128K X 36 IDT71V25761YS/S 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Features Description 128K x 36 memory configuration Supports high system speed: Commercial: - 200MHz 3.1ns clock access time Commercial and Industrial: - 183MHz 3.3ns clock access time - 166MHz 3.5ns clock access time LBO input selects interleaved or linear burst mode Self-timed write cycle with global write control (GW), byte write enable (BWE), and byte writes (BWx) 3.3V core power supply Power down controlled by ZZ input 2.5V I/O Optional - Boundary Scan JTAG Interface (IEEE 1149.1 Compliant) Packaged in a JEDEC Standard 100-pin plastic thin quad flatpack (TQFP), 119 ball grid array (BGA) and 165 fine pitch ball grid array The IDT71V25761 are high-speed SRAMs organized as 128K x 36. The IDT71V25761 SRAMs contain write, data, address and control registers. Internal logic allows the SRAM to generate a self-timed write based upon a decision which can be left until the end of the write cycle. The burst mode feature offers the highest level of performance to the system designer, as the IDT71V25761 can provide four cycles of data for a single address presented to the SRAM. An internal burst address counter accepts the first cycle address from the processor, initiating the access sequence. The first cycle of output data will be pipelined for one cycle before it is available on the next rising clock edge. If burst mode operation is selected (ADV=LOW), the subsequent three cycles of output data will be available to the user on the next three rising clock edges. The order of these three addresses are defined by the internal burst counter and the LBO input pin. The IDT71V25761 SRAMs utilize IDT's latest high-performance CMOS process and are packaged in a JEDEC standard 14mm x 20mm 100-pin thin plastic quad flatpack (TQFP) as well as a 119 ball grid array (BGA) and 165 fine pitch ball grid array (fBGA). Pin Description Summary A0-A17 Address Inputs Input Synchronous CE Chip Enable Input Synchronous CS0, CS1 Chip Selects Input Synchronous OE Output Enable Input Asynchronous GW Global Write Enable Input Synchronous Byte Write Enable Input Synchronous Individual Byte Write Selects Input Synchronous BWE BW1, BW2, BW3, BW4 (1) CLK Clock Input N/A ADV Burst Address Advance Input Synchronous ADSC Address Status (Cache Controller) Input Synchronous ADSP Address Status (Processor) Input Synchronous LBO Linear / Interleaved Burst Order Input DC TMS Test Mode Select Input Synchronous TDI Test Data Input Input Synchronous TCK Test Clock TDO Test Data Output Input N/A Output Synchronous TRST JTAG Reset (Optional) Input Asynchronous ZZ Sleep Mode Input Asynchronous I/O0-I/O31, I/OP1-I/OP4 Data Input / Output I/O Synchronous VDD, VDDQ Core Power, I/O Power Supply N/A VSS Ground Supply N/A 5297 tbl 01 1 (c)2010 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. MAY 2010 DSC-5297/05 IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges Pin Definitions(1) Symbol Pin Function I/O Active Description A0-A17 Address Inputs I N/A Synchronous Address inputs. The address register is triggered by a combination of the rising edge of CLK and ADSC Low or ADSP Low and CE Low. ADSC Address Status (Cache Controller) I LOW Synchronous Ad dress Status from Cache Controller. ADSC is an active LOW input that is used to load the address registers with new addresses. ADSP Address Status (Processor) I LOW Synchrono us Address Status from Processor. ADSP is an active LOW input that is used to load the address registers with new addresses. ADSP is gated by CE. ADV Burst Address Advance I LOW Synchronous Address Advance. ADV is an active LOW input that is used to advance the internal burst counter, controlling burst access after the initial address is loaded. When the input is HIGH the burst counter is not incremented; that is, there is no address advance. BWE Byte Write Enable I LOW Synchronous byte write enable gates the byte write inputs BW1-BW4. If BWE is LOW at the rising edge of CLK then BWx inputs are passed to the next stage in the circuit. If BWE is HIGH then the byte write inputs are blocked and only GW can initiate a write cycle. BW1-BW4 Individual Byte Write Enables I LOW Synchronous byte write enables. BW1 controls I/O0-7, I/OP1, BW2 controls I/O8-15, I/OP2, etc. Any active byte write causes all outputs to be disabled. CE Chip Enable I LOW Synchronous chip enable. CE is used with CS 0 and CS1 to enable the IDT71V25761/781. CE also gates ADSP. CLK Clock I N/A This is the clock input. All timing references for the device are made with respect to this input. CS0 Chip Select 0 I HIGH Synchronous active HIGH chip select. CS 0 is used with CE and CS1 to enable the chip. CS1 Chip Select 1 I LOW Synchronous active LOW chip select. CS1 is used with CE and CS0 to enable the chip. GW Global Write Enable I LOW Synchronous global write enable. This input will write all four 9-bit data bytes when LOW on the rising edge of CLK. GW supersedes individual byte write enables. I/O0-I/O31 I/OP1-I/OP4 Data Input/Output I/O N/A Synchronous data input/output (I/O) pins. Both the data input path and data output path are registered and triggered by the rising edge of CLK. LBO Linear Burst Order I LOW Asynchronous burst order selection input. When LBO is HIGH, the interleaved burst sequence is selected. When LBO is LOW the Linear burst sequence is selected. LBO is a static input and must not change state while the device is operating. OE Output Enable I LOW Asynchronous output enable. When OE is LOW the data output drivers are enabled on the I/O pins if the chip is also selected. When OE is HIGH the I/O pins are in a high-impedance state. TMS Test ModeSelect I N/A Gives input command for TAP controller. Sampled on rising edge of TDK. This pin has an internal pullup. TDI Test Data Input I N/A Serial input of registers placed between TDI and TDO. Sampled on rising edge of TCK. This pin has an internal pullup. TCK Test Clock I N/A Clock input of TAP controller. Each TAP event is clocked. Test inputs are captured o n rising edge of TCK, while test outputs are d riven from the falling edge of TCK. This pin has an internal pullup. TDO Test DataOutput O N/A Serial output of registers placed between TDI and TDO. This output is active depending on the state of the TAP controller. TRST JTAG Reset (Optional) I LOW Optional Asynchronous JTAG reset. Can be used to reset the TAP co ntroller, but not required. JTAG reset occurs automatically at power up and also resets using TMS and TCK per IEEE 1149.1. If not used TRST can be left floating. This pin has an internal pullup. Only available in BGA package. ZZ Sleep Mode I HIGH Asynchronous sleep mode input. ZZ HIGH will gate the CLK internally and power down the IDT71V25761/781 to its lowest power consumption level. Data retention is guaranteed in Sleep Mode.This pin has an internal pull down. VDD Power Supply N/A N/A 3.3V core power supply. VDDQ Power Supply N/A N/A 2.5V I/O Supply. VSS Ground N/A N/A Ground. NC No Connect N/A N/A NC pins are not electrically connected to the device. NOTE: 1. All synchronous inputs must meet specified setup and hold times with respect to CLK. 6.42 2 5297 tbl 02 IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Functional Block Diagram 6.42 3 Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Absolute Maximum Ratings(1) Symbol (2) Rating Recommended Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage Commercial & Industrial Unit VTERM Terminal Voltage with Respect to GND -0.5 to +4.6 V VTERM(3,6) Terminal Voltage with Respect to GND -0.5 to VDD V VTERM(4,6) Terminal Voltage with Respect to GND -0.5 to VDD +0.5 V VTERM(5,6) Terminal Voltage with Respect to GND -0.5 to VDDQ +0.5 V Commercial Operating Temperature -0 to +70 Industrial Operating Temperature -40 to +85 o C Temperature Under Bias -55 to +125 o C TA (7) TBIAS Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges o Grade Temperature(1) VSS VDD V DDQ Commercial 0C to +70C 0V 3.3V5% 2.5V5% Industrial -40C to +85C 0V 3.3V5% 2.5V5% Recommended DC Operating Conditions C Symbol TSTG Storage Temperature PT Power Dissipation 2.0 IOUT DC Output Current 50 o -55 to +125 5297 tbl 04 NOTES: 1. TA is the "instant on" case temperature. C W mA 5297 tbl 03 Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit VDD Core Supply Voltage 3.135 3.3 3.465 V V DDQ I/O Supply Voltage 2.375 2.5 2.625 V VSS Supply Voltage 0 0 0 V VDD +0.3 V V VIH Input High Voltage Inputs 1.7 ____ VIH Input High Voltage - I/O 1.7 ____ VDDQ +0.3(1) VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3(2) ____ 0.7 V NOTES: 1. Stresses greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. 2. VDD terminals only. 3. VDDQ terminals only. 4. Input terminals only. 5. I/O terminals only. 6. This is a steady-state DC parameter that applies after the power supplies have ramped up. Power supply sequencing is not necessary; however, the voltage on any input or I/O pin cannot exceed V DDQ during power supply ramp up. 7. TA is the "instant on" case temperature. NOTES: 1. VIH (max) = VDDQ + 1.0V for pulse width less than tCYC/2, once per cycle. 2. VIL (min) = -1.0V for pulse width less than tCYC/2, once per cycle. 100 pin TQFP Capacitance 119 BGA Capacitance (TA = +25C, f = 1.0MHz) Symbol Parameter (1) CIN Input Capacitance CI/O I/O Capacitance 5297 tbl 05 (TA = +25C, f = 1.0MHz) Max. Unit Symbol VIN = 3dV 5 pF CIN Input Capacitance VOUT = 3dV 7 pF CI/O I/O Capacitance 5297 tbl 07 165 fBGA Capacitance (TA = +25C, f = 1.0MHz) Symbol Parameter(1) CIN Input Capacitance CI/O I/O Capacitance Parameter(1) Conditions Conditions Max. Unit VIN = 3dV 7 pF VOUT = 3dV 7 pF 5297 tb l 07b NOTE: 1. This parameter is guaranteed by device characterization, but not production tested. 6.42 4 Conditions Max. Unit VIN = 3dV 7 pF VOUT = 3dV 7 pF 5297 tbl 07a IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges A6 A7 CE CS0 BW4 BW3 BW2 BW1 CS1 VDD VSS CLK GW BWE OE ADSC ADSP ADV A8 A9 Pin Configuration - 128K x 36 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 I/OP3 I/O16 I/O17 VDDQ VSS I/O18 I/O19 I/O20 I/O21 VSS VDDQ I/O22 I/O23 VDD/NC(1) VDD NC VSS I/O24 I/O25 VDDQ VSS I/O26 I/O27 I/O28 I/O29 VSS VDDQ I/O30 I/O31 I/OP4 1 80 2 79 3 4 78 77 5 76 6 75 7 74 8 73 9 72 71 10 11 70 12 69 13 68 14 67 15 66 16 65 17 64 18 19 63 62 20 61 21 60 22 59 23 58 24 57 25 56 26 55 27 54 28 53 29 52 51 30 I/OP2 I/O15 I/O14 VDDQ VSS I/O13 I/O12 I/O11 I/O10 VSS VDDQ I/O9 I/O8 VSS NC VDD ZZ(2) I/O7 I/O6 VDDQ VSS I/O5 I/O4 I/O3 I/O2 VSS VDDQ I/O1 I/O0 I/OP1 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 LBO A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 NC NC VSS VDD NC NC A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 5297 drw 02 100 TQFP Top View NOTES: 1. Pin 14 can either be directly connected to VDD, or connected to an input voltage VIH, or left unconnected. 2. Pin 64 can be left unconnected and the device will always remain in active mode. 6.42 5 , IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges Pin Configuration - 128K x 36, 119 BGA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A VDDQ A6 A4 ADSP A8 A16 VDDQ B NC CS0 A3 ADSC A9 CS1 NC C NC A7 A2 VDD A12 A15 NC D I/O16 I/OP3 VSS NC VSS I/OP2 I/O15 E I/O17 I/O18 VSS CE VSS I/O13 I/O14 F VDDQ I/O19 VSS OE VSS I/O12 VDDQ G I/O20 I/O21 BW3 ADV BW2 I/O11 I/O10 H I/O22 I/O23 VSS GW VSS I/O9 I/O8 J VDDQ VDD NC VDD NC VDD VDDQ K I/O24 I/O26 VSS CLK VSS I/O6 I/O7 L I/O25 I/O27 BW4 NC BW1 I/O4 I/O5 M VDDQ I/O28 VSS BWE VSS I/O3 VDDQ N I/O29 I/O30 VSS A1 VSS I/O2 I/O1 P I/O31 I/OP4 VSS A0 VSS I/O0 I/OP1 R NC A5 LBO VDD A13 NC T NC NC A10 A11 NC ZZ(3) U V DDQ NC/TMS(2) NC/TDI(2) VDD / NC(1) A14 NC/TCK(2) NC/TDO(2) NC/TRST(2,4) VDDQ Top View , 5297 drw 04 NOTES: 1. R5 can either be directly connected to VDD, or connected to an input voltage VIH , or left unconnected. 2. These pins are NC for the "S" version or the JTAG signal listed for the "SA" version. Note: If NC, these pins can either be tied to VSS, VDD or left floating. 3. T7 can be left unconnected and the device will always remain in active mode. 4. TRST is offered as an optional JTAG Reset if required in the application. If not needed, can be left floating and will internally be pulled to VDD. 6.42 6 IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges Pin Configuration - 128K x 36, 165 fBGA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A NC(4) A7 CE1 BW3 BW2 CS1 BWE ADSC ADV A8 NC B NC A6 CS0 BW4 BW1 CLK GW OE ADSP A9 NC(4) C I/OP3 NC VDDQ V SS VSS VSS VSS VSS VDDQ NC I/OP2 D I/O17 I/O16 VDDQ V DD VSS VSS VSS VDD VDDQ I/O15 I/O14 E I/O19 I/O18 VDDQ V DD VSS VSS VSS VDD VDDQ I/O13 I/O12 F I/O21 I/O20 VDDQ V DD VSS VSS VSS VDD VDDQ I/O11 I/O10 G I/O23 I/O22 VDDQ V DD VSS VSS VSS VDD VDDQ I/O9 I/O8 H VDD(1) NC NC V DD VSS VSS VSS VDD NC NC ZZ(3) J I/O25 I/O24 VDDQ V DD VSS VSS VSS VDD VDDQ I/O7 I/O6 K I/O27 I/O26 VDDQ V DD VSS VSS VSS VDD VDDQ I/O5 I/O4 L I/O29 I/O28 VDDQ V DD VSS VSS VSS VDD VDDQ I/O3 I/O2 M I/O31 I/O30 VDDQ V DD VSS VSS VSS VDD VDDQ I/O1 I/O0 NC VSS VDDQ NC I/OP1 (2, 5) (4) N I/OP4 NC VDDQ V SS P NC NC(4) A5 A2 NC/TDI(2) A1 NC/TDO(2) A10 A13 A14 NC(4) R LBO NC(4) A4 A3 NC/TMS(2) A0 NC/TCK(2) A11 A12 A15 A16 NC/TRST NC 5297 tbl 17 NOTES: 1. H1 can either be directly connected to VDD, or connected to an input voltage VIH, or left unconnected. 2. These pins are NC for the "S" version or the JTAG signal listed for the "SA" version. Note: If NC, these pins can either be tied to VSS, VDD or left floating. 3. H11 can be left unconnected and the device will always remain in active mode. 4. Pins P11, N6, B11, A1, R2 and P2 are reserved for 9M, 18M, 36M, 72M, 144M and 288M respectively. 5. TRST is offered as an optional JTAG Reset if required in the application. If not needed, can be left floating and will internally be pulled to VDD. 6.42 7 IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges DC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage Range (VDD = 3.3V 5%) Symbol Parameter |ILI| Test Conditions Input Leakage Current (1) ZZ, LBO and JTAG Input Leakage Current |ILZZ| |ILO| Output Leakage Current VOL Output Low Voltage VOH Output High Voltage Min. Max. Unit VDD = Max., VIN = 0V to V DD ___ 5 A VDD = Max., VIN = 0V to V DD ___ 30 A VOUT = 0V to V DDQ , Device Deselected ___ 5 A IOL = +6mA, VDD = Min. ___ 0.4 V 2.0 ___ IOH = -6mA, VDD = Min. V 5297 tbl 08 NOTE: 1. The LBO, TMS, TDI, TCK and TRST pins will be internally pulled to V DD and the ZZ pin will be internally pulled to VSS if they are not actively driven in the application. DC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Temperature and Supply Voltage Range(1) 200MHz Symbol Parameter Test Conditions 183MHz 166MHz Com'l Only Com'l Ind Com'l Ind Unit IDD Operating Power Supply Current Device Selected, Outputs Open, V DD = Max., V DDQ = Max., VIN > VIH or < VIL, f = fMAX(2) 360 340 350 320 330 mA ISB1 CMOS Standby Power Supply Current Device Deselected, Outputs Open, V DD = Max., V DDQ = Max., VIN > VHD or < VLD, f = 0(2,3) 30 30 35 30 35 mA ISB2 Clock Running Power Supply Current Device Deselected, Outputs Open, V DD = Max., V DDQ = Max., VIN > VHD or < VLD, f = fMAX(2,3) 130 120 130 110 120 mA IZZ Full Sleep Mode Supply Current ZZ > VHD, VDD = Max. 30 30 35 30 35 mA 5297 tbl 09 NOTES: 1. All values are maximum guaranteed values. 2. At f = fMAX, inputs are cycling at the maximum frequency of read cycles of 1/tCYC while ADSC = LOW; f=0 means no input lines are changing. 3. For I/Os VHD = VDDQ - 0.2V, VLD = 0.2V. For other inputs VHD = VDD - 0.2V, VLD = 0.2V. AC Test Conditions AC Test Load (VDDQ = 2.5V) Input Pulse Levels Input Rise/Fall Times 50 0 to 2.5V I/O 2ns Input Timing Reference Levels (VDDQ/2) Output Timing Reference Levels (VDDQ/2) AC Test Load VDDQ/2 Z0 = 50 5297 drw 06 , Figure 1. AC Test Load 6 See Figure 1 5 5297 tbl 10 4 tCD 3 (Typical, ns) 2 1 20 30 50 80 100 Capacitance (pF) 200 5297 drw 07 Figure 2. Lumped Capacitive Load, Typical Derating 6.42 8 , IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges Synchronous Truth Table(1,3) Address Used CE CS0 CS 1 ADSP ADSC ADV GW BWE BWx OE (2) CLK I/O Deselected Cycle, Power Down None H X X X L X X X X X - HI-Z Deselected Cycle, Power Down None L X H L X X X X X X - HI-Z Deselected Cycle, Power Down None L L X L X X X X X X - HI-Z Deselected Cycle, Power Down None L X H X L X X X X X - HI-Z Deselected Cycle, Power Down None L L X X L X X X X X - HI-Z Read Cycle, Begin Burst External L H L L X X X X X L - DOUT Read Cycle, Begin Burst External L H L L X X X X X H - HI-Z Read Cycle, Begin Burst External L H L H L X H H X L - DOUT Read Cycle, Begin Burst External L H L H L X H L H L - DOUT Read Cycle, Begin Burst External L H L H L X H L H H - HI-Z Write Cycle, Begin Burst External L H L H L X H L L X - DIN Write Cycle, Begin Burst External L H L H L X L X X X - DIN Read Cycle, Continue Burst Next X X X H H L H H X L - DOUT Read Cycle, Continue Burst Next X X X H H L H H X H - HI-Z Read Cycle, Continue Burst Next X X X H H L H X H L - DOUT Read Cycle, Continue Burst Next X X X H H L H X H H - HI-Z Read Cycle, Continue Burst Next H X X X H L H H X L - DOUT Read Cycle, Continue Burst Next H X X X H L H H X H - HI-Z Read Cycle, Continue Burst Next H X X X H L H X H L - DOUT Read Cycle, Continue Burst Next H X X X H L H X H H - HI-Z Write Cycle, Continue Burst Next X X X H H L H L L X - DIN Write Cycle, Continue Burst Next X X X H H L L X X X - DIN Write Cycle, Continue Burst Next H X X X H L H L L X - DIN Write Cycle, Continue Burst Next H X X X H L L X X X - DIN Read Cycle, Suspend Burst Current X X X H H H H H X L - DOUT Read Cycle, Suspend Burst Current X X X H H H H H X H - HI-Z Read Cycle, Suspend Burst Current X X X H H H H X H L - DOUT Read Cycle, Suspend Burst Current X X X H H H H X H H - HI-Z Read Cycle, Suspend Burst Current H X X X H H H H X L - DOUT Read Cycle, Suspend Burst Current H X X X H H H H X H - HI-Z Read Cycle, Suspend Burst Current H X X X H H H X H L - DOUT Read Cycle, Suspend Burst Current H X X X H H H X H H - HI-Z Write Cycle, Suspend Burst Current X X X H H H H L L X - DIN Write Cycle, Suspend Burst Current X X X H H H L X X X - DIN Write Cycle, Suspend Burst Current H X X X H H H L L X - DIN Write Cycle, Suspend Burst Current H X X X H H L X X X - Operation DIN 5297 tbl 11 NOTES: 1. L = VIL, H = V IH, X = Don't Care. 2. OE is an asynchronous input. 3. ZZ = low for this table. 6.42 9 IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges Synchronous Write Function Truth Table(1) Operation GW BWE BW1 BW2 BW3 BW4 Read H H X X X X Read H L H H H H Write all Bytes L X X X X X Write all Bytes H L L L L L (3) H L L H H H (3) Write Byte 2 H L H L H H Write Byte 3(3) H L H H L H (3) H L H H H L Write Byte 1 Write Byte 4 5297 tbl 12 NOTES: 1. L = VIL, H = VIH, X = Don't Care. 3. Multiple bytes may be selected during the same cycle. Asynchronous Truth Table(1) OE ZZ I/O Status Read L L Data Out Active Read H L High-Z Active Write X L High-Z - Data In Active Deselected X L High-Z Standby Sleep Mode X H High-Z Sleep Operation(2) Power 5297 tbl 13 NOTES: 1. L = V IL, H = VIH, X = Don't Care. 2. Synchronous function pins must be biased appropriately to satisfy operation requirements. Interleaved Burst Sequence Table (LBO=VDD) Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Sequence 3 Sequence 4 A1 A0 A1 A0 A1 A0 A1 A0 First Address 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Second Address 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 Third Address 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Fourth Address (1) 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 5297 tbl 14 NOTE: 1. Upon completion of the Burst sequence the counter wraps around to its initial state. Linear Burst Sequence Table (LBO=VSS) Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Sequence 3 Sequence 4 A1 A0 A1 A0 A1 A0 A1 A0 First Address 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Second Address 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 Third Address 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Fourth Address (1) 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 NOTE: 1. Upon completion of the Burst sequence the counter wraps around to its initial state. 6.42 10 5297 tbl 15 IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges AC Electrical Characteristics (VDD = 3.3V 5%, Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges) 183MHz 200MHz(5) Symbol tCYC Parameter Clock Cycle Time 166MHz Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit 5 ____ 5.5 ____ 6 ____ ns 2.2 ____ 2.4 ____ ns (1) tCH Clock High Pulse Width 2 ____ tCL(1) Clock Low Pulse Width 2 ____ 2.2 ____ 2.4 ____ ns Output Parameters tCD Clock High to Valid Data ____ 3.1 ____ 3.3 ____ 3.5 ns tCDC Clock High to Data Change 1.0 ____ 1.0 ____ 1.0 ____ ns 0 ____ 0 ____ ns (2) tCLZ Clock High to Output Active 0 ____ tCHZ(2) Clock High to Data High-Z 1.5 3.1 1.5 3.3 1.5 3.5 ns tOE Output Enable Access Time ____ 3.1 ____ 3.3 ____ 3.5 ns 0 ____ 0 ____ 0 ____ ns ____ 3.1 ____ 3.3 ____ 3.5 ns (2) tOLZ Output Enable Low to Output Active tOHZ(2) Output Enable High to Output High-Z Set Up Times tSA Address Setup Time 1.2 ____ 1.5 ____ 1.5 ____ ns tSS Address Status Setup Time 1.2 ____ 1.5 ____ 1.5 ____ ns tSD Data In Setup Time 1.2 ____ 1.5 ____ 1.5 ____ ns 1.5 ____ 1.5 ____ ns tSW Write Setup Time 1.2 ____ tSAV Address Advance Setup Time 1.2 ____ 1.5 ____ 1.5 ____ ns tSC Chip Enable/Select Setup Time 1.2 ____ 1.5 ____ 1.5 ____ ns 0.4 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns Hold Times tHA Address Hold Time tHS Address Status Hold Time 0.4 ____ tHD Data In Hold Time 0.4 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns tHW Write Hold Time 0.4 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns tHAV Address Advance Hold Time 0.4 ____ tHC Chip Enable/Select Hold Time 0.4 ____ 0.5 ____ 0.5 ____ ns Sleep Mode and Configuration Parameters tZZPW ZZ Pulse Width 100 ____ 100 ____ 100 ____ ns tZZR(3) ZZ Recovery Time 100 ____ 100 ____ 100 ____ ns tCFG (4) Configuration Set-up Time 20 ____ 22 ____ 24 ____ ns NOTES: 1. Measured as HIGH above VIH and LOW below VIL. 2. Transition is measured 200mV from steady-state. 3. Device must be deselected when powered-up from sleep mode. 4. tCFG is the minimum time required to configure the device based on the LBO input. LBO is a static input and must not change during normal operation. 5. Commercial temperature range only. 6.42 11 4876 tbl 16 6.42 12 Output Disabled tSC tSA tSS tHS Ax Pipelined Read tOLZ tOE tHC tHA O1(Ax) Ay (1) tCH tCLZ tOHZ tCD tSW tCL tSAV O1(Ay) tCDC tHAV O2(Ay) tHW Burst Pipelined Read O3(Ay) ADV HIGH suspends burst O4(Ay) (Burst wraps around to its initial state) O1(Ay) tCHZ O2(Ay) , NOTES: 1. O1 (Ax) represents the first output from the external address Ax. O1 (Ay) represents the first output from the external address Ay; O2 (Ay) represents the next output data in the burst sequence of the base address Ay, etc. where A0 and A1 are advancing for the four word burst in the sequence defined by the state of the LBO input. 2. ZZ input is LOW and LBO is Don't Care for this cycle. 3. CS0 timing transitions are identical but inverted to the CE and CS1 signals. For example, when CE and CS1 are LOW on this waveform, CS0 is HIGH. DATAOUT OE ADV (Note 3) CE, CS1 GW, BWE, BWx ADDRESS ADSC ADSP CLK tCYC 5297 drw 08 IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Pipeline Read Cycle(1,2) 6.42 13 tSA tHA tSS tHS tCLZ tCD Single Read Ax (2) tOE O1(Ax) tOHZ tSW Ay tCH Pipelined Write I1(Ay) tSD tHD tCL tHW Az tOLZ tCD O2(Az) Pipelined Burst Read O1(Az) tCDC NOTES: 1. Device is selected through entire cycle; CE and CS1 are LOW, CS0 is HIGH. 2. ZZ input is LOW and LBO is Don't Care for this cycle. 3. O1 (Ax) represents the first output from the external address Ax. I1 (Ay) represents the first input from the external address Ay; O1 (Az) represents the first output from the external address Az; O2 (Az) represents the next output data in the burst sequence of the base address Az, etc. where A0 and A1 are advancing for the four word burst in the sequence defined by the state of the LBO input. DATAOUT DATAIN OE ADV GW ADDRESS ADSP CLK tCYC 5297 drw 09 O3(Az) IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Combined Pipelined Read and Write Cycles(1,2,3) , 6.42 14 O4(Aw) Ax Burst Read tHC O3(Aw) tSC tSA tHA tSS tHS Ay tCL Single Write tOHZ I1(Ax) I1(Ay) I2(Ay) Burst Write I2(Ay) (ADV HIGH suspends burst) tSAV GW is ignored when ADSP initiates a cycle and is sampled on the next clock rising edge tCH . I3(Ay) tHAV I4(Ay) tSD I1(Az) tHW tSW Az NOTES: 1. ZZ input is LOW, BWE is HIGH and LBO is Don't Care for this cycle. 2. O4 (Aw) represents the final output data in the burst sequence of the base address Aw. I1 (Ax) represents the first input from the external address Ax. I1 (Ay) represents the first input from the external address Ay; I2 (Ay) represents the next input data in the burst sequence of the base address Ay, etc. where A0 and A1 are advancing for the four word burst in the sequence defined by the state of the LBO input. In the case of input I2 (Ay) this data is valid for two cycles because ADV is high and has suspended the burst. 3. CS0 timing transitions are identical but inverted to the CE and CS1 signals. For example, when CE and CS1 are LOW on this waveform, CS0 is HIGH. DATAOUT DATAIN OE ADV (Note 3) CE, CS1 GW ADDRESS ADSC ADSP CLK tCYC I3(Az) 5297 drw 10 Burst Write I2(Az) tHD IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Write Cycle No. 1 -- GW Controlled(1,2,3) , 6.42 15 tHC Burst Read O3(Aw) tSC tSA tHA t SS tHS O4(Aw) Ax Ay tCL Single Write t OHZ I1(Ax) I1(Ay) Burst Write I2(Ay) (ADV suspends burst) BWx is ignored when ADSP initiates a cycle and is sampled on next clock rising edge BWE is ignored when ADSP initiates a cycle and is sampled on next clock rising edge tCH I2(Ay) I3(Ay) I4(Ay) t SD Extended Burst Write I1(Az) tSAV t HW t SW t HW tSW Az I2(Az) tHD NOTES: 1. ZZ input is LOW, GW is HIGH and LBO is Don't Care for this cycle. 2. O4 (Aw) represents the final output data in the burst sequence of the base address Aw. I1 (Ax) represents the first input from the external address Ax. I1 (Ay) represents the first input from the external address Ay; I2 (Ay) represent the next input data in the burst sequence of the base address Ay, etc. where A0 and A1 are advancing for the four word burst in the sequence defined by the state of the LBO input. In the case of input I2 (Ay) this data is valid for two cycles because ADV is high and has suspended the burst. 3. CS0 timing transitions are identical but inverted to the CE and CS1 signals. For example, when CE and CS1 are LOW on this waveform, CS0 is HIGH. DATAOUT DATAIN OE ADV (Note 3) CE, CS1 BWx BWE ADDRESS ADSC ADSP CLK t CYC 5297 drw 11 I3(Az) IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Write Cycle No. 2 -- Byte Controlled(1,2,3) , 6.42 16 tSS tSC tSA tHS Ax Single Read tOLZ tOE tHC tHA O1(Ax) tCH tCL tZZPW Snooze Mode tZZR NOTES: 1. Device must power up in deselected Mode. 2. LBO is Don't Care for this cycle. 3. It is not necessary to retain the state of the input registers throughout the Power-down cycle. 4. CS0 timing transitions are identical but inverted to the CE and CS1 signals. For example, when CE and CS1 are LOW on this waveform, CS0 is HIGH. ZZ DATAOUT OE ADV (Note 4) CE, CS1 GW ADDRESS ADSC ADSP CLK tCYC Az 5297 drw 12 IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges Timing Waveform of Sleep (ZZ) and Power-Down Modes(1,2,3) , IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges Non-Burst Read Cycle Timing Waveform CLK ADSP ADSC ADDRESS Av Aw Ax Ay Az GW, BWE, BWx CE, CS1 CS0 OE (Av) DATAOUT (Aw) (Ax) (Ay) , 5297 drw 14 NOTES: 1. ZZ input is LOW, ADV is HIGH and LBO is Don't Care for this cycle. 2. (Ax) represents the data for address Ax, etc. 3. For read cycles, ADSP and ADSC function identically and are therefore interchangable. Non-Burst Write Cycle Timing Waveform CLK ADSP ADSC ADDRESS Av Aw Ax Ay Az (Ax) (Ay) (Az) GW CE, CS1 CS0 DATAIN (Av) (Aw) , NOTES: 1. ZZ input is LOW, ADV and OE are HIGH, and LBO is Don't Care for this cycle. 2. (Ax) represents the data for address Ax, etc. 3. Although only GW writes are shown, the functionality of BWE and BWx together is the same as GW. 4. For write cycles, ADSP and ADSC have different limitations. 6.42 17 5297 drw 15 IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges JTAG Interface Specification (SA Version only) tJF tJCL tJCYC tJR tJCH TCK Device Inputs(1)/ TDI/TMS tJS Device Outputs(2)/ TDO tJDC tJH tJRSR tJCD TRST(3) x M5297 drw 01 tJRST NOTES: 1. Device inputs = All device inputs except TDI, TMS and TRST. 2. Device outputs = All device outputs except TDO. 3. During power up, TRST could be driven low or not be used since the JTAG circuit resets automatically. TRST is an optional JTAG reset. JTAG AC Electrical Characteristics(1,2,3,4) Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units ns tJCYC JTAG Clock Input Period 100 ____ tJCH JTAG Clock HIGH 40 ____ ns tJCL JTAG Clock Low 40 ____ ns tJR JTAG Clock Rise Time ____ 5(1) ns tJF JTAG Clock Fall Time ____ 5(1) ns tJRST JTAG Reset 50 ____ ns tJ RSR JTAG Reset Recovery 50 ____ ns tJCD JTAG Data Output ____ 20 ns tJDC JTAG Data Output Hold 0 ____ ns tJS JTAG Setup 25 ____ ns 25 ____ ns tJH JTAG Hold Scan Register Sizes Register Name Bit Size Instruction (IR) 4 Bypass (BYR) 1 JTAG Identification (JIDR) Boundary Scan (BSR) 32 Note (1) I5297 tbl 03 NOTE: 1. The Boundary Scan Descriptive Language (BSDL) file for this device is available by contacting your local IDT sales representative. I5297 tbl 01 NOTES: 1. Guaranteed by design. 2. AC Test Load (Fig. 1) on external output signals. 3. Refer to AC Test Conditions stated earlier in this document. 4. JTAG operations occur at one speed (10MHz). The base device may run at any speed specified in this datasheet. 6.42 18 IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges JTAG Identification Register Definitions (SA Version only) Instruction Field Value Revision Number (31:28) Description 0x2 IDT Device ID (27:12) 0x23D, 0x23F IDT JEDEC ID (11:1) 0x33 ID Register Indicator Bit (Bit 0) Reserved for version number. Defines IDT part number 71V25761SA and 71V25781SA, respectively. Allows unique identification of device vendor as IDT. 1 Indicates the presence of an ID register. I5297 tbl 02 Available JTAG Instructions Instruction Description OPCODE (1) EXTEST Forces contents of the boundary scan cells onto the device outputs . Places the boundary scan register (BSR) between TDI and TDO. 0000 SAMPLE/PRELOAD Places the boundary scan register (BSR) between TDI and TDO. SAMPLE allows data from device inputs(2) and outputs(1) to be captured in the boundary scan cells and shifted serially through TDO. PRELOAD allows data to be input serially into the boundary scan cells via the TDI. 0001 DEVICE_ID Loads the JTAG ID register (JIDR) with the vendor ID code and places the register between TDI and TDO. 0010 HIGHZ Places the bypass register (BYR) between TDI and TDO. Forces all device o utput drivers to a High-Z state. 0011 RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED 0100 Several combinations are reserved. Do not use codes other than those identified for EXTEST, SAMPLE/PRELOAD, DEVICE_ID, HIGHZ, CLAMP, VALIDATE and BYPASS instructions. RESERVED CLAMP 0101 0110 0111 Uses BYR. Forces contents of the boundary scan cells onto the device outputs. Places the byp ass registe r (BYR) between TDI and TDO. RESERVED 1000 1001 RESERVED 1010 Same as above. RESERVED 1011 RESERVED 1100 VALIDATE Automatically loaded into the instruction register whenever the TAP controller passes through the CAPTURE-IR state. The lower two bits '01' are mand ated by the IEEE std. 1149.1 specification. 1101 RESERVED Same as above. 1110 BYPASS The BYPASS instruction is used to truncate the boundary scan register as a single bit in length. 1111 I5297 tbl 04 NOTES: 1. Device outputs = All device outputs except TDO. 2. Device inputs = All device inputs except TDI, TMS, and TRST. 6.42 19 IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Ordering Information Package Information 100-Pin Thin Quad Plastic Flatpack (TQFP) 119 Ball Grid Array (BGA) 165 Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array (fBGA) Information available on the IDT website 6.42 20 Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges IDT71V25761 128K x 36, 3.3V Synchronous SRAMs with 2.5V I/O, Pipelined Outputs, Burst Counter, Single Cycle Deselect Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges Datasheet Document History 12/31/99 04/04/00 Pg. 1, 4, 8, 19 Pg. 18 Pg. 4 06/01/00 07/15/00 Pg. 20 Pg. 7 Pg. 8 Pg. 20 10/25/00 04/22/03 06/30/03 Pg. 8 Pg.4 Pg. 1,2,3,5-9 Pg. 5-8 Pg. 19,20 Pg. 21-23 Pg. 24 03/13/09 05/27/10 Pg.21 Pg.21 Pg.1-21 Created new datasheet from 71V2576 and 71V2578 datasheets Added Industrial Temperature range offerings Added 100pin TQFP Package Diagram Outline Add capacitance table for BGA package; Add Industrial temperature to table; Insert note to Absolute Max Ratings and Recommended Operating Temprature tables Add new package offering, 13 x 15mm 165 fBGA Correct BG119 Package Diagram Outline Add note reference to BG119 pinout Add DNU note to BQ165 pinout Update BG119 Package Diagram Outline Dimensions Remove Preliminary from datasheet Add reference note to pin N5 in BQ165 pinout, reserved for JTAG, TRST Updated 165 BGA table information from TBD to 7 Updated datasheet with JTAG information Removed note for NC pins (38,39(PF package); L4, U4 (BG package) H2, N7 (BQ package)) requiring NC or connection to Vss. Added two pages of JTAG Specification, AC Electrical, Definitions and Instructions Removed old package information from the datasheet Updated ordering information with JTAG and Y stepping information. Added information regarding packages available IDT website. Removed "IDT" from orderable part number Added "Restricted hazardous substance device" to the ordering information Removed IDT71V25781S/SA from datasheet. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS 6024 Silver Creek Valley Road San Jose, CA 95138 for SALES: 800-345-7015 or 408-284-8200 fax: 408-284-2775 www.idt.com The IDT logo is a registered trademark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 6.42 21 for Tech Support: ipchelp@idt.com 800-345-7015