Rev.5.0_00 S-8821 Series
Seiko Instruments Inc. 13
• Regarding the wiring to the VIN pin, VOUT pin, C+ pin, C− pin and GND pin, be careful to perform
pattern wiri ng so as to obta i n low impedance.
• Always connect a cap acitor to the VOUT pin, C+ pi n, and C− pin.
• Connect CIN and COUT in the vicinity of the IC and suf f iciently strengthen the wi ring for GND pin and VIN
pin in order to lower the impedance of the wirin g resistance, etc. High imped ance may cause unstable
Moreover, in selecting CIN and COUT, perform a full evaluation of the actual usage conditions.
• Connect CPUMP in the vicinity of the IC and sufficiently strengthen the wiring for the C+ pin and C− pin in
order to lower the impedance of the wiring resistance, etc. High impedance may cause instabl e
Moreover, in selecting CPUMP, perform a full evaluation of the actual usage conditions.
• The ON/OFF pin is configured as shown in Figure 9 and is neither pulled up o r down intern ally, so do not
use this pin in a floating state. When not using the ON/OFF pin, connect it to the VIN pin.
Moreover, please do not apply volt age higher than VIN + 0.3 V to an ON/OFF pin. Current flows for a
VIN pin through the protection diod e inside IC.
• Since this IC consists of double step-up circuits, it cannot set more than twice voltage of VIN to VOUT(S).
• Be careful about the usage conditions for the input/output voltages and output current to make sure that
dissipation within the IC does not exceed the allowable power dissipation of the package.
For reference, the calculation of the power co nsumption in this IC is shown below.
PD=(VIN × 2.0 − VOUT) × (IOUT)
Reference: VIN=4.2 V, VOUT=5.5 V, IOUT=10 mA
D=(4.2 × 2.0 − 5.5) × 0.010=29 mW
• Since the information described herein is subject to change without notice, confirm that this is the latest
one before using.
• Do not apply an electrostatic discharge to this IC that exceeds the performance ratings of the built-in
electrostatic protection circuit.
• SII claims no responsibility for any and all disputes a rising out of or in connectio n with any infringe ment
of the product s including this IC upon patents owned by a third p arty.