Revision 200807
VITROHM PORTUGUESA, Lda. - Est.Nacional 249-4, Trajouce - 2765-653 S. Domingos de Rana - PORTUGAL
Tel: + 351 214 457 700 -Fax: + 351 214 457 755 -Germany Sales Tel: + 0049 4121 870 103 - -
Power rating P70 W4 5 77 91117
Resistance range see page 2
E-Series E 24 (5%), E 12 (10%)
Tolerances % ± 5, ± 10
Temperature coefficient 10-6 * K-1 depends on value
see table 3
max. cont. work. voltage VRMS P70 · R for all styles
Insulation voltage (1min.) VRMS 2000
Insulation resistance > 104
Derating linear oC linear 70 ... 350 (0W)
Climatic category 55/200/21
Temperature range oC - 55 ... 350
Thermal resistance KW-1 65 50 40 40 30 25 15
Failure rate
(Tot al, ϑo, max., 60% conf. lev.) 10-9 * h-1 appr. 100, depends on value
(P70, 70oC, 1000h) % ± 3,0 average
Damp heat, steady state
(40oC, 93% r.h., 56d) % ± 2,0
Climatic sequence % ± 2 ,0
Terminal strength % ± 1, 0
Terminal tensile strength N 50
Resistance to soldering heat
(260oC, 10s) % ± 0,2 typ.
Solderability s 2,5 Flowtime; solderglobule test IEC 60068-2-20-T
Standards CECC 40202-001 and -005 applicable DIN 45921 T 202
Marking Printed in clear
Series KH
Power Wirewound Ceramic Resistors, axial
KH206-8 KH208-8 KH210-8 KH212-8 KH214-8 KH216-8 KH218-8
Revision 200807
VITROHM PORTUGUESA, Lda. - Est.Nacional 249-4, Trajouce - 2765-653 S. Domingos de Rana - PORTUGAL
Tel: + 351 214 457 700 -Fax: + 351 214 457 755 -Germany Sales Tel: + 0049 4121 870 103 - -
Type Resistance range
Min Max L1
10% 5%
KH206-8 0R056 0R1 9K1 20 ±1,0
KH208-8 0R075 0R15 15K 25 ±1,0
KH210-8 0R11 0R33 33K 38 ±1,0
KH212-8 0R075 0R15 15K 25 ±1,0
KH214-8 0R11 0R33 33K 38 ±1,0
KH216-8 0R15 0R51 47K 50 ±1,5
KH218-8 0R27 0R91 82K 75 ±2,0
Dimensions in mm:
Type TC +400 ±50 ppm K-1 TC 0 ±40 ppm K-1 TC 0 ±10 ppm K-1
KH206 0R056 ...0R2 0R22 ... 300R 330R ... 9K1
KH208 0R075 ... 0R3 0R33 ... 470R 510R ... 15K
KH210 0R11 ... 0R68 0R75 ... 910R 1K0 ... 33K
KH212 0R075 ... 0R3 0R33 ... 470R 510R ... 15K
KH214 0R11 ... 0R68 0R75 ... 910R 1K0 ... 33K
KH216 0R15 ... 1R 1R1 ... 1K3 1K5 ... 47K
KH218 0R27 ... 1R6 1R8 ... 2K4 2K7 ... 82K
Type Packaging Pieces Pack.-Code
KH206-8 bulk 200 B
taped 1000 R
KH208-8 bulk 200 B
taped 1000 R
KH210-8 bulk 200 B
taped 1000 R
KH212-8 bulk 200 B
taped 500 R
KH214-8 bulk 100 B
taped 500 R
KH216-8 bulk 100 B
KH218-8 bulk 100 B
Ordering example: KH206-8 5 B 9R1
Type Tolerance Pack.-Code R-Value
206-8...210-8 212-8...218-8
Temperature coefficient:
Series KH