AMC DOC. #: AMC8877_A (LF) AMC8877
Jun 2004
Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units
Input Voltage VIN 2.5 6.5 V
Load Current IO5 300 mA
Input Capacitor (VIN to GND) 1.0 µF
Output Capacitor with ESR of 10Ω max., (VOUT to GND) 1.0 µF
1. CIN: A 1.0 µF capacitor (or larger) should be placed between VIN to GND.
2. COUT: A 1.0 µF (or larger) capacitor is recommended between VOUT and GND for stability and improving the regulator’s transient response. The
ESR (Effective Series Resistance.) of this capacitor has no effect on regulator stability, but low ESR capacitors improve high frequency transient
response. The value of this capacitor may be increased without limit, but values larger than 10uF tend to increase the settling time after a step
change in input voltage or output current. The part may oscillate without the capacitor. Any type of capacitor can be used, but not Aluminum
tics when o
below -25 OC
The ca
acitance ma
be increased without limit.
Unless otherwise specified, these specifications apply over the operating ambient temperature of 0°C to +70 °C with
VIN = VOUT(NOMIAL) + 0.5V, and are for DC characteristics only. (Low duty cycle pulse testing techniques are used
which maintains junction and case temperatures equal to the ambient temperature.)
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ. Max Units
IOUT = 10mA, TA = +25 OC -1.4 +1.4
Output Voltage Accuracy ∆VOUT IOUT = 10 to 300mA -3 +2 %
Maximum Output Current IOUT 300 mA
Current Limit ILIMIT 330 mA
IOUT = 10mA 1.6 9
Ground Pin Current IQIOUT = 300mA 1.7 9
IOUT = 50mA 50 120
IOUT = 150mA 165 300
Dropout Voltage VDROP
IOUT = 300mA 450 650
Line Regulation ∆VOI VIN = (VOUT + 0.1V) to 6.5V, IOUT = 1mA -0.15 0 0.15 %/V
Load Regulation ∆VOL IOUT = 10 to 300mA, COUT = 10µF 40 80 mV
Ripple Rejection PSRR f=100Hz, IL=100uA 50 dB
COUT = 10µF 30
Output Voltage Noise en
f = 10Hz - 100KHz,
CBP = 0.01µF COUT = 100µF 20
Shutdown Input Threshold High VSIH VIN = 2.5V to 5.5V 2.0 V
Shutdown Input Threshold Low VSIL VIN = 2.5V to 5.5V 0.4 V
TA = +25 OC 0.01 1
Shutdown Supply Current IQ(SHDN) VOUT = 0V TA = +85 OC 0.2 µA
TA = +25 OC 0.01 100
Shutdown Input Bias Current ISHDN VSHDN = VIN TA = +85 OC 0.5 nA
TA = +25 OC 6
Shutdown Exit Delay tdelay
CBP = 0.1µF,
COUT = 1µF, No load TA = +85 OC 6
Thermal Shutdown Temperature TSHDN +150 OC
1. Current limit is measured at constant junction temperature, using pulse ON time.
2. Dropout is measured at constant junction temperature, using pulse ON time, and criterion is VOUT inside target value ± 2 %.
3. Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature, using pulsed ON time.
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