
Since the CAN-bus is clamped dominant, pin RXDC will be LOW. During the factory
preset restore process, this pin is forced HIGH to allow a falling edge to signal that the
process has been completed.
The write counter, WRCNTS, in the MTPNV status register is incremented every time the
factory preset s are restored.
Input data reflected no
Result data reflected no
XOR value 0xFF
Table 75. Parameters for CRC coding …continued
Parameter Value
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7.14 Device ID
T wo bytes are reserve d at addresses 0x7E and 0x7F for the UJA113x identification codes.
ID0S and ID1S combine to indicate the UJA113x series variant, as detailed in Table 78.
7.15 General-purpose memory
The UJA113x allocates 4 bytes of RAM as gene ral-purpose memory for storing user
information. The general-purpose registers can be accessed via the SPI at addresses
0x06 to 0x09 (see Table 80).
Table 76. Identification register 1 (address 7Eh)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:0 ID0S R see Table 78 device identification code (part 1)
Table 77. Identificatio n register 2 (address 7Fh)
Bit Symbol Access Value Description
7:6 ID1S R see Table 78 device identification code (part 2)
5:0 IDVS R silicon version:
xx0xxx UJA113xHW
xx1xxx UJA113xFD
Table 78. Identification codes
Variant ID0S (8 LBSs of ID code) ID1S (2 MSBs of ID code)
UJA1131HW/5V0 0x11 0x0
UJA1131HW/3V3 0x10 0x0
UJA1132HW/5V0 0x01 0x0
UJA1132HW/3V3 0x00 0x0
UJA1135HW/5V0 0x11 0x1
UJA1135HW/3V3 0x10 0x1
UJA1136HW/5V0 0x01 0x1
UJA1136HW/3V3 0x00 0x1
UJA1131HW/FD/5V/4 0x51 0x0
UJA1131HW/FD/3V/4 0x50 0x0
UJA1131HW/FD/5V/0 0x71 0x0
UJA1131HW/FD/3V/0 0x70 0x0
UJA1132HW/FD/5V/4 0x41 0x0
UJA1132HW/FD/3V/4 0x40 0x0
UJA1132HW/FD/5V/0 0x61 0x0
UJA1132HW/FD/3V/0 0x60 0x0
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7.16 SPI
7.16.1 Introduction
The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) provides the communication link with the
microcontroller, supporting multi-slave operations. The SPI is configured for full-duplex
data transfer, so status information is returned when new control data is shifted in. The
interface also offers a read-only access option, allowing the application to read back the
data without changing the register content.
The SPI uses four interface signals for synchronization and data transfer:
SCSN: SPI chip select; active LOW
SCK: SPI clock; default level is LOW due to low-power concept
SDI: SPI data input
SDO: SPI data output; floating when pin SCSN is HIGH
Bit sampling is performed on the falling clock edge and data is shifted on the rising clock
edge (see Figure 23).
The SPI data in the UJA113x is stored in a number of dedicated 8-bit registers. Each
register is assigned a unique 7-bit address. Two bytes need to be transmitted to the SBC
for a single register write operation. The first byte contains the 7-bit address along with a
‘read-only’ bit (the LSB). The read-only bit m ust be 0 to indica te a write operation (if this b it
is 1, a read operation is assumed and any data on the SDI pin is ignored). The second
byte contains the data to be written to the register.
24- and 32-bit write operations are also supported. The register address is automatically
incremented, once for a 24-bit operation and twice for a 32-bit operation, as illustrated in
Figure 24.
Fig 23. SPI timing protocol
06% 06% 06% 06%  /6%
06% 06% 06% 06%  /6%
   1 1
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During an SPI data write operation, the contents of the addressed register(s) is returned
via pin SDO. This also happens for a read operation (where the read-only bit is set to 1).
During a write opera tion , th e UJA113x monitors the number of SPI bits transmitted. If the
number recorded i s not 16, 24 or 32, the write operation is aborted and an SPI failure
interrupt is generated (SPIFI = 1), if enabled (SPIFIE = 1).
The SBC is ready to process an SPI operation tto(SPI) after leaving Reset mode. Any
attempt to read or write before this timout time has elapsed will generate an SPI failure
A delay of at least td(W)SPI must be inserted between consecutive SPI write operations to
the same register, otherwise the SBC may not execute th e first write access. The d elay is
measured between successive rising edges on SCSN.
The UJA113x tolerates attempts to write to registers that do not exist. If the available
address space is exceeded during a write operation, the da ta overflows into ad dress 0x00
(without generating an SPI failure interrupt).
An SPI failure interrupt is generated if an illegal SPI message is received (e.g. the number
of bits transmitted is not 16, 24 or 32). The received information is ignored and register
contents are not modified. If an SPI write operation does not trigger an interrupt, the data
has been succe ssfu lly writ te n to th e add re sse d re gis te r.
7.16.2 Register map
The addressable reg ister spa ce cont ains 128 reg isters with addresses fr om 0x00 to 0x7F.
The registers are divided into eight functional groups, as shown in Table 79. An overview
of the register mapping is provided in Table 80 to Table 86. The functionality of individual
bits is discussed in more detail in the relevant sections of the data sheet. Note that not all
registers and bits are available in all UJA113x derivatives.
Fig 24. SPI data structure for a write operation (16-, 24- or 32-bit)
[ [[ [)[ [ [[ [ [' [(
$ $ $ $ $ $ 52$
DGGU GDWDE\WH GDWDE\WH
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Table 79. Register groupings
Address range Description Content
0x00 to 0x0F Primary control registers SBC mode, watchdog, reset, limp-home,
Overtemp, EN control
0x10 to 0x1F Supply control registers Battery monitoring, V1, V2, SMPS control
0x20 to 0x2F T ransceiver control registers CAN, LIN1 and LIN2 control
0x30 to 0x3F HVIO bank 0 control registers Control of HVIO1 to HVIO4
0x40 to 0x4F HVIO bank 1 control registers Control of HVIO5 to HVIO8
0x50 to 0x5F Timer control registers Timer 1 to 4 control
0x60 to 0x6F Interrupt status registers Interrupt status information
0x70 to 0x7F MTPNV and ID registers MTPNV register access
Table 80. Overview of primary control registers
Address Register Nam e Bit:
0x00 Watchdog control WMC reserved NWP
0x01 Mode control reserved MC
0x02 Fail-safe control ENSC ENDC ENC LHC RCC
0x03 Main status reserved OTWS NMS RSS
0x04 System interrupt enable reser ved OTWIE SPIFIE reserved
0x05 Watchdog status reserved FNMS SDMS WDS
0x06 Memo ry 0 GPM[7:0]
0x07 Memory 1 GPM[15:8]
0x08 Memory 2 GPM[23:16]
0x09 Memory 3 GPM[31:24]
0x0A Lock control reserved LK6C LK5C LK4C LK3C LK2C LK1C LK0C
0x0B to 0x0F reserved
Table 81. Over view of supply control registers
Addr. Register Name Bit:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0x10 Regulator control reserved V2SC V2C V1RTC
0x11 Battery monitor interrupt ctrl. reserved BMSC
0x12 Battery monitor UV control BMUTC
0x13 Battery monitor OV control BMOTC
0x14 Battery monitor hys. ctrl. BMHOC BMHUC
0x15 VBAT ADC results 1 BMBCD
0x16 VBAT ADC results 2 reserved BMBCS BMBCD
0x17 BATSENSE ADC results 1 BMSCD
0x18 BATSENSE ADC results 2 reserved BMSCS BMSCD
0x19 SMPS control reserved SMPSOTC reserved SMPSC
0x1A SMPS o/p voltage control reserved SMPSOC
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0x1B Supply voltage status reserved BMOVS BMUVS SMPSS VEXTS V1S
0x1C Supply interrupt enable reserved SMPSSIE BMOIE BMUIE VEXTOIE VEXTUIE V1UIE
0x1D to 0x1F reserved
Table 81. Over view of supply control registers …continue d
Addr. Register Name Bit:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Table 82. Overview of transceiver control register s
Address Register Nam e Bit:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0x20 CAN control reserved CFDC PNCOK CPNC CSC CMC
0x21 LIN control LSC2 LMC2 LSC1 LMC1
0x23 Transceiver interrupt enable reserved CBSIE LWI2E LWI1E CFIE CWIE
0x24 to 0x25 reserved
0x26 Dat a rate reserved CDR
0x27 ID 0 ID[7:0]
0x28 ID 1 ID[15:8]
0x29 ID 2 ID[23:16]
0x2A ID 3 reserved ID[28:24]
0x2B Mask 0 M[7:0]
0x2C Mask 1 M[15:8]
0x2D Mask 2 M[23:16]
0x2E Mask 3 reserved M[28:24]
0x2F Frame control IDE PNDM reserved DLC
Table 83. Overview of HVIO control registers
Addr. Register Name Bit:
0x30 HVIO1 control IO1SC IO1AC IO1CC
0x31 HVIO2 control IO2SC IO2AC IO2CC
0x32 HVIO3 control IO3SC IO3AC IO3CC
0x33 HVIO4 control IO4SC IO4AC IO4CC
0x34 Bank 0 threshold control reserved B0WTC
0x35 Bank 0 wake-up status reserved IO4WLS IO3WLS IO2WLS IO1WLS
0x36 Bank 0 driver status IO4DS IO3DS IO2DS IO1DS
0x39 Bank 0 s/c threshold ctrl. IO4SCTC IO3SCTC IO2SCTC IO1SCTC
0x3A Bank 0 o/l threshold ctrl. IO4OLTC IO3OLTC IO2OLTC IO1OLTC
0x3B to 0x3F reserved
0x40 HVIO5 control IO5SC IO5AC IO5CC
0x41 HVIO6 control IO6SC IO6AC IO6CC
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0x42 HVIO7 control IO7SC IO7AC IO7CC
0x43 HVIO8 control IO8SC IO8AC IO8CC
0x44 Bank 1 threshold control reserved B1WTC
0x45 Bank 1 wake-up status reserved IO8WLS IO7WLS IO6WLS IO5WLS
0x46 Bank 1 driver status IO8DS IO7DS IO6DS IO5DS
0x49 Bank 0 s/c threshold ctrl. IO8SCTC IO7SCTC IO6SCTC IO5SCTC
0x4A Bank 0 o/l threshold ctrl. IO8OLTC IO7OLTC IO6OLTC IO5OLTC
0x4B to 0x4F reserved
Table 83. Overview of HVIO control registers …continued
Addr. Register Name Bit:
Table 84. Overview of timer control registers
Address Register Nam e Bit:
0x50 Timer 1 cont rol reserved T1PC res. T1MC
0x51 Timer 1 duty cycle control T1DCC
0x52 Timer 2 cont rol reserved T2PC T2MC
0x53 Timer 2 duty cycle control T2DCC
0x54 Timer 3 cont rol reserved T3PC T3MC
0x55 Timer 3 duty cycle control T3DCC
0x56 Timer 4 cont rol reserved T4PC T4MC
0x57 Timer4 duty cycle control T4DCC
0x58 to 0x5F reserved
Table 85. Overview of interrupt status registers
Addr. Register Name Bit:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0x60 Global interrupt status reserved B1FIS B1WIS B0FIS B0WIS TRXIS SUPIS SYSIS
0x61 System interrupt status reserved OVSDI POSI reserved OTWI SPIFI WDI
0x62 Supply interrupt status reserved SMPSSI BMOI BMUI VEXTOI VEXTUI V1UI
0x63 Transceiver interrupt status reserved PNFDEI CBSI LWI2 LWI1 CFI CWI
0x64 Bank 0 wake-up interrupt status IO4FEI IO4REI IO3FEI IO3REI IO2FEI IO2REI IO1FEI IO1REI
0x65 Bank 0 fail interrupt status IO4SCI IO4OLI IO3SCI IO3OLI IO2SCI IO2OLI IO1SCI IO1OLI
0x66 Bank 1 wake-up interrupt status IO8FEI IO8REI IO7FEI IO7REI IO6FEI IO6REI IO5FEI IO5REI
0x67 Bank 1 fail interrupt status IO8SCI IO8OLI IO7SCI IO7OLI IO6SCI IO6OLI IO5SCI IO5OLI
0x68 Data mask 0 DM0[7:0]
0x69 Data mask 1 DM1[7:0]
0x6A Data mask 2 DM2[7:0]
0x6B Data mask 3 DM3[7:0]
0x6C Data mask 4 DM4[7:0]
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7.16.3 Register configuration in SBC operating modes
A number of register bits may change state automatically when the UJA113x switches
from one operating mode to another. This is particularly evident when the UJA113x
switches to Off m ode. These changes are summarized in Table 87. If an SPI transmission
is in progress when the UJA113x changes state, the transmission is ignored (automatic
state change s have priority).
0x6D Data mask 5 DM5[7:0]
0x6E Data mask 6 DM6[7:0]
0x6F Data mask 7 DM7[7:0]
Table 85. Overview of interrupt status registers …continued
Addr. Register Name Bit:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Table 86. Overview of MTPNV and ID registers
Addr. Register Name Bit:
0x70 MTPNV interrupt status WRCNTS ECCS NVMPS
0x73 Start-up control reserved RLC V2SUC IO4SFC IO3SFC IO2SFC
0x74 SBC configuration ctrl. reserved V1RTSUC FNMC SDMC VEXTAC SLPC
0x75 MTPNV CRC control CRCC
0x76 to 0x7D reserved
0x7E Identification register 1 ID0S
0x7F Identification register 2 ID1S IDVS
Table 87. Register bit settings in SBC operating modes
Symbol Off (power-on
default) Standby Normal Sleep Reset Overload FSP
B0FIS 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
B0WIS 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
B0WTC 0 no change no change no change no change no change no change
B1FIS 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
B1WIS 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
B1WTC 0 no change no change no change no change no change no change
BMBCD[1] 0000000000 - actual state - - - -
BMBCS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
BMSCD[1] 0000000000 - actual state - - - -
BMSCS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
BMHOC 0000 no change no change no chan ge no change no change no change
BMHUC 0000 no change no change no change no change no change no change
BMOI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
BMOIE 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
BMOTC 11111111 no change no change no change no change no change no change
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BMOVS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
BMSC 0 no change no change no change no change no change no change
BMUI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
BMUIE 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
BMUTC 00000000 no change no change no change no change no change no change
BMUVS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
CBSI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
CBSIE 0 no change no ch ange no change no change no change 0
CBSS 0 1 actual state 1 1 1 1
CDR 101 no change no change no change no change no change 101
CFDC 0 no change no change no change no change no change no change
CFI 0 no change no chang e no change no change no change 0
CFIE 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
CFS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
CMC 00 no change no change no change no change no change 00
COSCS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
CPNC 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
CPNERR 1 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
CPNS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
CRCC n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
CSC 0 1 no change no change no change no change no change no change
CTS0 0actual state0000
CWI 0 no change no change no change no cha nge no change 0
CWIE 0 no change no change no change no change no change 1
DLC 0000 no change no change no change no change no change 0000
DMn 11111111 no change no change no change no change no change no change
ECCS actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
ENC 00 no change no change no change no change no change no change
ENDC 0 no change no change no change no change no change no change
ENSC 00 no change no change no change no change no change no change
FNMS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
GPM 0000...0000 no change no change no change no change no change no change
ID[28:0] 00...00 no change n o change no change no change no change 0 0...00
IDM[28:0] 00...00 no change no change no change no change no change 00...00
IDnS actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
IOnAC 000 no change no change no change no cha nge no change no change
IOnCC 000 or defined
by dedicated
no change no change no change no change no change no change
Table 87. Register bit settings in SBC operating modes …continued
Symbol Off (power-on
default) Standby Normal Sleep Reset Overload FSP
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IOnDS 11 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
IOnFEI 0 no change n o change no change no change no change 0
IOnFEIE 0 no change no change no change no change no change 1
IOnOLI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
IOnOLIE 0 no change no ch ange no change no change no change 0
IOnOLTC 00 no change n o change no change no change no change no change
IOnREI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
IOnREIE 0 no change no change no change no change no change 1
IOnSC 00 no change no ch ange no change no change 00 00
IOnSCI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
IOnSCIE 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
IOnSCTC 00 no change no change no change no change no change no change
IOnWLS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
LHC 0 no change no change no change no change 1 1
LKnC 0 no change no change no change no change no change no change
LMCn 00 no change no change no change no change no change no change
LSCn 00 no change no change no change no change no change no change
LWIn 0 no change n o change no change no change no change 0
LWInE 0 no change no change no change no cha nge no change 1
M[28:0] 00...00 no change no change no change no change no change 00...00
MC 100 100 111 001 100 don’t care 001
NMS 1 no change 0 no change no change no change no change
NVMPS actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
NWP 0100 no change no change no change 0100 0100 0100
OTWI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
OTWIE 0 no change n o change no change no change no change 0
OTWS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
OVSDI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
PNDM 1 no change no ch ange no change no change no change 1
PNFDEI[2] 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
PNCOK 0 no change no chang e no change no change no change 0
PNFDEI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
POSI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
RCC 00 no change no change no change RCC++ if
otherwise no
no change 00
Table 87. Register bit settings in SBC operating modes …continued
Symbol Off (power-on
default) Standby Normal Sleep Reset Overload FSP
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RSS 00000 no change n o change no change reset source 10010 10101
SDMS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
SMPSC 00 no change no change no change 00 00 00
SMPSOC 0101 no change no change 0101 0101 0101 0101
SMPSOTC 0 no change no change no change 0 0 0
SMPSS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
SMPSSI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
SMPSSIE 0 no change no chang e no change no change no change 0
SPIFI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
SPIFIE 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
SUPIS 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
SYSIS 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
T1DCC 0 0000000 no change no change no change no change no change no change
T1MC 0 no change no change no change no change no change no change
T1PC 0000 no change no change no change no change no change no change
T2DCC 0 0000000 no change no change no change no change no change no change
T2MC 00 no change no change no change no change no change no change
T2PC 0000 no change no change no change no change no change no change
T3DCC 0 0000000 no change no change no change no change no change no change
T3MC 00 no change no change no change no change no change no change
T3PC 0000 no change no change no change no change no change no change
T4DCC 0 0000000 no change no change no change no change no change no change
T4MC 00 no change no change no change no change no change no change
T4PC 0000 no change no change no change no change no change no change
TRXIS 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
V1RTC defined by
V1RTSUC no change no ch ange no change no change no change 0 0
V1S 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
V1UI 0 no change no change no change no cha nge no change 0
V1UIE 0 no change no ch ange no change no change no change 0
V2C defined by
V2SUC no change no change no change no change no change no change
VEXTOI 0 no change no chang e no change no change no change 0
VEXTOIE 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
VEXTS 00 actual state a ctual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
V2SC 00 no change n o change no change no change no change no change
Table 87. Register bit settings in SBC operating modes …continued
Symbol Off (power-on
default) Standby Normal Sleep Reset Overload FSP
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[1] Note that battery monitoring is only enabled in Normal mode.
[2] UJA113xFD/x only; otherwise reserved.
VEXTUI 0 no change no ch ange no change no change no change 0
VEXTUIE 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
VCS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
VLINS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
WDI 0 no change no change no change no change no change 0
WDS 0 actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state
WMC 001 if
SDMC = 1;
otherwise 010
no change no change no change 001 if
SDMC = 1;
otherwise 010
no change 001
WRCNTS actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state actual state a ctual state
Table 87. Register bit settings in SBC operating modes …continued
Symbol Off (power-on
default) Standby Normal Sleep Reset Overload FSP
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8. Limiting values
Table 88. Limiting values
In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
Vxvoltage on pin x[1] pin V1 (max current IV1 =50mA) [2] 0.3 +6 V
pins V2 and VCAN 0.3 +6 V
TXDL2, RXDL1, RXDL2, RSTN, INTN 1 and INTN2 0.3 VV1 +
0.3 V
pin VEXT 18 +40 V
pins HVIO1 to HVIO8 [3] 18 +40 V
pin BOOTH1 VL1
0.3 VL1 +
3.6 V
pin BOOTH2 VL2
0.3 VL2 +
3.6 V
pins L2, VSMPS 0.3 +18 V
pin CAPA 0.3 +3.6 V
pin CAPB (internally shorted to GNDSMPS) 0.3 +0.3 V
pins CANH and CANL with respect to any other pin 58 +58 V
voltage difference between pin CANH and CANL 40 +40 V
pins LIN1 and LIN2 with respect to any other pin 40 +40 V
GNDSMPS 0.3 +0.3 V
Ixcurrent on pin x reverse polarity
Ii(LIMP) inpu t current on pin
LIMP LHC = 1 - 20 mA
IBATSENSE current on pin
BATSENSE continuo us current; VBATSENSE < 0 V 18 - mA
peak current; VBATSENSE < 0 V; tmax = 2 ms; ISO7637
pulse 1 180 - mA
Irreverse current from pin V1 to pin VSMPS; VV1 5V [4] - 500 mA
from pin V2 to pin BATV2; VV2 5V [4] - 100 mA
Vtrt transient voltage on pins
reverse polarity diode and capacitor to GND
BATSENSE: coupling via 1 k resistor and 10 nF
capacitor to GND
CANL, CANH: coupling via 1 nF capacitors
LIN1, LIN2: coupling via 1 nF capacitors
HVIO1 to HVIO8: coupling via 1 nF capacitors
VEXT: coupling via 1 nF capacitor
[5] 150 +100 V
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[1] The device can sustain voltages up to the specified values over the product lifetime, provided applied voltages (including transients)
never exceed these values.
[2] V1 has an internal clamping mechanism that ensures that, in both supplied and unsupplied state, an injection current of 50 mA (max)
flowing from the connected microcontroller can be tolerated without needing to specify the interface pins to a voltage higher than 6 V.
This means that an external Zener diode is not needed to limit the output voltage on V1.
[3] The difference between the supply voltage on pin BATHS1 and the voltage on any of pins HVIO1 to HVIO4 must not exceed 40 V;
similarly the difference between the supply voltage on pin BATHS2 and the voltage on any of pins HVIO5 to HVIO8 must not exceed
40 V.
[4] A reverse diode connected between V1 (anode) and VSMPS (cathode) limits the voltage drop voltage from V1(+) to VSMPS (-). A
reverse diode connected between V2 (anode) and BATV2 (cathode) limits the voltage drop from V2(+) to BATV2 (-).
[5] Verified by an external test house to ensure that pins can withstand ISO 7637 part 2 automotive transient test pulses 1, 2a, 3a and 3b.
[6] According to IEC 61000-4-2; has been verified by an external test house.
[7] Only tested relative to ground. Only valid for the application circuit shown in Figure 31.
[8] According to AEC-Q100-002.
[9] V1, V2, BAT, BATHS1, BATHS2, BATSMPS, VSMPS, BATV2 and VCAN connected to GND, emulating application circuit.
[10] According to AEC-Q100-011 Rev-C1. The classification level is C4B.
[11] In accordance with IEC 60747-1. An alternative definition of virtual junction temperature is: Tvj =T
amb +PRth(vj-a), where Rth(vj-a) is a
fixed value to be used for the calculation of Tvj. The rating for Tvj limits the allowable combinations of power dissipation (P) and ambient
temperature (Tamb).
VESD electrostatic discharge
voltage IEC 61000-4-2 (150 pF, 330 )[6]
capacitor; CANH, CANL, LIN1 and LIN2, HVIO1 to
HVIO8, BATSENSE with 10 nF capacitor and 1 k
resistor; VEXT with 2.2 F capacitor
[7] 6+6 kV
Human Body Model (HBM); 100 pF, 1.5 k[8]
all pins 2+2 kV
pins CANH, CANL, LIN1, LIN2 [9] 6+6 kV
pins BAT, BATV2, BA THS 1, BATHS2, HVIO1 to HVIO8,
Charged Device Model (CDM); field Induced charge; 4 pF [10]
corner pins 750 +750 V
all other pins 500 +500 V
Tvj virtual junction
temperature [11] 40 +150 C
when programming the MTPNV cells 0 +85 C
Tstg storage temperature 55 +150 C
Tamb ambient temperature 40 +125 C
Table 88. Limiting values …continued
In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
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9. Thermal characteristics
[1] According to JEDEC JESD51-2, JESD51-5 and JESD51-7 at natural convection on 2s2p board. Board with two inner copper layers
(thickness: 70 m; top and bottom layers: 35 m) and thermal via array under the exposed pad connected to the first inner copper layer.
Table 89. Thermal characteristics
Symbol Parameter Conditions Typ Unit
Rth(vj-a) thermal resistance from virtual junction to ambient [1] 29 K/W
Rth(vj-c) thermal resistance from virtual junction to case [1] 10 K/W
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
10. Static characteristics
Table 90. Static characteristics
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Supply current; pins BAT, BATV2, BATHS1, BATHS2, BATSMPS
Standby mode; CAN wake-up or no wake-up source enabled; 7.7 V < VBATSMPS <15V
IDD supply current SMPS in Pass- through mode (SMPSC = 11); IV1 = 0 A; IVSMPS = 0 A
Tvj =40 C-75-A
Tvj =+25C-80-A
Tvj =+40C-83-A
Tvj =+85C-97-A
40 C < Tvj <+40C--110A
40 C < Tvj <85C--134A
Sleep mode; CAN wake-up or no wake-up source enabled; 7.7 V < VBATSMPS <15V
IDD supply current SMPS off (SMPSC = 00)
Tvj =40 C-43-A
Tvj =+25C-50-A
Tvj =+40C-52-A
Tvj =+85C-64-A
40 C < Tvj <+40C--70A
40 C < Tvj <85C--90A
SMPS in Pass- through mode (SMPSC = 11) ; IVSMPS =0A
40 C < Tvj <85C - 80 109 A
Additional currents
IDD supply current wake-up source currents
one LIN wake-up interrupt
enabled: LWI1E = 1 or
LWI2E = 1; 40 C < Tvj <85C
one HVIO bank input enabled:
IOnCC = 011, 100 or 111 with
n = 1 to 4 or n = 5 to 8;
40 C < Tvj <85C
V2 regulator on; VEXTAC = 1
Tvj =40 C-4-A
Tvj =+25C-4-A
Tvj =+40C-4-A
Tvj =+85C-4-A
40 C < Tvj <+85C--25A
V2 regulator on; VEXTAC = 0;
40 C < Tvj <85C-80107A
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
Additional currents ... continued
IDD supply current for first HVIO high-side driver
activated (IOnAC > 0) but not
turned on; IHVIOn =0A
- 550 700 A
for first HVIO high-side driver
activated (IOnAC > 0) and turned
on; IHVIOn =0A
- 1000 1400 A
for first active HVIO low-side driver
(IOnAC > 0); IHVIOn =0A- 1000 1400 A
SMPS active (SMPSC = 00/01);
IV1 = 0 A; IVSMPS =0A;
VBAT =13V; V
[2] 68mA
Normal mode;
40 C < Tvj <85C-1.21.7mA
CAN Offline Bias mode;
40 C < Tvj <85C-3855A
CAN Active mode - 160 280 A
CAN Listen-only mode - 60 125 A
CAN partial networking - 300 400 A
LIN1/2 Active mode;
LIN recessive; VTXDL1/2 =V
5V <V
BAT <18V
LIN1/2 Active mode;
LIN dominant; VTXDL1/2 =0V;
5V <V
BAT <18V
LIN Listen-only mode;
5V <V
BAT <18V --100A
Power on/off detec ti on on pin BAT, VSMPS, BATHS1 and BATHS2
Vth(det)pon power-on detection
threshold vo ltage highest value on pin BAT or pin
VSMPS 4.45 - 5.5 V
Vhys(det)pon power-on detectio n
hysteresis voltage highest value on pin BAT or pin
VSMPS 450 - - mV
Vth(det)poff power-off detection
threshold vo ltage highest value on pin BAT or pin
VSMPS 3.0 - 4.0 V
Vuvd(CAN) CAN undervoltage detection
voltage highest value on pin BAT or pin
VSMPS 4.45 - 5.5 V
Vuvr(CAN) CAN undervoltage recovery
voltage highest value on pin BAT or pin
VSMPS 4.7 - 6 V
Vuvd undervoltage detection
voltage on pin BATHS1 or pin BATHS2 3.4 - 4.2 V
Vuvd(LIN) LIN undervoltage detection
voltage on pin BAT 4.4 4.7 5.0 V
Table 90. Static characteristicscontinued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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Vuvr(LIN) LIN undervoltage recovery
voltage on pin BAT 4.9 5.2 5.5 V
Vhys(uvd)LIN LIN undervoltage detection
hysteresis voltage on pin BAT 200 - - mV
Load dump activ ation/release : supply pins BAT, BATV2, BATHS1, BATHS2
Vth(det)ov overvoltage detection
threshold vo ltage 30 - 34 V
Vth(rel)ov overvoltage release
threshold vo ltage 29 - 33 V
High-speed CAN: pin VCAN
Vuvd(VCAN) undervoltage detection
voltage on pin VCAN 4.5 - 4.75 V
IDD(CAN) CAN supply current CAN Active mode; CAN recessive;
CAN Active mode; CAN dominant;
R(CANH-CANL) =no load
CAN not in Active mode;
40 C < Tvj <85C- 35A
SMPS Pass-through suppressio n: pins BATSMPS and VSMPS
Vovd(BATSMPS) overvoltage detection
voltage on pin BATSMPS VBATSMPS rising 15 - 16 V
Vuvd(BATSMPS) undervoltage detection
voltage on pin BATSMPS VBATSMPS falling 7.1 - 7.7 V
Ith(ocd) overcurrent detection
threshold current on pin VSMPS; for switching from
Pass-through mode to an active
150 - 350 mA
Tvj =150C 150 - 300 mA
SMPS: pins L1 and L2
R(L1-BATSMPS) resistance between pin L1
and pin BATSMPS Pass-through mode - - 0.8
R(L2-VSMPS) resistance between pin L2
and pin VSMPS Pass-through mode - - 0.8
VOoutput voltage IVSMPS = 500 mA to 0 mA [2]
SMPS active within regulation
window [4] VVSMPS
60 mV
(act) +
60 mV
Table 90. Static characteristicscontinued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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Isc(SMPS) SMPS short circuit current VBATSMPS =4V - 1.2 - A
VBATSMPS =8V - 1.4 - A
VBATSMPS =12V - 1.6 - A
VBATSMPS =16V - 1.85 - A
SMPS performance: pin BATSMPS
VDD supply voltage UJA1131 and UJA1132
VVSMPS = 6 V (SMPSOC = 0101 )
IVSMPS =50 mA 2 - 28 V
IVSMPS =150 mA 2.5 - 28 V
IVSMPS =240 mA 3.25 - 28 V
IVSMPS =400 mA 4.5 - 28 V
IVSMPS =500 mA 5.5 - 28 V
IVSMPS =700 mA 7.0 - 28 V
UJA1131 and UJA1132;
VVSMPS = 7 V (SMPSOC = 1010 )
IVSMPS =50 mA 2 - 28 V
IVSMPS =110 mA 2.5 - 28 V
IVSMPS =180 mA 3.25 - 28 V
IVSMPS =300 mA 4.5 - 28 V
IVSMPS =420 mA 5.5 - 28 V
IVSMPS =640 mA 7.0 - 28 V
UJA1135 and UJA1136
IVSMPS =10 mA 2 - 28 V
IVSMPS =500 mA 5.5 - 28 V
Voltage source; pin V1
VOoutput voltage VO(V1)nom = 5 V; VSMPS = 5.7 V to
16 V; IV1 = 400mA to 0mA 4.9 5 5.1 V
VO(V1)nom = 5 V; VSMPS = 5.9 V to
16 V; IV1 = 500mA to 0mA 4.9 5 5.1 V
IV1 =50A to 50 mA 5.5 - 6 V
VO(V1)nom = 3.3 V; VSMPS = 4.3 V
to 16 V; IV1 = 500 mA to 0 mA 3.234 3.3 3.366 V
R(VSMPS-V1) resistance between pin
VSMPS and pin V1 saturation down to power off;
IV1 = 500 mA --2
Vuvd undervoltage detectio n
voltage 90 %; VO(V1)nom = 5 V 4.5 - 4.75 V
80 %; VO(V1)nom = 5 V 4 - 4.25 V
70 %; VO(V1)nom = 5 V 3.5 - 3.75 V
60 %; VO(V1)nom = 5 V 3 - 3.25 V
90 %; VO(V1)nom = 3.3 V 2.97 - 3.135 V
Table 90. Static characteristicscontinued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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Vuvr undervoltage recovery
voltage 90 %; VO(V1)nom = 5 V 4.5 - 4.75 V
90 %; VO(V1)nom = 3.3 V 2.97 - 3.135 V
IO(sc) short-circuit ou tput current 900 - 500 mA
Voltage source; pin V2/VEXT
Vuvd undervoltage detection
voltage 4.5 - 4.75 V
Vovd overvoltage detection
voltage 5.2 - 5.5 V
IO(sc) short-circuit ou tput current 280 - 100 mA
VOoutput voltage pin V2 shorted to pin VEXT;
VBATV2 = 5.7 V to 28 V ;
IV2 = 100 mA to 0 mA;
CVEXT > 3.3 F
4.9 5 5.1 V
pin V2 not connected;
VBATV2 = 5.7 V to 28 V ;
IV2 = 5mAto 0mA
4.925 5 5.05 V
pin V2 not connected;
VBATV2 = 5.7 V to 28 V ;
IV2 = 70 mA to 5mA
4.9 5 5.1 V
R(BATV2-V2) resistance between pin
BATV 2 and pin V2 pin V2 shorted to pin VEXT on
PCB; saturation; IV2 = 100 mA --7.5
R(BATV2-VEXT) resistance between pin
BATV2 and pin VEXT pin V2 not connected on PCB;
saturation; IVEXT = 70 mA --11
Serial peripheral interface inputs; pins SDI, SCK and SCSN
Vth(sw) switching threshold voltage VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V 0.25VV1 - 0.75VV1 V
Vth(sw)hys switching threshold voltage
hysteresis 0.05VV1 --V
Rpd pull-down resistance on pin SCK 40 60 80 k
on pin SDI; VSDI <0.25 VV1 40 60 80 k
Rpu pull-up resistance on pin SCSN 40 60 80 k
on pin SDI; VSDI >0.75 VV1 40 60 80 k
ILI(SDI) input leakage current on pin
SDI 5- +5A
Ciinput capacitance Vi=V
V1 [2] -36pF
Serial peripheral interface data output; pin SDO
VOH HIGH-level output voltage IOH =4mA;
VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V VV1 0.4 - - V
VOL LOW-level output voltage IOL =4mA;
VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V --0.4V
ILO(off) off-state output leakage
current VSCSN = VV1; VO = 0 V to VV1 5- +5A
Table 90. Static characteristicscontinued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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Cooutput capacitance SCSN = VV1 [2] - 36pF
Reset output; pin RSTN
VOL LOW-level output voltage VV1 = 1V to 5.5V;
pull-up resistor to VV1 900 ;
40 C< T
vj <T
0 - 0.2VV1 V
Rpu pull-up resistance 40 60 80 k
Vth(sw) switching threshold voltage VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V 0.25VV1 - 0.75VV1 V
Vth(sw)hys switching threshold voltage
hysteresis 0.05VV1 --V
Interrupt output; pin INTN1 and INTN2
VOL LOW-level output voltage IOL =4mA;
VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V --0.4V
Enable output; pin EN
VOH HIGH-level output voltage IOH =4mA;
VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V VV1 0.4 - - V
VOL LOW-level output voltage IOL =4mA;
VV1 = 1.0 V to 5.5 V - - 0.2VV1 V
Limp home output; pin LIMP
VOoutput voltage ILIMP = 0.8 mA; LHC = 1;
40 C< T
vj <T
ILleakage current VLIMP =V
BAT; LHC = 0 - - 5 A
CAN transmit data input; pin TXDC
Vth(sw) switching threshold voltage VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V 0.25VV1 - 0.75VV1 V
Vth(sw)hys switching threshold voltage
hysteresis 0.05VV1 --V
Rpu pull-up resistance 40 60 80 k
CAN receive data output; pin RXDC
VOH HIGH-level output voltage IOH =4mA;
VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V VV1 0.4 - - V
VOL LOW-level output voltage IOL =4mA;
VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V --0.4V
Rpu pull-up resistance CAN Offline mode 40 60 80 k
High-speed CAN-bus lines; pins CANH and CANL
VO(dom) domin an t ou t pu t vol tage CAN Active mode; VTXDC = 0 V
pin CANH 2.75 3.5 4.5 V
pin CANL 0.5 1.5 2.25 V
Vdom(TX)sym transmitter dominant voltage
symmetry Vdom(TX)sym =
400 - +400 mV
VTXsym transmitter voltage
symmetry VTXsym = VCANH +V
fTXD = 250 kHz; CSPLIT =4.7nF [2]
[3] 0.9VVCAN -1.1V
Table 90. Static characteristicscontinued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
VO(dif)bus bus differential output
voltage CAN Active mode (dominant);
VVCAN = 4.75 V to 5.5 V;
VTXDC = 0 V;
R(CANH-CANL) = 50 to 65
1.5 - 3.0 V
CAN Active mode (dominant);
VVCAN = 4.75 V to 5.5 V;
VTXDC = 0 V;
R(CANH-CANL) = 45 to 65
1.4 - 3.0 V
CAN Active/Listen-only modes;
(recessive); VTXDC = VV1;
R(CANH-CANL) = no-load
50 - +50 mV
VO(rec) recessive output voltage CAN Active mode; VTXDC = VV1;
R(CANH-CANL) = no-load 2.0 0.5VVCAN 3.0 V
CAN Offline mode;
R(CANH-CANL) = no-load 0.1 - +0.1 V
CAN Offline Bias/Listen-only
modes; VVCAN =0V
R(CANH-CANL) = no-load
2.0 2.5 3.0 V
IO(dom) dominan t ou tput current CAN Active mode
VCAN = 5 V
pin C ANH; VCANH =3V 54 - - mA
pin CANL; VCANL =16V - - 54 mA
IO(rec) recessive output current VCANL = VCANH = 27 V to +32 V;
3- +3mA
Vth(RX)dif differential receiver
threshold vo ltage CAN Active/Listen-only modes;
12 V < VCANH < +12 V;
12 V < VCANL < +12 V
0.5 0.7 0.9 V
CAN Offline mode;
12 V < VCANH < +12 V;
12 V < VCANL < +12 V
0.4 0.7 1.15 V
Vhys(RX)dif differential receiver
hysteresis voltage CAN Active mode;
12 V < VCANH < +12 V;
12 V < VCANL < +12 V
50 200 400 mV
Ri(cm) common-mode input
resistance 9 1528k
Riinput resistance deviation 1- +1%
Ri(dif) differential input resistance 12 V < VCANH < +12 V;
12 V < VCANL < +12 V;
valid for all CAN operating modes
19 30 52 k
Ci(cm) common-mode input
capacitance [2] - 8 20 pF
Ci(dif) differential input capacitance [2] - 4 10 pF
Table 90. Static characteristicscontinued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
ILI input leakage curren t VBAT = 0 V; VVCAN = 0 V or shorte d
to GND via 47 k;
5 - +5 A
LIN transmit data inputs; pins TXDL1 and TXDL2
Vth(sw) switching threshold voltage VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V 0.25VV1 - 0.75VV1 V
Vth(sw)hys switching threshold voltage
hysteresis 0.05VV1 --V
Rpu pull-up resistance 40 60 80 k
LIN receive data output; pin RXDL1, RXDL2
VOH HIGH-level output voltage IOH =4mA;
VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V VV1 0.4 - - V
VOL LOW-level output voltage IOL =4mA;
VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V --0.4V
Rpu pull-up resistance LIN Offline mode 40 60 80 k
LIN bus line; pin LIN1, LI N2
IBUS_LIM current limitation for driver
dominant state LIN Active mode
LIN2 = 18 V
40 - 200 mA
IBUS_PAS_rec receiver recessive input
leakage current 5V <V
LINn <18V;
5V <V
BAT <18V;
IBUS_PAS_dom receiver dominant input
leakage current including
pull-up resistor
VLINn = 0 V; VBAT = 12 V 1- - mA
IBUS_NO_GND loss-of-ground bus current VBAT =12V; V
0V <V
LINn <18V 1- +1mA
IBUS_NO_BAT loss-of-battery bus current VBAT = 0V; 0V <V
LINn <18V - - 30 A
VBUSrec receiver recessive state VBAT = 5 V to 18 V 0.6VBAT --V
VBUSdom receiver dominant state VBAT = 5 V to 18 V - - 0.4VBAT V
VBUS_CNT receiver center voltage VBUS_CNT =(V
BUSrec + VBUSdom)/2
VBAT = 5 V to 18 V;
LIN Active mode
VHYS receiver hysteresis voltage VHYS = VBUSrec VBUSdom;
VBAT = 5 V to 18 V;
LIN Active mode
- - 0.175
VSerDiode voltage drop at the serial
diode in pull-up path with Rslave;
ISerDiode =0.9mA 0.4 - 1 V
Cext(LIN1) external capacitance on pin
LIN1 with respect to GND - - 30 pF
Cext(LIN2) external capacitance on pin
LIN2 with respect to GND - - 30 pF
Rslave slave resistance 20 30 60 k
Table 90. Static characteristicscontinued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
High-voltage I/O: pins HVIO1 to HVIO8
Vth(sw)f falling switching threshold
voltage absolute wake-up threshold:
B0WTC = B1WTC = 1 2.4 - 3.75 V
Vth(sw)r rising switching threshold
voltage absolute wake-up threshold:
B0WTC = B1WTC = 1 2.8 - 4.1 V
Vth(sw) switching threshold voltage ratiometric wake-up threshold:
B0WTC = B1WTC = 0 0.38
Vhys(i) input hysteresis voltage absolute wake-up threshold:
B0WTC = B1WTC = 1 250 - 800 mV
ratiometric wake-up threshold:
B0WTC = B1WTC = 0 0.025
Iiinput current at wake-up - - 5 A
Ron on-state resistance between pins BATHSx and HVIOn
pins; HVIOn configured as
high-side driver; IHVIOn =60 mA
[5] --24
between pins BATHSx and HVIOn
pins; HVIOn configured as
high-side driver; IHVIOn =60 mA;
Tvj =175C
[5] --27
between pins HVIOn and GND;
HVIOn configured as low-side
driver; IHVIOn = 60 mA
between pins HVIOn and GND;
HVIOn configured as low-side
driver; IHVIOn = 60 mA;
Tvj =175C
Ron on-state resistance
difference betwe en BATHSx and HVIOn
pairs; HVIOn configured as
high-side driver; IHVIOn =60 mA
[5] --5%
between HVIOn and GND pairs;
HVIOn configured as low-side
driver; IHVIOn = 60 mA
IO(sc) short-circuit ou tput current peak value; HVIOn configured as
high-side driver; VHVIOn =0 V [2] 1.3 - - A
peak value; HVIOn configured as
low-side driver; VHVIOn = 18 V [2] --1.3A
ILleakage current output driver s configured and off;
0V < V
HVIOn < 18 V [2] 5- 5 A
Table 90. Static characteristicscontinued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
Ith(det)sc short-circuit detection
threshold current HVIOn high-side driver
IOnSCTC = 00 36 30 24 mA
IOnSCTC = 01 54 45 36 mA
IOnSCTC = 10 72 60 48 mA
IOnSCTC = 11 108 90 72 mA
HVIOn low-side driver
IOnSCTC = 00 24 30 36 mA
IOnSCTC = 01 36 45 54 mA
IOnSCTC = 10 48 60 72 mA
IOnSCTC = 11 72 90 108 mA
Ith(det)open open load detection
threshold current HVIOn high-side driver
IOnOLTC = 00 4.1 21.25 mA
IOnOLTC = 01 754mA
IOnOLTC = 10 13 10 8mA
IOnOLTC= 11 25 20 16 mA
HVIOn low-side driver
IOnOLTC = 00 1.25 2 6 mA
IOnOLTC= 01 4 5 9 mA
IOnOLTC= 10 8 10 13 mA
IOnOLTC = 11 16 20 24 mA
Isink(act)HVIO HVIO activation sink current HVIO configured as low-side
driver with slope control
(IOnCC = 010); VHVIOn =2.0V
70 125 170 mA
Battery monitorin g; pi ns BAT and BATSENSE
Viinput voltage Normal mode 2 - 20 V
VADC(acc) ADC voltage accuracy accuracy of ADC conversion
results stored in bits BMBCD and
BMSCD (see Section 7.8.2)
300 0 +300 mV
Battery input filter capacitor; pin ADCCAP
R(BAT-ADCCAP) resistance between pin BAT
and pin ADCCAP 0.5 1 1.7 k
MTP non-volatile memory
Ncy(W)MTP number of MTP write cycles - - 200 -
Vprog(MTPNV) MTPNV programming
voltage [2] 6- 28V
Table 90. Static characteristicscontinued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
[1] LSMPS and CSMPS are external components needed to configure the SMPS. See Section 7.8.4.
[2] Not tested in production; guaranteed by design.
[3] The test circuit used to measure the bus output voltage symmetry (which includes CSPLIT) is shown in Figure 33.
[4] VVSMPS(nom) is between 5 V and 8 V and is selected via bits SMPSOC (see Table 24).
[5] When x = 1, n = 1 to 4; when x = 2, n = 5 to 8.
Temperature protection
Tth(act)otp overte mperature protection
activation threshold
167 177 187 C
Tth(rel)otp overte mperature protection
release threshold
127 137 147 C
Tth(warn)otp overtemperature protection
warning thre shold
127 137 147 C
Table 90. Static characteristicscontinued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
(1) VBATSMPS =27V (2) V
BATSMPS = 13 V (3) VBATSMPS = 5.5 V (4) VBATSMPS =4.5V
(5) VBATSMPS =3.25V (6) V
Fig 25. Graph of SMPS efficiency as a function of load current for a range of supply
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
(1) IVSMPS = 0.0 A (2) IVSMPS =0.05A (3) I
VSMPS = 0.1 A (4) IVSMPS =0.15A
(5) IVSMPS =0.24A (6) I
VSMPS = 0.4 A (7) IVSMPS = 0.5 A (8) IVSMPS =0.69A
Fig 26. Grap h of SMPS ou tput voltage as a function of supply voltage for a range of load
     
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
11. Dynamic characteristics
Table 91 . Dynam ic characteristics
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
fsw switching frequency 315 380 465 kHz
tto(reg) regulatio n time -out time SMPSS is set to 1 when VVSMPS is
outside the regulation window for
longer than tto(reg)
137 - 203 s
td(act) active mode delay time minimum time SMPS spends in
switched mode before a new mode
transition can be attempted
Pass-through mode and
th(ocd)(VSMPS)) or
0.9 1 1.1 ms
tt(sw-pt) transition time from
switched mode to
pass-through mode
2.7 3 3.3 ms
Battery supply
tstartup start-up time from VBAT exceeding the power-on
detection threshold until VV1
exceeds the 90 % undervoltage
threshold; CV1 < 10 F;
500 mA < IV1 <0mA
[2] -12.1ms
tdet(ov) overvoltage detection time from load dump/overvoltage
threshold exceeded to OVSDI
400 - 480 ms
td(sd)ov overvoltage shutdown delay
time after OVSDI interrupt 100 - 120 ms
Voltage source; pin V1
tdet(uv) undervoltage detection time VV1 falling 6 - 39 s
td(uvd-RSTNL) delay time from
undervoltage detection to
HS-CAN transceiver supply; pin VCAN
tdet(uv) undervoltage detection time VVCAN falling 6 - 32 s
Voltage source; pin VEXT
tdet(uv) undervoltage detection time VVEXT falling 6 - 39 s
at start-up of VEXT; VVEXT falling 2.2 2.5 2.8 ms
tdet(ov) overvoltage detection time VVEXT rising 6 - 39 s
Serial peripheral interface timin g; pin s SCSN, SCK, SDI and SDO
tcy(clk) clock cycle time VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V 250 - - ns
tSPILEAD SPI enable lead time VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V 50 - - ns
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
tSPILAG SPI enable lag time VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V 50 - - ns
tclk(H) clock HIGH time VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V 125 - - ns
tclk(L) clock LOW time VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V 125 - - ns
tsu(D) data input set-up time VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V 50 - - ns
th(D) data input hold time VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V 50 - - ns
tv(Q) data output valid time pin SDO; VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V;
CL=20pF --50ns
tWH(S) chip select pulse width
HIGH VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V 250 - - ns
tto(SPI) SPI time-out time after leaving Reset mode;
VV1 = 2.97 V to 5.5 V --53s
td(W)SPI SPI write delay time between two consecutive write
access operations --10s
td(SCKL-SCSNL) delay time from SCK LOW
to SCSN LOW 50 - - ns
Reset output; pin RSTN
tw(rst) reset pulse width output pulse width
RLC = 00 20 - 25 ms
RLC = 01 10 - 12.5 ms
RLC = 10 3.6 - 5 ms
RLC = 11 1 - 1.5 ms
input pulse width 18 - - s
tto(rst) reset time -out time 120 135 150 ms
Interrupt time-out; pin INTN1
tto(int) interrupt time-out time INTN1 remains HIGH for at least
tto(int) after being r el e ased 0.9 1 1.1 ms
High-voltage I/O: pins HVIO1 to HVIO8
tw(wake) wake-up pulse width input configuration; interrupt
enabled 51.5 - - s
fs(wake) wake-up sampling
frequency 55 - 142 kHz
tdet(fail)HVIO HVIO failure detection time open-load detection, HVIO already
running 18 21 24 s
overcurrent detection, HVIO already
running 12 27 30 s
trec(fail)HVIO HVIO failure recovery time open -load recovery, HVIO already
running 30 34 38 s
td(on)HVIO HVIO turn-on delay time fast slope 36 40 44 s
slow slope 72 80 88 s
Table 91 . Dynam ic characteristics …continued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
td(fdet-INTN1L) delay time from failure
detection to INTN1 LOW -89s
Battery monitoring: pins BAT, BATSENSE
tc(ADC) ADC conversion time time taken to measure and convert
input voltage and store result in bits
Section 7.8.2);
Normal mode; 0 V < VBAT <20V
5.4 6 6.6 s
CAN transceiver timi ng; pins CANH, CANL, TXDC and RXDC
td(TXDCH-RXDCH) delay time from TXDC
CRXDC = 15 pF; fTXDC = 250 kHz;
C(CANH-CANL) = 100 pF;
70 % VTXDC to 70 % VRXDC;
CRXDC = 15 pF; fTXDC = 250 kHz;
R(CANH-CANL) = 120 ;
C(CANH-CANL) =200 pF;
[2] --350ns
td(TXDCL-RXDCL) delay time from TXDC LOW
to RXDC LOW 30 % VTXDC to 30 % VRXDC;
CRXDC = 15 pF; fTXDC = 250 kHz;
C(CANH-CANL) = 100 pF;
30 % VTXDC to 30 % VRXDC;
CRXDC = 15 pF; fTXDC = 250 kHz;
R(CANH-CANL) = 120 ;
C(CANH-CANL) =200 pF;
[2] --350ns
td(TXDC-busdom) delay time from TXDC to
bus dominant -8090ns
td(TXDC-busrec) delay time from TXDC to
bus recessive -80-ns
td(busdom-RXDC) delay time from bus
dominant to RXDC CRXDC = 15 pF - 105 - ns
td(busrec-RXDC) delay time from bus
recessive to RXDC CRXDC = 15 pF - 12 0 - ns
tbit(RXDC) bit time on pin RXDC tbit(TXDC) = 500 ns (see Figure 28);
C(CANH-CANL) =100 pF [2] 400 - 550 ns
twake(busdom) bus dominant wake-up time first pulse (after first recessive) for
wake-up on pins CANH and CANL
Sleep mode
0.5 - 3 s
second pulse for wake-up on pins
CANH and CANL 0.5 - 3 s
twake(busrec) bus recessive wake-up time first pulse for wake-up on pins
CANH and CANL; Sleep mode 0.5 - 3 s
second pulse (after first dominant)
for wake-up on pins CANH and
0.5 - 3 s
Table 91 . Dynam ic characteristics …continued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
tto(wake) wake-up time-out time between first and second dominant
pulses; CAN Offline mode 570 - 850 s
tto(dom)TXDC TXDC dominant time-out
time CAN Active mode; VTXDC = 0 V 0.8 3 5 ms
tto(silence) bus silence time-ou t ti me recessive time measurement started
in all CAN modes 0.8 1 1.2 s
td(busact-bias) delay time from bus active
to bias --200s
td(act)CAN CAN activation delay time MC = 1 1 1; CAN entering CAN Active
mode; td(act)norm expired --24s
LIN transceivers; pins LIN1, LIN2, TXDL1, TXDL2, RXDL1, RXDL2
1 duty cycle 1 Vth(rec)(max) = 0.744VBAT;
Vth(dom)(max) = 0.581VBAT;
tbit = 50 s; VBAT =7V to 18V
0.396 - -
Vth(rec)(max) = 0.768VBAT;
Vth(dom)(max) = 0.6VBAT; tbit = 50 s;
VBAT = 5 V to 7 V
0.396 - -
2 duty cycle 2 Vth(rec)(min) = 0.442VBAT;
Vth(dom)(min) = 0.284VBAT; tbit = 50 s;
VBAT = 7.6 V to 18 V
- - 0.581
Vth(rec)(min) = 0.405VBAT;
Vth(dom)(min) = 0.271VBAT; tbit = 50 s;
VBAT = 5.6 V to 7.6 V
- - 0.581
3 duty cycle 3 Vth(rec)(max) = 0.778VBAT;
Vth(dom)(max) = 0.616VBAT;
tbit = 96 s; VBAT = 7 V to 18 V
0.417 - -
Vth(rec)(max) = 0.805VBAT;
Vth(dom)(max) = 0.637VBAT;
tbit = 96 s; VBAT = 5V to 7V
0.417 - -
4 duty cycle 4 Vth(rec)(min) = 0.389VBAT;
Vth(dom)(min) = 0.251VBAT; tbit = 96 s
VBAT = 7.6 V to 18 V
- - 0.590
Vth(rec)(min) = 0.372VBAT;
Vth(dom)(min) = 0.238VBAT; tbit = 96 s;
VBAT = 5.6 V to 7.6 V
- - 0.590
trx_pd receiver propagation delay rising and falling;
CRXD = 20 pF [6] --6s
trx_sym receiver propagation delay
symmetry CRXD = 20 pF; rising edge with
respect to falling edge [6] 2- +2s
twake(dom)LIN LIN dominant wake-up time LIN Offline mode 30 80 150 s
tto(dom)TXDL TXDL dominant time-out
time LIN Active mode; VTXDL = 0 V 28 32 36 ms
Table 91 . Dynam ic characteristics …continued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
[1] LSMPS and CSMPS are external components needed to configure the SMPS. See Section 7.8.4.
[2] Not tested in production; guaranteed by design.
[3] . Variable tbus(rec)(min) is illustrated in the LIN timing diagram in Figure 29.
Mode transition
td(act)norm normal mo de activation
delay time MC = 111; delay before CAN and
LIN transceivers, battery monitoring
and HVIO low side drivers are
activated after the SBC switches to
Normal mode
MTP non-volatile memory
tret(data) data retention time Tvj =90C20--year
td(MTPNV) MTPNV delay time before factory presets are restored;
CANL = 0 V and
VCANH > 5 V during power-up with
VBAT = 6 V to 28 V
0.9 1 1.1 s
tprog(MTPNV) MTPNV programming time correct CRC code received at
address 0x75; VBAT = 6 V to 28 V 43 48 53 ms
ttrig(wd)1 watchdog trigger time 1 Normal mode
watchdog Window mode only [8] 0.45
NWP[9] -0.55
NWP[9] ms
ttrig(wd)2 watchdog trigger time 2 Normal, Standby and Sleep modes;
watchdog Window and Timeout
[10] 0.9
NWP[9] -1.11
NWP[9] ms
Ttmr timer period TnPC = 0000 (4 ms selected) 3.67 4.08 4.4 9 ms
TnPC = 0001 (8 ms selected) 7.34 8.16 8.98 ms
TnPC = 0010 (20 ms selected) 18.36 20.40 22.44 ms
TnPC = 0011 (30 ms selected) 25.70 28.56 31.42 ms
TnPC = 0100 (50 ms selected) 44.06 48.96 53.86 ms
TnPC = 0101 (100 ms selected) 88.12 97.92 107.72 ms
TnPC = 0110 (200 ms selected) 176.25 195.84 215.43 ms
TnPC = 0111 (400 ms selected) 352.51 39 1.68 430.85 ms
TnPC = 1000 (800 ms selected) 705.02 783.36 861.70 ms
TnPC = 1001 (1 s selected) 899.64 999.6 1099.56 ms
TnPC = 1010 (2 s selected) 1799.28 1999.2 2199.12 ms
TnPC = 1011 (4 s selected) 3598.56 3998.4 4398.24 ms
tw(base)tmr timer base pulse width 86.4 96 105.6 s
Table 91 . Dynam ic characteristics …continued
Tvj =
C to +150
BAT = 2 V to 28 V; VBATV2 = 5.5 V to 28 V; VBATHS1 =V
BATHS2 = 4.5 V to 28 V;
VVCAN = 4.5 V to 5.5 V; RLIN1 = RLIN2 =500
; R(CANH-CANL) = 60
; LSMPS[1] = 22
H; CSMPS[1] =22
(SMPSOC = 0101); CV1 and CVEXT > 1.76
F; all voltages are defined with respect to ground; positive currents flow into the
IC; typical values are given at VBATSMPS =V
BATHS2 = 13 V and Tvj = 25
C; unless otherwise
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
13tbus recmin
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
[4] . Variable tbus(rec)(max) is illustrated in the LIN timing diagram in Figure 29.
[5] Bus load conditions are: CL= 1 nF and RL=1k; CL= 6.8 nF and RL= 600 ; CL= 10 nF and RL= 500 .
[6] See LIN timing diagram in Figure 29.
[7] trx_sym =t
rx_pdr trx_pdf.
[8] A system reset will be performed if the watchdog is in Window mode and is triggered earlier than ttrig(wd)1 after the st art of the watchdog
period (thus in the first half of the watchdog period).
[9] The nominal watchdog period is programmed via the NWP control bits in the Watchdog control register (Table 7); valid in watchdog
Window mode only.
[10] The watchdog will be reset if it is in window mode and is triggered after ttrig(wd)1, but not later than ttrig(wd)2, after the start of the watchdog
period (thus, in the second half of the watchdog period). If the watchdog is in Timeout mode, it will be reset if it is triggered within ttrig(wd)2
after the start of the watchdog period.
24tbus recmax
Fig 27. CAN transceiv er timing diagram
G7;'&/5;'&/ DDD
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
Fig 28. CAN transceiv er bit timi ng (loop symme try) diagram
Fig 29. Timing diag ram LIN tra n sc e ive rs
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
Fig 30. SPI timing diagram
06% /6%
06% /6%
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
12. Application information
12.1 Application diagram
12.2 Application hints
Further information on the applica tion of the UJA113x series can be found in NXP
application hints AH1506 ‘UJA113x Application Hints’.
LSMPS: 22 H 20 %, current rating 1.5 A or higher
L1: 1.5 H, note that the size of the coil also depends on the sizes of the capacitors on both sides
CSMPS: >20 F at 6 V, ceramic X7R or equivalent, ESR < 50 m, voltage rating 16 V or more
C1: 47 F aluminum, ripple current rating > 250 mA RMS, voltage rating 40 V or more
C2: >100 nF ceramic X7R or equivalent, ESR < 50 m, voltage rating 40 V or more
CBOOT: 4.7 nF 20 %, IL < 10 A, voltage rating 3.6 V or more
(1) recommended value
Fig 31. Applicatio n dia gram
/6036 &%227
#9(;7 9
#9 9
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Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
13. Test information
13.1 Quality information
This product has been qualified in accordance with the Automotive Electronics Council
(AEC) standard Q100 Rev-G - Failure mechanism based stress test qualification for
integrated circuits, and is suitable for use in automotive ap p licat ion s.
Fig 32. Timing test circuit for CAN transceiver
Fig 33. Test circuit for measuring transceiver driver symmetry
Fig 34. Timing test circuit for LI N transceivers
I N+]
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
14. Package outline
Fig 35. Package outline SOT1181-2 (HTQFP48)
,(& -('(& -(,7$
627 
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ERG\[[PPH[SRVHGGLHSDG 627
=' =( ș'K
( (KH
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
15. Handling information
All input and output pins are protected against ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) under
normal handling. When handling ensure that the appropri ate pre ca u tio ns ar e taken as
described in JESD625-A or equivalent standards.
16. Soldering of SMD packages
This text provides a very brief insight into a complex technology. A more in-depth account
of soldering ICs can be found in Application Note AN10365 “Surface mount reflow
soldering description”.
16.1 Introduction to soldering
Soldering is one of the most common methods through which packages are attached to
Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), to form electrical circuits. The soldered joint provides both
the mechanical and the electrical connection. There is no single soldering method that is
ideal for all IC packages. Wave soldering is often preferred when th rough-hole and
Surface Mount Devices (SMDs) are mixed on on e printed wiring board; however, it is not
suitable for fine pitch SMDs. Reflow soldering is ideal for the small pitches and high
densities that come with increased miniaturization.
16.2 Wave and reflow soldering
W ave soldering is a joining te chnology in which the joints are m ade by solder coming from
a standing wave of liquid solder. The wave soldering process is suitable for the following:
Through-hole components
Leaded or leadless SMDs, which are glued to the surface of the printed circuit board
Not all SMDs can be wave soldered. Packages with solder balls, and some leadless
packages which have solde r lands underneath the body, cannot be wave soldered. Also,
leaded SMDs with leads ha ving a pitch smaller than ~0.6 mm cannot be wave soldered,
due to an increased probability of bridging.
The reflow soldering process involves applying solder paste to a board, followed by
component placement and exposure to a temperature profile. Lea ded packages,
packages with solder balls, and leadless packages are all reflow solderable.
Key characteristics in both wave and reflow soldering are:
Board specifications, including the board finish, solder masks and vias
Package footprints, including solder thieves and orientation
The moisture sensitivity level of the packages
Package placement
Inspection and repair
Lead-free soldering ve rsus SnPb soldering
16.3 Wave soldering
Key characteristics in wave soldering are:
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
Process issues, such as application of adhesi ve and flux, clinching of leads, board
transport, the solder wave parameters, and the time during which components are
exposed to the wave
Solder bath specifications, including temperature and impurities
16.4 Reflow soldering
Key characteristics in reflow soldering are :
Lead-free ve rsus SnPb soldering; note th at a lead-free reflow process usua lly leads to
higher minimum peak temperatures (see Figure 36) than a SnPb process, thus
reducing the process window
Solder paste printing issues including smearing, release, and adjusting the process
window for a mix of large and small components on one board
Reflow temperature profile; this profile includes preheat, reflow (in which the board is
heated to the peak temperature) an d cooling down. It is imperative that the peak
temperature is high enoug h for the solder to make reliable solder joint s (a solder paste
characteristic). In addition, the peak temperature must be low enough that the
packages and/or boards are not damaged. The peak temperature of the package
depends on p ackage thickness and volume and is classified in accordance with
Table 92 and 93
Moisture sensitivity precautions, as indicated on the packing, must be respected at all
Studies have shown that small packages reach higher temperatures during reflow
soldering, see Figure 36.
Table 92. SnPb eutect ic process (from J-STD-020D)
Package thickness (mm) Package reflow temperature (C)
Volume (mm3)
< 350 350
< 2.5 235 220
2.5 220 220
Table 93. Lead-free process (from J-STD-020D)
Package thickness (mm) Package reflow temperature (C)
Volume (mm3)
< 350 350 to 2000 > 2000
< 1.6 260 260 260
1.6 to 2.5 260 250 245
> 2.5 250 245 245
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NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
For further informa tion on temperature profiles, refer to Application Note AN10365
“Surface mount reflow soldering description”.
17. Revision history
MSL: Moisture Sensitivity Level
Fig 36. Temperature profiles for large and small components
minimum peak temperature
= minimum soldering temperature
maximum peak temperature
= MSL limit, damage level
Table 94. Revision history
Document ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice Supersedes
UJA113x_SER_2.2 20160705 Product data sheet - UJA113x_SER_1
Modifications: Table 2: Table note 2 deleted
Figure 2, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 9, Figure 15: revised
Table 49, Table 51, Table 53, Table 55: TxDCC access code corrected (to R/W)
Section 7.16.1: text amended (paragraph added)
Table 88: measurement conditions changed for parameters Vx(DC value removed) and Vtrt
(HVIOx coupling); Table note 1 added
Table 90: supply current (IDD) section revised; values for additional IDD current in Offline Bias
mode changed
Figure 31: value of one of the HVIOx capacitors changed
Section 12.2 added
UJA113x_SER_1 20150611 Product data sheet - -
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18. Legal information
18.1 Data sheet status
[1] Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.
[2] The term ‘short data sheet’ is explained in section “Definitions”.
[3] The product status of device (s) descr ibed in this d ocument m ay have cha nged since thi s document w as published and may dif fe r in case of multiple devices. The latest product status
information is available on the Internet at URL http://www.nxp.com.
18.2 Definitions
Draft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under
internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in
modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any
representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of
information included herein and shall have no liab ility for the consequences of
use of such information.
Short data sheet — A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet
with the same product type number(s) and tit le. A short data sh eet is intended
for quick reference only and shou ld not b e relied u pon to cont ain det ailed and
full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data
sheet, which is available on request via the local NXP Semicond uctors sales
office. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the
full data sheet shall pre va il.
Product specificat ion The information and data provided in a Product
data sheet shall define the specification of the product as agreed between
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shall an agreement be valid in which the NXP Semiconductors product is
deemed to off er functions and qualities beyond those described in the
Product data sheet.
18.3 Disclaimers
Limited warr a nty and liability — Information in this document is believed to
be accurate and reliable. However, NXP Semiconductors does not give any
representations or warrant ies, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or
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Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason
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Right to make changes — NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make
changes to information published in this document, including without
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Suitability for use in automotive applications — This NXP
Semiconductors product has been qualified for use in automotive
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authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or
safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in app lications where failure or
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NXP Semiconductors does not accept any liability related to any default,
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testing for the customer’s applications and products using NXP
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Limiting values — Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in
the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) will cause permanent
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operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in
the Recommended operating conditions section (if present) or the
Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or
repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect
the quality and reliability of the device.
Terms and conditions of commercial sale — NXP Semiconductors
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Objective [short] data sheet Development This document cont ains data from the objective specification for product development.
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Product [short] data sheet Production This document contains the product specification.
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19. Contact information
For more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com
For sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@nxp.com
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continued >>
NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
20. Contents
1 General description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Features and benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Integrated buck and boost converter (SMPS). . 2
2.3 Low-drop voltage regulators (LDOs) . . . . . . . . . 3
2.4 CAN transceiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.5 LIN transceivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.6 High-voltage I/Os (HVIOs; not available in
UJA113xFD/0 variants). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.7 A/D converter for moni toring the battery
voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.8 Power management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.9 System control and diagnostic features . . . . . . 5
3 Product family overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4 Ordering information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5 Block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
6 Pinning information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
6.1 Pinning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
6.2 Pin description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
7 Functional description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7.1 System Controller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7.1.1 Operating modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Off mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Standby mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Normal mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Sleep mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Overload mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Reset mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 F orced Sleep Preparation (FSP) mode . . . . . 16 Forced Normal mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Hardware characterization for the SBC
operating modes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7.1.2 System control registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7.2 Watchdog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7.2.1 Software development mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
7.2.2 Watchdog behavior in Window mode. . . . . . . 22
7.2.3 Watchdog behavior in Timeout mode. . . . . . . 22
7.2.4 Watchdog behavior in Autonomous mode . . . 22
7.2.5 Exceptio nal behavior of the watchdog
after writing to the Watchdog register. . . . . . . 23
7.3 System reset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
7.3.1 Characteristics of pin RSTN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7.3.2 Sel ecting the output reset pulse width . . . . . . 25
7.3.3 Reset sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
7.4 EN output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
7.4.1 Fail-safe control register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
7.5 Limp home function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
7.6 Global temperature protection . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
7.7 Register locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
7.8 Power supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7.8.1 Battery supply pins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7.8.2 Battery monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7.8.3 Overvoltage shut-down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
7.8.4 Buck and Boo s t converter (SMPS) . . . . . . . . 33 SMPS parameter selection and status
monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Automatic up/down principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Start-up and inrush currents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Pass-through mode operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Transitions to and from Pass-through mode . 37 Overload protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
7.8.5 Linear regulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 V1 regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Voltage regulator V2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Regulator control register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
7.9 CAN and LIN bus transceivers. . . . . . . . . . . . 42
7.9.1 High-speed CAN transceiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 CAN operating modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 CAN standard wake-up (partial networking
not enabled). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 CAN partial networking (UJ113xFD only). . . . 46 Fail-safe features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
7.9.2 LIN transceiver(s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 LIN 2.x/SAE J2602 compliant . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
7.9.3 LIN operating modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 LIN Active mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 LIN Offline mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 LIN Listen-only mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 LIN Off mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
7.9.4 Fail-safe features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 General fail-safe features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 TXDL dominant time-out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
7.9.5 LIN slope control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
7.9.6 Operation when supply voltage is outside
specified operating range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
7.9.7 Transceiver control and status registers . . . . 54
7.9.8 CAN partial networking configuration registers 57
7.10 High-voltage input/output pins (H VIOs; not
available in UJA113xFD/0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7.10.1 HVIO configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 HVIO slope control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
7.10.2 Direct control of HVIOs
(only valid for variants with 8 HVIO pins). . . . 62
7.10.3 Short-circuit and open load de tection . . . . . . 62
7.10.4 Automatic load shedding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
NXP Semiconductors UJA113x series
Buck/boost HS-CAN/dual LIN system basis chip
© NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved.
For more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com
For sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@nxp.com
Date of release: 5 July 2016
Document identifier: UJA113X_SERIES
Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)
described herein, have been included in section ‘Legal information’.
7.10.5 Safety features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
7.10.6 HVIO pins configured as limp home outputs . 64
7.10.7 HVIO control and status registers. . . . . . . . . . 65
7.11 Timer control (not applicable to
UJA113xFD/0 variants). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.11.1 Timer control and status registers . . . . . . . . . 74
7.12 Interrupt mechanism and wake-up function . . 76
7.12.1 Interrupt delay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
7.12.2 Sleep mode protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
7.12.3 Interrupt sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
7.12.4 Interrupt registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7.13 Non-volatile SBC configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . 86
7.13.1 Programming the MTPNV cells . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Calculating th e CRC value for MTP
programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
7.13.2 Restoring factory preset values . . . . . . . . . . . 88
7.14 Device ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.15 General-purpose memory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.16 SPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
7.16.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
7.16.2 Register map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
7.16.3 Register configuration in SBC operating
modes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8 Limiting values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
9 Thermal characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
10 Static characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
11 Dynamic characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
12 Application information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
12.1 Application diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
12.2 Application hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
13 Test information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
13.1 Quality information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
14 Package outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
15 Handling information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
16 Soldering of SMD packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
16.1 Introduction to soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
16.2 Wave and reflow soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
16.3 Wave soldering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
16.4 Reflow soldering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
17 Revision history. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
18 Legal information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
18.1 Data sheet status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
18.2 Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
18.3 Disclaimers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
18.4 Trademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
19 Contact information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
20 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131