Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
Part No.: SLT4410 SLT4460 Series
Document No.: HUW9824016-01D
Date of issue: April 1, 2000
Page 3 of 6
4. Electrical and opt ical char acteristics (Pf = 2. 0m W, Tc=25°C, unless ot herwise noted.)
Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
CW — 10 20Threshold curr ent Ith CW, T c=- 40~+85°C — — 50 mA
CW, If=Ith+20mA 1.0 2 2.5Optical output power Pf CW, If=Ith+20mA, Tc=-40~+85°C 0.6 — 4.0 mW
Operating voltage Vf CW, Tc=-40~+85°C — — 1.7 V
CW, Average(Ith t o I th+20mA) 0.050 — 0.125Slope efficiency Se
CW, Average(Ith to Ith+20mA)
Tc=-40~+85°C 0.030 — 0.200
CW 1540 — 1565Peak wavelength λpCW, Tc=-40~+85°C 1530 — 1575 nm
Side-mode suppression ratio SSR CW, Tc =- 40~+85°C 30 — — dB
Tracking error ∆Pf Im hold(@Pf=2.0m W(25°C)), CW
Tc=-40~+85°C -1.0 — 1.0 dB
Rise time tr Ib=Ith, 20- 80%, Tc=-40~+85°C — 0.05 0.10 nsec.
Fall time tf Ib=Ith, 80-20%, T c=- 40~+85°C — 0. 10 0.15 nsec.
Extinction ratio Er 10log(2.0mW/Pf(Ith)),
Tc=-40~+85°C 10——dB
Monitor current Im CW, VrP=5V, Tc=-40~+85°C 50 — 1500 µA
Monitor dark curr ent Id VrP=5V — 1 10 nA
Monitor capacitance C VrP=5V, f=1MHz — — 10 pF
5. Fiber pig tail specification
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Type Single Mode —
Mode field diameter 8.5 9.5 10.5 µm
Cladding diamet er 122 125 128 µm
Outer j acket diameter 0.8 0.9 1.0 mm
Bending radius 30 ——mm
6. Optical isolat or specification (for SLT4460 Ser ies)
Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Type Single stage —
Tc=+25°C 30 — —Optical isolation Tc=-40~+85°C 20 — — dB
Note: Since the SLT4410 Series have no optical isolator inside, to integrate externally a similar isolator
to the listed above is recom m ended for long r each of 2.5Gb/ s t ransmission applications.