For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 2 Elizabeth Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824
Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at www.hittite.com
Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or apps@hittite.com
DIVIDER (N = 1 to 4)
Evaluation PCB
List of Materials for Evaluation PCB 124842 [1]
Item Description
J3 DC Connectors
J7, J8 SMA-F Johnson Connector
C1, C2, C4, C6,
C10, C11 C12, C18 1 nF Capacitor, 0402 Pkg.
C3, C9, C14, C30,
C31, C33, C34, C36 0.1 µF Capacitor, 0402 Pkg.
C5 10 µF Capacitor, 1206 Pkg.
C7 10,000 pF Capacitor, 0402 Pkg.
C8 10 pF Capacitor, 0402 Pkg.
C15, C35, C37,
C68, C69, C72, C74 4.7 µF Capacitor, 0805 Pkg.
C32 1 µF Capacitor, 0603 Pkg.
R1, R7 100 Ohm, Resistor, 0402 Pkg.
R2 - R6, R9 100 kOhm, Resistor, 0402 Pkg.
R8, L2 0 Ohm, Resistor, 0402 Pkg.
R47 27 k Ohm, Resistor, 0402 Pkg.
R48 15 k Ohm, Resistor, 0402 Pkg.
The circuit board used in the application should use
RF circuit design techniques. Signal lines should have
50 Ohm impedance while the package ground leads
and backside ground paddle should be connected
directly to the ground plane similar to that shown. A
sufficient number of via holes should be used to con-
nect the top and bottom ground planes. The evalua-
tion circuit board shown is available from Hittite upon
Item Description
T6, T7 4:1 RF Transformer, MABACT0065
TP1, TP3, TP4 PC Compact SMT
FB1, FB2 Murata BLM21AG02SNID
U1 HMC794LP3E Programmable Divider
U9 Hittite Ultra Low Noise Quad Regulator
PCB [2] 124709 Eval Board
[1] Reference this number when ordering complete evaluation PCB
[2] Circuit Board Material: Rogers 4350 or Arlon 25FR