Processors & Peripherals (cont.)
CZ80CPU -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG 8-bit Microprocessor - compatible with the Zilog Z80 CAST AX1000 479 6298 37% APA750 8405 26% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
iniUART -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG SCC (UART) Interface Inicore AX500 80 200 3% APA150 485 8% RT54SX32S 80 200 10%
iniFUART -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG SCC (Fast UART) Interface Inicore AX500 96 269 5% APA150 659 11% RT54SX32S 96 273 13%
UARTmodule -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Single Channel Universal Async. Receiver / Transmitter with FIFO Inicore AX500 170 292 6% APA150 815 13% RT54SX32S 170 297 16%
DUARTmodule -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Dual Channel Universal Async. Receiver / Transmitter with FIFO Inicore AX500 590 717 16% APA150 2298 37% RT54SX32S 589 731 46%
iniLCDC -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG LCD Controller Inicore AX500 112 239 4% APA150 620 10% RT54SX32S 112 239 12%
iniCPU -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Software compatible 6809 CPU Inicore AX500 336 1593 24% APA150 2789 45% RT54SX32S 340 1519 65%
iniSCI_master -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG I2C Master Interface Inicore AX500 90 184 3% APA150 575 9% RT54SX32S 90 186 10%
iniSCI_slave -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG I2C Slave Interface Inicore AX500 56 105 2% APA150 287 5% RT54SX32S 56 105 6%
TIMERmodule -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Timer Module - Two 16-bit timers with 16-bit pre-scaler Inicore AX500 170 292 6% APA150 1216 20% RT54SX32S 170 297 16%
INTCmodule -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Interrupt Controller Inicore AX500 16 33 1% APA300 80 1% RT54SX32S 16 34 2%
SPIMmodule -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Single Master Controller Inicore AX500 306 309 8% APA150 1045 17% RT54SX32S 307 316 22%
WDmodule -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Watchdog Timer Inicore AX500 41 70 1% APA300 305 4% RT54SX32S 41 72 4%
MC-ACT-UART -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Generic Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) Memec Design AX500 162 268 5% APA075 747 24% RT54SX-S OR OR OR
MC-ACT-UARTF -NET/-VHDL Fast UART Memec Design AX500 104 270 5% APA075 659 21% R T54SX32S 104 274 13%
MC-ACT-UARTM -NET/-VHDL Multi-Channel Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter Memec Design AX500 765 1527 28% APA OR OR RT54SX-S OR OR OR
MC-ACT-6809 -NET/-VHDL Software Compatible 6809 CPU - 6809 Memec Design AX500 339 1577 24% APA150 2795 45% RT54SX32S 344 1625 68%
MC-ACT-SPI_F -NET/-VHDL Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) with FIFO Memec Design AX500 143 291 5% APA075 682 22% R T54SX-S NA NA NA
Data Security – Encryption/Decryption
CoreDES -EV/-NET/-RTL DES Encryption and Decryption Actel AX125 141 601 37% APA075 1241 40% RT54SX32S 137 600 26%
Core3DES -EV/-NET/-RTL 3DES Encryption and Decryption Actel AX125 152 616 38% APA075 1336 43% RT54SX32S 146 616 26%
CoreAES128 -EV/-NET/-RTL AES Encryption and Decryption Actel AX500 525 3020 44% APA600 6121 28% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
CS5010 -NET/-RTL Ultra Compact DES/3DES Encryption and Decryption Processor Amphion AX500 545 1151 21% APA150 2433 40% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
CS5020 -NET/-RTL Compact DES/3DES Encryption and Decryption Processor Amphion AX500 735 1715 30% APA150 3542 58% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
CS5030 -NET/-RTL High Speed DES/3DES Encryption and Decryption Processor Amphion AX500 1212 3116 54% APA300 6445 79% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
CS5040 -NET/-RTL Ultra High Speed DES/3DES Encryption and Decryption Processor Amphion AX1000 4162 7179 63% APA600 15257 71% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
CS5210 -NET/-RTL Standard AES Encryption Processor Amphion AX500 1056 3323 54% APA750 7956 24% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
CS5220 -NET/-RTL Compact AES Encryption Processor Amphion AX500 762 2778 44% APA750 6670 20% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
CS5230 -NET/-RTL High Speed AES Encryption Processor Amphion AX1000 739 6193 38% APA750 14179 43% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
CS5250 -NET/-RTL Standard AES Decryption Processor Amphion AX500 1063 3570 57% APA750 8291 25% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
CS5260 -NET/-RTL Compact AES Decryption Processor Amphion AX500 920 3028 49% APA1000 7249 13% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
CS5270 -NET/-RTL High Speed AES Decryption Processor Amphion AX1000 750 7162 44% APA1000 14843 26% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
Tiny AES-ED -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Tiny AES Encryptor and Decryptor Helion AX500 554 646 15% APA300 1795 22% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
Tiny AES-E -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Tiny AES Encryptor Helion AX500 546 614 14% APA300 1739 21% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
Tiny AES-D -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Tiny AES Decryptor Helion AX500 OR OR OR APA300 OR OR RT54SX-S NA NA NA
Standard AES-ED -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Standard AES Encryptor and Decryptor Helion AX500 1019 1767 35% APA600 5480 25% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
Standard AES-E -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Standard AES Encryptor Helion AX500 664 1104 22% APA600 2498 12% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
Standard AES-D -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Standard AES Decryptor Helion AX500 OR OR OR APA600 OR OR RT54SX-S NA NA NA
Fast AES-ED -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Fast AES Encryptor and Decryptor Helion AX1000 727 4145 27% APA600 7598 35% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
Fast AES-E -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Fast AES Encryptor Helion AX1000 521 1622 12% APA600 3238 15% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
Fast AES-D -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Fast AES Decryptor Helion AX1000 OR OR OR APA600 OR OR RT54SX-S NA NA NA
Memory Controllers
CoreSDRAM -EV/-RTL Single Data Rate SDRAM Controller Actel AX125 90 205 15% APA075 468 15% RT54SX32S 86 205 10%
MC-ACT-DMA -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Customizeable DMA Controller Memec Design AX500 105 86 2% APA075 292 10% RT54SX-S OR OR OR
MC-ACT-SDRAMDDR -NET/-VHDL Double Data Rate SDRAM Controller (PC133) Memec Design AX500 609 559 14% APA NA NA RT54SX-S NA NA NA
SDR SDRAM -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG High-Speed Single Data Rate SDRAM Controller MorethanIP AX500 300 225 7% APA300 660 8% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
Multimedia & Error Correction
M-JPEG Enc -NET/-VHDL M-JPEG Encoder 4i2i AX1000 2898 6564 52% APA NA NA RT54SX-S NA NA NA
M-JPEG Dec -NET/-VHDL M-JPEG Decoder 4i2i AX1000 2480 5563 44% APA NA NA RT54SX-S NA NA NA
Conv Enc -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Convolutional Encoder (Configurable) 4i2i AX125 31 29 3% APA075 798 26% R T54SX32S 31 29 2%
Viterbi Dec -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Viterbi Decoder (Configurable) 4i2i AX500 1016 1246 28% APA450 5161 42% RT54SX72S 1012 1823 47%
Conv Enc / Viterbi Dec -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Convolutional Encoder and Viterbi Decoder (Configurable) 4i2i AX500 1050 1273 29% APA450 5284 43% RT54SX72S 1041 1851 48%
RS Enc -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Reed-Solomon Encoder (Configurable) 4i2i AX125 154 337 24% APA075 799 26% RT54SX32S 154 337 17%
RS Dec -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Reed-Solomon Decoder (Configurable) 4i2i AX500 1168 3591 59% APA450 8601 70% RT54SX72S 1169 3534 78%
RS Enc / Dec -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Reed-Solomon Encoder and Decoder (Configurable) 4i2i AX500 1322 3925 65% APA450 9462 77% RT54SX72S 1323 3871 86%
CS6411 -NET/-RTL YUV-to-RGB Color Space Converter Amphion AX500 118 222 4% APA450 1150 9% RT54SX72S 127 449 10%
JPEG_Fast_C -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Fast JPEG Codec Core CAST AX2000 7283 18876 81% APA NA NA RT54SX-S NA NA NA
JPEG_Fast_E -NET/-VHDL High Performance JPEG Encoder Core CAST AX1000 4313 11550 87% APA NA NA RT54SX-S NA NA NA
JPEG_Fast_D -NET/-VHDL High Performance JPEG Decoder Core CAST AX1000 4393 9905 79% APA NA NA RT54SX-S NA NA NA
JPEG2K_E -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG JPEG 2000 Encoder Core CAST AX2000 19073 8093 84% APA NA NA RT54SX-S NA NA NA
MC-ACT-DVBMOD -NET/-VHDL Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) Modulator Memec Design AX500 834 1774 32% APA NA NA RT54SX-S NA NA NA
MC-ACT-RSENC -NET/-VHDL/-VLOG Reed-Solomon Encoder Memec Design AX500 256 318 7% APA075 1032 34% RT54SX-S NA NA NA
NA – Core not available for these devices OR – Core for these devices available On Request. Contact Actel or Supplier for more information. Contact each Supplier directly for evaluation models, RTL source code formats, core pricing, licensing, delivery and support.
Example Implementation
Axcelerator ProASICPLUS RT54SX-S
Part Number Format Description Supplier Device Seq. Comb. Util. % Device Tiles Util. % Device Seq. Comb. Util. %