February 1998
© MOTOROLA, Inc., 1998; All Rights Reserved
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CASM05W, ICS05PW, and WinIDE software are P & E Microcomputer Systems, Inc, 1996;
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M68ICS05POM/D iii
1.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Toolkit Components............................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Hardware and Software requirements.................................................................................1-2
1.4 Toolkit Features ..................................................................................................................1-2
1.5 Specifications ..................................................................................................................1-3
1.6 About This User’s Manual..................................................................................................1-3
1.7 Quick Start Instructions.......................................................................................................1-4
2.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Installing the M68ICS05P Pod............................................................................................2-1
3.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 The ICS05PW Software Components.................................................................................3-1
3.2.1 The WinIDE Editor....................................................................................................3-1
3.2.2 CASM05W.................................................................................................................3-1
3.2.3 ICS05PW ..................................................................................................................3-2
3.3 Installing the ICS05PW Software .......................................................................................3-2
3.3.1 Installation Steps ........................................................................................................3-2
3.3.2 Starting the ICS05PW Software.................................................................................3-3
3.3.3 ICS Communication...................................................................................................3-3
4.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 The Windows Integrated Development Environment.........................................................4-1
4.3 WinIDE Main Window.......................................................................................................4-2
4.3.1 Main Window Functions............................................................................................4-2
4.3.2 Main Window Components .......................................................................................4-2
4.4 Getting Started ..................................................................................................................4-3
4.4.1 Prerequisites for Starting the WinIDE Editor.............................................................4-3
4.4.2 Starting the WinIDE Editor........................................................................................4-3
4.4.3 Opening Source Files .................................................................................................4-4
4.4.4 Navigating in the WinIDE Editor...............................................................................4-4
4.4.5 Using Markers............................................................................................................4-5
4.5 Command-Line Parameters.................................................................................................4-6
4.6 WinIDE Toolbar..................................................................................................................4-7
4.7 WinIDE Menus ..................................................................................................................4-9
4.8 WinIDE File Options.........................................................................................................4-11
4.8.1 New File ................................................................................................................4-11
4.8.2 Open File ................................................................................................................4-12
4.8.3 Save File ................................................................................................................4-12
4.8.4 Save File As . . .........................................................................................................4-13
4.8.5 Close File ................................................................................................................4-13
4.8.6 Print File ................................................................................................................4-13
4.8.7 Print Setup................................................................................................................4-14
4.8.8 Exit ................................................................................................................4-14
4.9 WinIDE Edit Options........................................................................................................4-14
4.9.1 Undo ................................................................................................................4-14
4.9.2 Redo ................................................................................................................4-15
4.9.3 Cut ................................................................................................................4-15
4.9.4 Copy ................................................................................................................4-16
4.9.5 Paste ................................................................................................................4-16
4.9.6 Delete ................................................................................................................4-16
4.9.7 Select All ................................................................................................................4-16
4.10 WinIDE Environment Options..........................................................................................4-16
4.10.1 Open Project.............................................................................................................4-18
4.10.2 Save Project..............................................................................................................4-18
4.10.3 Save Project As . . . ..................................................................................................4-18
4.10.4 Close/New Project....................................................................................................4-19
4.10.5 Setup Environment . . ..............................................................................................4-19 The General Environment Tab........................................................................4-20 General Editor Tab..........................................................................................4-22 Assembler/Compiler Tab ................................................................................4-23 Executable 1 (Debugger) and Executable 2 (Programmer) Tab......................4-28
4.10.6 Setup Fonts...............................................................................................................4-29
4.11 WinIDE Search Options....................................................................................................4-30
4.11.1 Find . . . ................................................................................................................4-31
4.11.2 Replace . . ................................................................................................................4-32
4.11.3 Find Next ................................................................................................................4-32
4.11.4 Go to Line . . ............................................................................................................4-33
4.12 WinIDE Window Options.................................................................................................4-33
4.12.1 Cascade ................................................................................................................4-34
4.12.2 Tile ................................................................................................................4-34
4.12.3 Arrange Icons ...........................................................................................................4-35
4.12.4 Minimize All............................................................................................................4-35
4.12.5 Split ................................................................................................................4-36
5.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................5-1
5.2 CASM05W Assembler USER Interface .............................................................................5-2
5.2.1 Passing Command Line Parameters to the Assembler in Windows 3.x ....................5-3
5.2.2 Passing Command Line Parameters to the Assembler in Windows 95......................5-4
5.3 Assembler Parameters.........................................................................................................5-4
5.4 Assembler Outputs..............................................................................................................5-5
5.4.1 Object Files.................................................................................................................5-5
5.4.2 Map Files ..................................................................................................................5-5
5.4.3 Listing Files................................................................................................................5-6
5.4.4 Files from Other Assemblers......................................................................................5-6
5.5 Assembler Options..............................................................................................................5-6
5.5.1 Operands and Constants.............................................................................................5-7
5.5.2 Comments ..................................................................................................................5-8
5.6 Assembler Directives ..........................................................................................................5-8
5.6.1 BASE ..................................................................................................................5-8
5.6.2 Cycle Adder................................................................................................................5-8
5.6.3 Conditional Assembly..............................................................................................5-10
5.6.4 Include ................................................................................................................5-10
5.6.5 Macro ................................................................................................................5-11
5.7 Listing Directives ..............................................................................................................5-12
5.7.1 Listing Files..............................................................................................................5-12
5.7.2 Labels ................................................................................................................5-14
5.8 Pseudo Operations.............................................................................................................5-15
5.8.1 Equate (EQU)...........................................................................................................5-15
5.8.2 Form Constant Byte (FCB) ......................................................................................5-16
5.8.3 Form Double Byte (FDB).........................................................................................5-16
5.8.4 Originate (ORG).......................................................................................................5-16
5.8.5 Reserve Memory Byte (RMB)..................................................................................5-16
5.9 Assembler Error Messages................................................................................................5-17
5.10 Using files from Other Assemblers...................................................................................5-19
6.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................6-1
6.2 The ICS05PW In-Circuit Simulator....................................................................................6-1
6.2.1 ICS05PW Simulation Speed ......................................................................................6-1
6.2.2 System Requirements for Running the ICS05PW......................................................6-2
6.2.3 File Types and Formats ..............................................................................................6-2
6.3 Starting ICS05PW...............................................................................................................6-5
6.4 ICS05PW Windows ............................................................................................................6-7
6.5 Code Windows ..................................................................................................................6-7
6.5.1 To Display the Code Windows Shortcut Menus........................................................6-8
6.5.2 Code Window Shortcut Menu Functions...................................................................6-8
6.5.3 Code Window Keyboard Commands.........................................................................6-9
6.6 Variables Window.............................................................................................................6-10
6.6.1 Displaying the Variables Shortcut Menu .................................................................6-10
6.6.2 Variables Window Shortcut Menu Options .............................................................6-10
6.6.3 Variable Window Keyboard Commands..................................................................6-11
6.7 Memory Window ..............................................................................................................6-12
6.8 Status Window ................................................................................................................6-13
6.9 CPU Window ................................................................................................................6-15
6.9.1 Changing Register Values........................................................................................6-15
6.9.2 CPU Window Keyboard Commands .......................................................................6-16
6.10 Chip Window ................................................................................................................6-17
6.10.1 Reading Values in the Chip Window.......................................................................6-17
6.10.2 Chip Window Keyboard Commands .......................................................................6-17
6.11 Cycles Window ................................................................................................................6-18
6.12 Stack Window ................................................................................................................6-18
6.12.1 Interrupt Stack..........................................................................................................6-18
6.12.2 Subroutine Stack ......................................................................................................6-19
M68ICS05POM/D vii
6.13 Trace Window ................................................................................................................6-19
6.14 Breakpoint Window ..........................................................................................................6-20
6.14.1 Adding a Breakpoint ................................................................................................6-20
6.14.2 Editing a Breakpoint.................................................................................................6-21
6.14.3 Deleting a Breakpoint...............................................................................................6-21
6.14.4 Removing All Breakpoints.......................................................................................6-22
6.15 Programmer Windows.......................................................................................................6-22
6.16 Register Block Window ....................................................................................................6-23
6.17 Entering Debugging Commands .......................................................................................6-24
6.18 ICS05PW Toolbar.............................................................................................................6-24
6.19 CS05PW Menus................................................................................................................6-26
6.20 File Options ................................................................................................................6-27
6.20.1 Load S19 File ...........................................................................................................6-28
6.20.2 Reload Last S19........................................................................................................6-28
6.20.3 Play Macro................................................................................................................6-29
6.20.4 Record Macro...........................................................................................................6-29
6.20.5 Stop Macro...............................................................................................................6-30
6.20.6 Open Logfile.............................................................................................................6-30
6.20.7 Close Logfile............................................................................................................6-31
6.20.8 Exit ................................................................................................................6-31
6.21 ICS05PW Execute Options...............................................................................................6-32
6.21.1 Reset Processor.........................................................................................................6-32
6.21.2 Step ................................................................................................................6-32
6.21.3 Multiple Step............................................................................................................6-33
6.21.4 Go ................................................................................................................6-33
6.21.5 Stop ................................................................................................................6-33
6.21.6 Repeat Command.....................................................................................................6-33
6.22 ICS05PW Window Options..............................................................................................6-34
6.22.1 Open Windows.........................................................................................................6-34
6.22.2 Change Colors..........................................................................................................6-35
6.22.3 Reload Desktop ........................................................................................................6-35
6.22.4 Save Desktop............................................................................................................6-35
7.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................7-1
7.2 ICS05PW Command Syntax...............................................................................................7-2
7.3 Command-Set Summary.....................................................................................................7-3
7.3.1 Argument Types.........................................................................................................7-3
7.3.2 Command Summary...................................................................................................7-4
7.4 Command Descriptions.......................................................................................................7-9
8.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................8-1
8.2 Setting Up a Sample Project................................................................................................8-1
8.2.1 Set Up the Environment.............................................................................................8-1
8.2.2 Create the Source Files...............................................................................................8-2
8.2.3 Assemble the Project..................................................................................................8-3
A.1 Overview .................................................................................................................A-1
A.2 S-Record Content...............................................................................................................A-1
A.3 S-Record Types .................................................................................................................A-2
A.4 S-Record Creation..............................................................................................................A-3
A.5 S-Record Example..............................................................................................................A-3
A.5.1 The S0 Header Record ..............................................................................................A-4
A.5.2 The First S1 Record...................................................................................................A-5
A.5.3 The S9 Termination Record......................................................................................A-6
A.5.4 ASCII Characters.......................................................................................................A-6
B.1 Overview .................................................................................................................B-1
B.2 Functional Description Of The Kit.....................................................................................B-1
B.2.1 The Emulator.............................................................................................................B-1
B.2.2 Programming.............................................................................................................B-2
B.3 Troubleshooting The Quick Start.......................................................................................B-2
B.4 Troubleshooting The Programmer .....................................................................................B-4
B.5 Schematic Diagram And Parts List ....................................................................................B-5
M68ICS05POM/D ix
1-1. WinIDE Environment Settings Dialog EXE1 Tab.................................................................1-5
1-2. WinIDE Environment Settings Dialog Assembler/Compiler Tab.........................................1-5
1-3. The WinIDE Debugger Toolbar Button................................................................................1-6
1-4. The WinIDE Assemble/Compile File Toolbar Button..........................................................1-6
3-1. The Pick Device Dialog ........................................................................................................3-4
4-1. WinIDE Window Components.............................................................................................4-1
4-2. WinIDE Status Bar................................................................................................................4-3
4-3. Edit Shortcut Menu...............................................................................................................4-5
4-4. Marker Sub-menu .................................................................................................................4-6
4-5. WinIDE Toolbar ...................................................................................................................4-7
Table 4-1. WinIDE Toolbar Buttons............................................................................................4-8
4-6. File Menu............................................................................................................................4-11
4-7. Open File Dialog.................................................................................................................4-12
4-8. Print Dialog.........................................................................................................................4-13
4-9. Edit Menu............................................................................................................................4-14
4-10. Environment Menu ...........................................................................................................4-17
4-11. Specify project file to open Dialog....................................................................................4-18
4-12. Specify project file to save Dialog.....................................................................................4-18
4-13. Environment Settings Dialog General Environment Tab..................................................4-20
4-14. Environment Settings Dialog: General Editor Tab...........................................................4-22
4-15. Environment Settings Dialog: Assembler/Compiler Tab..................................................4-24
4-16. Error Format List...............................................................................................................4-27
4-17. Environment Settings Dialog: EXE 1 (Debugger) and EXE 2 (Programmer) Tabs .........4-28
4-18. Setup Fonts Dialog............................................................................................................4-29
4-19. Search Menu .....................................................................................................................4-30
4-20. Find Dialog.......................................................................................................................4-31
4-21. Replace Dialog..................................................................................................................4-32
4-22. Go To Line Number Dialog...............................................................................................4-33
4-23. The Window Menu ...........................................................................................................4-33
4-24. WinIDE with Subordinate Windows Cascaded................................................................4-34
4-25. WinIDE with Subordinate Windows Tiled.......................................................................4-34
4-26. WinIDE with One Source Window Displayed and Remaining Windows Minimized.....4-35
4-27. The WinIDE Editor with Subordinate Windows Minimized............................................4-35
4-28. Split Pointer and Bar.........................................................................................................4-36
FIGURES (continued)
5-1. WinIDE with CASM05W Assembler Window Displayed...................................................5-2
5-2. Windows 95 Program Item Property Sheet (Shortcut Property for CASM05W.EXE) ........5-3
5-3. CASM05W for Windows Assembler Parameters.................................................................5-4
6-1. Can’t Contact Board Dialog.................................................................................................6-6
6-2. The ICS05PW Windows Default Positions..........................................................................6-7
6-3. Code Window in Disassembly Mode with Breakpoint Toggled...........................................6-8
6-4. Code Window Shortcut Menu ..............................................................................................6-8
6-5. Window Base Address Dialog...............................................................................................6-9
6-6. Variables Window with Shortcut Menu..............................................................................6-10
6-7. Add Variable Dialog ...........................................................................................................6-10
6-8. Memory Window with Shortcut Menu...............................................................................6-12
6-9. Status Window....................................................................................................................6-13
6-10. Results of Entering the LF Command in the Status Window...........................................6-14
6-11. Specify Output LOG File! Dialog .....................................................................................6-14
6-12. The Logfile Already Exists Message.................................................................................6-14
6-13. CPU Window with Shortcut Menu...................................................................................6-15
6-14. The Change CCR Dialog ..................................................................................................6-16
6-15. Chip Window....................................................................................................................6-17
6-16. Cycles Window.................................................................................................................6-18
6-17. Stack Window...................................................................................................................6-18
6-18. Trace Window...................................................................................................................6-19
6-19. Breakpoint Window with Shortcut Menu.........................................................................6-20
6-20. Edit Breakpoint Dialog .....................................................................................................6-20
6-21. PROG05P9 Programmer Pick Window............................................................................6-22
6-22. Programmer Files Window...............................................................................................6-22
6-23. The Register Block Window.............................................................................................6-23
6-24. The WinReg Window with Typical Register File Information.........................................6-23
6-25. WinIDE Toolbar ...............................................................................................................6-24
6-26. File Menu..........................................................................................................................6-27
6-27. Specify S19 File to Load Dialog .......................................................................................6-28
6-28. Specify MACRO File to Execute Dialog ...........................................................................6-29
6-29. Specify MACRO File to Record Dialog ............................................................................6-29
6-30. Specify Output LOG File Dialog.......................................................................................6-30
6-31. Logfile Already Exists Dialog...........................................................................................6-30
6-32. A Sample Output Log File................................................................................................6-31
6-33. ICS05PW Execute Menu..................................................................................................6-32
M68ICS05POM/D xi
FIGURES (continued)
6-34. Window Menu ..................................................................................................................6-34
6-35. Change Window Colors Dialog ........................................................................................6-35
7-1. Assembly Window Showing ASM Command ...................................................................7-11
7-2. Pick Device Dialog..............................................................................................................7-26
7-3. Modify Memory Dialog.......................................................................................................7-59
7-4. PROG05P Programmer Pick Window................................................................................7-67
8-1. CASM05W Window.............................................................................................................8-4
B-1. M68ICS05P Schematic Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2)..................................................................B-6
B-2. M68ICS05P Schematic Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2)..................................................................B-7
1-1. M68ICS05P Specifications...................................................................................................1-3
3-1. The ICS05PW Software Files...............................................................................................3-3
4-2. WinIDE Menus and Options Summary................................................................................4-9
4-2. WinIDE Menus and Options Summary (continued)...........................................................4-10
5-1. Change Base Prefixes/Suffixes.............................................................................................5-7
5-2. Assembler Directives and Conditional Assembler Directives..............................................5-9
5-3. Listing Directives................................................................................................................5-12
5-4. Listing File Fields ...............................................................................................................5-13
5-5. Pseudo Operations Allowed by the CASM05W.................................................................5-15
5-6. Assembler Error Messages..................................................................................................5-17
5-6. Assembler Error Messages (continued)..............................................................................5-18
6-1. Base Prefixes and Suffixes..................................................................................................6-11
6-2. ICS05PW Toolbar Buttons .................................................................................................6-25
6-3. ICS05PW Menus and Options Summary............................................................................6-26
6-3. ICS05PW Menus and Options Summary (continued)........................................................6-27
7-1. Argument Types....................................................................................................................7-3
7-2. ICS05PW Command Overview............................................................................................7-4
7-2. ICS05PW Command Overview (continued).........................................................................7-5
7-2. ICS05PW Command Overview (continued).........................................................................7-6
7-2. ICS05PW Command Overview (continued).........................................................................7-7
7-2. ICS05PW Command Overview (continued).........................................................................7-8
7-2. ICS05PW Command Overview (continued).........................................................................7-9
TABLES (continued)
7-3. PROGRAM Commands......................................................................................................7-68
A-1. S-Record Fields...................................................................................................................A-1
A-2. S-Record Field Contents.....................................................................................................A-2
A-3. S-Record Types...................................................................................................................A-3
A-4. S0 Header Record ...............................................................................................................A-4
A-5. S1 Header Record ...............................................................................................................A-5
A-6. S-9 Header Record..............................................................................................................A-6
B-1. M68ICS05P Parts List.........................................................................................................B-8
B-1. M68ICS05P Parts List (continued) .....................................................................................B-9
M68ICS05POM/D 1-1
This chapter is an overview of the M68ICS05P In-Circuit Simulator Kit components and a Quick
Start guide to setting up a development project.
The Motorola M68ICS05P In-Circuit Simulator Kit is a development toolkit for designers who
develop and debug target systems that incorporate M68HC705P6/P9 Microcontroller Unit
(MCU) devices. The toolkit contains all of the hardware and software needed to develop and
simulate source code for and program the Motorola M68HC705P microcontrollers.
Together, the M68ICS05P printed circuit board (pod) and the ICS05PW software form a
complete simulator and non-real-time I/O emulator for a M68HC705P6/P9 device. When you
connect the pod to your PC and your target hardware, you can use the actual inputs and outputs
of the target system during simulation of code.
Use the M68ICS05P toolkit with any IBM-Windows 3.x or Windows 95-based computer with a
serial port.
The complete M68ICS05P toolkit contains:
The M68ICS05P in-circuit simulator pod.
A sample M68HC705P9 EEPROM MCU.
A 28-pin DIP target emulation cable.
Windows-optimized software components, collectively referred to as ICS05PW
software, and consisting of:
WINIDE.EXE, the integrated development environment (IDE) software
interface to your target system for editing and performing software or in-
circuit simulation.
CASM05W.EXE, the CASM05W command-line cross-assembler.
ICS05PW.EXE, the in-circuit/standalone simulator software for the
M68ICS05P target MCU.
The M68ICS05P In-Circuit Simulator User’s Manual.
Technical literature, including Understanding Small Microcontrollers, an
introductory guide to understanding and using Motorola MC68HC05 family
The ICS05PW software requires this minimum hardware and software configuration:
An IBM-compatible host computer running Windows 3.x or Windows 95 operating
Approximately 640 Kb of memory (RAM) and 2 Mb free drive space.
A serial port for communications between the M68ICS05P and the host computer.
The M68ICS05P toolkit is a low-cost development system that supports in-circuit simulation. Its
features include:
Software and in-circuit simulation of M68HC705P6/P9 MCUs
Ability to program MC68HC705P6 and MC68HC705P9 EPROM microcontrollers
Communication with the host PC via a serial port
ICS05PW software, including editor, assembler, and assembly source-level simulator
64 instruction breakpoints
SCRIPT command for automatic execution of a sequence of commands
Emulation cable for connection to the target system
On-screen, context-sensitive Windows Help
CHIPINFO command supplies M68ICS05P pod memory-map, vector, register, and
pin-out information
Software responds to both mouse and keyboard controls
M68ICS05POM/D 1-3
Table 1-1 summarizes the M68ICS05P hardware specifications.
Table 1-1. M68ICS05P Specifications
Characteristic Specification
Storag e 0° to 40° C
-40° to +85° C
Relative humidity 0 to 95% (non-condensing)
Power requirement +9Vdc @ 0.1 A (maximum)
(f r o m included wall tr ansform er)
Dimensions 3.5 x 3.2 in. ( 89 x 81 mm )
This manual covers the M68ICS05P software, hardware, and reference information as follows:
Chapter 2 Pod Installation
Chapter 3 Loading and Initializing the ICS05PW Software
Chapter 4 WinIDE User Interface
Chapter 5 ICS05PW In-Circuit Simulator User Interface
Chapter 6 CASM05W Assembler Interface
Chapter 7 ICS05PW Debugging Command Set
Chapter 8 Example Project
Appendix A S-Record Information
Appendix B M68ICS05P Support Information
The procedural instructions in this user’s manual assume that you
are familiar with the Windows interface and selection procedures.
Figures in this manual show ICS05PW windows and dialog boxes
as they appear in the Windows 95 environment.
The following instructions summarize the hardware and software installation instructions of
Chapters 2 and 3.
If you are experienced in installing Motorola or other development tools, follow these steps.
Install the ICS05PW software: follow the instructions on the diskette label to run
the ICS05PW Setup program. During installation, follow the instructions in the
installation wizard: choose the Typical Install option to install the files to your hard
disk, or choose the Compact Install option to copy the files onto another diskette.
Connect the M68ICS05P pod: connect the M68ICS05P pod to the host PC’s serial
port using the included cable. Plug the cable into the pod connector P2.
Supply power to the M68ICS05P pod: connect the wall-mounted transformer’s
circular connector to the connector on the left side of the pod, next to the serial
Start the WinIDE editor and open the project files: Double click the WinIDE icon.
From the WinIDE Environment menu, choose the Open Project option, and choose a
project file from the Specify project file to open dialog. If no project file exists,
choose the New option from the File menu to create a new project file. Paragraph 8.3
gives additional information about setting up a sample project.
Configure the environment for the ICS05PW software components: from the
WinIDE Environment menu, select the Setup Environment option to open the
Environment Settings dialog and make the following changes:
Click on the EXE1 Debugger tab to bring the tab (Figure 1-1) to the front. Set
the executable type, path and filename, command line options (including
optional switches, filenames, or port settings), and other options for the
ICS05PW debugger application.
M68ICS05POM/D 1-5
Figure 1-1. WinIDE Environment Settings Dialog EXE1 Tab
Click on the Assembler/Compiler tab label to bring the tab (Figure 1-2) to the
front. Set the executable path and filename, type, and other options for the
CASM05W assembler or other application.
Figure 1-2. WinIDE Environment Settings Dialog Assembler/Compiler Tab
If necessary, change the programmer settings in the EXE2 (Programmer) tab.
Click on the General Environment and General Editor tabs and make changes
in each as necessary.
When you have specified all the environment settings, press the OK button to
save the changes in the WINIDE.INI file and close the Environment Settings
Create a project file: The desktop and environment settings you make in the
Environment Settings dialog are stored in t heWINIDE.INI file and read each time you
start the WinIDE editor. You may also choose to save project-specific desktop and
environment settings in a project file (*.PPF) which is read when you open the
project, allowing you to save and use a general environment as well as custom
environments for individual projects. To create the project file:
Specify the project-specific desktop and environment settings in the WinIDE
Choose the Save Project As . . . option from the WinIDE Environment menu
to name and save the project to a directory folder.
Run the ICS05PW simulator: With a project or source file open in the WinIDE
main window, click the Debugger (EXE1) button (Figure 1-3) on the WinIDE toolbar
to start the ICS05PW debugger and debug the contents of the active source window.
Additional information about the ICS05PW debugger can be found in Chapters 6 and
Figure 1-3. The WinIDE Debugger Toolbar Button
Assemble the code: Press the Assemble/Compile File button (Figure 1-4) on the
WinIDE toolbar to assemble the source code in the active WinIDE window.
Additional information about the CASM05W assembler can be found in Chapter 5.
Figure 1-4. The WinIDE Assemble/Compile File Toolbar Button
If you experience problems with the Quick Start procedures, refer to paragraph B.3 for
troubleshooting instructions.
M68ICS05POM/D 2-1
This chapter explains how to install the hardware components of the M68ICS05P in-circuit
simulator on your host PC in both interactive and standalone modes.
When the M68ICS05P pod is connected to the serial port of a host PC, you can use the actual
inputs and outputs of your target system during simulation of your source code. W hen the pod is
not connected to the PC, you can use the ICS05PW software as a standalone simulator.
Before beginning, locate these pod components:
Hardware reset switch S3
Power On switch S1
9-pin RS-232 serial connector P2
9 Volt Input Circular connector P1
To install the M68ICS05P Pod:
1. Connect the M68ICS05P pod to the serial port of your computer: attach the supplied
9-pin serial cable to the connector on the M68ICS05P board and attach the other end
to the host PC’s serial port.
2. Connect the 9-volt power supply: attach the power supply plug to the circular power
connector on the M68ICS05P pod and plug the power supply into a surge protection
device or wall outlet.
3. To run the ICS05PW software with actual input and output from the target device,
connect the M68ICS05P pod to the 28-pin DIP socket on the target board using the
28-pin ribbon cable included in the M68ICS05P kit. When this connection is
established and the pod and target system are started up, the target system will
provide inputs to and accept output from the ICS05PW software.
M68ICS05POM/D 3-1
This chapter how to install and initialize the ICS05PW software.
The ICS05PW software consists of the following components:
WINIDE.EXE: the Windows Integrated Development Environment editor
CASM05W.EXE: the 68HC05 Cross Assembler
ICS05PW.EXE: the in-circuit Simulator, optimized for the HC05Px-family Motorola
3.2.1 The WinIDE Editor
The WinIDE editor is a text editing application that lets you use several different programs from
within a single development environment. Use the WinIDE editor to edit source code, launch a
variety of compatible assemblers, compilers, debuggers, or programmers, and configure the
environment to read and display errors from such programs.
If you select error detection options in the Environment Settings dialog, the WinIDE editor will
highlight errors in the source code, and display the error messages from the compiler or
assembler in the editor.
To debug source code in the WinIDE code window, load compatible source-level map files. You
can configure the CASM05W to produce such map files as an output.
Because the WinIDE editor is modular, you may, for example, choose to substitute a third party
C-compiler or other assembler for the CASM05W cross assembler provided in the toolkit.
3.2.2 CASM05W
The CASM05W is a cross assembler that creates Motorola S19 object files and MAP files from
assembly files containing 68HC05 instructions.
The CASM05W assembler has the same functionality as the DOS version of the assembler,
optimized to take advantage of the Windows graphical environment. Using the assembler in
conjunction with the WinIDE editor, you can edit standard ASCII files (such as the .ASM
assembly files), and use menu options and toolbar buttons to call other customized assemblers,
compilers, or debuggers. The resulting environment can allow assembled files to be downloaded
and tested while the original source code is modified and assembled, all without leaving the
WinIDE editing environment.
Paragraph 5-5 gives additional information about assembler options and how to use them.
3.2.3 ICS05PW
The ICS05PW is a simulator for HC705P9 and HC705P6 microcontrollers that can get inputs
and outputs (I/O) for the device when the external M68ICS05 pod is attached to the host
computer. If you want to use I/O from your own target board, you can attach the M68ICS05 pod
to your board through the extension cable that comes with the toolkit. You can also program
HC05P devices using the ICS05P board and ICS05PW software.
You can start or move to the ICS05PW in-circuit simulator software from the WinIDE editor.
The ICS05PW software can also be started using standard Windows techniques and run
independently of the WinIDE editor.
The IC S05P W simulator accepts standard Motorola S19 object code files as input for object code
simulation and debugging. If you are using a third party assembly- or C-language compiler, the
compiler must be capable of producing source-level map files to allow source-level debugging.
The ICS05PW software is on a single 3.5 diskette containing a setup program that automatically
installs the software on your hard drive.
3.3.1 Installation Steps
To install the software on your host computer’s hard drive, follow these steps:
1. Insert the ICS05PW diskette into the 3.5-inch disk drive.
For Windows 3.x: in the Program Manager, select Run from the File menu.
For Windows 95: from the Start Menu, select the Run option.
2. In the Run dialog, enter Setup (or click the Browse button to select a different drive
and/or directory) and press OK.
M68ICS05POM/D 3-3
3. In the ICS05PW Microsoft Setup Wizard, follow the instructions that appear on the
Select either the Typical Installation type to install the files to your
hard disk, or choose Compact Installation to copy the files to
another diskette.
Table 3-1 lists the files and directories required to control the ICS05PW program modules.
Table 3-1. The ICS05PW Software Files
Directory Filename Description
Casmw casm 05w.exe Windows Cross Assembler for the 68HC05
ics05pw ics05pw.exe Windows In-Cir cuit Sim ulator
WinIDE winide.exe
Winide.hlp Windows integrated Development Environment ( WinI DE) pr ogram
Help for WinIDE
3.3.2 Starting the ICS05PW Software
Depending on the operating system you are using, choose the appropriate method for starting the
WinIDE software:
From the Windows 3.x Program Manager, double-click the WinIDE and/or ICS05PW
From the Windows 95 Start Menu, select the WinIDE and/or ICS05PW icon(s).
You can start the ICS05PW simulator alone or from within the WinIDE.
3.3.3 ICS Communication
When you double-click the ICS05PW icon, the software attempts to communicate with the pod
using the specified COM port, baud rate, and default parameters. When the software connects to
the pod, the Status Bar contains the message, "Contact with pod established."
If the pod is not installed, or the ICS05PW software cannot establish communications with the
pod through the specified COM port, the Can’t Contact Board dialog appears, with options for
changing the COM port or baud rate and retrying the connection, or choosing to run the simulator
in standalone mode (with no input or output from the pod).
The COM port assignment defaults to COM 1 unless you specify
another port in the startup command.
The first time you attempt to connect to the pod after installing the ICS05PW software, the
software asks you to select chip from the Pick Device dialog (Figure 3-1):
Figure 3-1. The Pick Device Dialog
To open the Pick Device dialog, enter the CHIPMODE command in the ICS05PW Status
Window command line.
M68ICS05POM/D 4-1
This chapter is an overview of the WinIDE windows, menus, toolbars, dialogs, options, and
procedures for using each.
The Windows Integrated Development Environment (the WinIDE editor) is a graphical interface
for editing, compiling, assembling, and debugging source code for embedded systems using the
M68ICS05P In-Circuit Simulator.
The WinIDE interface consists of standard Windows title and menu bars, a WinIDE toolbar, a
main window containing any open source or project file windows, and a status bar. The Wi nIDE
components are labeled in Figure 4-1 and described in paragraph 4.3.2.
Title Bar
Menu Bar
Source Windows
Status Bar
Main Window
Figure 4-1. WinIDE Window Components
4.3.1 Main Window Functions
When you first start the WinIDE editor, the main window opens without any source or project
files. As you open or create source files or a project, they appear as subordinate windows in the
main window. You can move, size, and arrange subordinate windows using standard Windows
techniques and the WinIDE Window menu options.
Use the WinIDE main window to:
Open, create, edit, save, or print source (*.ASM, *.LST, *.MAP, and *.S19) or project
(*.PPF) file.
Configure the desktop and environment settings for the editor, assembler, compiler,
debugger, and other programs.
Launch the in-circuit simulator, compiler, debugger, or another program.
4.3.2 Main Window Components
Figure 4-1 shows how the WinIDE main window might look during a typical editing project, and
labels the standard window components:
Title Bar: The title bar appears at the top edge of the main window and contains:
The application title,
The name of the target microcomputer application for which you are editing
source code,
The object file or files, if any (usually truncated),
Windows control buttons for closing, minimizing or maximizing the window.
Menu Bar: The menu bar appears immediately below the title bar and contains the
names of the WinIDE menus.
Toolbar: The WinIDE toolbar appears just below the menu bar and contains shortcut
buttons for frequently used menu options.
Main Window: The main window area is the inside portion of the main window
which contains the open subordinate windows that you can resize, reposition,
minimize, or maximize using standard Windows techniques or Window menu
M68ICS05POM/D 4-3
Status Bar: The status bar (Figure 4-2) appears along the bottom edge of the main
window and contains a number of fields (depending on the project) that show:
Source-file line and column numbers of the blinking insertion point cursor
System status or progress of the current window; for example, when the
window is edited, the status will be Modified
Total number of lines in the active window
Top: the current line position in the file of the top of the active window
Bytes: displays the total number of bytes in the active window
Insert/Overwrite mode: indicates the current typing mode
The status fields expand and contract as client area contents change and files become
Figure 4-2. WinIDE Status Bar
4.4.1 Prerequisites for Starting the WinIDE Editor
Before you can start the WinIDE editor, the Windows operating environment must be running
and the ICS05PW software must be installed in the host computer.
Remember that for the M68ICS05P to run in simulation mode, the asynchronous
communications cable must connect the M68ICS05P pod on the platform board to the host
computer, and the power to the M68ICS05P pod must be on.
4.4.2 Starting the WinIDE Editor
To start the editor, select the WinIDE icon by double-clicking the ICS05PW Program Group icon
in the Windows 3.1 Program Manager or by selecting the icon from the Windows 95 Start menu.
4.4.3 Opening Source Files
When the WinIDE editor opens, the main window is empty. To build the environment for your
project, choose the Open option from the File menu (or click the File button on the WinIDE
toolbar). In the Open File dialog, choose the files that will make up your project:
1. Select the drive containing the files from the Drives list.
2. Select the directory folder containing the files from the Folders list.
3. You may use the Filename text box to specify a filename or a wildcard/ extension to
filter the list of filenames (or choose a file type from the List files of type list). The
default file type is .ASM, but you can also choose:
*.c ( source code files)
*.lst (listing files)
*.txt (text files)
*.* (all files)
When all of the project files have been selected, click the OK button to open the files in the
WinIDE main window.
4.4.4 Navigating in the WinIDE Editor
To navigate among subordinate windows:
To navigate among the several sub-windows in which your project files are displayed in the
WinIDE main window:
Choose the subordinate window’s filename from the Window menu or click on the
file’s title bar to bring it to the front of the cascaded stack.
If you have a large screen or a few project files, you may choose the Tile option from
the Window menu to lay out all of the sub-windows so that all are visible, or choose
the Cascade option to arrange all windows so that only the top window is entirely
Regardless of how you arrange the windows, the title bar of all windows are visible.
To move between the WinIDE editor and the ICS05PW simulator:
From the WinIDE editor, click the External Program 1 toolbar button to switch
to the in-circuit simulator or the application which you have specified as the debugger
or other external program to use.
From ICS05PW, click the Back to Editor toolbar button to toggle back to the
M68ICS05POM/D 4-5
4.4.5 Using Markers
Markers provide a convenient way to mark multiple points in a file for navigating between
frequently visited locations while you are editing. You can set as many as 10 markers in source
files in the WinIDE editor. A marker appears in the file as a small button labeled with the marker
When you save the project, the WinIDE editor saves the markers for all open edit files as well, so
that when you open the project again, the markers are still set.
To set a marker anywhere in the file:
1. Place the cursor on the line where you want the marker to be.
2. Press CNTL + SHIFT + N, where N is a value from 0 to 9 indicating the marker
number. A marker appears at the far left of the line.
To move to a marker, press CNTL + N, where N is denotes a marker number between 0 and 9.
This feature is useful if you are editing a large file.
Markers can also be set, changed, navigated to, or cleared using options on the Edit shortcut
menu (Figure 4-3). Open the Edit shortcut menu by clicking the right mouse button in any edit
Figure 4-3. Edit Shortcut Menu
To set or clear a marker using the Edit shortcut menu options:
1. With the cursor in any editing window, click the right mouse button to open the
shortcut menu.
2. Position the cursor on the line where the marker should appear. Click the right mouse
button to display the shortcut menu.
3. Click the Toggle Marker 0-9 option to open the list of markers.
4. Click once on the marker to toggle. When the marker number is checked, it is toggled
on; when the marker number is unchecked, it is toggled off.
To move to a marker number using the shortcut menu options:
1. With the cursor anywhere in the edit file, click the right mouse button to open the Edit
shortcut menu .
2. Click on the Go To Marker 0-9 option to open the Marker sub-menu (Figure 4-4), and
choose the marker number to move to.
Figure 4-4. Marker Sub-menu
You can execute many ICS05PW menu options using either keyboard commands or toolbar
buttons. For example, to move to a marker, press the Ctrl + Shift + N key combination, where N
is the marker number).
The WinIDE editor lets you specify command line options to pass to each executable program.
The name of the currently edited file, or some derivative thereof, can be passed within these
options. To pass the current filename, specify a parameter %FILE%. The WinIDE editor will
substitute this string with the current filename at execution time. You may also change the
extension of the passed filename, by specifying it within the %FILE% parameter. For example,
to specify an .S19 extension on the current filename the user would specify a %FILE.S19%
For example, if the current filename being edited is MYPDA.ASM:
Parameters specified Parameters passed to
%FILE. S19% 1 @2 MYPDA.S19 1 @2
Although it is by default the currently edited filename that is used in the %FILE% parameter
substitution, the environment can be configured always to pass the same filename. Do this by
checking the Main File option in the Environment Settings dialog’s General Options tab. This
M68ICS05POM/D 4-7
technique is useful if you want to pass a specific filename to the external program without regard
to what is being edited.
The WinIDE Toolbar (Figure 4-5) provides a number of convenient shortcut buttons that
duplicate the function of the most frequently used menu options. A tooltip or label pops up when
the mouse button lingers over a toolbar button, identifying the button’s function.
Figure 4-5. WinIDE Toolbar
Table 4-1 identifies and describes the WinIDE toolbar buttons.
Table 4-1. WinIDE Toolbar Buttons
Icon Button Label Button Functi on
External Prog r a m 1
(Debugger) Call the External Program 1 (Debugger or ICS) specified
in the
Environment Set tings
EXE 1 (Debugger)
tab; this could be the debugg er (by default) , the ICS or
other external pr ogram, i. e., thir d par ty assembler,
debugger, or compiler.
External Prog ram 2 Call the External Program 2 as specified in
Environment Set tings
EXE 2 (Program m e r )
Assemble/Compile File Assemble or compile t he act ive source window .
Cut Cut the selected t ext from the active source window (this
button is a short c ut for t he
Edit - Cut
menu option).
Copy Copy the selected text in the act ive source window to the
Windows clipboard (t his but ton is a shortcut for t he
Edit -
menu option).
Paste Paste the content s of the Windows clipboard at the
insertion-point location in the active source window (this
button is a shortcut for the
Edit - Past e
menu option).
Open File Close the active source window (this button is a shortcut
for t he
File - Open
menu option).
Save File Save the file in the active source window (this butt on is a
shortcut for t he
File - Save
menu option).
Save Project ( All Files &
Setup) Save the active project (this button is a shortcut for the
Environment - Save Project As . . .
menu option).
Close File Close the active source window (this button is a shortcut
for t he
File - Close
menu option).
M68ICS05POM/D 4-9
Table 4-2 summarizes WinIDE menu titles and options.
Table 4-2. WinIDE Menus and Options Summary
Menu Title Option Description
New File Open a new file window ("No name")
Open File . . . Display the
Open File . . .
dialog to choose a file to open
Save File Save the current file
Save File As . .
.Open the
Save As . . .
dialog to choose a dir ect or y and
filenam e in which to save the cur r ent file
Close File Close the current file
Print . . . Open the
Print . . .
dialog to print the cur r ent file
Print Set up. . . Open t he
Print Setup . . .
dialog to choose pr int er options
Exit Close the WinIDE editor
Undo Undo the last action
Redo Redo the last action
Cut Cut the selection t o the clipboard
Copy Copy the selection to the clipboar d
Paste Paste the content s of the clipboar d
Delete Delete the select ion
Select All Select all text in t he cur rent window
Table 4-2. WinIDE Menus and Options Summary (continued)
Menu Title Option Description
Open Project Open the
Specify Project File t o O pen
Save Project Save the current project
Save Project
As . . . Open the
Specify Project File t o Save
Project Close the cur rent proj ect file or open a new project file if no
current file
Setup . . . Open the
Environment Set tings
Dialog to change setting s for:
- General Environment
- General Editor
- Environment Sett ings
- Debugger Settings
Setup Font . . . Open the
dialog to specify font opt ions for t he t ext in t he
current file
Find . . . Open the
dialog to ent er a sear ch string
Replace . . . Open the
dialog to ent er a sear ch and replacement
Find Next Go to the next occurrence of the sear ch st r ing
Go to Line . . . Open the
Go to Line Num ber
dialog and enter a line num ber
to go to in the current file
Cascade Cascade open windows with active window on top
Tile Tile open windows with active window on top
Arrang e I cons Arrang e m inimized window icons along the bottom edge of
the main window
Minimize All Minimize all open windows
Split Tog gle a split window in the active file
Windows (by
name) Item ize the open and minim ized windows by name in order of
Contents Opens the WinIDE Help Cont ents Page of the Help FileHelp
About Displays the WinI DE About Window
M68ICS05POM/D 4-11
This section describes the WinIDE File menu options for managing and printing source files or
exiting the WinIDE editor.
To select a File option, click once on the File menu title to open the File menu (Figure 4-6). Click on an
option to perform the operation. You may also use accelerator or shortcut keystrokes to execute
the option.
Figure 4-6. File Menu
4.8.1 New File
Choose New File from the File menu to open a new client window in the Wi nIDE main window.
The title of the new window in the title bar defaults to [NONAME#], where # reflects the number
of new source windows created during this session. If there is an active project, the project name
appears in the title bar. If there is no project, [No Project] precedes the window name.
Use this new window to enter source code. When you save the contents of this window, the
WinIDE editor prompts you for a new filename. This new filename replaces t he [NONAME#] in
the title bar.
Alternatives: Type Ctrl + N or click the New toolbar button. This is the keyboard equivalent to
choosing the File - New File menu option.
4.8.2 Open File
Choose Open File from the File menu to open the Open File Dialog (Figure 4-7) and choose an
existing filename, file type, directory, and network (if applicable) to open.
Figure 4-7. Open File Dialog
Each file opens in its own client window within the main WinIDE window.
Alternatives: Type Ctrl + O or click the Open button on the toolbar. This is the keyboard
equivalent to choosing the File - Open File menu option.
4.8.3 Save File
Choose Save File from the File menu to save the file in the active source window.
If you are saving the file for the first time (that is, it has not yet been named), the Save
As dialog appears. Enter a new filename for the file and accept the current file type,
directory or folder, and drive, or choose new options. Press the OK button to save the
file to the selected drive/directory.
If the file has been saved previously (and has a name), the file is saved with the
filename, in the directory and drive previously specified, and the source window
remains open.
Alternatives: Type Ctrl + S or click the Save button on the toolbar. This is the keyboard
equivalent to choosing the File - Save File menu option.
M68ICS05POM/D 4-13
4.8.4 Save File As . . .
Choose Save File As . . . from the File menu to save the contents of the active source window
and assign a new filename. The Save As dialog opens. Enter a new file name in the File Name
field and click the OK button to save the file and return to the source window.
To save the file with the name of an existing file, select the filename in the File Name list, and
click the OK button. A confirmation dialog will ask you to confirm that you want to overwrite
the existing file.
4.8.5 Close File
Choose Close File from the File menu to close the file in the active source window.
If you chose the Give user option to save each file option in the General Environment tab in the
Environment Settings dialog, the Information dialog will display, reminding you to save changes
to the .ASM file.
Alternatives: Type Ctrl + D or click the Close toolbar button. This is the keyboard equivalent to
choosing the File - Close File menu option.
4.8.6 Print File
Choose Print . . . from the File menu to open the Print dialog (Figure 4-8) and choose options
for printing the active source window.
The Print dialog for your operating system and printer capabilities opens for you to choose Print
range, Print quality, and open the Print Setup dialog to change printer settings.
Figure 4-8. Print Dialog
The Print option is active when at least one source window is
open. The WinIDE editor disables the option if no window is open.
4.8.7 Print Setup
Choose the Print Setup . . . option from the File menu to open the Print Setup dialog for your
operating system and printer. Use this dialog to choose the printer, page orientation, paper size,
and other options for your printer.
4.8.8 Exit
Choose the Exit option from the File menu to close the editor. If a project or source window is
open, the editor closes the files and exits.
Alternatives: Type Alt + F4. This is the keyboard equivalent to choosing the File - Exit menu
This section describes the WinIDE Edit menu options for creating or editing source file contents.
To perform an Edit operation, click once on the Edit menu title to open the Edit Menu
(Figure 4-9). Click on an option to perform the operation.
Figure 4-9. Edit Menu
4.9.1 Undo
Choose Undo to undo or reverse the last action or change you made in the active source window.
Changes that you make to the contents of the window (and that are undoable or reversible) are
saved in an undo stack, where they accumulate, up to a maximum of 20 instances. You can
reverse your changes in descending order of the sequence in which they were made. If no more
changes remain in the stack, the Undo option is disabled.
Reversible actions are local to each source window. Commands that are not reversible do not
contribute to the undo stack. You cannot, for example, undo the command to open a new window
using the Undo command.
Alternatives: Type Ctrl + Z. This is the keyboard equivalent to selecting the Edit - Undo menu
M68ICS05POM/D 4-15
4.9.2 Redo
Choose Redo to restore the most recently undone action in the active window.
The Redo option restores actions undone or reversed by the Undo option, in ascending order, that
is, last action first. Reversible changes to the window’s contents accumulate in the window’s
undo stack. Once a change has been reversed using the Undo option, the change can be reversed,
using the Redo option When no more changes remain (that is, the top of the Redo stack is
reached) the Redo option is disabled.
Some commands are not reversible: they do not contribute to the undo stack and therefore cannot
be redone. For instance, since reversible actions are local to each source window, opening a new
window is an action that cannot be undone using the Undo command, or redone using the Redo
The Redo option is active only if you have used the Undo option to
modify the contents of the active source window.
Alternative: Type Shif t + Ctrl + Z. This is the keyboard equivalent to selecting the Edit - Redo
menu option.
4.9.3 Cut
Choose Cut from the Edit menu to cut the currently selected text from the active source window
and place it on the system clipboard.
The Cut option is active only when you have selected text in the
active source window.
Alternative: Type Ctrl + X. This is the keyboard equivalent to selecting the Edit - Cut menu
4.9.4 Copy
Choose Copy from the Edit menu to copy the selected text from the active source window to the
Windows clipboard.
The Copy option is available only if you have selected text in the
active source window.
Alternatives: Type Ctrl +C or click the Copy toolbar button. This is the keyboard equivalent to
selecting the Edit - Copy menu option.
4.9.5 Paste
Choose Paste from the Edit menu to paste the contents of the W indows clipboard into the active
source window at the insertion-point location.
Alternatives: Type Ctrl + V or click the Paste button on the toolbar. This is the keyboard
equivalent to selecting the Edit - Paste menu option.
4.9.6 Delete
Choose Delete from the Edit menu to delete the selected text from the active source window
without placing it on the Windows clipboard. Text you delete using the Delete option can be
restored only by using the Undo option.
Alternatives: Press the Delete key. This is the keyboard equivalent to selecting the Edit - Delete
menu option.
4.9.7 Select All
Choose Select All from the Edit menu to select all text in the active source window.
This section describes the WinIDE Environment menu options for managing project information,
and setting up environment and font settings for a project.
Environment settings represent the current environment and configuration information for the
WinIDE editor. These settings are stored in the WINIDE.INI file, from which they are loaded
each time you start the editor, and saved each time you exit from the editor.
M68ICS05POM/D 4-17
When you start the editor, the application opens the WINIDE.INI file and reads the project
information. If there is an open project, the project file’s environment settings are read and used
instead. This lets you have different environment configurations for different projects.
Environment information stored in the WINIDE.INI file includes:
If a project is open, its name
Current font information
Current source directory and project directory paths
The preferences and options you set in the Environment Settings dialog tabs,
General Environment options
General Editor options
Executable options for assembler, debugger, compiler, and programmer
To choose an environment option, click once on the Environment menu title (Figure 4-10) to open the
menu. Click on the option to execute.
Figure 4-10. Environment Menu
Project files have the extension .PPF; they store two kinds of information:
Environment Settings: User settings and WinIDE configuration parameters
Desktop Information Open edit windows, size and location, markers
4.10.1 Open Project
Choose Open Project from the Environment menu to choose the project file in the Specify
project file to open dialog (Figure 4-11).
Figure 4-11. Specify project file to open Dialog
1. Enter the project name in the File name: text box or select the project name from the
list box below.
2. Press the OK button to open the new project file (or press the Cancel button to close
the dialog without opening a file).
4.10.2 Save Project
Choose Save Project from the Environment menu to save the current project in the currently
specified file and pathname.
4.10.3 Save Project As . . .
Choose Save Project As . . . from the Environment menu to display the Specify project file to
save dialog (Figure 4-12).
Figure 4-12. Specify project file to save Dialog
1. Enter the project name in the File name: text box or select the project name from the
list box below.
2. Press the OK button to open the new project file (or press the Cancel button to close
the dialog without opening a file).
M68ICS05POM/D 4-19
4.10.4 Close/New Project
Choose Close/New Project from the Environment menu to:
Close an active current project file
Open a new project
4.10.5 Setup Environment . . .
Choose Setup Environment . . . from the Environment menu to display the Environment
Settings dialog box.
The Environment Settings dialog contains five tabs:
General Environment
General Editor
EXE 1 (Debugger)
EXE 2 (Programmer)
In th e Environment Settings tabs, you can choose options by marking option buttons (sometimes
called radio buttons), check boxes, and entering information in text boxes.
M68ICS05POM/D4-20 The General Environment Tab
Click the General Environment tab in the Environment Settings dialog (Figure 4-13) to change
options for saving the project files, exiting the WinIDE editor, and storing a filename to be
passed to an external program as a parameter.
Figure 4-13. Environment Settings Dialog
General Environment Tab
Clicking the OK button on any tab saves all changes made in the
Environment Settings dialog and closes the dialog.
The General Environment Tab offers these options:
Upon Exiting the WinIDE Editor
Auto-Save the Current Project: Select this option to save the currently open
project automatically, with the file extension .PPF, without prompting. The
editor saves all currently open files with the current project. If you do not
select this option, the editor prompts you to save the open project when you
exit. This setting only has an effect if a project is open when you exit.
Auto-Save All Files: Select this option to save all open editor files
automatically, without prompting, when you exit. If you do not select this
option, the editor will prompt you to save open files when you exit.
Ask user "Exit Application Select this option to display an Exit Application
confirmation message when you exit. If you do not select this option, the
editor will close without asking for confirmation when you choose the Exit
option from the File menu.
Saving the Project
Also save all open editor files: Select this option to save all open editor files
whenever you save the project file. If you do not select this option,
M68ICS05POM/D 4-21
project/environment information is written to the project files, but editor files
are not saved when you choose the Save Project option from the Environment
%FILE% Parameter passed to executable programs is: The %FILE% parameter
specifies what is passed on the command line in place of the %FILE% string. You
may specify the %FILE% string as a command line parameter for executable
programs launched from within the WinIDE editor.
Currently edited filename: Select this option to use the name of the current
active file (the window with focus) as the %FILE% parameter substitution.
Main Filename: Select this option to use the filename in the Main filename
edit box as the %FILE% parameter substitution.
If you are using include files, you must enter the full pathname of
the file containing the included files in the Main filename edit box.
If Modified files exist just prior to external program execution: All executable
programs which you can launch from the WinIDE editor offer the option to save all
open editor files before the executable is launched.
Give user option to save each file: Select this option if you want to be
prompted to save each modified file before the external program is launched.
If you do not select this option, the external program runs without asking for
your confirmation. The result may be that an external program runs while
modified files exist in the editing environment, a circumstance that may be
undesirable and lead to incorrect results.
M68ICS05POM/D4-22 General Editor Tab
Click the General Editor tab in the Environment Settings dialog (Figure 4-14) to bring the
General Editor tab to the front. Use the General Editor tab to change editing options such as
indentation, word wrap, and tab settings.
To change font options, choose the Setup Font . . . option from
the Environment menu.
Figure 4-14. Environment Settings Dialog:
General Editor Tab
General Options
Auto-Indentation: Select this option to place the cursor in the column of the
first non-space character of the previous line when the Enter key is pressed. If
this option is not checked, the cursor goes to the first column. For ex ample, if
the current line begins with two tab spaces, pressing the Enter key will begin
the next line with two tab spaces, aligning the new line under the first text of
the previous line.
Create Backup: Select this option to create a backup file whenever a file is
saved. The WinIDE editor will copy the current disk version of the file (the
last save) to a file of the same name with the .BAK extension, then save the
current edited copy over the editing filename. The default (and recommended)
setting for this option is "on," giving you the option to return or review the
previous version of the file. If you do not select this option, the currently
edited file will be saved, but no backup will be made.
Word Wrap
Wrap to Window: Select this option to have the cursor to wrap to the left
when it reaches the far right side of the window. This lets you see all the tex t
M68ICS05POM/D 4-23
in the file, without scrolling the line. If you do not select this option, text
wraps only when you press the Enter key.
Wrap to Column: Select this option to wrap text to the left side when the
cursor reaches a specified column. This lets you see all the text in the file,
without scrolling the line. Set the column number at which text wrapping
should occur in the edit box to the right of this option.
Word Wrap OFF: Select this option to turn text wrapping off. To view or edit
text, which does not fit horizontally in the window, use the scroll controls. In
general, this option should be on when you are writing or editing code.
Tab Settings
Fixed Tabs: Select this option to use spaces to emulate tabs: pressing the tab
key inserts a number of spaces to bring the cursor to the position of the next
tab stop. Changing the tab size affects only future tab spacings. Past tabs
remain unchanged.
Real Tabs: Select this option to use actual tab charact ers: pressing the tab key
insets a tab character. The tab character is displayed as a number of spaces
determined by the tab size, but is really a tab character. Changing the tab size
affects the display of all tabs in the file, present and future.
Smart Tabs: Select this option to enable smart tabs:
If the previous line contains text, pressing the tab key advances the
cursor to the same column as the beginning of the next character group
on the previous line.
If the previous line does not contain text, smart tabs behave as fixed
Tab Size: Enter the number of spaces in a tab. This setting affects how all tabs
operate: fixed, real, or smart tabs. This number is the default display size of all
tab characters, and the size in spaces of a tab in bot h fix ed and smart m odes. If
the tab size is N, the tab stops are at 1, N+1, 2N+1, 3N+1, and so on. Assembler/Compiler Tab
In addition to running an external compiler, you may need to run other ex ternal programs such as
third party programmers, debuggers, or simulators. The WinIDE editor lets you configure as
many as three external programs: two general-purpose programs and one compiler. Use the
settings on the Assembler/Compiler tab of the WinIDE Environment Settings dialog to set up
external programs.
Click the Assembler/Compiler tab heading in the Environment Settings dialog (Figure 4-15) to
bring the tab to the front. Use the options on this tab to change the settings and parameters for the
assembler or compiler path and type, and specify output, listing, and assembly preferences.
EXE Path: Enter the full path and executable name of the compiler in the text box.
The extensions EXE/COM/BAT are legal. For a DOS executable or BATch file, you
may want to creat e a PIF file to prevent the screen from changing video modes when
the executable runs.
Figure 4-15. Environment Settings Dialog:
Assembler/Compiler Tab
TYPE: Click on the downward-pointing arrow to the right of the Type list box to
display the compiler types. Click on the compiler type to select it. The options in the
Assembler/Compiler tab change according to the compiler type chosen:
If you select the P&E compiler, a number of compiler options are available.
If you select a non-P&E compiler, options lets you specify the parameters to
pass the compiler.
Output Control: These options specify the output files that the assembler will create:
Output S19 Object: Select this option to have the assembler output an S19
object file. The S19 object file contains the compiled instructions from the
program assembled. The output S19 file has the same name as the assembly
file, but with the .S19 extension. Appendix A: S-Record Information gives
more information about the S19 file format.
Output Debug File: Select this option to have the assembler produce a debug
.MAP file. The debug .MAP file contains symbol information as well as line
number information for source level debugging from the program assembled.
The output debug file has the same name as the assembly file, but with the
.MAP extension.
Output Listing File: Select this option to have the assembler produce a listing
file. The listing file shows the source code as well as the object codes that
were produced from the assembler. Listing files are useful for debugging, as
M68ICS05POM/D 4-25
they let you see ex actly where and how the code assembled. The output listing
file has the same name as the assembly file, but with the .LST extension.
Listing Options: The following options specify how the assembler generates the
listing file.
Show Cycles in Listing: Select this option to include cycle information for
each compiled instruction in the listing (.LST) file. View the cycle information
to see how long each instruction takes to execute. The cycle count appears to
the right of the address, enclosed in brackets.
Expand Includes in Listing: Select this option to expand all include files into
the current listing file. This lets you view all source files in a main listing file.
If this option is not checked, you will see only the $Include statem ent for each
included file, not the source file.
Expand Macros in Listing: Select this option to expand all macros into the
listing file: each time the macro is used, the listing will show the instructions
comprising the macro. If you do not select this option, you see only the macro
name, not its instructions.
Assembly Preferences
Show Assembler Progress: Select this option to display a popup window
showing the current assembly status, including:
The pass the assembler is currently on
The file that is currently being assembled
The line that is currently being assembled
If this option is not checked, you must wait for the assembly result to be
displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the environment window.
Wait for Assembler Result: Select this option and the Show Assembler
Progress option to cause a progress window displaying the assembly result to
stay up when assembly is done. The assembly result window will remain until
you dismiss it by clicking the OK button. In general, do not select this option,
as the assembler results are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the
WinIDE window.
Save files before Assembling: Select this option to save all open files to disk
before you run the assembler. This is important because the
assembler/compiler reads the file to be compiled from the disk, not from the
open windows in the WinIDE editor. If you do not save the file before
assembling it, the assembler will assemble the last saved version. In general,
you should leave this option checked.
Sound Bell on Error: Select this option to have the assembler beep if it
encounters an error.
Other Assembler/Compi ler: If you choose Other Assembler/ Compiler . . . from the
Type list, the WinIDE editor offers these additional options:
Options: Enter the options to pass to the compiler on the command line. Such
options generally consist of switches that instruct the compiler, and a
filename. Enter the %FILE% string in the command line to insert either the
current filename or the filename specified in the Main Filename option in the
EXE Path text box of the General Environment tab options (Figure 4-13).
Confirm command line: Select this option to display a window describing the
executable you want to run, and the parameters that you want to pass to the
executable, just before the assembler/compiler is run. This gives you the
option to cancel the assemble/compile, continue as described, or modify
parameters before you continue with the assembly. If you do not select this
option, the assembler/compiler runs without prompting you to confirm
Recover Error from Compiler: Select this option to have the WinIDE editor
attempt to recover error/success information from the assembler/compiler, and
open the file with the error line highlighted (and displayed in the status bar)
when an error is encountered. For this feature to work, the Error Filename and
Error Format options must also be set in this tab. If this option is not checked,
the WinIDE editor will not look for a compiler result and will not display the
results in the status bar.
Wait for compiler to finish: Select this option to have the WinIDE editor
disable itself until the compiler terminates. You must select this option for the
editor to attempt to recover error/success information from the assembler/
compiler. Further, turning this option on prevents you from running external
programs from the editor that may require compilation or assembly results. If
you do not select this option, the editor starts the assembler/compiler, and
continues, letting Windows’ multitasking capabilities take care of the program.
Save files before Assembling: Select this option to save all open files to disk
before the running the assembler. This can be very important since the
assembler/compiler reads the file to be compiled from the disk and not from
the memory of the WinIDE editor. If the file being assembled isn’t saved, the
assembler or compiler will assemble the last saved version. For this reason,
you should leave this option checked.
M68ICS05POM/D 4-27
Error Format: Click the down arrow to the right of the Error Format list box to
display the list of error formats (Figure 4-16). If the WinIDE editor is to attempt to
read back an error from a compiler, it must understand the error syntax. This option
lets you select an error format from a list of supported formats. If the Recover Error
from compiler option is checked, and the filename specified in the Error Filename
text box is found, the editor parses that file from end to beginning looking for the
error. If the editor finds an error, it opens the file, highlights the error line, and
displays the error in the status bar.
Figure 4-16. Error Format List
Error Filename: Enter the filename to which the editor pipes the compiler/assembler
error output. Some compilers provide a switch for piping error output to a file; others
require that you handle this manually. As most compilers are DOS-based, you can
create a batch file into which to pipe the output. For example:
This batch file creates the file ERROR.TXT and sends the assembler/compiler output to
that file. Most C-compilers require a batch file to run the compiler through its various
steps (compiling, linking), to which you may add a pipe for error output.
Once the environment reads this error file, the WinIDE editor displays the results, and
the deletes the error file. If you want to keep a copy of the file, you must add such
instructions to the batch file.
M68ICS05POM/D4-28 Executable 1 (Debugger) and Executable 2 (Programmer) Tab
Choose either the EXE 1 (Debugger) tab or the EXE 2 (Programmer) tab (Figure 4-17) in the
Environment Settings dialog to bring either tab to the front. Enter options for the general-purpose
external programs, for example, the ICS05PW, that you will be using with this project.
Figure 4-17. Environment Settings Dialog:
EXE 1 (Debugger) and EXE 2 (Programmer) Tabs
The options are the same in both tabs.
Type: Enter a description of the executable type in the Type text box . This string will
appear in other parts of WinIDE editor. The default for Executable 1 is Debugger. For
the ICS05PW, you may choose to change the Type to ICS. This will change the label
on this tab and elsewhere in the dialog.
EXE Path: Enter the full path and executable name of Executable 1 in the
EXE Path text box. The executable name may have an EXE, COM, or BAT
extension. For a DOS-based executable or batch file, you may choose to create
a PIF file to prevent the screen from changing video modes when the file is
Options: Enter the options you want to pass to the executable on the command
line in the Options text box. In general, options will consist of switches that
instruct the executable from the command line. You may add a filename using
the %FILE% string. The %FILE% string inserts either the currently active
filename, or the filename specified by the %FILE% parameter, set in the
%FILE% parameters to pass to external programs field in the General
Environment tab.
M68ICS05POM/D 4-29
Confirm Command line before running: Select this option to display a
window describing the executable to be run and the parameters which will be
passed, just before the assembler/compiler is run. This gives you the option to
cancel the assemble/compile, continue as described, or modify parameters
before continuing. If you do not select this option, the assembler/compiler will
be run without prompting you to confirm parameters.
Save all files before running: Select this option to save all open files to disk
before running the executable. This is important since external programs that
must read the edit file read only the last version saved to disk. In general,
always select this option.
Wait for program completion: Select this option to have the WinIDE editor
disable itself until the executable terminates. If you do not select this option,
the editor starts the compiler, and allows Windows to manage the program.
4.10.6 Setup Fonts
Select the Setup Fonts . . . option in the Environment menu to open the Setup Fonts dialog
(Figure 4-18) to change font options in the editor.
Figure 4-18. Setup Fonts Dialog
Font: The Font tex t box displays the name of the current font. To change the current
font, select another font name from the Font list. Use the scroll arrows if necessary to
view all the font choices.
Font Style: The Font Style text box displays the name of the current font style. To
change the current font style, select another font style name from the Front Style list.
Size: The Size tex t box displays the current font size. To change the size, enter a new
number in the text box or choose a font size from the list.
Effects: Toggle special font effects:
Strikeout: Choose this option to produce a horizontal strikethrough line in the
selected text
Underline: Choose this option to produce a horizontal underscore line below
the selected text
Color: Choose the text color from the dropdown list box. Click on the downward
pointing arrow to display the Color list. Use the scrolling arrows to view all of the
choices, if necessary.
Sample: As you choose Font options, an ex ample of the text that will result is shown
in the Sample area.
Script: If you have installed multilingual support, use this option to choose a non-
western script.
This section describes the WinIDE Search menu options for specifying search criteria and
entering a line number to go to in a source file.
To perform a search operation, click once on the Search menu to open the menu (Figure 4-19).
Click on the option to execute.
Figure 4-19. Search Menu
M68ICS05POM/D 4-31
4.11.1 Find . . .
Choose the Find option from the Search menu to open the Find dialog (Figure 4-20). In the Find
what: box, enter the string to search for. The search will be performed in the active WinIDE
editor source window.
Figure 4-20. Find Dialog
Enter the search string and choose from the following options to refine your search:
Match Whole Word Only: choose this option to limit the search to whole "words"
and not character strings that are part of a longer word or string.
Match Case: choose this option to perform a case sensitive search, that is, to find
words with a specific uppercase and/or lowercase arrangement.
Direction: Up/Down: Click on an option to direct the search:
Choose the Down option to direct the search from the current cursor position
in the text to the end or "bottom" of the file.
Choose the Up option to direct the search from the current position in the tex t
to the beginning or "top" of the file.
Press the Find Next button to start the search.
The Find window is modeless and can remain open, allowing you
to interact with either the Find dialog or the source window.
Alternatives: Press Ctrl + F. This is the keyboard equivalent to selecting the Search - Find . . .
menu option.
4.11.2 Replace . . .
Select the Replace . . . option to open the Replace dialog (Figure 4-21) to search for and
substitute text in the active source window.
Figure 4-21. Replace Dialog
In the Find what text box , enter the text string to find; in the Replace with text box, enter the text
string to replace it with. Refine the search using the Match whole word only or Match case
Match Whole Word Only: choose this option to limit the search to whole "words"
and not character strings that are part of a longer word or string
Match Case: choose this option to perform a case sensitive search, that is, to find
words with a specific uppercase and/or lowercase arrangement.
Press the Cancel button to close the Replace dialog.
Alternatives: Press Ctrl + R. This is the keyboard equivalent to selecting the S earch - Repl ace .
. . menu option.
4.11.3 Find Next
Select the Find Next option from the Search menu to find the next occurrence of the previous
search string without displaying the Find dialog.
Alternatives: Press F3. This is the keyboard equivalent to selecting the Search - Find Next
menu option.
M68ICS05POM/D 4-33
4.11.4 Go to Line . . .
Select the Go to Line . . . option from the Search menu to open the Go to Line Number dialog
(Figure 4-22). You may note line numbers in the Status Bar and use the dialog to navigate
between points in the text.
Figure 4-22. Go To Line Number Dialog
The dialog instruction includes the range of line numbers available in the active window. Enter
the Line Number you want to go to, and press the OK button.
This section describes the WinIDE Window menu options for managing the arrangement of open
client windows in the main WinIDE window.
To perform a Window operation, click once on the Window menu to open the menu (Figure 4-23).
Click on the option to execute.
Figure 4-23. The Window Menu
4.12.1 Cascade
Select the Cascade option from the Window menu to arrange the open source windows in
overlapping or "cascaded" style (Figure 4-24), like fanned cards. In this arrangement, open source
windows are all set to the same size and shape, one overlapping the other from the upper left
hand to the lower right hand corner of the WinIDE main window, with their title bars visible.
Figure 4-24. WinIDE with Subordinate Windows Cascaded
To choose a window from the cascaded display, click on its title bar. This moves the selected
window to the top of the stack, and makes it the active window.
4.12.2 Tile
Select the Tile option from the Window menu to arrange the open source windows in tiled
fashion (Figure 4-25). You will be able to see the entire window border for each, although not
necessarily the window’s entire contents.
Figure 4-25. WinIDE with Subordinate Windows Tiled
If the contents of a source window cannot be displayed in their entirety, use the scroll bars.
The tiled arrangement is practical to use when cutting and pasting from one window to another.
M68ICS05POM/D 4-35
4.12.3 Arrange Icons
Select the Arrange Icons option from the Window menu to rearrange the icons of minimized
windows into columns and rows at the bottom of the WinIDE main window (Figure 4-26).
Figure 4-26. WinIDE
with One Source Window Displayed and Remaining Windows Minimized
4.12.4 Minimize All
Select t he Minimize All option from the Window menu to minimize all open source windows and
display them as icons at the bottom of the WinIDE main window (Figure 4-27).
Figure 4-27. The WinIDE Editor with Subordinate Windows Minimized
4.12.5 Split
Select the Split option from the Window menu to divide the active source window into two or
more separate panes, each capable of displaying a different view of the same file. To toggle the
split window view, click on the Split option. A check mark appears beside the option when the
split view is in effect.
Adjust the relative size of the panes by dragging the split bar, a double horizontal line separating
the panes. Position the pointer over the split bar until it changes to the split pointer (Figure 4-28).
Split Pointer
Split Bar
Figure 4-28. Split Pointer and Bar
M68ICS05POM/D 5-1
This chapter describes the operation of the CASM05W assembler, including methods for
interfacing with the assembler from the WinIDE, setting assembler options and directives,
generating and using output files and formats, and understanding assembler-generated error
In order to be used in the target microcontroller CPU, the source code for your program must be
converted from its mnemonic codes to the machine code that the target CPU can execute. The
CASM assembler program accomplishes this by reading the source code mnemonics and
assembling an object code file that can be programmed into the memory of the target
microcontroller. Depending on the parameters that you specify for the assembler, other
supporting files can be produced that are helpful in the debugging process.
When you click on the Assemble/Compile file button in the WinIDE, the CASM cross assembler
is activated to process the active file in the WinIDE main window according to the parameters
you have entered. In addition to two kinds of object code files, you may choose to have the
assembler produce .MAP and/or .LST files as well.
Listing files show the original source code, or mnemonics, including comments, as well as the
object code translation. You can use this listing during the debugging phase of the development
project. It also provides a basis for documenting the program.
The assembler interface consists of a window that appears briefly in the WinIDE main window
during assembly. This window (Figure 5-1) contains information about the file being assembled:
Main File: the path and filename of the main file being assembled
Current File: the path and filename of the current file being assembled
Status: the assembler status as the assembly proceeds
Current Line: the current line position of the assembler
Total Lines: the total number of lines in the file being assembled
Figure 5-1. WinIDE
with CASM05W Assembler Window Displayed
M68ICS05POM/D 5-3
You can pass parameters to the assembler by modifying the command line in the Program Item
properties in Windows, as shown in Figure 5-2.
Ente r c ommand line
Figure 5-2. Windows 95 Program Item Property Sheet
(Shortcut Property for CASM05W.EXE)
5.2.1 Passing Command Line Parameters to the Assembler in Windows 3.x
To enter parameters for the CASM05W assembler in Windows 3.x:
1. In the Windows Program Manager, select the CASMW icon.
2. Choose the Properties option from the Program Manager File menu (or type ALT F
+ P).
3. In t h e Program Item Properties dialog box enter the Command Line information. The
command line specifies the command that will execute to start the program. In
general, use the path to the program and its executable file name as the command line
entry. You may also add optional command-line switches or parameters and the name
of a specific file to run.
5.2.2 Passing Command Line Parameters to the Assembler in Windows 95
To enter parameters for the CASM05W assembler in Windows 95:
1. If the program is not running, right-click its icon on the Windows desktop, or its
shortcut entry in a folder or Windows Explorer window to open the Shortcut
Properties sheet (Figure 5-2).
2. In the Target textbox, enter the CASM05W command line parameters.
3. If necessary, edit the pathname in the Start in text box.
4. Choose the window type in which to run the assembler:
Choose Normal to run the assembler in a standard CASM05W window
(Figure 5-3).
Choose Minimized to run the assembler in a minimized CASM05W window.
Choose Maximized to run the assembler in a maximized CASM05W window.
Figure 5-3. CASM05W for Windows Assembler Parameters
You may configure the CASM05W assembler using the following parameters in the Windows
command line.
If you specify multiple parameters, separate them by spaces. You can enter the parameters in any
order. All parameters default to off.
Filename: Required parameter specifying the pathname and filename of the
CASM05W assembler executable
S: Optional parameter to general Motorola .S19 S-Record object file
L: Optional parameter to general an .LST listing file
M68ICS05POM/D 5-5
D: Optional parameter to generate P&E .MAP debugging file
H: Optional parameter to generate Intel HEX object file
C: Optional parameter to show cycle counts in listing file
M: Optional parameter to expand MACROS is listing file
I: Optional parameter to expand INCLUDE files in listing file
Q: Optional parameter to suppress screen writes except errors
5.4.1 Object Files
If you specify an object file in the command-line in the Program Item Properties in Windows,
using the S or H parameters, the object file is created during assembly. The object file has the
same name as the file being assembled, with the extension .HEX or .S19, depending on the
specification given:
Motorola uses the S-Record 8-bit object code file format for object files. For more
information, see Appendix A: S-Record Information.
.HEX is the Intel 8-bit object code format.
In either case, t he object code fil e produced by the C ASM 05W assem bler i s a tex t file cont aining
numbers that represent the binary opcodes and data of the assembled program. This object code
file can be sent to the MCU using a programmer or bootstrap program, at which time it is
converted to the binary format required by the target CPU.
The object filename depends on the choice made in the command line of the Windows Program
Item Properties. By default, the object filename is that of the file being assembled, with the
proper object file format extensions. An existing file with the same name will be overwritten.
5.4.2 Map Files
If you specify a map file using the D parameter, the P&E Debug .MAP file is created during the
assembly. P&E Microcomputer products (such as the MMDS and the MMEVS) use these map
files during the source-level debugging process.
Map files contain the directory path information under which they are created, and cannot,
therefore, be moved to a new directory. If you must use the map file from a different directory,
place the file in the new directory and reassemble, using the map file option D in the Windows
command line.
5.4.3 Listing Files
If you specify a listing file using the L parameter in the Windows command line, a file with the
same name as the file being assembled and the extension LST can be produced by the assembler.
This file serves as a program listing showing the binary numbers that the CPU needs, alongside
the assembly language statements from the source code.
For more information about using the assembler listing directives, see the summary of Assembler
Directives in Table 5-2, beginning in paragraph 5-6.
5.4.4 Files from Other Assemblers
It is possible to use files produced by another assembler with the CASM05W assembler,
providing they are properly prepared before using. To prepare a source file from a third-party
assembler for use with the CASM05W, follow these steps:
1. Precede all comments by a semicolon.
2. Using the WinIDE (or other editor) global search and replace command, change any
assembler-specific directives, listing directives, pseudo operations, etc., as required to
create a file which is compatible with the CASM05W. Remember that assembler
directives must begin with the characters $, /, ., or #, and must begin in column 1.
3. If necessary, use the BASE directive to change the default base for the operands
(CASM05W defaults to hexadecimal base).
The CASM05W assembler supports all Motorola opcode mnemonics in the command set. For
descriptions of the debugging commands, see Chapter 7, ICS05PW Debugging Command Set.
Opcodes mnemonics cannot start in column one. If a label begins
the line, th ere must be at least one space between t he label and t he
M68ICS05POM/D 5-7
5.5.1 Operands and Constants
Operands are addresses, labels, or constants, as defined by the opcode. Assembly-time arithmetic
is allowed within operands. Such arithmetic may use these operations:
* multiplication
/ division
+ addition
- subtraction
< left shift
> right shift
% remainder after division
& bitwise and
| bitwise or
^ bitwise xor
Operator precedence follows algebraic rules. You may use parentheses to alter precedence. If
your expression contains more than one operator, parenthesis, or embedded space, you must put
the entire expression inside braces ( { } ).
jmp start ;start is a previously defined label
jmp start+3 ;jump to location
start + 3
jmp (start > 2) ;jump to location
start divided by 4
Constants are specific numbers in assembly-language commands. The default base for constants
is hexadecimal, but you may change the default using the Change Base Address dialogs for the
Memory and Code windows. To temporarily override the default base, use either the appropriate
prefix or suffix (Table 5-1), but not both.
The assembler also accepts ASCII constants. Specify an ASCII constant by enclosing it i n single
or double quotes. A character ASCII constant has an equivalent value: ‘A’ is the same as 41H.
An example of a string constant is:
db “this is a string”
Table 5-1. Change Base Prefixes/Suffixes
Base Prefix Suffix
10 ! T
16 H
Use semicolons to delineate comments. A comment may start in any column and runs until the
end of its line. Additionally, if any line has an asterisk (*) or semicolon (;) in column 1, the entire
line is a comment.
Assembler directives are keywords that control the progress and the modes of the CASM05W
assembler. To invoke an assembler directive, enter a /, #, or $ as the first character of a line.
Enter the directive immediately after this initial character, along with the appropriate parameters
Directives supported by the assembler vary according to manufacturer. Table 5-2 summarizes the
CASM05W assembler directives. A caret (^) indicates that a parameter value must follow the
directive. Note also that a space must separate a directive and its parameter value.
5.6.1 BASE
The BASE assembler directive changes the default base of the current file. The parameter
specified must be in the current base or have a base qualifier (prefix or suffix). The next base
remains in effect until the end of the file, or until you enter another BASE directive.
The original default base is hexadecimal, but you can change the default to binary, octal, or
decimal default bases instead. It is good practice to specify a base explicitly so that you are
always sure that base is currently in effect.
5.6.2 Cycle Adder
The CASM05W assembler contains an internal counter for instruction cycles called the cycle
adder. Two assembler directives, CYCLE_ADDER_ON and CYCLE_ADDER_OFF, control
this counter.
When the assembler encounters the CYCLE_ADDER_ON directive, it clears the cycle adder.
The cycle adder starts a running total of instruction cycles as subsequent instructions are
assembled. For instructions that have variables numbers of instruction cycles, the cycle adder
uses the smallest number.
When the assembler encounters the CYCLE_ADDER_OFF directive, it writes the current cycle-
adder value to the .LST file and disables the cycle adder.
M68ICS05POM/D 5-9
Table 5-2. Assembler Directives and Conditional Assembler Directives
Directive Action
BASE ^ Change the default input base t o binar y, oct al, decimal, or
CYCLE_ADDER_OFF Stop accumulating instruction cycles and print the t otal
CYCLE_ADDER_ON Start accum ulat ing instruction cycles
INCLUDE ^ Include specif ied file in source code
MACRO ^ Create a macro
MACROEND End a macr o definition
RAMEND ^ Set logical end of RAM space
RAMSTART ^ Set default for r am loc pseudo operation
Conditional Directive Act i on
SET Sets the value of it s par ameter to true.
Maximum number of SET s is 25.
SETNOT Sets the value of it s parameter to false.
Maximum num ber of SETNOT s is 25.
IF or IFNO T Determines the block of code t o be used for condit ional assem bly;
the code between the IF and ENDIF will be assembled if t he given
parameter value is true; t he code between IFNOT and ENDI F will be
assembled if t he par am eter value is false.
ELSEIF Provides alternative to ENDIF when precedes ENDIF; for example, if
the paramet er value is tr ue, the code between IF and ELSEIF will be
assembled, but t he code bet ween ELSEIF and ENDI F will not be
assembled. If the par am et er value is false, code bet ween IF and
ELSEIF will not be assembled, but code between ELSEIF and
ENDIF will be assembled.
ELSEIF gives the same alt er native arrangem ent t o a directive
sequence that begins with IFNOT.
5.6.3 Conditional Assembly
The CASM05W assembler allows you to specify blocks of code to be assembled only upon
certain conditions. To set up such conditional assembly procedures, use the conditional
assembler directives summarized in Table 5.2.
Example of Conditional Assembly Directives
$SET debug ;sets debug = true
$SETNOT test ;sets test = false
nop ;always assembles
nop ;always assembles
$IF debug ;if debug = true
jmp start ;assembles
$ELSEIF ;if debug = false
jmp end ;does not assemble
nop ;always assembles
nop ;always assembles
$IF test ;if test = true
jmp test ;does not assemble
If the CASM05W assembler encounters the INCLUDE directive, it takes source code from the
specified file and continues until it encounters another INCLUDE directive or until it reaches the
end of the main file. When the assembler reaches the end of the main file, it continues taking
source code from the file that contained the include directive.
The file specification of the INCLUDE directive must be in either single or double quotes. If the
file is not in the current directory, the specification should also include the full path name as well
as the filename.
You may nest included to a maximum depth of 10, that is, each included file may contain up to 10
additional included files.
$INCLUDE “C:\project\init.asm*"
M68ICS05POM/D 5-11
5.6.5 MACRO
A macro is a named block of text to be assembled. Similar in some ways to an included file, the
macro allows labels and parameter values.
The MACRO directive begins the macro definition. The name of the macro is the parameter
value for the MACRO direction. All subsequent code, until the assembler encounters the
MACROEND directive, is considered the macro definition.
No assembler directives may be used within a macro, no does the definition require parameter
names. Instead, the macro definition includes the sequential indicators %n for the nth parameter
values of the macro call. The assembler will ignore parameter values on the MACRO directive
line, so such values may be helpful for internal documentation.
This macro example illustrates a macro that divides the accumulator value by 4:
$MACRO divide_by_4 ;starts macro definition
asr a ;divides accumulator by 2
asr a ;divides quotient by 2
$MACROEND ;ends macro definition
This macro example illustrates a macro that creates a time delay:
$MACRO delay count
ldaa #$01
loop: deca
bne loop
In this macro, the CASM05W assembler ignores the parameter count on the MACRO directive
line. The parameter count merely indicates the role of the parameter value passed to the macro.
That value is substituted for the sequential indicator %1. The first time this macro is called, the
CASM05W assembler changes the label loop, on lines 3 and 4, to loop:0001. If the calling line
delay 100t
invokes this macro, the loop would occur 100 times. The suffix t represents the decimal base.
The CASM05W assembler ignores extra parameter values sent to a macro. If the macro does not
receive enough parameter values, the assembler issues an error message.
Labels change automatically each time they are used. Labels used within macros may not be
longer than 10 characters, because the assembler appends a four-digit hex adecimal number to the
label to insure label uniqueness.
Although code may not jump into a macro, it may jump out of a macro. Macros cannot be
List directives are source-code keywords that control output to the LST listing file. These
directives pertain only to viewing the source-code output; the directives, which may be
interspersed anywhere in source code, do not affect the actual code assembled. Table 5-4
summarizes the listing directives.
Table 5-3. Listing Directives
Directive Action
eject or page Begins a new page
header ^ Specifies a header on listing pag es; the header can be defined only once; the
default header is blank; the header string is ent er ed in quotes.
list Turns on the . lst file output .
nolist Turns off t he .lst f ile out put. This dir ective is the counterpart of the list
directive; at t he end of a file, this directive keeps the symbol-t able from being
pagelength ^ Sets the length of the page; the def ault parameter value is 166 lines (! =
pagewidth ^ Sets the width of the output, word wrapping additional t ext; the default
parameter value is 160 columns ( ! = decim al) f.
subheader ‘^’ Makes the string specified in q uot es ( double or single) a subheader on t he
listing pag es; the subheader takes ef fect on t he next page.
Note: the car et (^) character following a directive indicates a mandat or y parameter value that
must be supplied.
5.7.1 Listing Files
If a listing file is requested using the L parameter in the command line of the Windows Program
Item Properties, or the Output Listing File option is checked in the Assembler/Compiler tab in
the Environment Settings dialog, the listing file (.LST) is created during the assembly.
This listing file has the same name as the file being assembled, but with the extension .LST. Any
existing file with the same name will be overwritten.
M68ICS05POM/D 5-13
The listing file has the following format (file fields shown in the example are described in Table
. . . .
0202 [05] 1608 37 bset 3,tcsr ;clear
timer overflow flag
The listing file fields are described in Table 5-4.
Table 5-4. Listing File Fields
Contents Field
AAAA The first field contains f our hexadecimal digits indicating t he address of t he
command in the t ar get processor ( MCU) mem or y. The assembler g ener ates this
[CC] The second field indicates the number of machine cycles used by the opcode. .
The assembler generates t his field.
Note that this value appears only if the cycle counter (Cycle Cntr) was turned on
befor e assem bly.
Also note that the CC value, which always appears in brackets, is a decimal
value. If a command has several possible cycle counts and the assembler cannot
determine t he act ual num ber , the CC f ield shows the best case ( lowest number ) .
An example of a comm and that may have several possible counts is a branch
VVVVVVVV The thir d field contains a label consisting of four hexadecimal dig it s indicating the
values placed into that mem or y address ( and, possibly, t he next several mem ory
addresses). You m ay refer to this label in other comm ands. The size of this field
depends on the actual opcode. The assembler der ives this field from the source
LLLL The fourth field may contain up to four digit s indicat ing the line count. The
assembler derives this field fr om the source code.
code The last field contains the act ual source code fr om the source code f ile.
table The list ing table provides a summar y of every label and its value, displayed in
table f or m at at the end of each listing file.
Example Listing Table
MAIN1.ASM Assembled with CASMW 2/27/97 12:06:39 PM PAGE 2
0000 26 porta equ $0000
0000 27 portb equ $0001
0000 28 portc equ $0002
0000 29 portd equ $0003
0000 30 ddra equ $0004
0000 31 ddrb equ $0005
0000 32 ddrc equ $0006
0000 33 ddrd equ $0007
. . . .
Symbol Table
OPTSC1 0866
OPTSC2 0877
OPTSC3 0888
. . . .
5.7.2 Labels
As you write the program code, you will not necessarily know the addresses where commands
will be located. The assembler solves this problem using a system of labels, providing you with a
convenient way to identify specific points in the program without knowing the exact addresses.
The assembler later converts these mnemonic labels into specific memory addresses and even
calculates the offsets for branch commands in order for the CPU to use them.
Labels within macros must not exceed 10 characters in length.
The assembler would truncate the last example to 16 characters.
M68ICS05POM/D 5-15
The CASM05W assembler also allows pseudo operations (in place of opcode mnemonics). The
operations that the assembler allows are summarized in Table 5-5.
Table 5-5. Pseudo Operations Allowed by the CASM05W
Pseudo Op Code Act i on
equ Associates a binary value with a label.
fcb m
db m
Defines byte stor age, where m = label, num ber , or string . St rings
generat e ASCI I code for m ultiple bytes; number and label par am eters
receive single bytes.
Separate mult iple par ameters with commas.
fdb n
dw n
Defines word storage, where n = label, number , or string. Two bytes
are gener at ed for each num ber or label.
Separate mult iple par ameters with commas.
org n Sets the or igin to t he value of the number or label n. No forward
ref er ences of n are allowed.
rmb n or ds n Defines stor age, reser ving n bytes, where n = number or label; no
for ward references of n are allowed.
5.8.1 Equate (EQU)
The equate directive associates a binary value with a label. The value may be either an 8-bit
value or a 16-bit address value. This directive does not generate any object code.
During the assembly process, the assembler must keep a cross-reference list where it stores the
binary equivalent of each label. When a label appears in the source program, the assembler looks
in this cross-reference table to find the binary equivalent. Each EQU directive generates an entry
in this cross-reference table.
An assembler reads the source program twice. On the first pass, the assembler just counts bytes
of object code and internally builds the cross-reference table. On the second pass, the assembler
generates the listing file and/or the S-record object file, as specified in the command line
parameters for the assembler. This two-pass arrangement allows the programmer to reference
labels that are defined later in the program.
EQU directives should appear near the beginning of a program, before their labels are used by
other program statements. If the assembler encounters a label before it has been defined, the
assembler has no choice but to assume the worse case, and assign the label a 16-bit address
value. This would cause the extended addressing mode to be used in places where the more
efficient direct addressing mode could have been used. In other cases, the indexed 16-bit offset
addressing mode may be used where a more efficient 8-bit or no offset indexed command could
have been used.
5.8.2 Form Constant Byte (FCB)
The arguments for this assembl er directive are labels or numbers (separat ed by commas) that t he
assembler can convert into a single byte of data. Each byte specified by the FCB directive
generates a byte of machine code in the object code file. Use FCB directives to define constants
in a program.
5.8.3 Form Double Byte (FDB)
The arguments for this assembl er directive are labels or numbers (separat ed by comm as) that the
assembler can convert into 16-bit data values. Each argument specified in an FDB directive
generates two bytes of machine code in the object code file.
5.8.4 Originate (ORG)
The originate directive sets the location counter for the assembler. The location counter keeps
track of the address where the next byte of machine code will be stored in memory.
As the assembler translates program statements into machine code commands and data, it
advances the location counter to point to the next available memory location.
Every program has at least one ORG directive, to establish the program’s starting place. Most
complete programs will also have a second ORG directive near the end of the program to set the
location counter to the address where the reset and interrupt vectors are located. You must always
specify the reset vector. It is good practice to also specify interrupt vectors, even if you do not
expect to use interrupts.
5.8.5 Reserve Memory Byte (RMB)
Use this assembler directive to set aside space in RAM for program variables. The RMB
directive does not generate any object code, but it normally generates an entry in the assembler’s
internal cross-reference table.
M68ICS05POM/D 5-17
You can configure the CASM05W assembler to highlight any errors that it encounters during
assembly, and display an error message on the prompt line. Table 5-6 summarizes these
Table 5-6. Assembler Error Messages
Message Probable Cause Corrective Act ion
assembly variable
not f ound
The variable in the I F or IFNOT
statement has not been declared via s
SET or SETNOT dir ective.
Declare the variable using t he
SET or SETNOT dir ective.
Duplicate label The label in the hig h lighted line already
has been used. Change the label to one not
used already.
Error writing .LST
or .MAP file—
check disk space
Insuf ficient disk space or other reason
prevents creation of an .LST or .MAP
Make sure there is suff icient disk
space. Make sure that your
CONFIG .SYS f ile lets mult iple
files t o be open at the same time
(see your DOS or Windows
manual f or com m ands) .
Error writing
object file—check
disk space
Insuf ficient disk space or other reason
prevents creation of an object file. Make sur e t her e is sufficient disk
space. Make sure your
CONFIG .SYS f ile allows multiple
files t o be open at the same time
(see your DOS or Windows
manual f or com m ands) .
Include directives
nested too deep Includes are nested 11 or more levels
deep. Nest includes no more t han 10
levels deep.
INCLUDE file not
found Assem bler could not find the file
specified in t he I NCLUDE directive Make sure that quotes enclose
the f ile nam e to be included; if
necessary, specify the full path
name as well.
Invalid base value Value inconsistent with current default
base (binary, oct al, decim al, or
use a qualifier prefix or suf fix for
the value, or change the default
Invalid opcode,
too long The opcode on the highlight ed line is
wrong. Correct t he opcode.
MACRO label too
long A label in the macro has 11 or more
characters. Chang e the label to have no
more than 10 char act ers,
parameter er r or The macro did not receive suf ficient
parameter values. Send sufficient param et er values
to the macro.
Table 5-6. Assembler Error Messages (continued)
Message Probable Cause Corrective Act ion
Out of memor y The assem bler ran out of system
memory Create a file t hat consists only of
an INCLUDE direct ive, which
specifies your pr im ar y file.
Assembling t h is file leaves the
maximum memory available to
the assembler.
Parameter invalid,
too larg e, m issing
or out of range
Operand field of t he highlight ed line has
an invalid number representation. Or
the paramet er value evaluates to a
number too lar ge for memory space
allocated to the com mand.
Correct t he r epresentation or
change the par am et er value.
Too many
There ar e 26 or m or e conditional
variables. Limit conditional variables to 25
or f ewer.
Too many labels The assembler r an out of system
memory. Create a file that consists only of
an INCLUDE direct ive, which
specifies your pr im ar y file.
Assembling t h is file leaves the
maximum memory available to
the assembler.
Undefined label The label param eter in the highlight ed
line has not been declared. Declare the label.
operation T he highlighted opcode is unknown or
is inconsistent with the number and t ype
of par am et er s.
Correct t he opcode or make it
consistent with paramet er s.
‘}’ not f ound A mathemat ical expression is m issing
its closing br ace. Insert t he closing brace.
M68ICS05POM/D 5-19
To prepare a source file made by another assembler with the CASM05W, follow these steps:
1. Divide large files into smaller files no larger than 75K. Typically, use one file for
system variables and EQUates, another file for I/O routines. The main file should be
the one called. Remember that include filenames must be in quotes and must contain
the file extensions.
2. Make sure all comments in the source file are preceded by a semicolon.
3. Use the global find-and-replace operation in the editor to change any assembler
directives, listing directives, and/or pseudo operations, if they exist in the source code.
Remember that assembler directives must begin with the character $, /,., or #, and
must start in column 1.
4. If necessary, use the BASE directive to change the default base for operands
(CASM05W defaults to hexadecimal).
M68ICS05POM/D 6-1
This chapter describes the in-circuit simulator user interface, toolbar buttons, windows, sub-
windows, messages, and menu options.
The ICS05PW.EXE is an in-circuit simulator for Motorola 68HC05P6 and P9 microcontrollers
that runs in Windows 3.x and Windows 95. The ICS05PW can get inputs and outputs (I/O) for
the target device from an external pod, the M68ICS05P board, that is attached to the host
computer. If you want to use actual inputs and outputs (I/O) from your own target board, you
may attach the M68ICS05P board to your target board using the supplied extension cable.
The ICS05PW in-circuit simulator software is the debugging component of a complete
development environment when used in conjunction with the WinIDE editing environment and
the CASM05W command-line assembler.
6.2.1 ICS05PW Simulation Speed
The ICS05PW is not a real-time debugger. The speed at which the simulator executes code is
much slower than the speed at which the actual processor can execute code. Therefore, if there
are any critical timing issues to be resolved, you should use an emulator for the HC05P devices
instead of the ICS05PW.
Alternately, you may simulate using the slow mode, then program an EPROM device to check
the full speed operation.
An actual speed of 10KHz indicates that the simulator on your host
PC is running at the same speed as the real MCU with a 20-KHz
crystal (a divide-by-2 is attached to the internal oscillator output).
Typical values for actual speed are 3 to 50 KHz.
To calculate actual speed of the assembled code on the target MCU, you need a stopwatch and
some source code. Follow these steps:
1. Load your code using the LOAD command on the ICS05PW Status Window
command line.
1. Set the program counter to the beginning of the routine for which you wish to
measure the speed.
2. Clear the cycle counter using the CYCLE (or CY) command with the 0 parameter,
then press Enter:
3. Ready your stopwatch.
4. Enter the GO or G command on the ICS05PW Status Window command line.
5. Start the stopwatch and press the ENTER button simultaneously to begin code
6. After 10 seconds, simultaneously stop the watch and execution (the fastest way to
stop execution is to press the spacebar). Execution halts.
7. Now enter the CYCLES or CY command on the Status Window command line; the
decimal value cycle count is displayed.
8. Divide the cycle count by 10. The result is the actual speed in KHz.
6.2.2 System Requirements for Running the ICS05PW
The ICS05PW runs under W indows 3.1 or Windows 95. There is a separate 32-bit version of the
ICS05PW software for Windows 95/NT available directly from P&E Microcomputer Systems.
Your host computer should have a minimum of 2 MB of RAM (system memory) available for
assembly processes, as well as sufficient disk space to store the files that the ICS05PW creates.
6.2.3 File Types and Formats
You can use a number of file types in conjunction with the ICS05PW simulator. The following
topics describe the use and structure of each type.
Project Files: Project files store two types of information:
Desktop information includes all the information stored concerning the files
that are currently open in the project. Whenever you save the project file,
WinIDE records information about each window open in the desktop,
Window size
Window position
M68ICS05POM/D 6-3
Window style (Maximized/Minimized/Normal)
Markers currently set
Environment Settings
User settings
WinIDE configuration parameters as specified in the Environment
Settings dialog tabs
When you open the project, or if the project is open when the W inIDE starts, files are
all opened with the settings stored in the project file.
S19 (Object) Files: The ICS05PW software accepts any standard Motorola S19 files
as input for simulation. S19 object files can be created by any HC05 assembler (such
as CASM05W), and contain the actual object code that is simulated by the ICS05PW.
Specify the S19 files to use on the command line or load it using the LOAD command
in the ICS05PW Status window.
The object file has the same name as the file assembled, with the extension
.HEX or .S19, and contains the actual assembled (or object) code to debug. If
you specify an object file in the environment settings, it is created during
The CASMW (and some other assemblers) product object files in the .S19
format. The Motorola S19 object code format is described in detail in
Appendix A. HEX files are the Intel 8-bit object code format.
Map Files contain source level debugging information. To debug symbolic or source
code in the code window you must also load one or more P&E map-files. The *.MAP
source-level map file can be generated by specifying the map files option on the
command line when running the CASMW assembler, or loaded using the LOADMAP
command in the ICS05PW Status window. If you specify a map file in the
environment settings, it is created during assembly.
Map files contain directory information, so cannot be moved. To
place map files in another directory, move the map file to the new
directory and reassemble the file in the new directory so the new
map file will contain the correct directory information.
If you use a third party assembly language or C compiler, it must
be able to produce compatible source-level map files.
Error Files contain assembly error information. The CASMW highlights any errors
that it encounters during the assembly, and displays the error message in the CASMW
window. Depending on the environment settings, the assembler may also open the file
in which the error was encountered, and create an error file with the assembly
filename and the .ERR extension.
Script Files are plain ASCII text files containing ICS05PW simulator commands.
You may use any command in the ICS05P command set in script files. Running the
script file then has the effect of entering the commands in it in the ICS05PW
command line. You can create script files in the WinIDE editor, or you can use files
created by other text editors following these rules:
Enter each command on its own line.
Preface comments with a semi-colon.
Use commands from the ICS05PW command set and WAIT.
Listing Files display each line of source code and the resulting (assembled or
compiled) object code. Listing files show exactly how and where each code was
If you specify a listing file in the environment settings, it is created during
assembly. The listing file will have the same name as the file being assembled,
with the .LST extension, and will overwrite any previous file with the same
Listing files contains these fields in the following format:
AAAA [CC] VVVVVVVV LLLL Source Code . . . .
AAAA First four hexadecimal digits are the address of the
command in the target processor memory.
[CC] The number of machine cycles used by the opcode. This
value, which always appears in brackets, is a decimal value.
If an instruction has several possible cycle counts (as would
be the case when the assembler encounters a branch
instruction) and the assembler cannot determine the actual
number of cycle counts, the CC field will show the best
case (lowest number).
VVVVVVVV Hexadecimal digits (the number of which depends on the
actual opcode) representing values put into that memory
LLLL Line count.
Source code The actual source code
At the end of the listing file is the symbol table listing every label and its
M68ICS05POM/D 6-5
Log Files are simple ASCII text files, sometimes called scratch pad files. The log file
records the sequence and content of commands ex ecuted, and the debugger responses
to the commands. You can view log files from within the WinIDE editor. The
ICS05PW simulator creates log files if the LOGFILE or LF command is active.
You can start the ICS05PW simulator by itself in standalone mode (with no inputs or outputs
from the target), or run it from within the WinIDE editor. You can also modify the ICS05PW
environment in WinIDE editor.
To run the simulator in standalone mode, double click the ICS05PW icon using either
of these methods:
In Windows 3.x, in the Program Manager, double click the ICS05PW icon in
the ICS05PW Program Group.
In Windows 95, choose the ICS05PW icon from the ICS05PW group in the
Start menu.
To run the simulator from the WinIDE editor, use either of these methods:
Click the Debugger (EXE1) button on the WinIDE toolbar
Press the F6 Hotkey
To modify how the software starts from WinIDE editor:
1. From the WinIDE Environment menu, choose the Setup Environment option
to open the Environment Settings dialog.
2. Select the EXE1 Debugger tab heading (see Figure 4-17), if it is not in already
on top, to set options for the ICS05PW simulator. For more information about
the options in the tab, see paragraph
After startup, the software will establish communication with the board at the given parameters
and the status bar will read Attempting to contact COM 1.
If the ICS05PW software can communicate with the pod through the serial port, the
status bar message reads, Contact with pod established.
If the software is not able to connect with the board, the Can’t Contact Board dialog
(Figure 6-1) appears.
Figure 6-1. Can’t Contact Board Dialog
If the communication parameters for the communications port and baud rate are incorrect in the
Can’t Contact Board dialog, change them and then press the RETRY button. If the board is not
connected or you do not wish to use I/O from the board, then click the SIMULATION only
button. Otherwise, press the EXIT Application button.
When you start the ICS05PW software for the first time, the Pick Device dialog will offer you the
choice of the P6 or P9 Device (chip). If you want to open this dialog and change the device later,
enter the CHIPMODE command in the ICS05PW Status Window command line.
If a file named STARTUP.05P exists in the current directory, the
WinIDE runs it as a macro file on startup. See the MACRO
command for more information.
M68ICS05POM/D 6-7
The ICS05PW user interface consists of windows in which system and code information is
shown and into which the ICS05PW command set can be entered (Figure 6-2).
Figure 6-2. The ICS05PW Windows Default Positions
The ICS05PW also displays these sub-windows when appropriate:
Stack Window
Trace Window
Breakpoint Window
Programmer Windows
Register Block Window
The Code windows (Code1 and Code2) can be set to display source code in either source or
disassembly modes. Code windows also give visual positions of the current program counter
(PC) and all breakpoints within the source code. You can display both code windows
simultaneously. Each code window is independent: you can configure each window to display
different parts of your source code, or different assembly modes.
The Code Window Shortcut menu contains options for working in the code windows (Figure 6-3).
Figure 6-3. Code Window in Disassembly Mode
with Breakpoint Toggled
6.5.1 To Display the Code Windows Shortcut Menus
To display the Code 1 or Code 2 Windows Shortcut Menu (Figure 6-4), position the cursor in
either the Code1 or Code2 window and click the right mouse button.
Figure 6-4. Code Window Shortcut Menu
6.5.2 Code Window Shortcut Menu Functions
The Code Window Shortcut Menu (Figure 6-4) offers these options:
Toggle Breakpoint at Cursor: Choose this option to set or remove the breakpoint at
the current cursor location.
Set PC at Cursor: Choose this option to set the Program Counter (PC) to the current
cursor location.
Gotil Address at Cursor: Choose this option to execute the source code until the
Program Counter (PC) gets to the line at the current cursor location. When PC gets to
that point, execution stops.
M68ICS05POM/D 6-9
Set Base Address: Choose this option to open the Window Base Address dialog
(Figure 6-5) and set the new address for the first code line in the Code Window.
Figure 6-5. Window Base Address Dialog
Set Base Address to PC: Choose this option to set the Program Counter (PC) to the
address of the first line in the Code Window.
Select Source Module: Choose this option to select a source module (if a MAP file
has been loaded into memory).
Show Disassembly: Choose this option to display the Code window contents in
disassembly mode.
Show Source/Disassembly: Choose this option to display the Code window contents
in both disassembly and source modes.
6.5.3 Code Window Keyboard Commands
Use these keys to navigate in the Code Windows:
Press the Up Arrow () key to scroll the Code Window contents up one line.
Press the Down Arrow () key to scroll the Code Window contents down one line.
Press the Home key to scroll to the Code Window’s base address.
Press the End key to scroll to the Code Window’s last address.
Press the Page Up key to scroll the Code Window up one page.
Press the Page Down key to scroll the Code Window down one page.
Press the F1 key to show the Help Contents topic.
Press the Escape (Esc) key to move the cursor to the command line of the Status
The Variables window (Figure 6-6) displays current variables during execution. Use the
Variables window shortcut menu to add or remove variables from the current list.
Figure 6-6. Variables Window
with Shortcut Menu
6.6.1 Displaying the Variables Shortcut Menu
To display the Variables shortcut menu, position the cursor in the Variables window and click
the right mouse button.
6.6.2 Variables Window Shortcut Menu Options
The Variables Window Shortcut Menu offers these options for managing variables:
Add Variable: Choose this option to open the Add Variable dialog (Figure 6-7) to
add a variable or address to the current variable list. Select the variable type (size) and
Figure 6-7. Add Variable Dialog
You may enter values for commands in the simulator as either labels (which you have
defined in the map file or with the SYMBOL command), or as numbers. You may
M68ICS05POM/D 6-11
specify the base in which variables are shown using the options in the Add Variable
dialog (Figure 6-7). The default number format for the ICS05PW is hexadecimal.
To override the default base for any number, you may also enter either a prefix or
suffix (but not both) shown in Table 6-1 in the command lines.
Table 6-1. Base Prefixes and Suffixes
Base Prefixes Suffixes
16 ‘$’ ‘H’
10 '!' ‘T’
$FF = !255 = @377 = %11111111 = 11111111Q = 377O = 255T =
If the ’*’ character is used as a parameter, the address of the cursor
in the code window will be used (if it points to valid object code).
>PC 100 Change PC address to address $100.
>N 1 Assign value 1 to CCR N bit.
>MM C0 100T Place value 100 at location $C0.
>BR END Set breakpoint at address of symbol END.
>PC * Set program counter at address pointed to
by cursor.
Use the Type options in the Add Variable dialog to choose a variable type: 8-bit
bytes, 16-bit words, 32-bit longs, or ASCII strings.
Delete Variable: Choose this option to remove the selected (highlighted) variable
from memory and from the current variable list.
Clear All: Choose this option to clear all variables in the current variable list.
6.6.3 Variable Window Keyboard Commands
Use these keys to navigate in the Variable Window:
Press the Insert key to add a variable.
Press the Delete key to delete a variable.
Press the Up Arrow () key to scroll the Variable Window up one variable.
Press the Down Arrow () to scroll the Variable Window down one variable.
Press the Home key to scroll the Variable Window to the first variable.
Press the End key to scroll the Variable Window to the last variable.
Press the Page Up key to scroll the Variable Window up one page.
Press the Page Down key to scroll the Variable Window down one page.
Press the F1 key to shows the Help Contents topics.
Press the Escape (Esc) key to move the cursor to the command line of the Status
Use the Memory Window (Figure 6-8) to view and modify the memory in the ICS05PW. View
bytes by using the scrollbar on the right side of the window.
To modify a set of bytes:
1. Double click on the bytes to open the Modify Memory dialog for that address.
2. Enter the MM command in the command line of the Status Window.
Figure 6-8. Memory Window
with Shortcut Menu
Use the options from the Memory Window Shortcut menu to perform these memory functions:
Set Base Address: Choose this option to set the first memory address to display in
the Memory window.
Show as HEX and ASCII: Choose this option to display memory map information
in both HEX and ASCII formats.
Show as HEX Only: Choose this option to display memory map information in HEX
format only, allowing more bytes per row.
Use these keys to navigate in the Memory Window:
Press the Up Arrow () to scroll the Memory Window up one line.
Press the Down Arrow () to scroll the Memory Window down one line.
Press the Home key to scroll the Memory Window to memory address $0000.
M68ICS05POM/D 6-13
Press the End key to scroll the Memory Window to the last address in the memory
Press the Page Up key to scroll the Memory Window up one page.
Press the Page Down key to scroll the Memory Window down one page.
Press the F1 key to show the Help Contents topic.
Press the Escape (Esc) key to move the cursor to the command line of the Status
The Status Window (Figure 6-9) accepts ICS05PW commands entered on the command line,
executes them, and returns an error message or status update message, as in the message area of
the window.
The Status Window message area displays all ICS05PW commands (including implemented
ICS05PW menu options and toolbar buttons), and command results.
Use the scroll controls on the right side of the Status Window to view previous commands or use
these keys to navigate within the message area:
Press the up arrow () key to scroll the window up one line
Press the down arrow () key to scroll the window down one line.
Press the Home key to scroll the window to the first status line.
Press the End key to scroll the window to the last status line.
Press the Page Up key to scroll the window up one page.
Press the Page Down key to scroll the window down one page.
Press the F1 key to display the Help Contents topic.
Figure 6-9. Status Window
To save the information displayed in the Status Window, enable logging:
Choose the Start Logfile option from the ICS05PW File menu, or enter the LF
command in the Status Window command line (Figure 6-10).
Figure 6-10. Results of Entering the LF Command in the Status Window
The Specify output LOG file dialog (Figure 6-11) opens.
Figure 6-11. Specify Output LOG File! Dialog
In the dialog, choose a path and filename for the logfile. Press OK to create the file
(or Cancel to close the dialog without making changes).
If you choose a logfile that already exists, the Logfile Already Exists message (Figure
6-12) appears, asking if you wish to overwrite the existing file or append the status
messages to the end of the existing file. Choose Overwrite or Append to begin
logging in the file or Cancel to close the dialog without opening the logfile.
Figure 6-12. The Logfile Already Exists Message
Status window messages are added to the logfile while logging is enabled.
To end logging, choose the End Logfile option from the ICS05PW File menu or enter the LF
command in the ICS05PW Status window command line.
M68ICS05POM/D 6-15
The CPU Window displays the current register values.
6.9.1 Changing Register Values
Use the CPU Window (Figure 6-13) or its Shortcut Menu options to view and modify the current
state of registers within the CPU.
To change CPU register values using the Shortcut menu options, position the cursor
in the CPU window and click the right mouse button. Choose the option from the
shortcut menu shown on the right of Figure 6-13. Enter the new value in the dialog
and press OK to close the dialog and save the new value.
Figure 6-13. CPU Window with Shortcut Menu
To change CPU register value in the CPU window:
To change the CPU accumulator (ACCA), index register (XREG), and
program counter (PC) values from the CPU window, click on the value and
enter the new value in the dialog. Press OK to close the dialog and save the
new value.
To change the CPU CCR values, double click the CCR value in the CPU
window to open the Change CCR dialog (Figure 6-14). Change the H, I, N, Z,
or C CCR bits by pressing the button below each to toggle condition code
register bits between 1 (on) and 2 (off). Press OK to close the dialog and save
the values.
Figure 6-14. The Change CCR Dialog
To change the CPU stack pointer (SP) value from the CPU window, position
the cursor in the CPU window and click the right mouse button to open the
CPU shortcut menu. Choose the Set Stack Pointer option. In the Change SP
Value dialog, enter the new value. Press OK to close the dialog and save the
In the current version of the ICS05PW software, the values in the
CPU window behave differently when clicked. You can open the
appropriate dialog by clicking once on the ACCA and XREG
values and by clicking twice on the PC and CCR values. To change
the SP value, use the shortcut menu.
6.9.2 CPU Window Keyboard Commands
Use these keyboard commands to navigate in the CPU Window:
Press the F1 key to shows the Help Contents topics.
Press the Escape (Esc) key to move the cursor to the command line of the Status
M68ICS05POM/D 6-17
6.10.1 Reading Values in the Chip Window
Use the Chip W indow (Figure 6-15) to see a visual representation of the logic levels at all pins of
the chip.
Figure 6-15. Chip Window
If the ICS05PW pod is connected to the software, the Chip Wi ndow reflects the values read from
the pod. For I/O pins, the arrows indicate whether the pin is an input or an output.
6.10.2 Chip Window Keyboard Commands
Use these keyboard commands to navigate in the Chip Window:
Press the F1 key to shows the Help Contents topics.
Press the Escape (Esc) key to move the cursor to the command line of the Status
Use the Cycles Window (Figure 6-16) to view the number of processor cycles that passed during
execution of code in the simulator. This is valuable if you want to count the number of cycles
that a section of code requires. In order to calculate the timing of code for a device, take the
number of cycles shown in the window and multiply by the amount of time that a cycle
represents in the target system. (i.e. for a 2MHz HC05, the time per cycle is 500 ns (½ µsec.)
Figure 6-16. Cycles Window
Use the Stack window (Figure 6-17) to view:
Values that have been pushed on the stack
The stack pointer value
CPU results if a RTI or RTS instruction is executed at that time.
To display the stack window, enter the STACK command in the ICS05PW Status Window
command line.
Figure 6-17. Stack Window
6.12.1 Interrupt Stack
During an interrupt, the Stack window displays:
The interrupt stack
M68ICS05POM/D 6-19
Data values in the stack
Values of the condition code register (CCR), accumulator (A) and index register (X).
This information indicates the restored state of the stack upon the return from the interrupt.
6.12.2 Subroutine Stack
During execution of a subroutine, the stack window displays the subroutine stack that indicates
the restored state of the CPU upon return from a subroutine.
M68HC05 MCUs store information in the stack (1) during an
interrupt or (2) during execution of a subroutine. The stack window
shows both these possible interpretations of stack data. It is
important to know whether program execution is in an interrupt or
in a subroutine, to know which stack data interpretation is valid.
Use the Trace Window (Figure 6-18) to view instructions captured while tracing is enabled.
Figure 6-18. Trace Window
To display the Trace Window, enter the SHOWTRACE command in the command line of the
ICS05PW Status Window.
To enable or disable tracing, enter the TRACE command. If tracing is off, the command will
toggle tracing on; if tracing is on, the command toggles tracing off.
The trace buffer is a 1024 instruction circular buffer that contains all addresses that have been
executed. When the trace window displays instructions, it disassembles instructions at the
addresses stored in the trace buffer. For this reason, the tracing function cannot be used for self-
modifying code. If a buffer slot does not have an address stored in it, the trace window displays
the phrase "No Trace Available". The number in the beginning of a trace line is the slot number
in the trace buffer. The slot number is an offset for the instruction in that slot compared to the
current instruction executing (slot number=0).
Use the Breakpoint Window (Figure 6-19) to view all breakpoints currently set in the current
debugging session, and to add, modify, or delete breakpoints. You can set a maximum of 64
List box
Figure 6-19. Breakpoint Window
with Shortcut Menu
To display the Breakpoint Window, enter the SHOW BREAKS command in the ICS05PW Status
Window command-line.
If a breakpoint slot is empty, the word ’Available’ appears under the Address column.
6.14.1 Adding a Breakpoint
To add a breakpoint, with the cursor in the Breakpoint Window, click the right mouse button to
open the Breakpoint Shortcut Menu. Select the Add Breakpoint option from the Shortcut Menu.
In the Edit Breakpoint dialog (Figure 6-20), enter the address for the new breakpoint in the
Address text box. Press the OK button to close the dialog and save the new breakpoint.
Figure 6-20. Edit Breakpoint Dialog
M68ICS05POM/D 6-21
You may qualify the breakpoint using these qualifiers:
Count: Enter the number of times the address will be reached before breaking, i.e.,
break after n times (the default is n=1).
Accumulator value: Enter the number the accumulator value must reach before
breaking, i.e., break if address and A=n.
X index register value: Enter the number the index register value must reach before
breaking, i.e., break if address and X=n.
Stack Pointer value: Enter the number the stack pointer value must reach before
breaking, i.e., break if address and SP=n.
6.14.2 Editing a Breakpoint
To edit a breakpoint or view address information, double click on any empty breakpoint slot in
the Breakpoint Window listbox. The Edit Breakpoint dialog (Figure 6-20) displays address
information for the empty breakpoint slot. Enter the appropriate address and other conditional
qualifiers and press the OK button to exit.
In the Breakpoint Window, select the breakpoint to edit. Then use one of the following methods
to open the Breakpoint Shortcut menu and edit the breakpoint:
Click the right mouse button to open the Breakpoint Shortcut Menu and select the
Edit Breakpoint menu option.
Press the Insert key.
Double click on the breakpoint in the listbox. In the Edit Breakpoint dialog, enter the
new breakpoint address and conditional qualifiers. Press the OK button to close the
dialog and store the new settings (or press the Cancel button to close the dialog
without saving new settings).
6.14.3 Deleting a Breakpoint
In the Breakpoint Window, choose the breakpoint to delete, and use one of the following
methods to delete the breakpoint:
Click the right mouse button to open the Breakpoint Shortcut Menu and select the
Delete Breakpoint menu option.
Press the Delete key, to remove the selected breakpoint from the breakpoint list.
Press the OK button to close the Breakpoint Window and store the changes (or press Cancel to
close the window without saving the changes).
6.14.4 Removing All Breakpoints
In the Breakpoint Window, click the right mouse button to open the Breakpoint Shortcut Menu.
Choose the Remove All Breakpoints menu option to clear all breakpoints. Press the OK button to
store changes and close the Breakpoint Window (or press the Cancel button to close the
Breakpoint Window without saving changes).
Use the Programmer Windows to enter or display programming information and to choose the
files to upload or download.
Programming software in the PC controls the M68ICS05P pod programming socket (U2), and
sends RESET, CLOCK, DATA, and other control signals to the pod by means of the serial
During programming, you may use three Programming Windows:
Pick Window: The Pick Window (Figure 6-21) displays all programming actions and
functions for you to select.
Figure 6-21. PROG05P9 Programmer Pick Window
Status Window: The Programmer Status Window accepts programming commands
on the command line or from the Pick Window and displays the command results in
the message area. It is identical in form and function to the ICS05PW Status Window.
Files Window: The Programmer Files window (Figure 6-22) identifies the filename
of the download and upload files.
Figure 6-22. Programmer Files Window
For more information about using the Programmer windows, see the PROGRAM command
explanation in Chapter 7.
M68ICS05POM/D 6-23
The Register Block Window (Figure 6-23) can be opened by pressing the Register Files button
on the ICS05PW toolbar or by entering the R command in the Status Window command line.
Figure 6-23. The Register Block Window
The R command loads the register interpreter and opens the Register Files window. From this
window, you can establish the WinReg (Figure 6-24) and Register Window text, colors, and
window positions and view the processor’s register files (sold separately by P&E Microcomputer
If you have added register files to your host computer, you can select a file from the list of
register files to display the addresses and address descriptions for each and to begin the
interactive setup of system registers (for example, the I/O, timer, and COP Watchdog Timer).
You can view the registers, modify values, and store results in memory.
Figure 6-24. The WinReg Window with Typical Register File Information
To enter commands in the ICS05PW Status window command line:
1. Type the command and its options and/or arguments in the text area (the command
2. When the command is complete, press the Enter key to execute the command.
3. If the command has not been entered correctly, the Status window will display a
message such as Invalid command or parameter. If the command has been entered
correctly, other prompts, messages, or data appropriate to the command entered are
displayed in the Status window text area.
4. After the command has been executed, a new blank line appears in the command line.
5. The ICS05PW maintains a command buffer containing the commands and system
responses to the commands entered on the command line. You can use the mouse or
keyboard commands to sequence forward or backward through the command buffer.
For more instructions on using the ICS05PW command set, see Chapter 7, The ICS05PW
Command Set.
The ICS05PW Toolbar (Figure 6-25) provides a number of convenient shortcut buttons that
duplicate the function of the most frequently used menu options. A tooltip or label pops up when
the mouse button lingers over a toolbar button, identifying the button’s function.
Figure 6-25. WinIDE Toolbar
Table 6-2 identifies and describes the WinIDE toolbar buttons.
M68ICS05POM/D 6-25
Table 6-2. ICS05PW Toolbar Buttons
Icon Button Label Button Functi on
Back to Editor Return to the W inIDE editor.
Load S19 File Open the
Specify S19 File to Load
dialog to choose an
S19 file.
Reload Current S19 Reload the last (most cur rently loaded) S19 file.
Reset Simulate a r eset of t he MCU and sets the program
counter (PC) t o the contents of the reset vector (does
not start execution of user code).
Step Execute the STEP com mand.
Multiple Step Execute the STEPFO R com m and.
Go Execute the GO com mand.
Stop Stop execution of assem bly comm ands.
Play Macro Open the
Specify Macro File to Execute
dialog to
choose a macro to execute.
Record Macro Open the
Specify Macro File to Recor d
dialog to enter
a filenam e for t he m acro.
Stop Macro Function Stop recording the macr o.
Open Logfile Execute the LOGFI LE command. Opens the
Output Logfile
Close Logfile Execute the LOGFI LE command; closes the current
Table 6-3 summarizes WinIDE menu titles and options.
Table 6-3. ICS05PW Menus and Options Summary
Menu Option Description
Load S19 File Open the
Specify S19 File to O pen
dialog to choose S19 file.
Reload Last
S19 Reload the last S19 file used, or ( if none loaded) display the
Specify S19 File to O pen
Play Macro Open the
Specify Macro File to Execut e
Record Macro Open the
Save As . . .
Stop Macro Close t he macro or script file.
Open Logfile Executes the LOGFILE command.
Close Logfile Executes the LOGFI LE command.
Exit Close the ICS05PW simulator.
Processor Reset the emulat ion MCU and prog r am count er to the cont ent s
of the r eset vector.
Step Execute the STEP command.
Multiple Step Execute the STEPFOR command.
Go Execute the GO com mand.
Stop St op code execution.
Command Repeat the last command entered in the Status Window
command line.
M68ICS05POM/D 6-27
Table 6-3. ICS05PW Menus and Options Summary (continued)
Menu Option Description
Code 1 Togg les t he Code 1 Window open/closed.
Code 2 Togg les t he Code 2 Window open/closed.
Memory Toggles the Memory Window open/closed.
Variables Togg les t he Var iables Window open/closed.
Cycles Toggles the Cycles Window open/closed.
Status Toggles the Stat us Window open/closed.
CPU Toggles the CPU Window open/closed.
Chip Toggles the Chip Window open/closed.
Colors Opens the
Changes Windows Color s
Desktop Executes the LO ADDESK com m and to load the desktop
settings from a file.
Save Desktop Executes the SAVEDESK command to save the cur r ent
desktop set tings to a file.
Use the ICS05PW File menu options to load, reload, open, or close files, play or record macros,
or exit the ICS05PW application.
To perform a File operation, click once on the File menu (Figure 6-26) title to open the menu.
Click on the option to execute.
Figure 6-26. File Menu
The following topics describe and explain the ICS05PW File operations and dialogs.
6.20.1 Load S19 File
Select the Load S19 File option from the File menu to open the Specify S19 File to Load dialog
(Figure 6-27). If the S19 file is not in the default directory, choose a filename and drive/directory,
and network path of an object file or source file to load in the Debugger main window. You can
also use this option to load SLD Map files.
Figure 6-27. Specify S19 File to Load Dialog
To load an S19 or .MAP file, choose the Load S19 File option from the File menu to open the
Specify S19 File to Load dialog. Choose the path and filename and press OK to open the selected
file in the ICS05PW (or press Cancel to close the dialog without making a selection).
Alternatives: Press the F2 function key or click the Load S19 File toolbar button, or enter the
LOAD command and filename and other arguments in the Status window command line.
6.20.2 Reload Last S19
Select the Reload Last S19 option from the File menu to open the Specify S19 File to Load
dialog (Figure 6-27) and select the most recently opened S19 or .MAP file to open in the
Debugger main window. Follow the procedure for loading an S19 file (above).
Alternatives: Press the F3 function key or click the Reload Current S19 toolbar button. These
are the keyboard equivalents to choosing the File - Reload Last S19 menu option.
M68ICS05POM/D 6-29
6.20.3 Play Macro
Select the Play Macro option from the File menu to open the Specify MACRO File to Execute
dialog (Figure 6-28) to specify a macro filename and drive/directory path to play.
Figure 6-28. Specify MACRO File to Execute Dialog
Alternatives: Press the Ctrl + P key combination or click the Play Macro toolbar button These
are the keyboard equivalents to choosing the File - Play Macro menu option.
6.20.4 Record Macro
Select the Record Macro option from the File menu to open the Specify MACRO File to
Record dialog (Figure 6-29) and specify a macro filename and drive/directory path to record.
Figure 6-29. Specify MACRO File to Record Dialog
After the macro file has been chosen, all keyboard commands entered in the Debugger window
will be recorded in the macro file and can be repeated by playing “back” the macro using the File
- Play Macro menu option.
Alternatives: Press the Ctrl + M key combination or click the Record Macro toolbar button
These are the keyboard equivalents to choosing the File - Record Macro menu option.
6.20.5 Stop Macro
Select the Stop Macro option from the File menu (or press the Ctrl + S key combination) to
stop the active macro’s execution.
Alternatives: Press the Ctrl + S key combination or click the Stop Macro toolbar button. These
are the keyboard equivalents to choosing the File - Stop Macro menu option.
6.20.6 Open Logfile
Select t he Open Logfile option from the File menu to open the Specify Output LOG File dialog
(Figure 6-30). Use this dialog to specify a log filename and directory/drive path in which to save
output log information for the current debugging session.
Figure 6-30. Specify Output LOG File Dialog
If the specified log file exists, a message box (Figure 6-31) prompts you to:
Overwrite the existing logfile with current logging information
Append the current logging information at the end of the existing logfile
Cancel the Open Logfile command without saving logging information
Figure 6-31. Logfile Already Exists Dialog
The open log file does not appear in the Debugger window. To enable logging in a currently
active logfile, you must execute the LF (Log File) command as well, otherwise no logging occurs
in the open log file.
M68ICS05POM/D 6-31
The LF command begins logging of commands and responses to the specified external. While
logging is enabled, any line appended to the command log window is also written to the log file
(Figure 6-32). Logging to the external file continues until another LF command stops logging
and closes the log file.
Figure 6-32. A Sample Output Log File
You may view the logfile in the WinIDE editor or in any program that displays text files.
Alternatives: Press the Ctrl + L key combination or click the Open Logfile toolbar button
These are the keyboard equivalents to choosing the File - Open Logfile menu option.
6.20.7 Close Logfile
Choose Close Logfile from the File menu to stop logging and close the active logfile.
Alternatives: Type Ctrl + C or click the Close Logfile button on the toolbar, or enter the LF
command in the Status window command line. These are the keyboard equivalents to choosing
the File - Close Logfile menu option.
6.20.8 Exit
Choose Exit from the File menu to close the Debugger application.
Alternative: Type Ctrl + X to ex it the Debugger application and close the subordinate and main
windows. This is the keyboard equivalent to choosing the File - Exit menu option.
Use the ICS05PW Execute menu options to reset the emulation microcontroller and perform
debugger routines.
To perform an Execute operation, select Execute in the Menu bar to open the Execute menu
(Figure 6-33). Click on an option to perform the operation.
Figure 6-33. ICS05PW Execute Menu
6.21.1 Reset Processor
Choose Reset Processor from the Execute menu to send the RESET command to the
emulation MCU and reset the program counter (PC) to the contents of the reset vector.
Alternative: Press the F4 function key. This is the keyboard equivalent of the Execute - Reset
Processor menu option.
6.21.2 Step
Choose Step from the Ex ecute menu t o send the S ingle St ep (Trace) comm and to th e MCU. The
Step command executes a single instruction, beginning at the current program counter (PC)
address value.
The Step command does not execute instructions in real-time, so timer values
cannot be tested using this command.
Alternative: Press the F5 function key. This is the keyboard equivalent to choosing the
Execute - Step menu option.
M68ICS05POM/D 6-33
6.21.3 Multiple Step
Choose Multiple Step from the Execute menu to send the STEPFOR command to the MCU.
The STEPFORM command begins continuous instruction execution, beginning at the current
program counter (PC) address value, and continuing until any key is pressed.
The Multiple Step command does not execute instructions in real-time, so timer
values cannot be tested using this command.
Alternative: Press the F6 function key. This is the keyboard equivalent to choosing the
Execute - Multiple Step menu option.
6.21.4 Go
Choose Go from the Execute menu to start execution of code in the ICS05PW at the current
address. Code execution continues until a stop command is entered, a breakpoint is reached, or
an error occurs.
Alternative: Press the F7 function key. This is the keyboard equivalent to choosing the
Execute - Go menu option.
6.21.5 Stop
Choose Stop from the Execute menu to stop program execution and update the ICS05PW
simulator windows with current data.
Alternative: Press the F8 function key. This is the keyboard equivalent to choosing the
Execute - Stop menu option.
6.21.6 Repeat Command
Choose Repeat Command from the Execute menu to repeat the execution of the last command
entered in the Status Window command line.
Alternative: Press the F9 function key. This is the keyboard equivalent to choosing the Execute
- Repeat Command menu option.
Use the Window menu options to change the window displays in the ICS05PW simulator.
To make changes to the windows, select Window in the Menu bar to open the Window Menu
(Figure 6-34). Click on an option to perform the operation.
Figure 6-34. Window Menu
6.22.1 Open Windows
The Window menu options itemize the source file windows that can be opened in the ICS05PW.
A check beside the window name toggles that window display to on. Uncheck the window name
to close the window; check the window name to open it.
For example, Figure 6-35 indicates that all ICS05PW windows are open except Code 1. To open
the Code 1 window, click on the Code 1 option. To close the Chip Window, click on the Chip
option to remove the check and close the window.
M68ICS05POM/D 6-35
6.22.2 Change Colors
Choose Change Colors from the Windows menu to open the Change Window Colors Dialog
(Figure 6-35).
The Change Window Colors dialog displays the color settings for the ICS05PW debugger
windows or window components. To see the current settings, select the window or window
element from the list on the left. To change the foreground or background color setting for this
window or element, uncheck the Use Defaults for Foreground/Background checkbox, and use the
left mouse button to select a foreground color, or use the right mouse button to select a
background color. Press the OK button to save the color changes (or press the Cancel button to
close the dialog without saving changes).
Some window items allow only the foreground or background to be changed.
Figure 6-35. Change Window Colors Dialog
6.22.3 Reload Desktop
Choose Reload Desktop from the Windows menu to reload the stored configuration for the
current project.
This option is useful for restoring desktop window to their stored sizes and locations after
making changes. To make changes permanent, choose the Save Desktop option. The new
window sizes and locations will be written over the old settings, and stored with other project
6.22.4 Save Desktop
Choose Save Desktop from the Windows menu to save the current configuration of the
desktop, the position and size of the windows in the ICS05PW simulator.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-1
This chapter consists of:
A logical overview of the ICS05PW debugging command set
An explanation of rules for using the command set, including command syntax and
A summary of commands by type and function
Detailed descriptions of the commands, with example usage
The ICS05PW simulator command set consists of commands for simulating, debugging,
analyzing, and programming microcontroller programs. Use the commands to:
Initialize emulation memory
Display and store data
Debug user code
Control the flow of code execution
A command is a line of ASCII text that you enter from the computer keyboard. For ICS05PW
debugging commands, enter the command and its arguments in the ICS05PW Status window
command line. Press Enter to terminate each line and activate the command. The typical
command syntax is:
command A command name, in upper- or lower-case letters.
<argument> An argument indicator; when arguments are italicized, they
represent a placeholder for the actual value you enter; when not
italicized, they indicate the actual value to enter. Table 7-1 explains
the possible argument values.
In command syntax descriptions:
[ ] brackets enclose optional items,
| a vertical line means or,
... an ellipsis means that you can repeat the preceding item,
( ) parentheses enclose items only for syntactical purposes
Except where otherwise noted, numerical values in debugging command examples are
M68ICS05POM/D 7-3
Table 7-1 lists the argument types used for commands. Table 7-2 lists the commands
alphabetically and summarizes their functions.
7.3.1 Argument Types
Table 7-1. Argument Types
Type Syntax I ndi cat ors Explanation
Numeric <n>, <rate>, <data>,
<signal>, <frame>,
<freq uency>, <clips>,
<count>, <value>
Hexadecimal values, unless otherwise noted.
For decimal values, use the pr efix ! or the suffix T.
For binary values, use the prefix % or the suf fix Q.
Example: 64 = !100 = 100T = %1100100 = 1100100Q .
Address <address> Four or fewer hexadecimal digits, with leading zeros when
appropriate. If an addr ess is decim al or binary, use a pref ix
or suf fix, per the explanation of numeric ar guments.
Range <range> A range of addresses or num ber s. Specify the low value,
then the hig h value, separ at ed by a space. Use leading
zeros if appropr iate.
Symbol <symbol>, <label> Symbols of ASCI I characters , usually symbols f r om source
Filename <f ilenam e> T he nam e of a file, in DOS form at: eig ht or fewer ASCII
characters. You may include an optional extension (thr ee or
fewer charact er s) after a per iod. If the file is not in the
current dir ect ory, precede the name with one or more
directory names.
Capital letters, such
as CLIPS A word to be entered as shown, althoug h opt ionally in lower
<type>, <state>,
<id>, <mcuid>,
<tag>, <signal>,
<mode>, <v>
Sets of keywords: enter one of the set for a comm and.
Operator <op> + (add); - ( s ubt r act); * (m ultiply); or / ( divide)
7.3.2 Command Summary
Table 7-2. ICS05PW Command Overview
Command Description
A Set the accumulat or to specified value and display new value in CPU
Window. ( I dent ical to the ACC comm and. )
ACC Set the accumu lat or to specified value and display new value in CPU
Window. (I dent ical to the A command.)
ASM Assemble M68HC05 instruct ion m nem onics and place resulting m achine
code in memory at t he specified address.
BELL Sound PC bell the specif ied num ber of tim es.
BF Fill a block of memory with a specified byte, word, or long value.
BR Display or set instr uct ion breakpoint to specified values or at cur sor location.
BREAKA Set accumulator br eakpoint t o halt code execution when the accumulat or
value equals the specif ied value.
BREAKSP Set stack pointer br eakpoint to halt code execution when the SP equals the
specified value.
BREAKX Set index breakpoint t o halt code execution when the X or Index reg ist er
equals the specified value.
C Set or clear the C bit of the CCR.
CAPTURE Specify location t o be m onit o r ed for changes in value.
CAPTUREFILE Open a capture file t o record changed values. ( I dent ical to the CF command.)
CCR Set the CCR in the CPU to t he specified hexadecimal value.
CF Open a capture file to r ecor d changed values. Identical t o t he CAPTUREFILE
CHIPMODE Set chip for sim u lat ion
CLEARMAP Remove the current MAP file from m em o r y.
CLEARSYMBOL Remove all user-defined symbols from mem or y.
COLORS Set simulator color s
CY Change t he value of the cycles counter.
CYCLES Change the value of the cycles counter.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-5
Table 7-2. ICS05PW Command Overview (continued)
Command Description
DASM Disassemble machine instructions, display addresses and contents as
disassembled instruct ions in the Code Window.
DDRA Assign the specified byte value to t he Por t A data direction r egister ( DDRA) .
DDRB Assign the specified byte value to t he Por t B data direction r egister ( DDRB) .
DUMP Send contents of a block of memor y to t he Status Window in bytes, words or
EVAL Evaluate a numerical te r m or expression and give the result in hexadecimal,
decimal, oct al, and binar y format.
EXIT Terminat e t he software and close all windows. (Identical to Q UI T.)
G Start execution of code at the current PC addr ess or at an optional specified
address. (I dentical to the G O and RUN com m ands.)
GO Start execution of code at t he cur r ent PC address or at an optional specified
address. (I dentical to the G and RUN com m ands. )
GOMACRO Execute the program in the simulator beginning at t he address in the PC and
continue until a k eypress, Stop Macro command (f rom the T oolbar ),
breakpoint , or error occur s .
GOT I L Execute code beginning at the PC address and continue unt il t he PC cont ains
the specif ied ending address or unt il a keypress, Stop Macro command ( from
the Toolbar ) , breakpoint, or error occurs.
GOT O CYCLE Execute code beginning at the current PC and continue until the cycle
counter is eq ual t o or greater than the value specified.
H Set or clear the H bit in t he CCR.
HELP Open the I CS05PW Help File
I Set or clear the I bit of the CCR.
INFO Display inform at ion about the line highlighted in the sour ce window.
INPUTA Set the simulat ed input s to Port A.
INPUTB Set the simulat ed input s to Port B.
INPUTS Show the simulated input values to Port A and B.
INT View or assign the stat e value of the MCU IRQ pin. (I dent ical to the IRQ
Table 7-2. ICS05PW Command Overview (continued)
Command Description
IRQ View or assig n t he st ate value of the MCU IRQ pin. ( Identical to t he I NT
LF Open a new or specified external file to receive log entries of com m ands and
responses in the Stat us Window. (I dent ical t o the LOGFI LE com m and.)
LISTO FF Turn off scr een listing of stepping informat ion.
LISTO N Tur n on scr een list ing of st epping inf or m ation.
LOAD Load S19 obj ect file and associated MAP file into t he I CS05PW.
LOADDESK Load the deskt op settings for window positions, size, and visibility.
LOADMAP Load a MAP file containing source level debug inform a t ion int o t he ICS05PW.
LOGFILE Open a new or specify an existing external file to receive log ent r ies of
commands and responses from the Status Window. (Ident ical t o the LF
MACRO Execute a macro file containing debug com m and sequences.
MACROEND Close the macro f ile in which the debug com m and sequences are being
MACROSTART Open a macro f ile and save all subseq uent debug commands to this file until
closed by the MACROEND command during an act ive ICS05PW session.
MAP View information f r om t he current MAP file st or ed in m em or y. ( Identical to t he
SHOWMAP command.)
MD Display the contents of memory locations beg inning at the specified address
in the Memory Window.
MM Modify contents of m em or y beg inning at the specified address, and/or select
bytes, words, longs.
N Set or clear the N bit of the CCR.
NOBR Remove one or all of active break points.
NOMAP Remove the current MAP f ile from memory, forcing the I CS05PW to show
disassembly in the code windows instead of user source code. (Identical t o
the CLEARMAP command.)
NOSYMBOL Remove all user-defined symbols fr om memory; symbols def ined in a loaded
MAP file are not affected by the NOSYMBOL comm and.
PC Assign the specified value to t he MCU program counter .
M68ICS05POM/D 7-7
Table 7-2. ICS05PW Command Overview (continued)
Command Description
POD Attempt t o connect with the I CS05PW circuit board through the specified
COM port; when successful, the POD command returns the current status of
ports, reset and IRQ pins on t he ICS05PW boar d and the board version
PORTA Assign the specified value to the Port A out put regist er lat c hes. ( Identical to
the PRTA command.)
PORTB Assign the specified value to the Port B out put regist er lat c hes. ( Identical to
the PRTB command.)
PROGRAM St art the pr ogramm e r for t he desir ed device.
PRTA Assign the specified value to the Port A output reg ist er latches. (I dent ical to
the PORT A command.)
PRTB Assign the specified value to the Port B output reg ist er latches. (I dent ical to
the PORT B command.)
QUIT Terminate the I CS05PW application and close all windows. (Identical t o the
EXIT command.)
R Open window for Register files (available separately fr om P&E Microcomputer
Systems) and starts interactive setup of system registers such as I/O, time,
REG Display content s of CPU reg ist er s in the Status Window. (Ident ical t o the
STAT US com m and. )
REM Enter comments in a m acr o file.
RESET Simulate a reset of the MCU and sets the PC t o t he contents of the reset
vector. Does not st ar t execution of user code.
RESETGO Sim ulat es a reset of the MCU, sets PC to content s of the reset vector, and
starts execution from t he PC addr ess.
RUN Start execution of code at the cur r ent PC current or specified address.
(Identical t o the G or G O com m and.)
SAVEDESK Save the desk top setting s for t he I CS05PW program when it is first opened
or f or use with t he LO ADDESK com m and.
SCRIPT Execute a macro file containing debug command seq uences. (Ident ical t o t he
MACRO command.)
SHOW Display the contents of memory locations in the Memory Window beginning at
the specif ied addr ess. (Identical t o t he MD command.)
Table 7-2. ICS05PW Command Overview (continued)
Command Description
SHOWBREAKS Open window displaying breakpoints used in the current debug session, and
allow modifying br eakpoints.
SHOWCODE Display code in the Code Windows beginning at the specified address, but
without changing t he value of the PC.
SHOWMAP View current MAP f ile.
SHOWPC Display code starting from address in the PC in the Code Window.
SHOWTRACE Display the Tr ace Window with the last 1024 instruct ions executed since t he
TRACE command issued.
SNAPSHOT Save window data to the open log f ile.
SP Assign specified value to the stack pointer used by the CPU and display in
the CPU Window.
SS Step through a specified number of sour ce code instructions, starting at the
current PC addr ess value, t hen halt .
ST Step through a specified number of assembly instructions, star t ing at the
current PC addr ess value, t hen halt . (Ident ical t o t he STEP and T
STACK Open the HC05 Stack Window showing the st ack pointer value, dat a stored
on the stack , and the result s of RTS or RTI instr uction.
STATUS Display the cont ents of t he CPU register s in t he St atus Window. (Identical to
the REG comm and.)
STEP Step thr ough a specified num ber of assem bly instr uct ions, starting at the
current pr ogram count er addr ess value, t hen halt. (Identical to the ST or T
STEPFOR Execute instructions cont inuously, one at a t im e, starting at the current PC
address and continuing unt il r eaching an error condit ion, br eakpoint, or
STEPTIL Step t hrough instr uctions starting at curr ent PC addr ess and continue until
PC value reaches the specified addr ess, or until keypress, break point, or
error occurs.
SYMBOL View current or creat e new symbols.
SYSINFO Show the amount of system m emory available to the ICS05PW and the
largest m e m or y block available.
T Step through a specified num ber of assembly instr uct ions, starting at the
current PC addr ess, then halt. ( I dent ical to the ST or STEP commands. )
M68ICS05POM/D 7-9
Table 7-2. ICS05PW Command Overview (continued)
Command Description
TRACE Toggle tracing.
UPLOAD_SREC Upload the content of the specified memory block ( r ange) in S19 file f or mat
and display the contents in the St atus Window, and enter information into t he
current log f ile.
VAR Display specified address and contents in the Variables Window for viewing
during code execution.
VER Display version and data of ICS05PW. (I dent ical to the VERSION command.)
VERSION Display version and data of ICS05PW. (Identical to the VER command. )
WAI T Delay simulator command execution by a specified num ber of cycles.
WHEREIS Display value of the specified symbol.
X Set the X regist er to the specified value and display in the CPU Window.
(Identical to the XREG command.)
XREG Set the X reg ist er to the specified value and display in the CPU Window.
(Identical to the X com m and.)
Z Tog gle the Z bit in the CCR.
The following sections, which are arranged alphabetically by command name, describe the
commands in detail.
A or ACC Set Accumulator Value
The ACC command sets the accumulator to a specified value. The value entered with the
command is shown in the CPU window. The ACC and A commands are identical.
<n> The value to be loaded into the accumulator.
Set the accumulator to $10.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-11
ASM Assemble Instructions
The ASM command assembles M68HC05-family instruction mnemonics and places the resulting
machine code into memory at the specified address. The command displays a window with the
specified address (if given) and current instruction, and prompts for a new instruction. Enter the
new instruction in the New Instruction text box. Press the Enter key to assemble the new
instruction, store and display the resulting machine code, then move to the nex t memory location
where you will be prompted for another instruction.
If there is an error in the instruction format, the address stays at the current address and an
assembly error flag appears. To exit assembly, press the Exit button.
<address> Address where machine code is to be generated. If you do not
specify an <address> value, the system checks the address used by
the previous ASM command, then uses the next address for this
ASM command.
With an address argument:
ASM 100
The Assembly Window appears as shown on the left of Figure 7-1; the Assembly Window with
the ASM command and no argument is shown on the right).
Figure 7-1. Assembly Window Showing ASM Command
with Argument (left), without Argument (right)
BELL Sound PC Bell
The BELL command sounds the PC bell the specified number of times. If you enter no argument,
the bell sounds once. To turn off the bell as it is sounding, press any key.
<n> The number of times to sound the bell.
Ring PC bell 3 times.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-13
BF Block Fill Memory
The BF command fills a block of memory with a specified byte, word, or long value. The
optional argument specifies whether to fill the block in bytes (.B, the default, 8 bits), in words
(.W, 16 bits), or in longs (.L, 32 bits).
[.B | .W | .L] <startrange> <endrange> <n>
<startrange> Beginning address of the memory block (range).
<endrange> Ending address of the memory block (range).
<n> Byte, word, or long value to be stored in the specified block.
If the byte variant (.B) is used , then <n> must be a 8-bit value.
If the word variant (.W) is used , then <n> must be a 16-bit value.
If the long variant (.L) is used , then <n> must be a 32-bit value.
BF C0 CF FF Store FF in bytes at addresses C0-CF.
BF.W 300 31F 4143 Store word value 4143 at addresses 300-31F.
BR Set Instruction Breakpoint
The BR command displays or sets instruction breakpoints, according to its parameter values:
If you enter no parameter values, the BR command displays a list of all current
breakpoints in the status window.
If you enter an <address> value, the BR command sets a breakpoint at the specified
You may also enter an optional value <n> with the address to specify a break count. The BR
command sets a breakpoint at the specified address, but code execution does not break until the
nth time it arrives at the breakpoint.
The maximum number of breakpoint addresses is 64. Each BR,
BREAKA, BREAKSP, or BREAKX command that includes an
address value uses an additional breakpoint address, unless the
address is a duplicate. For example, if 64 BR commands already
have taken up 64 addresses, the only way to include an address
value in a BREAKA, BREAKSP, or BREAKX command is to
duplicate one of those 64 addresses.
If source code is displayed in either code window, you can set, remove, or clear all breakpoints
using mouse or keyboard commands:
1. Position the cursor on the line of code for which you want to set a breakpoint.
2. Press the right mouse button once to open the Code Window Shortcut Menu.
3. Select Toggle Breakpoint at Cursor option. If there is no current breakpoint set at this
line of code, a breakpoint will be set. If there is a current breakpoint set at this line of
code, the breakpoint will be removed.
To remove all breakpoints:
Enter the NOBR command in the Status Window command line.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-15
BR (continued)
BR [<address> [<n>]] ;set a breakpoint
BR ;list current breakpoints
<address> The address for a breakpoint.
<n> Break after value: code execution passes through the breakpoint n-
1 times, then breaks the nth time it arrives at the breakpoint.
BR 300 Set a breakpoint at address 300
BR 330 8 Set a breakpoint at address 330, break on eighth arrival at
BREAKA Set Accumulator Breakpoint
The BREAKA command sets an accumulator breakpoint to halt code execution when the value
of the accumulator equals the specified n value.
With an n value, the command forces a break in execution as soon as the accumulator
value equals n.
With n and address values, the command forces a break in execution when the
accumulator value equals n and execution arrives at the specified address. (If the
accumulator value changes from n by the time execution arrives at the address, no
break occurs).
The maximum number of breakpoint addresses is 64. Each BR,
BREAKA, BREAKSP, or BREAKX command that includes an
address value uses an additional breakpoint address, unless the
address is a duplicate. For example, if 64 BR commands already
have taken up 64 addresses, the only way to include an address
value in a BREAKA, BREAKSP, or BREAKX command is to
duplicate one of those 64 addresses.
If you enter the BREAKA command without an address value, the halt in code execution clears
the accumulator breakpoint. To cancel the accumulator breakpoint before the halt occurs, enter
the BREAKA command without any parameter values. (If you enter the BREAKA command
without an address value, the accumulator breakpoint does not show in the BREAKPOINT
If you enter the BREAKA command with an address value, you may clear the accumulator
breakpoint by one of these methods:
Enter the NOBR command
Position the cursor on that address in the code window, then press the right mouse
button, and select Toggle Breakpoint at Cursor menu item.
[<n> [<address>]]
<n> Accumulator value that triggers a break in execution.
<address> Optional address for the break in execution (provided that the
accumulator value equals n).
M68ICS05POM/D 7-17
BREAKA (continued)
BREAKA 55 Break execution when the accumulator value equals 55.
BREAKA Cancel the accumulator breakpoint.
BREAKA 55 300 Break execution at address 300 if accumulator value equals
BREAKSP Set Stack Pointer Breakpoint
The BREAKSP command sets a stack pointer breakpoint to halt code execution when the value
of the stack pointer equals a specified value.
With an n value, the command forces a break in execution as soon as the stack pointer
value equals n.
With n and address values, th e BREAKSP command forces a halt in ex ecution when
the stack pointer value equals n and execution arrives at the specified address. (If the
stack pointer value changes from n by the time execution arrives at the address, no
break occurs).
The maximum number of breakpoint addresses is 64. Each BR,
BREAKA, BREAKSP, or BREAKX command that includes an
address value uses an additional breakpoint address, unless the
address is a duplicate. For example, if 64 BR commands already
have taken up 64 addresses, the only way to include an address
value in a BREAKA, BREAKSP or BREAKX command is to
duplicate one of those 64 addresses.
If you enter the BREAKSP command without an address value, the halt i n code execution cl ears
the stack pointer breakpoint. To cancel the stack pointer breakpoint before the halt occurs, enter
the BREAKSP command without any parameter values. (If you enter the BREAKSP command
without an address value, the stack pointer breakpoint does not show in the Breakpoint
If you enter the BREAKSP command with an address value, you may clear the stack pointer
breakpoint by one of these methods:
Enter the NOBR command
Position the cursor on that address in the code window, then press the right mouse
button, and select Toggle Breakpoint at Cursor menu item.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-19
BREAKSP (continued)
[<n> [<address>]]
<n> Stack pointer value that triggers a break in execution.
<address> Optional address for the break in execution (when that the stack
pointer value equals n).
BREAKSP E0 Break execution when the stack pointer (SP) value equals
BREAKSP Cancel the SP breakpoint.
BREAKSP E0 300 Break execution at address 300 if SP value equals E0.
BREAKX Set Index Register Breakpoint
The BREAKX command sets an index breakpoint to halt code execution when the value of the
index register equals the specified n value.
With an n value, the command forces a break in execution as soon as the index
register value equals n.
With n and address values, the command forces a halt in execution when the index
register value equals n and execution arrives at the specified address. (If the index
register value changes from n by the time execution arrives at the address, no halt
The maximum number of breakpoint addresses is 64. Each BR,
BREAKA, BREAKSP, or BREAKX command that includes an
address value uses an additional breakpoint address, unless the
address is a duplicate. For example, if 64 BR commands already
have taken up 64 addresses, the only way to include an address
value in a BREAKA, BREAKSP or BREAKX command is to
duplicate one of those 64 addresses.
If you enter the BREAKX command without an address value, the halt in code execution clears
the index register breakpoint. To cancel the index register breakpoint before the halt occurs, enter
the BREAKX command without any parameter values. (If you enter the BREAKX command
without an address value, the index register breakpoint does not show in the Breakpoint
If you enter the BREAKX command with an address value, you may clear the index register
breakpoint using one of these methods:
Enter the NOBR command
Position the cursor on that address in the code window, then press the right mouse
button, and select Toggle Breakpoint at Cursor menu item.
[<n> [<address>]]
<n> Index register value that triggers a break in execution.
<address> Optional address for the break in execution (when that the index
register value equals n).
M68ICS05POM/D 7-21
BREAKX (continued)
BREAKX A9 Break execution when the index register value equals A9.
BREAKX Cancel the index breakpoint.
BREAKX A9 300 Break execution at address 300 if index register value
equals A9.
C Set/Clear Carry Bit
The C command sets or clears the C bit of the condition code register (CCR).
The CCR bit designators are in the lower portion of the CPU
window. The CCR pattern is 111HINZC (H is half-carry, I is IRQ
interrupt mask, N is negative, Z is zero and C is carry). A letter in
these designators means that the corresponding bit of the CCR is
set; a period means that the corresponding bit is clear.
C 0|1
C 0 Clears the C bit of the CCR.
C 1 Sets the C bit of the CCR.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-23
CAPTURE Capture Changed Data
The CAPTURE command specifies locations to be monitored for changes in value. If the value
of such a location changes and if a capture fil e is open, the file records t he change in val ue. (See
the CAPTUREFILE or CF command for more information about capture files).
To stop monitoring a location, specify that same location in another CAPTURE command, or
close the capture file. (Closing the capture file undoes the specifications for all monitoring
Before you enter the CAPTURE command, open a capture file via
the CAPTUREFILE or CF command. The CAPTURE command
has no effect unless a capture file is open.
<address> [<address>...]
<address> Location to be monitored for a change in value.
CAPTURE PORTA Monitor location PORTA for any value changes.
CAPTURE C0 Monitor RAM location C0 for any value changes.
CAPTURE D0 D1 D2 Monitor for any value changes in an array of locations.
CAPTUREFILE or CF Open/Close Capture File
The CAPTUREFILE command opens a capture fi le to record changed values. If the specified file
does not yet exist, this command creates the file. If the file already exists, you can use an optional
parameter to specify whether to overwrite existing contents (R, the default) or to append the log
entries (A). If you omit this parameter, a prompt asks for this overwrite/append choice.
The command interpreter does not assume a filename extension for the capture file. To close the
capture file, enter this command without any parameter values.
The CF and CAPTUREFILE commands are identical. If no CAPTURE command has specified
locations to be monitored, the CF and CAPTUREFILE commands have no effect.
The CAPTURE command specifies the location to be monitored
for value changes. Closing the capture file deletes the location
specification. The simulator continues writing to an open capture
file. The capture file must be closed within a reasonable time, to
prevent the file from growing large.
[<filename> [R | A]]
<filename> Name of the capture file.
CF TEST4.CAP A Open capture file TEST4.CAP; append new entries
M68ICS05POM/D 7-25
CCR Set Condition Code Register
The CCR command sets the condition code register (CCR in the CPU) to the specified
hexadecimal value. The value entered with the command displays in the CPU Window.
The CCR bit designators are in the lower portion of the CPU
window. The CCR binary pattern is 111HINZC (H is half-carry, I
is IRQ interrupt mask, N is negative, Z is zero and C is carry). A
letter in these designators means that the corresponding bit is set; a
period means that the corresponding bit is clear.
<n> The new hexadecimal value for the CCR.
CCR E4 Assign the value E4 to the CCR. This makes the binary
pattern 11100100; the N bit set, other bits clear.
CHIPMODE Set Chip for Simulation
The CHIPMODE command displays the Pick Device dialog containing a list of the HC05 devices
that can be simulated with ICS05P for Windows. Select the device in the following window:
Figure 7-2. Pick Device Dialog
The selection of a new chip does not take effect until the next
debugging session.
CHIPMODE Choose the device for simulation.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-27
The CLEARMAP command removes the current MAP file from memory, forcing the debugger
to show disassembled code in the Code Windows instead of source code. Symbols defined using
the SYMBOL command are not affected by this command. (The NOMAP command is identical
CLEARMAP Clears symbols and their definitions.
CLEARSYMBOL Clear User Symbols
The CLEARSYMBOL command removes all the user-defined symbols (created with the
SYMBOL command). Debug information from MAP files, used for source level debugging, is
not affected by the CLEARSYMBOL command.
List the current user-defined symbols using the SYMBOL
CLEARSYMBOL Clears user defined symbols.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-29
COLORS Set Simulator Colors
The COLORS command opens the Change Window Colors dialog that lets you choose the text
and background colors for windows in the ICS05PW simulator. After you set colors options for
the windows, save the changes using the SAVEDESK command. For more information about
using the Change Window Colors dialog, see paragraph 6.22.2.
COLORS Open the colors window.
CYCLES Set Cycles Counter
The CYCLES command changes the value of the cycle counter. The cycle counter counts the
number of processor cycles that have passed during execution. The Cycle Window shows the
cycle counter. The cycle count can be useful for timing procedures.
<n> Integer value for the cycles counter.
CYCLES 0 Reset cycles counter.
CY 1000 Set cycle-counter value to 1000.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-31
DASM Disassemble Memory
The DASM command disassembles machine instructions, displaying the addresses and their
contents as disassembled instructions in the debug window.
If the command includes an address value, one disassembled instruction is shown,
beginning at that address.
If you enter the command without any parameter values, the software finds the most
recently disassembled instruction then shows the next instruction, disassembled.
If the command includes startrange and endrange values, the software shows
disassembled instructions for the range.
If you enter the DASM command with a range, sometimes the
disassembled instructions scroll through the status window too
rapidly to view. In this case, enter the LF command, to record the
disassembled instructions in a logfile, or use the scroll bars in the
status window.
[<address> | <startrange> <endrange>]
<address> First address of three instruction opcodes to be disassembled.
<startrange> Starting address for a range of instructions to be disassembled.
<endrange> Ending address for a range of instructions to be disassembled.
DASM 300
0300 A6E8 LDA #0E8
DASM 200 208
0200 5F CLRX
0201 A680 LDA #80
0203 B700 STA PORTA
0205 A6FE LDA #FE
0207 B704 STA DDRA
DDRA Set Port A Direction Register
The DDRA command assigns the specified byte value to the port A data direction register
(DDRA). Bits assigned 0 denote input pins; bits assigned 1 denote output pins.
<n> The byte value to be placed into DDRA.
DDRA FF Set all port A pins to be outputs.
DDRA 00 Set all port A pins to be inputs.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-33
DDRB Set Port B Direction Register
The DDRB command assigns the specified byte value to the port B data direction register
(DDRB). Bits assigned 0 denote input pins; bits assigned 1 denote output pins.
<n> The byte value to be placed into DDRB.
DDRB 03 Set the lower two bits of port B pins as outputs, set the
others to be inputs.
DDRB FF Set all port B pins to be outputs.
DUMP Dump Memory to Screen
The DUMP command sends contents of a block of memory to the status window, in bytes,
words, or longs. The optional variant specifies whether to fill the block in bytes (.B, the default),
in words (.W), or in longs (.L).
When you enter the DUMP command, sometimes the memory
contents scroll through the debug window too rapidly to view.
Accordingly, you can either the LF command to record the memory
locations in a logfile, or use the scroll bars in the status window.
[.B | .W | .L] <startrange> <endrange> [<n>]
<startrange> Beginning address of the memory block.
<endrange> Ending address of the memory block (range).
<n> Optional number of bytes, words, or longs to be written on one
DUMP C0 CF Dump array of RAM values, in bytes.
DUMP.W 300 37S Dump ROM code in address 300-37S in words.
DUMP.B 200 300 Dump contents of addresses 200-300 in rows of eight bytes.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-35
EVAL Evaluate Expression
The EVAL command evaluates a numerical term or simple expression, giving the result in
hexadecimal, decimal, octal, and binary formats. In an expression, spaces must separate the
operator from the numerical terms.
Octal numbers are not valid as parameter values. Operand values
must be 16 bits or less. If the value is an ASCII character, this
command also shows the ASCII character as well. The parameters
for the command can be a number, or a sequence of: number,
space, operator, space, and number. Supported operations are
addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), logical
AND (&), and logical OR (^).
<n> [<op> <n>]
<n> Alone, the numerical term to be evaluated. Otherwise either
numerical term of a simple expression.
<op> The arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /, &, or ^) of a simple expression
to be evaluated.
EVAL 45 + 32
0077H 119T 0001670 0000000001110111Q "w"
0064H 100T 0001440 0000000001100100Q "d"
EXIT or QUIT Exit/Quit Application
The EXIT command terminates the software and closes all windows. The QUIT command is
identical to EXIT.
EXIT Finish working with the program.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-37
GO Begin Program Execution
The GO command starts execution of code at the current program counter (PC) address, or at an
optional specified address.
The G, GO, and RUN commands are identical.
If you enter only one address, that address is the starting address. If you enter a second address,
the execution stops at that address. If you specify only one address, the execution continues until
you press a key, it arrives at a breakpoint, or an error occurs.
If you want to see the windows update with information during
execution of code, use the STEPFOR command.
[<startaddr> [<endaddr>]]
<startaddr> Optional execution starting address. If the command does not have
a <startaddr> value, execution begins at the current PC value.
<endaddr> Optional execution ending address.
GO Begin code execution at the current PC value.
GO 346 Begin code execution at address 346.
G 300 371 Begin code execution at address 300. End code execution
just before the instruction at address 371.
RUN 300 Begin code execution at address 300.
GOMACRO Execute Macro after Break
The GOMACRO command executes the program in the simulator begi nning at the address in the
program counter (PC). Execution continues until you press a key, until it arrives at a breakpoint,
or until an error occurs. Afterwards it runs the specified macro file just like the MACRO
<filename> The name of a script file to be executed, with or without ex tension
.MAC, or a pathname that includes an asterisk (*) wildcard
character. When the asterisk is entered, the command displays a list
of appropriate files, from which you can select the required file.
GOMACRO AVCALC.MAC Begin code execution at the current PC value; at breakpoint
execute macro AVCALC.MAC.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-39
GOTIL Execute Until Address
The GOTIL command executes code beginning at the address in the program counter (PC).
Execution continues until the program counter contains the specified ending address, or until you
press a key or the Stop button on the ICS05PW toolbar, or until it reaches a breakpoint, or until
an error occurs.
<endaddr> The address at which execution stops.
GOTIL 2F0 Executes code up to address 2F0.
GOTOCYCLE Execute to Cycle Counter Value
The GOTOCYCLE command executes the program in the simulator beginning at the address in
the program counter (PC). Execution continues until the cycle counter is equal to or greater than
the specified value, or until you press a key or the Stop button on the ICS05PW toolbar, until it
reaches a breakpoint, or an error occurs.
<n> Cycle-counter value at which execution stops.
GOTOCYCLE 100 Execute the program until the cycle counter equals 100.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-41
H Set/Clear Half-Carry Bit
The H command sets or clears the H bit in the condition code register (CCR).
The CCR bit designators are in the lower portion of the CPU
window. The CCR pattern is 111HINZC (H is half-carry, I is IRQ
interrupt mask, N is negative, Z is zero and C is carry). A letter in
these designators means that the corresponding bit of the CCR is
set; a period means that the corresponding bit is clear.
H 0|1
H 1 Sets the H bit in the CCR.
H 0 Clear the H bit of the CCR.
HELP Open Help
The HELP command opens the Windows help file for the program. An alternative way to open
the help system is to press the F1 key.
HELP Open the help system
M68ICS05POM/D 7-43
I Set/Clear Interrupt Mask
The I command sets or clears the I bit of the condition code register (CCR).
The CCR bit designators are in the lower portion of the CPU
window. The CCR pattern is 111HINZC (H is half-carry, I is IRQ
interrupt mask, N is negative, Z is zero and C is carry). A letter in
these designators means that the corresponding bit of the CCR is
set; a period means that the corresponding bit is clear.
I 0|1
I 1 Set the I bit in the CCR.
I 0 Clear the I bit of the CCR.
INFO Display Line Information
The INFO command displays information about the line highlighted in the source window.
Information displayed includes the name of the file in the window, the line number, the address,
the corresponding object code, and the disassembled instruction.
INFO Display information about the cursor line.
Filename:PODTEST.ASM Line number:6
Disassembly:START 5F CLRX
M68ICS05POM/D 7-45
INPUTA Set Port A Inputs
The INPUTA command sets the simulated inputs to port A. The CPU reads this input value when
port A is set as an input port.
If the ICS05 circuit board is connected, port A inputs come from
the board, so this command has no effect.
<n> Eight-bit simulated value for port A.
INPUTA AA Simulate the input AA on port A.
INPUTB Set Port B Inputs
The INPUTB command sets the simulated inputs to port B. The CPU reads this input value when
port B is set as an input port.
If the ICS05 circuit board is connected, port B inputs come from
the board, so this command has no effect.
<n> Eight-bit simulated value for port B.
INPUTB 01 Simulate the input 01 on port B.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-47
INPUTS Show Port Inputs
The INPUTS command shows the simulated input values to port A and B (entered via the
INPUTA or INPUTB commands).
If the ICS05 circuit board is connected, this command shows input
values from the board.
Show I/O port input values.
Port A - AA
Port B - 01
IRQ Set IRQ Pin State
The IRQ command assigns the state value of the MCU IRQ pin. To see the current simulated
value on the pin, enter this command without any parameter value. The external interrupt is
simulated as a level or edge/level triggered interrupt, depending on the IRQ bit in the MOR
register. (The INT command is identical).
If the ICS05 circuit board is connected, the IRQ pin value come
from the board, so this command has no effect.
IRQ [0 | 1]
INT 0 Assign 0 to the IRQ pin.
IRQ 1 Assign 1 to the IRQ pin.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-49
LISTOFF Turn Off Step Listing
The LISTOFF command turns off the screen listing of the step-by-step information for stepping.
Register values and program instructions do not appear in the status window as code runs. (This
display state is the default when the software is first started.)
To turn on the display of stepping information, use the LISTON command.
LISTOFF Do not show step information.
LISTON Turn On Step Listing
The LISTON command turns on the screen listing of the step by step information during
stepping. The register values and program instructions are displayed in the status window while
running code. The values shown are the same values seen by the REG instruction.
To turn off this step display, use the LISTOFF command.
LISTON Show step information.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-51
LOAD Load S-Records
The LOAD command loads an S-record (*.S19) object file and associated map file into the
debugger. Entering this command without a filename value brings up a list of .S19 files in the
current directory. Select a file for loading from this list. Upon loading, if the reset vector is
defined in the code, the debugger sets the PC to that address.
<filename> The name of the .S19 file to be loaded. The .S19 extension can be
omitted. The filename value can be a pathname that includes an
asterisk (*) wildcard character. If so, the command displays a
window that lists the files in the specified directory, having the
.S19 extension.
LOAD PROG1.S19 Load file PROG1.S19 and its map file into the simulator at
the load addresses in the file.
LOAD PROG2 Load file PROG2.S19 and its map file into the simulator at
the load addresses in the file.
LOAD A: Display the names of the .S19 files on the diskette in drive
A:, for user selection.
LOAD Display the names of the .S19 files in the current directory,
for user selection.
LOADDESK Load Desktop Settings
The LOADDESK command loads the debugger window (desktop) settings for window position,
size, and visibility, allowing you to choose how the windows will be set up for the project.
Use the SAVEDESK command to save the debugger window settings to the desktop file.
LOADDESK Get window settings from desktop file.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-53
LOADMAP Load Map File
The LOADMAP command loads into the ICS05PW simulator a map file that contains source
level debug information. Entering this command without a filename parameter brings up a list of
.MAP files in the current directory. From this a file can be selected directly for loading map file
<filename> The name of a map file to be loaded. The .MAP extension can be
omitted. The filename value can be a pathname that includes an
asterisk (*) wildcard character; If so, the command displays a lists
of all files in the specified directory that have the .MAP extension.
LOADMAP PROG.MAP Load map file PROG.MAP into the host computer.
LOADMAP PROG1 Load map file PROG1.MAP into the host computer.
LOADMAP A: Displays the names of the .MAP files on the diskette in
drive A:
LOADMAP Display the names of the .MAP files in the current
LOGFILE Open/Close Log File
The LOGFILE command opens an external fil e to recei ve log entries of the com mands entered i n
the command line of the ICS05PW Status Wi ndow and the system responses to those commands
that appear in the Status Window message area.
If the specified file does not exist, this command creates the file.
If the file specified file exists, you can enter an optional parameter to specify whether
to overwrite existing contents (R, the default) or to append the log entries (A). If this
parameter is omitted, a prompt window asks if you want to overwrite the existing file
or append information to the existing file.
While logging is in effect, any line appended to the command log window is also written to the
log file.
Logging continues until another LOGFILE or LF command is entered without any parameter
values. This second command disables logging and closes the log file.
The command interpreter does not assume a filename extension.
[<filename> [<R | A>]]
<filename> The filename of the log file (or logging device to which the
log is written).
>LF TEST.LOG R Start logging. Overwrite file TEST.LOG (in the current
directory) with all lines that appear in the status window.
>LF TEMP.LOG A Start logging. Append to file TEMP.LOG (in the current
directory) all lines that appear in the status window.
>LOGFILE (If logging is enabled): Disable logging and close the log
M68ICS05POM/D 7-55
MACRO Execute Batch File
The MACRO command executes a macro file, a file that contains a sequence of debug
commands. Executing the macro file has the same effect as executing the individual commands,
one after another. The SCRIPT command is identical.
Entering this command without a filename value brings up a list of macro (.MAC) files in the
current directory. You can select a file for execution directly from this list.
A macro file can contain the MACRO command, allowing you to
next macro files up to 16 levels deep.
The most common use of the REM and WAIT commands is within
macro files. The REM command displays comments while the
macro file executes; the WAIT command establishes a pause
between the execution of the macro file commands.
If a startup macro file is in the directory, startup routines run the macro file each time the
application starts. See the STARTUP command for more information.
<filename> The name of a macro file to be executed, with or without ex tension
.MAC. The filename can be a pathname that includes an asterisk
(*) wildcard character. If so, the software displays a list of macro
files, for selection.
MACRO INIT.MAC Execute commands in file INIT.MAC.
SCRIPT * Display names of all .MAC files (then execute the selected
MACRO A:* Display names of all .MAC files in drive A (then execute
the selected file).
MACRO Display names of all .MAC files in the current directory,
then execute the selected file.
MACROEND Stop Saving Commands to Batch File
The MACROEND command closes the macro file in which the software has saved debug
commands. (The MACROSTART command opened the macro file). This stops saving debug
commands to the macro file.
MACROEND Stop saving debug commands to the macro file, then close
the file.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-57
MACROSTART Save Debug Commands to Batch File
The MACROSTART command opens a macro file and saves all subsequent debug commands to
that file for later use. This file must be closed by the MACROEND command before the
ICS05PW session is ended.
The name of the macro file to save commands. The .MAC
extension can be omitted. The filename can be a pathname
followed by the asterisk (*) wildcard character; if so, the
command displays a list of all files in the specified directory
that have the .MAC extension.
MACROSTART TEST.MAC Save debug commands in macro file TEST.MAC
MD Display Memory at Address
The MD command displays (in the memory window) the contents of memory locations
beginning at the specified address. The number of bytes shown depends on the size of the
window and whether ASCII values are displayed. If a log file is open, this command also writes
the first 16 bytes to the log file. The MD and SHOW commands are identical.
<address> The starting memory address for display in the upper left corner of
the memory window.
MD 200 Display the contents of memory beginning at address 200.
SHOW 100 Display the contents of memory beginning at address 100.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-59
MM Modify Memory
The MM command directly modifies the contents of m emory beginning at the specified address.
The optional variant specifies whether to fill the block in bytes (.B, the default), in words (.W),
or in longs (.L). If, however, the command has only an address value, the Modify Memory dialog
(Figure 7-3) appears showing the specified address and its present value. Use the dialog to enter a
new value for the address or to modify the address type by selecting 8-bit bytes, 16-bit words, 32-
bit longs. To modify several memory locations from this dialog, enter the new value in the New
Value text box and press the >> button to increment the current address, or the << button to
decrement the current address, or the = button to display the same address.
Figure 7-3. Modify Memory Dialog
If the MM command includes optional data values, the software assigns the values to the
specified addresses sequentially, then the command ends. No window appears in this case.
[.B|.W|.L] <address>[<n> ...]
<address> The address of the first memory location to be modified.
<n> The value(s) to be stored (optional).
With only one address:
MM 90 Start memory modify at address $90.
MM 300 00 Assign value 00 to address $300.
MM 100 00 01 10 11 Assign values 00-11 to bytes 100-103.
MM.L 200 123456 Place long value $123456 at address $200.
N Set/Clear Negative Bit
The N command sets or clears the N bit of the condition code register (CCR).
The CCR bit designators are in the lower portion of the CPU
window. The CCR pattern is 111HINZC (H is half-carry, I is IRQ
interrupt mask, N is negative, Z is zero and C is carry). A letter in
these designators means that the corresponding bit of the CCR is
set; a period means that the corresponding bit is clear.
N 0|1
N 1 Set the N bit of the CCR.
N 0 Clear the N bit of the CCR.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-61
NOBR Remove Breakpoints
The NOBR command removes one or all active breakpoints. If this command has an address
value, it removes the breakpoint at that address. If this command has no parameter values, it
removes all current breakpoints. To set breakpoints use the BR command.
An alternative way for clearing a breakpoint in the code window is to position the cursor on a
line of code, then press the right mouse button and select Toggle Breakpoint at Cursor menu
item. This removes the breakpoint from the line.
<address> Optional address of a single breakpoint to be removed.
NOBR Remove all current instruction breakpoints.
NOBR 120 Remove the instruction breakpoint at address 120.
NOSYMBOL Clear User Symbols
The NOSYMBOL command removes all user defined symbols created using the SYMBOL from
memory. Symbols are created using the SYMBOL command. Symbols defined via a loaded
MAP file are not affected.
NOSYMBOL Clears user defined symbols and their definitions.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-63
PC Set Program Counter
The PC command assigns the specified value to the MCU program counter. As the PC always
points to the address of the next instruction to be executed, assigning a new PC value changes the
flow of code execution; the code windows change accordingly. The value entered with the
command is displayed in the CPU Window.
An alternative way for setting the PC in a code window is to position the cursor on a line of code,
then press the right mouse button and select the Set PC at Cursor menu item. This assigns the
address of that line to the PC.
<address> The new PC value.
PC 0200 Sets the PC value to 0200.
POD Change Serial Port
The POD command connects to the ICS05 circuit board through the specifi ed serial (COM) port.
If successful, this command responds with the current status of ports, reset, and IRQ pins on the
board. The command also shows the version of the board.
POD <n>
<n> The number (1...8) of a serial port (COM1 through COM8) on the
POD 1 Connect to serial port COM1.
Port A - 80
Port B - 00
Reset - 1
IRQ - 1
Version - 01
M68ICS05POM/D 7-65
PORTA or PRTA Set Port A Output Latches
The PORTA command assigns the specified value to the port A output register latches. (The
PRTA command is an alternate form of the PORTA command).
If the ICS05 circuit board is connected, the system sends the n
parameter value of this command to the board.
<n> The new value for the port A output latches.
PORTA FF Set all port A output latches high.
PORTB or PRTB Set Port B Output Latches
The PORTB command assigns the specified value to the port B output register latches. (The
PRTB command is an alternate form of the PORTB command).
If the ICS05P circuit board is connected, the system sends the n
parameter value of this command to the board.
<n> The new value for the port B output latches.
PORTB 03 Set the port B output latches to 03.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-67
PROGRAM Start Programmer
The PROGRAM command starts the programmer. The programmer is used for such procedures
as programming, verifying, blank-checking the sample EPROM, and programming the MOR
byte for the desired device.
Programming software installed on the host computer can control the M68ICS05P pod
programming socket (U2). The host computer can send RESET, CLOCK, DATA, and other
control signals from to the pod through the serial connection.
After entering the PROGRAM command and before beginning to program the EPROM, follow
the directions in the popup windows for setting the power switches and control signals. After
these have been set, the Pick window displays the command choices summarized in Table 7-3.
During programming, you may use the three programming windows:
Pick Window
The Pick Window (Figure 7-4) displays all programming actions and functions.
Figure 7-4. PROG05P Programmer Pick Window
Status Window
The Programmer Status Window accepts programming commands on the command line or from
the Pick Window, then displays the command results in the message area. It is identical in form
and function to the ICS05PW Status Window.
File Window
The Programmer File window identifies the filenames of the downloaded and uploaded files.
PROGRAM (continued)
Table 7-3. PROGRAM Commands
Cmd Function Description
BC Blank Check - $00
everywhere? Check s whether the device has been erased.
PB Program Bot h EPRO M then
MOR Progr am s all of the EPRO M space, t hen t he MOR
byte of t he HC705P9 from the download file specified
by the SD programming command and shown in the
Progr am mer Files Window.
PE Program EPRO M only Prog r ams only the EPROM space of the HC705P9
(not t he MOR) from t he file specified in the file
PM Program MOR byte in device Asks for a value for the MOR byte and then programs
that locat ion only in the HC705P9.
QU Quit; Exit the Program mer Powers down the progr am med device and returns to
the simulator.
SD Specify Dnld (Download) File Gives the name of t he S19 file to be pr ogrammed
(shown in file window).
SU Specify Upld (Upload) File Gives the name of t he S19 file in which to upload
code (shown in file window).
UL Upload to Upld S-Rec File Reads the entire EPROM space (including MOR byte)
of t he HC705P9 part and places it int o the upload file.
Verifies t hat an upload file has been specified.
VE Verify to Simulator OR -Verify
to Dnld S-Rec File Verifies t he device to t he download f ile specified in
the status window.
To execute a programming command in the Pick Window, double-click on the command (or
select the command and press the OK button).
The programming commands are saved in a file. The default file for downloading command
comes from simulator memory. If you wish to use another S19 file to program the device, use the
SD command to open the dialog and enter or select the new download filename. The
Programmer Files window shows the download and upload filenames. When MCU programming
completes, the ICS05PW simulator interface returns.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-69
PROGRAM (continued)
PROGRAM Starts the programmer.
R Use Register Files
The R command pulls up windows for the register files (sold separately by P&E) and starts
interactive setup of such system registers as the I/O, timer, and COP.
Entering this command opens the register files window, which can present a list of register files
for the device (if set up previously). Selecting a file brings up a display of values and significance
for each bit of the register. The user can view any of t he registers, modi fy their values, and st ore
the results back into memory.
An alternate way to bring up the register files window is to press the Register Files speed button.
RStart interactive system register setup.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-71
REG Show Registers
The REG command displays the contents of the CPU registers in the Status window. (The
STATUS command is identical to the REG command.)
REG Displays the contents of the CPU registers.
REM Place Comment in Batch/Macro File
The REM command lets you display comments in a macro file. When the macro file executes,
the text comment appears in the status window.
<text> A comment to be displayed when a macro file is executing.
REM Program executing;Display the message Program executing during macro
file execution.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-73
RESET Simulate Processor Reset
The RESET command simulates a reset of the MCU and sets the program counter (PC) to the
contents of the reset vector. This command does not start execution of user code. (To reset and
execute code, use the RESETGO command.)
RESET Simulate reset of the MCU.
RESETGO Reset and Restart MCU
The RESETGO command simulates a reset of the MCU, sets the program counter (PC) to the
contents of the reset vector, then starts execution from that address.
RESETGO Simulate reset of the MCU and start execution of code.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-75
SAVEDESK Save Desktop Settings
The SAVEDESK command saves window position, size, and other desktop settings. Opening the
application or entering the LOADDESK command loads the saved settings.
SAVEDESK Save window settings for the application.
SHOWBREAKS Display Breakpoint Window
The SHOWBREAKS command brings up the Breakpoint Window that displays the breakpoints
used in the current debugging session. Breakpoints can be modified through this window
SHOWBREAKS Open the breakpoint window.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-77
SHOWCODE Display Code at Address
The SHOWCODE command displays code in the code windows beginning at the specified
address, without changing the value of the program counter (PC). The code window shows either
source code or disassembly from the given address, depending on which mode is selected for the
window. This command is useful for browsing through various modules in the program. To
return to code where the PC is pointing, use the SHOWPC command.
SHOWCODE <address>
<address> The address or label where code is to be shown.
SHOWCODE 200 Show code starting at location $200.
SHOWMAP Show Information in Map File
The SHOWMAP command lets you view information from the current map file stored in the
memory. All symbols defined in the source code used for debugging will be listed. The debugger
defined symbols, defined with the SYMBOL command, will not be shown. The MAP command
is identical to the SHOWMAP command.
SHOWMAP Shows symbols from the loaded map file and their values.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-79
SHOWTRACE Display Trace Window
The SHOWTRACE command displays the trace window, showing the last 1024 instructions that
were executed after the TRACE command is used.
SHOWTRACE Open the trace window.
SNAPSHOT Save Window Data to Log File
The SNAPSHOT command sends textual information about the debugger windows to the open
log file. If no log file is open, the command has no effect.
SNAPSHOT Save window data to the log file.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-81
SP Set Stack Pointer
The SP command assigns the specified value to the stack pointer (SP) used by the CPU. The
value entered with the command should be reflected in the CPU Window.
<n> The new stack pointer value.
SP $E0 Set the stack pointer value to $E0.
SS Execute Source Step(s)
The SS command steps through a specified number of source code instructions, beginning at the
current program counter (PC) address value, then halts. All windows are refreshed as each
instruction is executed. This makes the SS command useful for high level language compilers
(such as C) so that the user can step through compiler source code instead of assembly
If the number argument is omitted, one source instruction is executed. If the SS command is
entered with an n value, the command steps through n source instructions.
SS [<n>]
<n> number of instructions to step through.
SS Step through the instruction at the PC address value.
SS 8 Step through eight instructions, starting at the current PC
address value.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-83
ST or STEP or T Execute Single Step
The STEP command steps through a specified number of assembly instructions, beginning at the
current program counter (PC) address value, then halts. All windows are refreshed as each
instruction is executed. If the number argument is omitted, one instruction is executed. If you
enter the STEP command with a parameter value, the command steps through that many
instructions. (The ST and T commands are identical to the STEP command.)
STEP [<n>]
<n> The hexadecimal number of instructions to be executed by each
STEP Execute the assembly instruction at the PC address value.
ST 2 Execute two assembly instructions, starting at the PC
address value.
STACK Show Stack Window
The STACK command opens the HC05 Stack Window, which shows the stack pointer (SP)
value, data stored on the stack, and results of an RTS or RTI instruction.
STACK Open the stack window.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-85
STEPFOR Step Forever
The STEPFOR command continuously executes instructions, one at a time, beginning at the
current Program Counter (PC) address. Execution continues until an error condition occurs, until
it reaches a breakpoint, or until you press a key or the Stop button on the ICS05PW toolbar. All
windows are refreshed as each instruction is executed.
STEPFOR Step through instructions continuously.
STEPTIL Step Until Address
The STEPTIL command continuously steps through instructions beginning at the current
program counter (PC) address until the PC value reaches the specified address. Execution
continues to the specified address or until you press a key or the Stop button on the ICS05PW
toolbar, or it reaches a breakpoint, or until an error occurs.
<address> Execution stop address. This must be an instruction address.
Execute instructions continuously until PC value is 0200.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-87
SYMBOL Add Symbol
The SYMBOL command creates a new symbol, which can be used anywhere i n the debugger, in
place of the symbol value. If this command is entered with no parameters, it will list the current
user-defined symbols. If parameters are specified, the SYMBOL command will create a new
The symbol label is case-insensitive and has a maximum length of 16T. It can be used with the
ASM and MM commands and replaces all addresses in the Code and Variables windows.
> <
<label> The ASCII-character string label of the new symbol.
<value> The value of the new symbol (label).
SYMBOL Show the current user-defined symbols.
SYMBOL timer_control $08 Define new symbol “timer_control”, with value
$08. Subsequently, to modify the value of
“timer_control”, enter the command:
MM timer_control new_value
TRACE Enable/Disable Tracing
The TRACE command enables or disables instruction captures. When tracing is enabled, the
debugger records instructions in a 1024-element circular buffer. Note that tracing slows
execution somewhat.
The debugger disassembles captured information when buffer contents are viewed through the
trace window. To view tracing results, use the SHOWTRACE command. If tracing is not enabled
or if a trace slot is empty, the Trace Window will display the message No Trace Available. To
clear the Trace Window, toggle tracing OFF and then ON using the TRACE command.
TRACE Enable (or disable) instruction tracing.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-89
UPLOAD_SREC Upload S Record to Screen
The UPLOAD_SREC command uploads the contents of the specified memory block (range), in
.S19 object file format, displaying the contents in the status window. If a log file is opened,
UPLOAD_SREC puts the information into the log file as well.
If the UPLOAD_SREC command is entered, sometimes the
memory contents scroll through the debug window too rapidly to
view. Accordingly, either the LOGFILE command should be used,
which records the contents into a file, or use the scroll bars in the
status window.
<startrange> <endrange>
<startrange> Beginning address of the memory block.
<endrange> Ending address of the memory block (range)
UPLOAD_SREC 300 7FF Upload the 300-7FF memory block in .S19 format.
VAR Display Variable
The VAR command displays the specified address and its contents in the Variables window for
viewing during code execution. Variants of the command display a byte, a word, a long, or a
string. As the value at the address changes, the variables window updates the value. The
maximum number of variables is 32.
In ASCII displays of variables, control characters or other non-printing characters appear as
periods (.). Byte, word, long, or string variants determine the display format:
Byte (.B): hexadecimal and binary (the default)
Word (.W): hexadecimal and decimal
Long (.L): hexadecimal and decimal
String (.S): ASCII characters
The optional <n> parameter specifies the number of string characters to be displayed; the default
value is 1. The <n> parameter has no effect for byte, word, or long values.
[.B|.W|.L|.S] <address> [<n>]
<address> The address of the memory variable.
<n> Optional number of characters for a string variable; default value is
1, does not apply to byte or word variables.
VAR C0 Show byte value of address C0 (hex and binary)
VAR.B D4 Show byte value of address D4 (hex and binary)
VAR.W E0 Show word value of address E0 (hex & decimal)
VAR.S C0 5 Show the five-character ASCII string at address C0
M68ICS05POM/D 7-91
VERSION or VER Display Software Version
The VERSION command displays the version and date of the software. (VER is an alternate
form of this command.)
VERSION Display version and date of the software.
VER Display version and date of the software.
WAIT Wait for
The WAIT command delays simulator command execution by the specified number of cycles.
This command is used in MACRO files to control when inputs come into the simulator. If a
WAIT command is encountered, control is passed back to the keyboard. Then the macro file
execution waits for a command to be entered such as GO or STEP, which starts MC U execution
once again. As soon as the number of cycles that pass is equal to the <n> value of the WAIT
command, the simulator resumes executing commands of the macro file until another WAIT is
encountered or the two mentioned conditions happens again.
<n> The hexadecimal number of cycles to wait.
WAIT A Delay command execution for 10 MCU cycles.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-93
WHEREIS Display Symbol Value
The WHEREIS command displays the value of the specified symbol. Symbol names are defined
through source code or the SYMBOL command. Alternatively, this command returns the symbol
at a specified address.
<symbol> | <address>
<symbol> A symbol listed in the symbol table.
<address> Address for which a symbol is defined.
WHEREIS START Display the symbol START and its value.
WHEREIS 0300 Display the value 0300 and its symbol name if any.
X or XREG Set X Register Value
The X command sets the index (X) register to the specified value. The value entered with the
command is displayed in the CPU Window. (The X command is identical to the XREG
X <
where: <value> The new value for the X register.
X 05 Set the index register value to 05.
XREG F0 Set the index register value to F0.
M68ICS05POM/D 7-95
Z Set/Clear Zero Bit
The Z command sets or clears the Z bit in the condition code register (CCR).
The CCR bit designators are in the lower portion of the CPU
window. The CCR pattern is 111HINZC (H is half-carry, I is IRQ
interrupt mask, N is negative, Z is zero and C is carry). A letter in
these designators means that the corresponding bit of the CCR is
set; a period means that the corresponding bit is clear.
Z 0|1
Z 0 Clear the Z bit of the CCR.
Z 1 Set the Z bit of the CCR.
M68ICS05POM/D 8-1
This section provides information that will guide you through a first-time use of the ICS05PW
software and through a typical setup of the WinIDE.
To demonstrate how source code to be assembled is handled using the ICS05PW simulator,
WinIDE editor, and CASM05W assembler software as an integrated development environment,
consider as an example the following typical project.
The sample files referred to are referenced for illustration purposes
only and are not provided with the software. Create your own
*.ASM files for your projects using the ICS05PW software
components. For information about using files created by other
assemblers, see paragraph 5.4.4.
8.2.1 Set Up the Environment
To begin the project, start the WinIDE editor and establish the desktop and environment settings
for the project:
1. Start the WinIDE editor by selecting the icon from the Windows 95 Start Menu or by
double-clicking on the icon ICS05PW Program Group in the Windows 3.1 Program
2. In the WinIDE editor, choose the Setup Environment option from the File menu to
open the Environment Settings dialog.
3. Enter environment options for the modules of the WinIDE development environment,
represented by the General Editor, General Environment, EXE1, EXE2, and
Assembler/Compiler tabs. For the example project:
a. In the General Environment tab, choose the environment options you prefer.
In the %FILE% Parameter passed to external program is text box, enter the
path and filename (MAIN.ASM).
b. In the General Editor tab, choose the editing options you prefer.
c. In the EXE1 tab, make sure the EXE Path text box points to the
ICS05PW.EXE path and filename, and that the Options tex t box indicates t he
proper communications port (if the pod is to be used).
d. In the Assembler/Compiler tab, make sure these options are selected:
The EXE Path text box indicates the path and filename for the
The Type text box specifies the P&E CASMWxx Assembler.
To view the CASM05W window during assembly, check the Show
Assembler Progress option in the Assembly Preferences section of the
4. Press the OK button to save the settings made in the Environment Settings dialog tabs
and close the dialog.
You have now set up the environment for your project. To save it for later use:
1. In the WinIDE, select the Save Project As . . . option from the Environment menu.
2. In the dialog box, enter a path and a descriptive project filename with the PPF
extension. Place the project file in the directory where the source files will be located.
8.2.2 Create the Source Files
Create new or edit existing source code files using the WinIDE editor:
1. From the File menu, choose the New File option to create a blank source window in
which you can enter source code (or open an existing file using the Open File option).
You can all the source code files in the WinIDE editor and work on them
2. When you have created the new file or edited the existing file, from the File menu,
choose the Save File option to assign a path and filename to the source file (or choose
the Save File As . . . option to assign a new path and filename to an existing file).
3. Create all the source code files required for the project.
M68ICS05POM/D 8-3
The example project consists of 12 source code files created in the WinIDE editor. The files are
then assembled into *.ASM files using WinIDE Assemble/Compile toolbar button. The 12 files
are then listed in a separate file MAIN.ASM.
The MAIN.ASM file consists of $INCLUDE functions, each followed by the filename for the
source code file, followed by an optional comment describing the function of the code in that
file. Using the $INCLUDE function in a main file lets you organize your source code logically
into a number of small files, ultimately making it easier to develop, manage, and work with the
source code. For more information about using the $INCLUDE function, see paragraph 5.6.4.
The example MAIN.ASM file:
Include files
$include "equates.asm"
$include "init.asm"
$include "charge.asm"
$include "dcharge.asm"
$include "options.asm"
$include "misc.asm"
$include "readv.asm"
$include "isr.asm"
$include "display.asm"
$include "eeprom.asm"
$include "text.asm"
$include "vectors.asm"
8.2.3 Assemble the Project
Now you are ready to assemble your project. In the WinIDE, follow these steps:
1. With the MAIN.ASM file in the active window, press the Assemble/Compile File
button (third button from the left) on the WinIDE toolbar to start the assembler from
the WinIDE editor.
2. The assembler concatenates the files in the source code window, assembles them, and
creates the output MAIN.ASM file. MAIN.ASM replaces any previous assembly code
file of the same name in the same directory.
3. If the assembler encounters errors during assembly, the assembler stops and the first
error is displayed highlighted in red in the source file. To correct the errors, click on
the Debugger (EXE1) toolbar button (left-most button) on the WinIDE toolbar to
open or move to the ICS05PW simulator to debug the source code. When you have
finished debugging the code in the ICS06PW simulator, return to the WinIDE editor
by clicking the Back to Editor button (the left-most button) in the ICS05PW toolbar.
4. Continue assembling, debugging, and editing the source files until the assembly
completes successfully.
5. Based on the Output Control options selected in the Assembler/Compiler tab of the
Environment Settings dialog, the assembler creates additional output files with the
filename of the main file and an extension which indicates the file type. The S19 and
MAP files are required; the LST file is optional.
a. MAIN.S19: Motorola S-Record (S19) object code file that you can download
into the simulator.
b. MAIN.MAP: Map file containing information necessary for source level
c. MAIN.LST: Listing file.
6. The CASM05W window displays during assembly, showing the files and progress of
the assembler in the Status area. When assembly completes successfully, the
assembler window appears like the one shown in Figure 8-1.
Figure 8-1. CASM05W Window
The Motorola S-record format was devised for the purpose of encoding programs or data files in
a printable format for transport between computer platforms. The format also provides for editing
of the S-records and monitoring the cross-platform transfer process.
Each S-record is a character string composed of several fields which identify:
record type
record length
memory address
Each byte of binary data is encoded in the s-record as a two-character hexadecimal number:
The first character represents the high-order four bits of the byte
The second character represents the low-order four bits of the byte
The five fields that comprise an S-record are shown in the Table A-1.
Table A-1. S-Record Fields
The S-record fields are described in Table A-2.
Table A-2. S-Record Field Contents
Field Printable
Characters Contents
Type 2 S-record type — S0, S1, etc.
Length 2 Character pair count in t he record, excluding t he t ype
and record leng t h.
Address 4, 6, or 8 2-, 3-, or 4-byte addr ess at which the dat a field is to be
loaded into mem or y
Code/Data 0-2n From 0 t o
bytes of executable code, m em ory
loadable data, or descr iptive informat ion. For
compatibilit y with teletypewriter, some programs m ay
limit the num ber of bytes to as few as 28 (56 printable
characters in the S-record)
Checksum 2 Least significant byte of the one’s complement of t he
sum of t he values repr esent ed by the pair s of
characters m aking up t he r ecor d length, addr ess, and
the code/data fields
Each record may be terminated with a CR/LF/NULL. Additionally, an S-record may have an
initial field to accommodate other data such as line number generated by some time-sharing
Accuracy of transmission is ensured by the record length (byte count) and checksum fields.
Eight types of S-records have been defined to accommodate the several needs of the encoding,
transport, and decoding functions. The various Motorola upload, download, and other record
transport control programs, as well as cross assemblers, linkers, and other file-creating or
debugging programs, utilize only those S-records which serve the purpose of the program. For
specific information on which S-records are supported by a particular program, consult the user
manual for the program.
The ICS05PW supports only the S0, S1, and S9 record types. All
data before the S1 record is ignored. Thereafter, all records must be
S1 type until the S9 record, which terminates data transfer.
An S-record format may contain the record types in Table A-3.
Table A-3. S-Record Types
Type Description
S0 Header recor d for each block of S- r ecor ds. The code/data field may contain any
descriptive infor m at ion ident ifying the following block of S-recor ds. The address
field is nor m ally zeroes.
S1 Code/data r ecor d and the two-byte address at which the code/data is to reside.
S2-S8 Not applicable to I CS05PW
S9 Termination record for a block of S1 r ecor ds. Address f ield m ay optionally contain
the two-byte address of the instruction to which control is to be passed. I f not
specified, t he first int er plant specificat ion encountered in the input will be used.
There is no code/ dat a field.
Only one termination record is used for each block of S-records. Normally, only one header
record is used, although it is possible for multiple header records to occur.
S-record format programs may be produced by dump utilities, debuggers, cross assemblers, or
cross linkers. Several programs are available for downloading a file in the S-record format from a
host system to an 8- or 16-bit microprocessor-based system.
A typical S-record format, as printed or displayed, is shown in this example:
In the example, the format consists of:
an S0 header
four S1 code/data records
an S9 termination record
A.5.1 The S0 Header Record
The S0 header record is described in Table A-4.
Table A-4. S0 Header Record
Field S-Record
Entry Description
Type S0 S- r ecor d type S0, indicating a header record
Length 06 Hexadecimal 06 ( decim al 6) , indicating six character pairs (or ASCII
bytes) follow
Address 0000 Four-char act er two-byte address field, zeroes
Code/Data 48
Descriptive infor m at ion ident ified the following S1 records:
ASCII H, D, and R — “HDR”
Checksum 18 Checksum of S0 record
A.5.2 The First S1 Record
The first S1 record is described in Table A-5.
Table A-5. S1 Header Record
Field S-Record
Entry Description
Type S1 S-record t ype S1, indicat ing a code/data record to be
loaded/verified at a two-byte address
Length 13 Hexadecimal 13 (decimal 19), indicating 19 charact er pair s ,
representing 19 bytes of binar y data, follow.
Address 0000 Four-char acter two-byte address field; hexadecimal address 0000,
indicates location where the following data is to be loaded.
Code/Data Opcode Instruction
0, $04, $012F
4, $23, $018C
Checksum 2A Check sum of the first S1 r ecor d
The 16 character pairs shown in the code/data field of Table A-5 are the ASCII bytes of the
actual program.
The second and third S1 code/data records each also contain $13 (19) character pairs and are
ended with checksum 13 and 52, respectively. The fourth S code/data record contains 07
character pairs and has a checksum of 92.
A.5.3 The S9 Termination Record
The S9 termination record is described in Table A-6.
Table A-6. S-9 Header Record
Field S-Record
Entry Description
Type S9 S-record type S9, indicating a ter mination record
Length 03 Hexadecimal 04, indicating thr ee character pairs ( t hr ee bytes)
Address 0000 Four-c har act er two-byte address field, zeroes
Code/Data There is no code/dat a in a S9 r ecor d
Checksum FC Checksum of S9 record
A.5.4 ASCII Characters
Each printable ASCII character in an S-record is encoded in bi nary. Table A-6 gives an exam ple
of encoding for the S1 record. The binary data is transmitted during a download of an S-record
from a host system to an 9- or 16-bit microprocessor-based system.
This appendix provides technical support information for the M68ICS05P In-Circuit Simulator
Kit, including:
Functional description of the kit
Troubleshooting the Quick Start
Troubleshooting the Programmer
Parts List
The M68ICS05P pod consists of two components:
P emulator
705P Programmer (including VPP generation)
B.2.1 The Emulator
The core of the emulation component of the pod U4 is the MC68HC705C8 device. This MCU
provides the required input/output information that lets the host computer simulate code,
performing all functions except for maintaining port values. The internal EPROM in the C8
device runs a program which generates the appropriate port values.
The ICS05PW software on the host computer lets the host computer become a simulator. When
the ICS requires port data, the computer requests the data through the host’s serial connection to
the C8 device. The C8 responds by sending the data to the host via the serial connection. It is this
arrangement that lets the ICS simulator interface with the real world.
The M68ICS05P pod’s 7.37-MHz crystal provides a clock signal for the C8 device. The clock
runs the device at a 3.68-MHz bus rate. Note that the simulation speed will be less than the bus
rate, because the host computer is the simulator.
The C8 device differs from the P device in that it does not have
programmable pull-ups. Accordingly, the M68ICS05P pod has
external pull-up resistors, which you can select using jumper
headers J4 through J13. To disable the pull-ups, remove the
fabricated jumpers from the corresponding headers.
B.2.2 Programming
In addition to controlling the input and output port signals, the C8 MCU also controls the
programming of the P devices.
To program a 705P device, the EPROM of the device must first be
Programming begins with the initialization sequence:
The host computer sends signals to the C8 device to initiate the programming
sequence, then releases the RESET line.
The host computer then sends data to the 705P device through the C8.
The 705P device self-programs its EPROM array using the data downloaded by the
host computer.
The pod’s MC34063 (U3) device generates the programming voltage (16.5 volts),
controlled at the programming socket by the switch S1 (the Programmer software
prompts you to turn switch S1 on or off as appropriate). In the case of the 705P, this
programming voltage is used only to put the P device in the programming mode. The
P device contains an internal charge pump that supplies internal VPP.
If you should experience difficulties quick-starting your kit using the procedure outlined in
paragraph 1.7, follow these steps:
1. If the 705C8 part (at board location U4) is a windowed device, make certain that a
black opaque label covers the window.
2. Make sure that no hardware security key or other devices are attached to the serial
3. Make sure that the serial cable is correctly attached to the pod, and to the correct
serial port on the host computer.
4. Check the power supply: first make sure that the pod is not connected to the power
supply, then measure the power to confirm that it produces 5 volts. Make sure the
power connector is securely attached. You can measure this voltage with a voltmeter’s
ground connection to the tab of U1 (7805), and the U1’s output pin (the pin located
the closest to R1). This voltage should measure ±.5V (5%).
5. With the pod still disconnected, measure the voltage at connector U1; if it is less than
5 volts:
a. Verify that your power supply is properly plugged into an active wall socket.
b. Verify that the power supply is not being current limited, but providing 9 volts
to the board. You can measure the voltage at the opposite pin of U1 (located
closest to the edge of the board).
c. Remove the C8 part. If the voltage at U1 climbs to 5 volts, the C8 may be
defective. Remove the U5 part.
d. If the voltage is still below 5 volts with both the U4 and U5 removed, the
board may be defective.
e. Call Motorola Board Repair (800-451-3464) to arrange for replacement.
To replace the C8 or P9 part, you must use a programmed
replacement part. It is not sufficient to substitute any C8 part. If a
programmed replacement is not available, you may be able to
program a replacement part yourself by downloading the file
ICS05P.ZIP from Motorola’s freeware bulletin board (512-891-
6. If you measure 5 volts at U1 when the C8 part is installed, measure the voltage
between VDD (pin 3) and VSS (pin 20) of the C8 part at U4. If the level is not also 5
volts, check for a bent pin or other structural problem with the socket or the board
trace. If you can find no structural probl em, cal l Moto rola Board Repair t o arrange for
a board replacement.
7. If there are 5 volts between pins 3 and 20, use an oscilloscope to check the output of
pin 39 of the device at U4. Set the oscilloscope to 0.5 (sec per division. You should
observe approximately 3.5 cycles per division; this corresponds to a 7.36 MHz signal.
If you do not get this result, it may be due to any of these problems:
a. Bad crystal at location Y1
b. Bad resistor at location R21
c. Bad capacitor at location C19 or C20
d. Bad C8 part at location U4
e. Bad socket at location U4
f. Broken trace on pod
g. Cold solder joint on pod
8. If, after checking the board parts, you still have not found the problem, measure the
signals on the clock and serial input pins (2, 3) of connector P2. There should be
activity on these pins when you enter the POD command. If there is no activity on
these pins, check for the following faults:
a. Bad C8 part at location U4
b. Bad socket at location U4
c. Bad connector at location J2
d. Broken trace on pod
e. Cold solder joint on pod
9. If the problem persists, check LED at D1: remove the C8 device, then short socket pin
4 to ground. If the LED does not light, it may be defective or installed backwards.
10. If during the quick-start, the LED at D1 still does not flash, consult a field application
engineer from your Motorola distributor or sales office.
11. If during the quick-start, the LED at D1 continues to flash, check that U4 pin 11 goes
high when you push switch S3. If it does not go high, ohm out resistor R13 and switch
S2. Consult Motorola Board Repair if needed.
If you should experience difficulties when programming a 705P part with which you can perform
other simulator functions, follow these steps:
1. Test the socket XU1/XU2:
a. Verify that no part is in socket XU1/XU2.
b. Verify that the voltage on pin 28 of the socket is 5 volts. If not, the socket may
be bad or there may be a bad pod trace. If you such either, refer to
Troubleshooting the Quick Start (above).
2. Calibrate VPP: If pin 13 has 5 volts, calibrate the VPP using these steps:
a. Turn switch S2 ON.
b. Measure the signal on pin 2 of socket U2.
c. Adjust potentiometer VR1 until your meter reads 16.5 volts.
d. Turn switch S2 to OFF and disconnect VDD power
3. Retest programmer:
a. In the ICS, enter the PROGRAM command and follow the programming
instructions that appear on the screen.
b. Before reinserting the 705P device in socket XU1/XU2, make sure that its
erase window is covered.
c. Choose the BLANK CHECK programming option. There should be no
activity on pin 16 of socket U2.
Use the oscilloscope to measure VPP as the 705P device is being programmed; the VPP should not
drop below 16 volts. If the VPP drops below 16 volts, either or both the 705P device or the
MC34063 device may be defective.
To replace defective parts, call Motorola Board Repair (800-451-3464).
Figure B-1 diagrams the M68ICS05P logic components. Table B-1 itemizes and describes the
M68ICS05P parts list.
Figure B-1. M68ICS05P Schematic Diagram
(Sheet 1 of 2)
Figure B-2. M68ICS05P Schematic Diagram
(Sheet 2 of 2)
Table B-1. M68ICS05P Parts List
Qty Reference Part
5 C1, C7, C10, C13, C17 0.1µF capacitor
3 C2, C5, C8 47µF capacitor
5 C3, C4, C15, C21, C22 1µF capacitor
4 C6, C9, C12, C23 10µF capacitor
1 C11 100pF capacitor
2 C16, C18 27pF capacitor
1C14 22µF capacitor
4 CR1, CR2, CR4, CR5 1N4148 diodes
1 CR3 1N5817 diode
1 D1, D2 LED (red)
1L1 Inductor 180 µH
1L2 Inductor 10 µH
1 P1 2.1mm MALE SOCKET connect or
1 P2 DB-9F connector
2 Q1, Q2 2N3904 transistor
1 Q3 2N3906 transistor
1 R1 .68 ohm resist or, 5%, 1 watt
3 R2, R23, R24 2.2k r esistor
5 R4, R15, R17, R18, R19 10k resistor
3 R5, R7, R14 3.3k resistor
2 R3, R16 100 resist or
1 R8 15k resist or
1 R9 1.3k resistor
2 R10, R13 470 resistor
2 R11, R22 100k resist or
1 RN1 100k 10-pin SIP ( 1 Com m on)
Table B-1. M68ICS05P Parts List (continued)
Qty Reference Part
1 R12 1k resist or
2 R20, R21 10M resistor
1 R16 22k resist or
2 S1, S2 SW DPDT switch
2 S3, S4 SPST switch
1 XU6 50K progr am m ing socket (not populated)
1 XU7 28-pin DIP pr ogramm ing socket
2 XU8, v5 socket 28-pin socket
1 U4 MC68HC705C8A (pre-programm ed) Integ r ated
1 XU4 socket 40-pin socket
1 VR2 10k pot ent iom eter
12 W2, W3, W4, W5, PA0 – PA7 2-pin Berg strip header
1 W1 3-pin Berg st r ip header
1 Y1 4.0 MHz crystal
1 Y2 7.3728 MHz crystal
4 rubber feet
13 jumper shunt s
M68ICS05POM/D Glossary-1
8-bit MCU A microcontroller whose data is communicated over a data bus
made up of eight separate data conductors. Members of the
M68HC05 family of microcontrollers are 8-bit MCUs.
A Abbreviation for the accumulator of the M68HC05 MCU.
accumulator An 8-bit register of the M68HC05 CPU. The contents of this
register may be used as an operand of an arithmetic or logical
assembler Software program that translates source code mnemonics into
opcodes that can then be loaded into the memory of a
assembly language Instruction mnemonics and assembler directives that are
meaningful to programmers and can be translated into an object
code program that a microcontroller understands. The CPU uses
opcodes and binary numbers to specify the operations that make up
a computer program. Humans use assembly language mnemonics
to represent instructions. Assembler directives provide additional
information such as the starting memory location for a program.
Labels are used to indicate an address or binary value.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A widely
accepted correlation between alphabetic and numeric characters
and specific 7-bit binary numbers.
breakpoint During debugging of a program, it is useful to run instructions until
the CPU gets to a specific place in the program, and then enter a
debugger program. A breakpoint is established at the desired
address by temporarily substituting a software interrupt (SWI)
instruction for the instruction at that address. In response to the
SWI, control is passed to a debugging program.
byte A set of exactly eight binary bits.
CAbbreviation for “carry/borrow” in the condition codes register of
the M68HC05. When adding two unsigned 8-bit numbers, the C bit
is set if the result is greater than 255 ($FF).
CCR Abbreviation for “condition codes register” in the M68HC05. The
CCR has five bits (H, I, N, Z, and C) that can be used to control
conditional branch instructions. The values of the bits in the CCR
are determined by the results of previous operations. For example,
after a load accumulator (LDA) instruction, Z will be set if the
loaded value was $00.
clock A square wave signal that is used to sequence events in a
command set The command set of a CPU is the set of all operations that the CPU
knows how to perform. One way to represent an instruction set is
with a set of shorthand mnemonics such as LDA meaning “load
A.” Another representation of an instruction set is the set of
opcodes that are recognized by the CPU.
condition codes register The CCR have five bits (H, I, N, Z, and C) that can be used to
control conditional branch commands. The values of the bits in the
CCR are determined by the results of previous operations. For
example, after a load accumulator (LDA) instruction, Z will be set
if the loaded value was $00.
CPU Central Processor Unit. The part of a computer that controls
execution of instructions.
CPU cycles A CPU clock cycle is one period of the internal bus-rate clock.
Normally this clock is derived by dividing a crystal oscillator
source by two or more so the high and low times will be equal. The
length of time required to execute an instruction is measured in
CPU clock cycles.
CPU registers Memory locations that are wired directly into the CPU logic
instead of being part of the addressable memory map. The CPU
always has direct access to the information in these registers. The
CPU registers in an M68HC05 are A (8-bit accumulator), X (8-bit
index register), CCR (condition codes register containing the H, I,
N, Z, and C bits), SP (stack pointer), and PC (program counter).
cycles See CPU cycles
data bus A set of conductors that are used to convey binary information
from a CPU to a memory location or from a memory location to a
CPU; in the M68HC05, the data bus is 8-bits.
M68ICS05POM/D Glossary-3
development tools Software or hardware devices used to develop computer programs
and application hardware. Examples of software development tools
include text editors, assemblers, debug monitors, and simulators.
Examples of ha5rdware development tools include simulators,
logic analyzers, and PROM programmers. An in-circuit simulator
combines a software simulator with various hardware interfaces.
EPROM Erasable, Programmable Read-Only Memory. A non-volatile type
of memory that can be erased by exposure to an ultra-violet light
source. MCUs that have EPROM are easily recognized by their
packaging: a quartz window allows exposure to UV light. If an
EPROM MCU is packaged in an opaque plastic package, it is
termed a “one-time-programmable” OTP MCU, since there is no
way to erase and rewrite the EPROM.
H Abbreviation for “half-carry” in the condition codes register of the
M68HC05. This bit indicates a carry from the low-order four bits
of an 8-bit value to the high-order four bits. This status indicator is
used during BCD calculations.
I Abbreviation for “interrupt mask bit” in the condition codes
register of the M68HC05.
index register An 8-bit CPU register in the M68HC05 that is used in indexed
addressing mode. The index register (X) can also be used as a
general purpose 8-bit register (in addition to the 8-bit accumulator).
input-output (I/O) Interfaces between a computer system and the external world: for
example, a CPU reads an input to sense the level of an external
signal and writes to an output to change the level on an external
instructions Instructions are operations that a CPU can perform. Instructions are
expressed by programmers as assembly language mnemonics. A
CPU interprets an opcode and its associated operand(s) as an
listing A program listing shows the binary numbers that the CPU needs
alongside the assembly language statements that the programmer
wrote. The listing is generated by an assembler in the process of
translating assembly language source statements into the binary
information that the CPU needs.
MCU Microcontroller: a complete computer system including CPU,
memory, clock oscillator, and I/O on a single integrated circuit.
memory location In the M68HC05, each memory location holds one byte of data and
has a unique address. To store information into a memory location
the CPU places the address of the location on the address bus, the
data information on the data bus, and asserts the write signal. To
read information from a memory location the CPU places the
address of the location on the address bus and asserts the read
signal. In response to the read signal, the selected memory location
places its data onto the data bus.
NAbbreviation for “negative,” a bit i n the conditi on codes register of
the M68HC05. In twos-complement computer notation, positive
signed numbers have a zero in their MSB and a negative numbers
have a one in their MSB. The N condition code bit reflects the sign
of the result of an operation. After a load accumulator instruction,
the N bit will be set if the MSB of the loaded value was a one.
object code file A text file containing numbers that represent the binary opcodes
and data of a computer program. An object code file can be used to
load binary information into a computer system. Motorola uses the
S-record file format for object code files.
operand An input value to a logical or mathematical operation.
opcode A binary code that instructs the CPU to do a specific operation in a
specific way. The M68HC05 CPU recognizes 210 unique 8-bit
opcodes that represent addressing mode variations of 62 basic
OTPROM A non-volatile type of memory that can be programmed but cannot
be erased. An OTPROM is an EPROM MCU that is packaged in
an opaque plastic package, it is called a “one-time-programmable”
MCU because there is no way to expose the EPROM to a UV light.
PC Abbreviation for program counter CPU register of the M68HC05.
program counter The CPU register that holds the address of the next instruction or
operand that the CPU will use.
RAM Random Access Memory. Any RAM location can be read or
written by the CPU. The contents of a RAM memory location
remain valid until the CPU writes a different value or until power
is turned off.
M68ICS05POM/D Glossary-5
registers Memory locations that are wired directly into the CPU logic
instead of being part of the addressable memory map. The CPU
always has direct access to the information in these registers. The
CPU registers in t he M68HC05 are A (8-bit accumulator), X (8-bi t
index register), CCR (condition codes register containing the H, I,
N, Z, and C bits), SP (stack pointer), and PC (program counter).
Memory locations that hold status and control information for on-
chip peripherals are called I/O and control registers.
reset Reset is used to force a computer system to a known starting point
and to force on-chip peripherals to known starting conditions.
S-record A Motorola standard format used for object code files.
simulator A computer program that copies the behavior of a real MCU.
source code See source program
SP Abbreviation for stack pointer CPU register in the M68HC05
source program A text file containing instruction mnemonics, labels, comments,
and assembler directives. The source file is processed by an
assembler to produce a composite listing and an object file
representation of the program.
stack pointer A CPU register that holds the address of the next available storage
location on the stack.
VDD The positive power supply to a microcontroller (typically 5 volts
VSS The 0 volt dc power supply return for a microcontroller.
Word A group of binary bits. Some larger computers consider a set of 16
bits to be a work but this is not a universal standard.
XAbbreviation for “index register,” a CPU register in the M68HC05.
Z Abbreviation for “zero,” a bit in the condition codes register of the
M68HC05. A compare instruction subtracts the contents of the
tested value from a register. If the values were equal, the result of
this subtraction would be zero so the Z bit would be set; after a
load accumulator instruction, the Z bit will be set if the loaded
value was $00.
M68ICS05POM/D Index-1
%FILE%, 4-6, 4-21, 4-26, 4-28, 8-2
.ASM files, 3-2
A command, 7-10
ACC command, 7-10
Accumulator value, 6-21
breakpoints, 6-20
variables, 6-10
address, 5-13
fields in listing file, 6-4
Also save all open editor files, 4-20
characters, A-6
constants, 5-7
files, 3-2
format, 6-12
ASCII files, 6-4
Ask user "Exit Application, 4-20
ASM command, 7-11
Assemble/Compile, 1-6
Assemble/Compile file button, 5-1
assembler, 1-1, 1-2, 3-2
comments, 5-8
constants, 5-7
error messages, 5-17
files, 3-3
listing directives, 5-12
listing files
fields, 5-13
operands, 5-7
third party, 5-6
assembler directives, 5-8
Assembler InterfacE, 5-1
assembler options, 4-17
Assembler Outp uts, 5-5
Assembler Parameters, 5-4
assembler progress window, 4-25
Assemb ler/Compiler options, 1-5
Assembler/Compiler Tab, 4-23
third party, 5-19
conditional, 5-10
assembly files, 3-2
Assembly Preferences, 4-25
Auto-Indentation, 4-22
Auto-Save All Files, 4-20
Auto-Save the Current P roject, 4-20
Back to Editor toolbar button, 4-4
base address
setting, 6-9
batch file
error output, 4-27
BATch files, 4-24
BELL command, 7-12, 7-13
BF command, 7-13
BR command, 7-14
branching, 5-13
editing, 6-21
deleting, 6-21
setting, 6-8
Breakpoint Window, 6-20
breakpoints, 1-2
adding, 6-20
removing, 6-21
BREAKSP command, 7-18
BREAKX command, 7-20
Browse, 3-2
bus rate, B-2
bytes, 4-3
C command, 7-22
C8 device, B-1
speed of assembled code, 6-2
CAPTURE command, 7-23
CAPTUREFILE command, 7-24
CASM, 3-3
CASM Assembler Parameters, 5-4
CASM05W, ii, 1-1, 1-3, 1-5, 1-6, 3-1, 3-2, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-
4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-8, 5-10, 5-11, 5-15, 5-17, 5-19, 6-1, 6-3,
8-1, 8-2, 8-4
window, 1-6, 8-4
CC value, 5-13
CCR command, 7-25
CF command, 7-24
restoring, 4-15
reverses, 4-14
saving, 4-13
CPU information, 6-15
save options, 4-20
software startup, 6-5
changing bases, 6-11
checksum, A-1
child windows, 4-2
chip logic
representing, 6-17
Chip Window, 6-17
variable types, 6-11
Clear All, 6-11
markers, 4-5
variables, 6-11
CLEARMAP command, 7-27
CLEARSYMBOL command, 7-28
client windows
WinIDE, 4-2
clock signal, B-2
current project file, 4-19
closing files
WinIDE, 4-13
code timing, 6-18
Code Window, 7-87
Shortcut menu functions, 6-8
Code W indow Shortcut m e nu, 6-8
code windows, 6-7
code/ data, A-1
Code1 window, 6-7
Code2 window, 6-7
Color, 4-30
column numbers, 4-3
sequences, 1-2
command buffer, 6-24
command line, 6-13
Command Line Parameters, 4-6
command syntax, 7-2
comments, 5-8
ICS, 3-3
communications, 1-2
Compact, 3-3
compiler options, 4-17
compiler types, 4-24
compilers, 3-2
third party, 6-3
ICS05PW, 1-1
conditional assembly, 5-10
configuring external programs in WinIDE, 4-23
Confirm command line, 4-26
Confirm Com mand line before running, 4-29
power supply, 1-4
context-sensitive Help, 1-2
copying text, 4-16
Count:, 6-21
cycles, 6-18
CPU registers, 6-15
CPU results, 6-18
CPU Window, 6-15
Create Backup , 4-22
new file
WinIDE, 4-11
script files, 6-4
source files, 4-14
cross-assembler, 1-1
Currently edited filename, 4-21
customizing environments, 1-5
Cycle Adder, 5-8
Cycle Cntr, 5-13
cycle counter, 5-13
cycle information, including in list file, 4-25
field in listing file, 6-4
CYCLES command, 7-30
Cycles Window, 6-18
DASM command, 7-31
DDRA command, 7-32
DDRB command, 7-33
debugger options, 4-17
debugger routines, 6-32
debuggers, 3-2, 4-23
debugging commands, 6-24
Delete Variable, 6-11
breakpoint, 6-21
variables, 6-11
deleting text, 4-16
desktop information, 4-17
DIP, 1-1
direct addressing mod, 5-16
Direction, 4-31
Code Window Shortcut menu, 6-8
source code, 6-7
Stack Window:, 6-18
Trace Window, 6-19
Variables Shortcut menu, 6-10
distribution media, 3-2
download files, 6-22
drive sp ace, 1-2
DUMP command, 7-34
M68ICS05POM/D Index-3
edit options
WinIDE, 4-14
breakpoints, 6-21
source files, 4-14
text, 3-1
editing options, 4-22
editor, 1-2
Effects, 4-30
emulator, B-1
debugging commands, 6-24
building, 4-3
customizing, 1-5
Environment menu, 1-4
Environment Menu
WinIDE, 4-17
environment settings, 4-16, 4-17
storing, 4-16
Environment Settings Dialog, 1-4
EPROM, 1-2
EQU, 5-15
equate directive, 5-15
Error Filename, 4-27
Error Files, 6-3
Error Format, 4-27
error messages
assembler, 5-17
error output batch file, 4-27
EVAL command, 7-35
listing table, 5-14
macro directive, 5-11
changing number format, 6-11
conditional assembly directives, 5-10
labels, 5-14
S-records, A-3
EXE 1 (Debugger) tab, 4-28
EXE 2 (Programmer) tab, 4-28
EXE Path, 4-24, 4-28
executab le options, 4-17
source code, 6-8
EXIT command, 7-36
WinIDE, 4-11, 4-14
Expand Includes in List, 4-25
Expand Macros in Listing, 4-25
extended addressing mode, 5-16
specifying, 4-6
External Program 1 toolbar button, 4-4
external programs, 4-28
configuring in WinIDE, 4-23
running, 4-23
external pull-down resistors, B-2
FCB directive, 5-16
FDB directive, 5-16
listing files, 6-4
file options
WinIDE, 4-11
File options
ICS, 6-27
storing as parameter, 4-20
filename parameter, 4-6
ASCII, 3-2
assembler, 3-3
assembly, 3-2
ICS, 3-3
ICS05PW, 3-3
listing, 8-4
map, 3-2
object code, 3-2
printing, 4-13
programmer download, 6-22
programmer upload, 6-22
S19, 3-2, 6-3
saving, 4-12, 4-13
startup, 6-6
WinIDE, 3-3
WinIDE, 4-4
Find Dialog
WinIDE, 4-31
Find Next button, 4-31
Find what textbox, 4-32
Fixed Tabs, 4-23
Font, 4-29
font settings, 4-16
Font Style, 4-29
Form Constant Byte, 5-16
Form Double Byte, 5-16
G command, 7-37
General Editor, 1-5
General Editor options, 4-17
General Editor Tab, 4-22
General Environment, 1-5
General Environment options, 4-17
General Environment Tab, 4-20
General Options . . ., 4-22
Give user option t o save each file, 4-21
GO command, 7-37
GOMACRO command, 7-38
Gotil Address at Cursor, 6-8
GOTIL command, 7-39
GOTOCYCLE command, 7-40
H command, 7-41
installation, 2-1
requirements, 1-2
hardware specifications, 1-3
Help, 1-2
HELP command, 7-42
HEX format, 6-12
hexadecimal number format, 6-11
hexadecimal values
field in listing file, 6-4
humidity, 1-3
I command, 7-43
I/O, 1-1
I/O pins, 6-17
ICS, 6-1
Execute Menu, 6-32
Execute Options, 6-32
File Menu, 6-27
File options, 6-27
files, 3-3
menu options
Close Lo gfile, 6-31
Exit, 6-31
Go, 6-33
Load S19 File, 6-28
Multiple Step, 6-33
Open Logfile, 6-30
Open Window, 6-34
Play Macro, 6-29
Record Macro, 6-29
Reload Desktop, 6-35
Reload Last S19, 6-28
Reset Processors, 6-32
Save Desktop, 6-35
Stop, 6-33
Stop Macro, 6-30
starting, 6-5
Window Options, 6-34
Breakpoint Window, 6-20
Chip Window, 6-17
Code Windows, 6-7
CPU Window, 6-15
CPU Wndow, 6-15
Cycles Window, 6-18
Memory, 6-12
Memory Window, 6-12
Personality EEPROM Window, 6-19
Programmer Window, 6-22
Stack Window, 6-18
Status Window, 6-13
Trace Window, 6-19
Variables Window, 6-10
Variables Window, 6-10
ICS05PW, 3-2
ICS05PW, 1-1, 1-2, 1-4, 1-5
Components, 1-1
features, 1 -2
ICS05PW command argument types, 7-3
ICS05PW command overview, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8, 7-9
ICS05PW command set, 7-1
ICS05PW commands, 6-13
ICS05PW simulation speed, 6-1
If Modifi ed files ex ist just prior to ex ternal program
execution:, 4-21
In-circuit simulator
user interface, 6-1
In-Circuit Simulator, 1-1
INCLUDE directive, 5-10
included files, 4-21
included files, expanding, 4-25
indentation, 4-22
INFO command, 7-44
initialization sequence, B-2
INPUTA command, 7-45
INPUTB command, 7-46
INPUTS command, 7-47
compact, 3-3
typical, 3-3
ICS05PW software, 3-2
M68HC705J1A pod, 2-1
M68ICS05P pod, 2-1
software, 3-1, 3-2
INT command, 7-48
integrat ed development environment, 1-1
internal charge pump, B-2
internal registers, 6-15
Interrupt Stack, 6-18
IRQ command, 7-48
jumper headers, B-2
labels, 5-11, 5-13, 5-14, 6-10
LF command, 6-5
line count, 5-13
field in list file, 6-4
line numbers, 4-3
total, 4-3
listing directives, 5-12
M68ICS05POM/D Index-5
listing files, 4-4, 4-25, 5-12, 8-4
fields, 5-13
Listing Files, 5-6, 6-4
Listing Options, 4-25
listing table, 5-13
LISTOFF command, 7-49
LISTON command, 7-50
LOAD command, 7-51
Load S19 File, 6-28
LOADDESK command, 7-52
map files, 6-28
LOADMAP command, 7-53
log files
opening, 6-30
specifying, 6-30
Log Files, 6-5
LOGFILE command, 6-5
M68HC05 MCUs, 6-19
M68HC705P, 1-1, 1-2
M68HC705P6, 1-1, 1-2
M68HC705P9, 1-1
M68ICS05P, i, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 2-1, 4-1, 4-3, 6-1, 6-22,
7-67, B-1, B-2, B-5, B-6, B-7, B-8, B-9
features, 1 -2
M68ICS05P In-Circuit Simulator Kit support information,
M68ICS05P Parts List, B-8, B-9
M68ICS05P pod, 4-3
machine cycles, 5-13
MACRO command, 7-55
MACRO directive, 5-11
MACROEND command, 7-56
forward referencing, 5-12
jumping from, 5-12
recording, 6-29
running, 6-29
stopping, 6-30
macros,expanding, 4-25
MACROSTART command, 7-57
Main Filename, 4-21
Main Filename option
WinIDE, 4-26
Code Window contents, 6-8
open windows, 4-33
variables, 6-10
managing files
WinIDE, 4-11
managing project information, 4-16
map files, 3-2
loading, 6-28
Map Files, 5-5
Marker Sub-menu, 4-6
clearing, 4-5
moving, 4-5, 4-6
setting, 4-5
using, 4-5
Match Case, 4-31, 4-32
Match Whole Word O nly, 4-31, 4-32
MC68HC705C8 device, B-1
MCUs, 1-1
MD command, 7-58
media, 3-2
memory, 1-2
modifying, 6-12
viewing, 6-12
memory address, 5-13, A-1
memory map information, 6-12
Memory Window, 6-12
Shortcut menu, 6-12
memory-maps, 1-2
menu options
WinIDE, 4-9, 4-10, 6-26, 6-27
WinIDE, 4-9
microcontrollers, 1-1
MM command, 6-12, 7-59
memory, 6-12
memory bytes, 6-12
Motorola Board Repair, B-5
markers, 4-5, 4-6
N c ommand, 7-60
in sour files, 4-5
navigating in the IDE environment, 4-4
No Trace Available, 6-20
NOBR command, 7-61
NOMAP command, 7-62
non-P&E compiler, 4-24
NOSYMBOL command, 7-62
number format, 6-11
number of cycles
counting, 6-18
object files, 3-2
Object Files, 5-5
opcode mnemonics, 5-6
Open File dialog
WinIDE, 4-12
Open Logfile, 6-30
Open Project, 1-4
log files, 6-30
opening files
WinIDE, 4-12
operating system, 1-2
operat ing temperatu re, 1-3
Options, 4-28
ORG, 5-16
originate directive, 5-16
Other Assembler/Compiler, 4-26
Output Debug File, 4-24
Output Listing File, 4-24
Output S19 Object, 4-24
P&E compiler, 4-24
P1, 2-1
P2, 2-1
pod connector, 1-4
passing, 4-6
Parts List for M68ICS05P, B-8, B-9
pasting text, 4-16
PC co mmand, 7-63
Pick Window, 6-22
PIF files, 4-24
pin-out, 1-2
pins, 6-17
Play Macro, 6-29
pod, 1-1, 1-2, 1-4, 6-17
communication, 3-3
installation, 2-1
POD co mmand, 7-64
pod connector P2, 1-4
serial, 1-2
port data, B-1
PORTA command, 7-65
PORTB command, 7-66
power requirements, 1-3
power supply
connecting, 1-4
power-on switch, 2-1
PPF files, 4-17
WinIDE, 4-11
printing files
WinIDE, 4-13
processor cycles
viewing number, 6-18
PROG05P3 Programmer Pick Window, 6-22
program counter
setting, 6-8
Program Manager, 3-3
Programmer Files Window, 6-22
Programmer Status Window, 6-22
programmer troubleshooting, B-4
Programmer Window, 6-22
programmers, 4-23
programming, B-2
programming voltage, B-2
sample, 8-1
project environment
building, 4-3
setting up, 4-16
project files, 4-17
Project Files, 6-2
project name, 4-17
saving, 4-18
PRT A command, 7-65
PRT B command, 7-66
pseudo operations, 5-15
quick start, 1-4
Quick Start troubleshooting, B-2
QUIT command, 7-36
R command, 7-70
RAM, 1-2
Real Tabs, 4-23
record length, A-1
Record Macro, 6-29
record type, A-1
recording macros, 6-2 9
Recover Error from Compiler, 4-26
WinIDE, 4-15
REG command, 7-71
registers, 1-2
Reload Last S19, 6-28
REM command, 7-72
breakpoints, 6-21
Replace Dialog, 4-32
hardware, 1-2
host, 6-2
host computer, 1-2
software, 1-2
Reserve Memory Byte, 5-16
RES ET command, 7-73
reset switch, 2-1
RES ETGO comma nd, 7-74
microcontroller, 6-32
reversing changes, 4-14
RMB directive, 5-16
RS-232 serial connector, 2-1
RTI, 6-18
RTS, 6-18
Run, 3-2
RUN command, 7-37
macros, 6-29
M68ICS05POM/D Index-7
S records
S1, A-5
S0 header record, A-4
address, A-4
checksum, A-4
code/ data, A-4
record length, A-4
type, A-4
S1, 2-1
S1 record, A-5
S19 files, 3-2, 6-3
S3, 2-1
Sample, 4-30
samp le project, 8-1
Save all files before running, 4-29
Save files before Assemblin g , 4-25, 4-26
SAVEDESK command, 7-75
changing options, 4-20
files, 4-12, 4-13
projects, 4-18
Savin g the Project, 4-20
scratch pad files, 6-5
Script, 4-30
Script Files, 6-4
Search Menu
WinIDE, 4-30
Select Source Module, 6-9
selecting text, 4-16
serial connector, 2-1
serial port, 1-2, 1-4
Set Base Address, 6-9, 6-12
Set Base Address to PC, 6-9
Set PC at Cursor, 6-8
base address, 6-9
breakpoints, 6-8
markers, 4-5
program counter, 6-8
ICS05PW software, 1-4
Setup, 3-2
Setup Environment option, 1-4
Setup Fonts Dialog, 4-29
Show as HEX and ASCII, 6-12
Show as HEX Only, 6-12
Show Assembler Progress, 4-25
Show Cycles in Listing, 4-25
Show Disassembly, 6-9
Show Source/Disassembly, 6-9
SHOWBREAKS command, 6-20, 7-76
SHOWCODE command, 7-77
SHOWTRACE command, 6-19, 7-79
simulation mode
ICS05PW, 4-3
simulation speed, 6-1
simulator, 1-2
simulators, 4-23
Size, 4-29
SLD map files, 6-28
Smart Tabs, 4-23
installation, 3-2
loading, 3-1
modifying startup, 6-5
requirements, 1-2
starting, 3-3
WinIDE, 1-1
Sound Bell on Error, 4-25
source code, 5-13
assembly mode, 6-7
disassembly mode, 6-7
editing, 3-1
executing, 6-8
source code files, 4-4
source files
creating, 4-14
editing, 4-14
preparing, 5 - 6
source window
WinIDE, 4-2
source-level debugging, 5-5
SP command, 7-81
hardware, 1-3
Specify project file to save Dialog, 4-18
ASCII constants, 5-7
calculating, 6-2
simulation, 6-1
Split Bar, 4-36
Split Pointer, 4-36
field contents, A-2
types, A-2
content, A-1
creating, A-3
fields, A-1
S0, A-4
S9, A-6
termination record, A-6
SS command, 7-82
STACK command , 7-84
stack data interpretations, 6-19
stack pointer value, 6-18
Stack Pointer value , 6-21
stack values
viewing, 6-18
Stack Window, 6-18
displaying, 6-18
standalone mode, 6-5
Start Menu, 3-2, 3-3
ICS, 6-5
software, 3-3
WinIDE, 4-3
starting ICS05PW, 1-4
startup files, 6-6
STARTUP.05P, 6-6
status bar
WinIDE, 4-3
Status Window, 6-13
command-line area, 6-13
message area, 6-13
ST EP command, 7-83
STEPFOR command, 7-85
STE PTIL command, 7-86
Stop Macro, 6-30
storage temperat ure, 1-3
desktop information, 4-17
environment settings, 4-16
executab le options, 4-17
Strikeout, 4-30
Subroutine Stack, 6-19
compiler/assembler, 4-26
SYMBOL command, 6-10, 7-87
symbol table, 5-14
list file, 6-4
system progress, 4-3
system requirements, 6-2
system status, 4-3
tab settings, 4-22
Tab Settings . . ., 4-23
Tab Size, 4-23
temperature, 1-3
text files, 4-4
timing code, 6-18
title bar
WinIDE, 4-2
Toggle Breakpoint at Cursor, 6-8
WinIDE, 4-7, 6-24
total, 4-3
total number of bytes, 4-3
trace bu ffer, 6-19
slot numbers, 6-20
TRACE command, 6-19, 7-88
Trace Window, 6-19
displaying, 6-19
viewing, 6-19
connecting, 1-4
troubleshooting the programmer, B-4
troubleshooting the Quick Start, B-2
Type, 4-28
TYPE, 4-24
Typical, 3-3
U2, 6-22
Underline, 4-30
Understanding Small Microcontrollers, 1-2
WinIDE, 4-14
upload files, 6-22
UPLOAD_SREC command, 7-89
Upon Exiting WinIDE, 4-20
user interface
ICS, 6-1
WinIDE, 4-1
user manual, 1-2
included files, 4-21
using markers, 4-5
values on stack, 6-18
V A R command, 7-90
variable types
choosing, 6-11
adding, 6-10
clearing, 6-11
deleting, 6-11
managing, 6-10
Variables Window, 6-10, 7-87
Shortcut menu options, 6-10
vector, 1-2
VERSION command, 7-91
breakpoints, 6-20
command results, 6-13
CPU information, 6-15
instructions during tracing, 6-19
memory, 6-12
WAI T command, 7-92
Wait for Assembler Result, 4-25
Wait for compiler to finish, 4-26
Wait for program completion, 4-29
WHEREIS command, 7-93
Window Base Address dialog, 6-9
Window Menu
WinIDE, 4-33
CASM05W, 8-4
ICS, 6-7
WinIDE, 4-1
Windows 3.x, 1-1, 1-2, 3-3
Windows 95, 1-1, 1-2, 1-4, 3-3
M68ICS05POM/D Index-9
WinIDE, 1-1, 3-1
Assembler/Compiler Tab, 4-23
closing files, 4-13
configuring external programs, 4-23
Edit menu, 4-14
edit options
Undo, 4-14
Edit options, 4-14
Close/New P r oject, 4-19
Copy, 4-16
Cut, 4-15
Delete, 4-16
Open Project, 4-18
Paste, 4-16
Redo, 4-15
Save Project, 4-18
Save Project As . . ., 4-18
Select All, 4-16
Setup Environment . . ., 4-19
Edit shortcut menu, 4-5
Environment Menu, 4-17
Environment options, 4-16
Setup Fonts . . ., 4-29
Environment Settings dialog
EXE1 Tab, 1-5
Environment Settings Dialog, 1-5
exiting, 4-14
file manage men t, 4-11
file options, 4-11
Close File, 4-13
Exit, 4-14
New File, 4-11
Open File, 4-12
Print, 4-13
Print Setup . . ., 4-14
Save File, 4-12
Save File As . . ., 4-13
files, 3-3
filetypes, 4-4
listing, 4-4
source code, 4-4
text, 4-4
font information, 4-17
General Environment Tab, 4-20
main window, 4-2
menu options, 4-1, 4-9, 4-10, 6-26, 6-27
menus, 4-9
printing, 4-11
saving files, 4-12
Search options, 4-30
Find Next, 4-32
Fine . . ., 4-31
Go to Line . . ., 4-33
Replace . . ., 4-3 2
shortcut buttons, 4-7, 6-24
source directory, 4-17
source window, 4-2
starting, 4-3
status bar, 4-3
title bar, 4-2
toolbar, 4-7, 6-24
user interface, 4-1
window components, 4-1
Window options, 4-33
Arrange Icons, 4-35
Cascade, 4- 34
Minimize All, 4-35
Split, 4-36
Tile, 4-34
windows, 4-1
WinIDE configuration parameters
storing, 4-17
WINIDE.INI file, 4-16
word wrap, 4-22
Word Wrap . . ., 4-22
Word Wrap OFF, 4-23
Wrap to Column, 4-23
Wrap to Window, 4-22
X command, 7-94
X index register value, 6-21
X REG command, 7-94
Z command, 7-95